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  • Hey guys! Today we are doing knuckle rings! So, I am going to show you how to create a

  • clover, a heart design, a bow and comment below if you would like to see how to make

  • a mustache ring and the infinity ring. So, I hope you find this interesting and let's

  • get started. Above knuckle rings are very popular right

  • now, they are such a fun and cute accessory. The best part is that to make them you only

  • need round nose pliers, wire cutters, jewelry wire and some round tool like lipstick, marker,

  • mascara or anything else that has a similar size as your finger.

  • Since I am feeling extremely lucky today, we are first making a four leaf clover ring.

  • Start by cutting approximately 30 centimeters or 12 inches of wire. Clamp your pliers down

  • in the middle of the wire and take one end over the pliers like so to create a v shape.

  • Place the pliers on one side of the v shape as close to the loop as possible and bend

  • the wire up to get a wave. Next bend the wire down again into a heart shape, which is a

  • clover leaf in our case. Then just repeat this step four times to get a four leaf clover.

  • I am using a relatively thin wire, which is easier to work with when you're making precise

  • designs like this one. The next two ring DIYs in this tutorial are much easier to make and

  • for those, you can use a thicker wire to make your rings bolder.

  • Once you have a clover design you need to round up the two parts of the wire peeking

  • out to form a ring. Press the clover against your tool and wrap the wire around it until

  • it overlaps once. Place the pliers on the wire at the back of your ring and create a

  • loop. Snip away the excess wire and make sure that the loop is flat against your finger

  • so you don't hurt yourself with the sharp end of the wire. Repeat this step on the other

  • side and your clover ring is done. I think it is so pretty and unique. I made two of

  • them! A bigger and a smaller one. Now let's make a heart ring. Actually, a two

  • hart ring -- which is even better! Again, you will need 12 inches or 30 centimeters

  • of wire. Press the wire against your tool and wrap it around until it overlaps. Now

  • start creating a heart shape on one part of the wire like so. Round shape pliers are an

  • essential tool in making wire rings as they allow creating perfect loops to get neat designs.

  • Once you have a shape like this, squeeze the wave together to end up with a pretty heart

  • shape. Then wrap the extra wire just below your heart a few times. To get the ring shape

  • back, wrap the wire around your rounding tool at any point of the ring making process. Now

  • repeat the step on the other part of the wire to get the second heart. The clover and the

  • heart ring could make such a nice little present for your friends and loved ones, don't you

  • think? They are adjustable in size and symbolize love and luck -- a perfect gift for a person

  • we love and wish all the luck in the world, right? Finally, just snip the excess wire

  • and our heart ring is now finished. What is great about wire rings is that you

  • can be very creative and make countless different designs and shapes by playing with jewelry

  • wire. I am making three designs today, but I have many more in my mind. So let me know

  • if you would like to see them. Last but not least, I am making a bow ring.

  • Wrap the wire around the tool, so it overlaps like this. Take the ring of the tool and place

  • the pliers on one side of the wire, where the wires overlap. Bend one end of the wire

  • over the pliers to get a loop. Then repeat this step at the other end and you can already

  • see a bow shape. Now take one end of the wire around the center of the bow and through the

  • ring's hole. Repeat this step two times. This way your bow shape will be firmer and the

  • ring will look neater. If the ring circle has lost its shape while you were making a

  • bow, just press onto your rounding tool and you'll get the perfect circle again. Lastly,

  • you just need to snip the excess wire and you're done. This ring is so girly and super

  • easy to make. If you like the regular rings more than the above knuckle ones just pick

  • a larger tool and make a larger ring circle. This way you'll be able to wear all these

  • designs as normal rings. Pretty neat solution, don't you think?

  • Please let me know which design was your favorite and also tell me if you would like to see

  • the next episode of the ring DIYs. Bye, Bye!

Hey guys! Today we are doing knuckle rings! So, I am going to show you how to create a

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DIY指環!如何製作鐵絲戒指(三環:四葉草、心形和蝴蝶結 (DIY Knuckle Ring! How to Make Wire Rings (3 Rings: Clover, Heart and Bow))

  • 43 7
    pon posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary