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It’s not uncommon to see large-scale themed metal sculptures 臺南許多展覽常常都能看到
in many major expositions, or exhibitions in Tainan. 配合活動主題製作的大型金屬雕塑
Be it orchid flowers, 不管是蘭花
black-faced spoonbills or other cute animals, 黑面琵鷺 還是可愛動物
they are all very popular. 都相當受歡迎
But guess what? 但是你知道嗎?
Most of these sculptures came from 這些作品都是來自於
a tourism factory in Yongkang! 永康的觀光工廠喔!
Even though this is an industrial park, 雖然這裡是工業區
it’s still accessible by bus! 但搭公車還是能到!
Look! That’s a cool-looking bus stop! 你看! 這個公車站也太酷了吧!
Let’s follow the camera and see 跟著鏡頭去看一看
what the tourism factory is all about! 觀光工廠吧!
Hey, David here, 嘿,我是大衛
and I’m actually in front of a metal fabrication plant. 我現在在金屬加工廠前面
But, how’s that a fun place to visit? 這裡有什麼好玩的呢?
I mean, it’s a factory, right? 我是說,它不就是一個工廠嗎?
But, it’s not just your any ordinary factory, 但是,這裡可不是普通的工廠
In fact, it’s a tourism factory. 事實上,它是一間觀光工廠
Now, what is that? 那到底是什麼呢?
What is a tourism factory? you may ask. 或許你會問,什麼是觀光工廠?
It’s a factory that invites, and is open to the public, 它是一個對外開放,並且歡迎民眾參觀的工廠
so, you can come and experience the art of 所以你可以來這裡親身體驗
metal fabrication first hand, 金屬製成的工藝
so, let’s go and check it out! 我們快去瞧瞧吧!
Hey, we are at the metal fabrication plant. 嘿,我們現在在金屬工廠
And, this is the owner of that factory, the boss, Mr. Guo. 這位是工廠的負責人,也就是老闆 郭先生
Mr.Guo, could you tell us a little bit about the factory? 郭老闆可不可以介紹你們的工廠
Our tourism factory 我們的觀光工廠
focuses mainly on the application of metal 是 以金屬
within the cultural and creative industry. 文創為主的
It’s a factory that’s suitable for the whole family to visit. 親子同遊的好工廠
As we walk into the factory, 當我們走進觀光工廠
we are greeted by several massive metal sculptures. 迎面而來的是好幾件巨大的金屬作品
There are also many more 旁邊的草地
sculptures on the nearby lawn. 也擺滿了許多雕塑作品
You know what? This actually look very familiar. 你知道嗎?這個其實看起來很眼熟
I think I saw it at the orchid expo a couple of years ago. 我好像在前兩年的蘭花展看過
This work here was made 這個是去年臺南蘭展的
for the Taiwan International Orchids Show last year. 蘭花的創作品
Orchid flowers aside, 除了蘭花作品外
there are tons of adorable animals! 還有許多可愛的動物喔!
This is a metal zoo 這是一個金屬打造的
that focuses on the theme of environmental protection. 環保題材的動物園
Hun? Is it just me, 嗯? 是我看錯嗎?
or do some of these animals look awfully familiar? 還是這裡的動物有些真的看起來很面熟呢?
That’s right! 沒錯!
We’ve seen these adorable cows at Deyuanpi Reservoir, 之前在德元埤也曾見過這些可愛的乳牛
and they were made using old oil drums. 這些都是用廢棄的油桶改造而成的
You know, many of the sculptures 你知道嗎? 工廠的庭園中
in this factory’s garden look awfully familiar, 有許多看起來好面熟的雕像?
and you’re not wrong. 沒錯
Because this factory is actually responsible for 因為這個工廠其實製作了很多
a lot of sculptures you see out in the city. 我們在市區裡時常看到的雕塑
David, we can go look at how things David 可以來參觀我們工廠的
are processed in this factory. 生產製程
Let’s go! 我們走!
