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♫ To the front, to the front
♫ To the back, to the back
♫ Now slide, slide
- [Kendra] Good morning, we are so happy
to be in Utah today.
The mountains are gorgeous
like as we're driving around, it's so nice
to see the mountains and it's great to be with family.
So we are at my sister's house this morning,
hanging out, playing with Parker.
So we're Skyping my kids to say good morning.
I miss them already.
It's my kiddos.
I love you guys.
Hi Parker.
See him say hi.
- I'm strong, Laura.
- [Kendra] Hi, Laura.
Hey Caleb.
- Hello.
- Hi, mama.
- [Kendra] Hi, how are you?
- Good.
- [Kendra] Lisie!
- Can I come with you?
- [Kendra] I wish you could.
- Hey.
- [Kendra] Hey.
It's my big man.
- We're working on spreadsheets.
- [Kendra] What?
That's awesome.
On Excel?
- Yeah.
- [Kendra] Buddy, I love you so much.
I really miss you.
You have a lot,
oh, I miss you, too.
I think it's Laura's turn now.
- [Woman] She wants you to stay.
- [Kendra] Aww, I love you Miss Laura.
I miss you.
- (mumbles) stay.
- [Kendra] You want me to stay.
I want to stay, too.
How about I come home in a couple days, okay?
Baby Gemma woke up.
Good morning.
Hi, oh, that was such a good smile.
Oh, good morning.
So while we're traveling, I've been doing a lot more
picture taking than usual
and so I'm posting more over on Instagram
and Twitter and Facebook
and so if you want to see more
of our trip, you can go over there
and follow us for J House Vlogs.
We're getting ready to walk out of the hotel room
and I had forgotten my phone
and luckily I remembered just in time.
I hate that.
Like, phones are such a big deal nowadays.
Like if you forget it, it feels like you lost
It's kind of hard to see but this
across the street is a hospital.
It's Utah Valley Regional Medical Center
and that was my first place that I
worked as a nurse way back when
when we were going to school here.
(orchestra music plays)
- Ah, good shot.
Well it's so fun today be out here
golfing with my brothers.
(orchestra music plays)
- [Kendra] Alright, so Jeremy and I just went
to lunch at Chik Fil A
with eight passengers.
This is Ruby and we had a great time
and I completely forgot to vlog.
Anyway, Jeremy's brothers picked him up
to go golfing and we have a rental car.
And I go out to get in my car,
and I realize, I didn't have the car keys,
that Jeremy has them.
So I had this moment where I was like,
I'm gonna be stranded at Chik Fil A
for like, four hours while Jeremy's golfing
with his brother.
So I go running out.
I'm like, "Ruby, save me!"
- It's a good thing I'm slow because
I was just puttering around in the van.
- So anyway, she gave me a ride
to my sister-in-law's house
so now, I will be in good hands with.
I didn't want to be stranded at Chik Fil A
for like, hours.
So, thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
- [Kendra] We'll see her,
she's gonna be at CVX Live tomorrow, too.
So we're gonna get to see more of them.
(upbeat instrumental music)
- Oh!
Alright, so I'm really grateful that I didn't get
stranded at Chik Fil A
and instead, I get to be here with my sister-in-law.
This is Ashley.
She went and did (mumbles) four with us last night
and this is her baby, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth is just barely two months old
and she has just started smiling
and it is so sweet.
I'm just eating all this time up.
Do you want to try to smile, Laura?
Oh, she's thinking about it.
Look at those blue eyes, guys.
Isn't she beautiful?
You are so sweet.
She's so cute and little
and just adorable.
(baby laughs)
(baby coos)
- [Jeremy] Well, I just got back from golf
and Kendra is glowing.
Look at this.
- They have the cutest (mumbles).
I already showed (mumbles).
I got her to sleep.
I still got it.
Aww, so sweet.
So Jeremy and I had a free moment,
like 33 minutes and we decided
to just drive up the canyon.
I'm so excited.
I love being up in the mountains.
- I remember when we were dating
and first married and we would come to this park
all the time with dinner and a frisbee.
- I don't think this is the turn.
- I turned too early.
We went camping right there though.
- We did.
We went camping up here.
- That was one of our first kisses was up there.
- Aww.
- We love this spot.
- Look how pretty that (mumbles) is.
(slow instrumental music)
This is awesome.
We don't have these kind of waterfalls
in Missouri.
- [Jeremy] So I first met Kendra's family
water-tubing down this river.
- It was higher up in the river
where the water's a little deeper,
but good memories.
It's a little known fact
that Jeremy actually worked
at a motion picture studio during
almost all of his college years
and it's just funny.
We were just driving by it
and we saw it and we wanted to stop
and take a picture.
Like, who knew that all these years later,
making and editing videos is still
such a huge part of his life.
So the randomest thing happened.
We got back from our day out
and we walk into our hotel room
and it smelled terrible in there.
It smelled like fresh paint
but it was really overwhelming.
So we called the front desk
and they said,
"I think they painted the hallway."
And we said, "We didn't smell it in the hallway."
So we opened up a window.
We were trying to (mumbles) out the fumes out
and then it started like really getting to us.
Both of us started noticing headaches.
We'd only been in there for like,
maybe 15-20 minutes.
So we called the front desk again
and they came down and they walked in
and they were like,
"Whoa, what happened?"
Somehow somebody came in
and painted while we were gone.
So they moved us to a new room
that does not smell like paint fumes.
So, we're very grateful for that.
- So CVX Live is hosting a red carpet party
for the creators and we're heading up
to the party right now.
- We're excited and a little nervous.
(dance music plays)
- When you get together with (mumbles)
everyone has their camera out.
(dance music plays)
- [Kendra] He's busting it out.
And every good party ends with us
at Walmart.
So we are here.
We're actually getting some fun stuff
for our meet and greet
which is going to be on Friday
which should be when you guys
are watching this,
and on Saturday.
And (laughs).
- We're here vlogging for the (mumbles).
That's the best.
- Yes.
Anyway, you guys should definitely come to the booth
and say hi.
We're gonna have a lot of fun.
That's it for tonight.
J House out.
- (mumbles) oh no!
- Yes (mumbles).
- [Man] Another (mumbles) goes down.
(upbeat music)
- Yeah!
(rock music)