Stepping inside the factory, 進到工廠內部後
the very first thing we see is the laser processing area, 首先看到的是雷射製程區
where robots weld metal together with laser. 這裡有雷射焊接機器人
It really is incredible. 非常厲害
This place feels like the engineering section of 這裡感覺好像未來星艦上的
a futuristic starship, 工程部門喔
but you’re not dreaming. 但這絕對不是一場夢
They’ve got actual robotic laser welders, 他們這裡有貨真價實的雷射焊接機器人
and these machines, they actually make the job a lot easier. 而這些機器也讓此工作簡單了許多
In one corner of the factory, 在工廠的一角
we see a young man practicing his welding skills. 可以看到一位正在練習焊接的年輕人
Later this year, he will represent Taiwan 他年底會代表台灣
in a welding competition in Abu Dhabi. 去阿布達比參加焊接比賽
This manufacturing process utilizes laser to cut through metal. 這個製程是用雷射光來做切割
These works of art are actually produced with 這些工藝品是用
a laser cutting machine, 雷射光切割出來的
and the machine is capable of cutting 而這台機器有足夠的能力來切割
really thick pieces of metal like this, 跟這片一樣厚的鐵板,
or even thin pieces like this, 但也可以運用在比較薄的材質上
and create these very intricate designs. 並創造出非常精巧的設計
This massive machine is a laser cutter, 這台大型的機器是雷射切割機
and it’s fully computerized. 它是全電腦化的
Sheets of metal are fed into the machine, 把金屬材料送進機器
and cut according to the design specification. 就會依照設計圖自動雷射切割
That cool machine behind me is a laser cutter, 我後面那台很酷的機器就是雷射切割機
and its main job is to cut these sheets of metal 它的主要用途 是把鐵板切割成
into workable shapes and sizes. 更適合作業的形狀與大小
After laser cutting, 經過雷射切割後
comes the bending and forming stage. 接下來的步驟是折曲與加工成形
This is the bending and forming area. 這裡是折床成型區
This is what came out of the bending press. 折好的東西大概像這樣子
This giant machine behind me is for bending sheet metal. 後面這台巨大的機器 是用來折曲鐵板
So, once the sheet metal came out of the laser cutting machine, 當鐵板從雷射切割機出來之後
they are bent, and formed into various shapes. 會被折曲並塑造成不同的形狀
David, this workshop is for David這裡是公共藝術品
producing public art installations. 雕塑的創作區
We are at the creative workshop of the tourism factory, 我們在觀光工廠的創作區
Here, workers are busy pumping out beautiful, metal sculptures, 這裡的工作人員正馬不停蹄 製作美麗的金屬雕塑
such as this this orchid flower. 例如這一朵蘭花
They also produce a lot of large-scale public art installation, 他們這裡也可生產大型的公共藝術作品
such as large animal, or even robot sculptures. 例如大型的動物或機器人雕塑
We have a very clear division of labor here. 這裡的分工很清楚
The factory floor is laid out according to 按照工作流程
various manufacturing processes, 規劃動線
so, each manufacturing step becomes very clear to visitors. 訪客可以很清楚地認識整個製程
This is a tourism factory, 這裡是觀光工廠
but it’s still a metal processing plant. 也是製作金屬產品的地方
Even though the factory floor is very safe, 雖然動線規劃地很安全
and neatly organized, 環境也非常整潔
running or horseplay are not allowed here. 但是來這裡千萬不要嬉鬧亂跑
Also, please do not touch anything 沒有問過導覽人員
without permission from the guide. 也不要隨便亂碰
Safety first! 安全第一喔!
Besides learning about metal forming processes, 除了學習金屬製程之外
you can also walk though their cultural 還可以參觀
and creative exhibition hall. 文創展示館
They even have guided tours here! 現場還有專人導覽喔!
This is our 這個是我們的
traditional metalworking tool. 傳統板金加工的工具
After listening to the guided tour, 聽完了導覽人員的解說
we walk away with a better understanding of 我們更加認識了
early metalworking processes, 早期金屬的製程
as well as the tools that were used along the way. 與每個步驟所使用的工具
Some of these tools can no longer be found, 有些工具已經找不到了
and relative to modern-day machineries, 相較於現代機械化的設備
these traditional tools 這些傳統板金工具
are filled with so much more history and nostalgia. 充滿了歷史的溫度
David, let’s try our hands on a DIY project. David 我們來體驗DIY
I’ll let you try the most difficult and challenging one. 讓你挑戰一個 最困難的
Oh no 喔,不
This is it. 就是這個
This is a music box. 這個是音樂盒
Whoa! This looks hard! 哇!這個難度也太高了吧!
These are stainless steel cutouts, not paper. 這是不鏽鋼片可不是紙片喔
In practice, it really isn’t that difficult. 其實操作並不困難
All you need are your own hands and a screwdriver. 只需要你的雙手和一支螺絲起子
to complete this project. 就能完成喔!
It’s really great fun. 真的是非常有趣
Look at that, that wasn’t so bad. 看看它,其實也沒多難嘛
It’s my little house-shaped music box, 這是我的房屋形狀音樂盒
and I’m going to open the little door. 然後我要來打開這扇小門
Not bad eh? 不錯吧?
A plethora of cultural-creative products here have 這裡還有許多文創作品
been showcased in exhibitions, 除了參展外
and have been awarded numerous times. 也得了很多獎喔
They are very creative and innovative indeed. 非常有創意
Many of the cultural-creative products here 此外,也有許多文創商品
can also be customized into unique memorabilia. 還可以客製化喔!
Man, that was a lot of fun! 真的太好玩了!
You know I learned a lot today, 今天學到了非常多
You know, before today, 你知道嗎? 在今天之前
I knew nothing about metal fabrication, 我對金屬加工製程一竅不通
and my favorite part of the day was the DIY workshop, 我今天最喜歡的 應該就是可以親自DIY
where I made a little music box, 做出了一個小音樂盒
and the laser cutting machine and laser welding machine, 雷射切割機跟雷射焊接機
man, those were really cool. 也都超酷的
So, next time you are in Yongkang, 所以,下次來到永康
you know where to visit. 我想你知道該去哪裡看看了