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  • - Some people see the thing that they want

  • and some people see the thing

  • that prevents them from getting the thing that they want.

  • It's as if an entire generation

  • is standing at the foot of a mountain,

  • they know exactly what they want, they can see the summit,

  • what they can't see is the mountain.

  • People put Harley Davidson logos on their body

  • to say something about who they are, corporate logo.

  • Ain't not Proctor and Gambles tattooed on anybody's arm.

  • Passion is the feeling you have

  • that you would probably do this for free,

  • you know, and you can't believe somebody pays you to do it.

  • - He's an author, speaker, and consultant

  • who writes on leadership and management.

  • He joined the Rand Corporation in 2010

  • where he advises our military innovation and planning.

  • He's known for popularizing the concepts

  • of the golden circle, and to start with why.

  • He's Simon Sinek, and here's my take

  • on his top 10 rules for success.

  • Rule number six is my personal favorite,

  • and make sure to stick around all the way to the end

  • for some special bonus clips, and as always,

  • if Simon says something that really,

  • really resonates with you, please leave it

  • in the comments below and put quotes around it

  • so other people can be inspired as well.

  • (electronic whooshing)

  • (upbeat instrumental music)

  • Let me tell you a story.

  • So a friend of mine and I,

  • we went for a run in Central Park.

  • The Road Runner's Organization,

  • on the weekends they host races.

  • And it's very common, at the end of the race

  • they'll have a sponsor who will give away something,

  • apples or bagels, or something.

  • And on this particular day when we got to

  • the end of the run there were some free bagels,

  • and they had picnic tables set up,

  • and on one side was a group of volunteers.

  • On the table were boxes of bagels,

  • and on the other side was a long line of runners

  • waiting to get their free bagel.

  • So I said to my friend, "Let's get a bagel."

  • And he looked at me and said, "Nah, that line's too long."

  • And I said, "Free bagel."

  • And he said, "I don't want to wait in line."

  • And I was like, "Free bagel."

  • (audience laughing)

  • And he said, "Nah, it's too long!"

  • And that's when I realized that

  • there's two ways to see the world.

  • Some people see the thing that they want,

  • and some people see the thing that prevents them

  • from getting the thing that they want.

  • I could only see the bagels.

  • He could only see the line.

  • (audience laughing)

  • And so I walked up to the line,

  • I leaned in between two people,

  • put my hand in the box, and pulled out two bagels.

  • And no one got mad at me, because the rule is

  • you can go after whatever you want,

  • you just cannot deny anyone else

  • to go after whatever they want.

  • Now I had to sacrifice choice,

  • I didn't get to choose which bagel I got,

  • I got whatever I pulled out,

  • but I didn't have to wait in line.

  • So the point is, you don't have to wait in line.

  • You don't have to do it the way everybody else has done it.

  • You can do it your way, you can break the rules,

  • you just can't get in the way of

  • somebody else getting what they want.

  • That's rule number one.

  • Performing under pressure, whether it's me,

  • or anybody else is, is the same.

  • You know, I have the same pressures as anyone else,

  • there's time, there's performance,

  • there's financial, I mean, there are,

  • you know, there's deadlines.

  • My pressures are not unique.

  • The situations may be different, or, you know,

  • but everybody has the same kinds of pressures.

  • But what I found, or what I find fascinating,

  • is the interpretation for the stimuli,

  • if, let me explain.

  • So I was watching the Olympics,

  • this last summer Olympics, and I was amazed

  • at how bad the questions were that

  • the reporters would ask all the athletes.

  • And almost always they would ask the same question,

  • whether they were about to compete,

  • or after they competed: "Were you nervous?"

  • Right?

  • And to a T, all the athletes went, "No."

  • Right?

  • And what I realized, is it's not that they're not nervous,

  • it's their interpretation of what's

  • happening in their bodies, I mean,

  • what happens when you're nervous?

  • Right?

  • Your heart rate starts to go, (sighs) you're,

  • you know, you sort of get a little tense,

  • you get a little sweaty, right?

  • You have expectation of what's coming,

  • and we interpret that as "I'm nervous."

  • Now what's the interpretation of excited?

  • Your heart rate starts to go, you become,

  • you're anticipating what's coming, right?

  • You get a little sort of like, tense,

  • it's all the same thing, it's the same stimuli.

  • Except these athletes, these Olympic quality athletes

  • have learned to interpret the stimuli

  • that the rest of us would say is "nervous" as "excited."

  • They all said the same thing,

  • "No, I'm not nervous, I'm excited."

  • And so I've actually practiced it just to tell myself

  • when I start to get nervous, that this is excitement.

  • - Yeah. - You know?

  • And so where when you-- I used to speak in front

  • of a large audience, and somebody would say,

  • "How do you feel?"

  • And I used to say, "A little nervous."

  • Now when somebody says, "How do you feel?"

  • I'm like, "Pretty excited, actually!"

  • And it came from just sort of telling myself,

  • "No, no, no, this is excitement."

  • And it becomes a little bit automatic later on.

  • But it's kind of a remarkable thing,

  • to deal with pressure by interpreting what your body

  • is experiencing as excitement rather than nerves.

  • And it's really kind of effective,

  • it makes you want to rush forward rather than pull back,

  • and yet it's the same experience.

  • I talk to so many smart, fantastic, ambitious, idealistic,

  • hardworking kids, and they're right out of college,

  • they're in their entry-level jobs,

  • and I'll ask them, "How's it goin'?"

  • And they'll say, "I think I'm going to quit."

  • And I'm like, "Why?"

  • And they say to me, "I'm not making an impact."

  • I'm like, "You know you've been here eight months, right?"

  • (audience laughing)

  • They treat the sense of fulfillment,

  • or even love, like it's a scavenger hunt,

  • like it's something you look for.

  • My millennial friends, they've gone through so many jobs,

  • they're either getting fired, I mean, it was mutual.

  • (audience laughing)

  • Or they're quitting because they're not making an impact,

  • or they're not finding the thing they're looking for,

  • they're not feeling fulfilled, as if it's a scavenger hunt.

  • Love, a job you find joy from,

  • is not something you discover!

  • It's not like, "I found love!"

  • Here it is.

  • "I found a job I love", that's not how it works.

  • Both of those things require hard work,

  • you are in love because you work very hard

  • every single day of your life to stay in love.

  • You find a job that brings you ultimate joy

  • because you work hard every single day

  • to serve those around you, and you maintain that joy,

  • it's not a discovery!

  • But the problem is the sense of impatience!

  • It's as if an entire generation

  • is standing at the foot of a mountain,

  • they know exactly what they want, they can see the summit,

  • what they can't see is the mountain.

  • This large, immovable object.

  • That doesn't mean you have to do your time,

  • that's not what I'm talking about.

  • Take a helicopter, climb, I don't care,

  • but there's still a mountain.

  • Life, career fulfillment, relationships, are journeys.

  • The problem is, this entire generation

  • has an institutionalized sense of impatience,

  • and do they have the patience to go on the journey

  • to maintain love, to feel fulfilled,

  • or do they just quit, and on to the next,

  • dump, and on to the next?

  • Ghost, and on to the next.

  • In the eighteenth century there was something

  • that spread across Europe and eventually

  • made it's way to America, called Puerperal fever,

  • also known as the 'black death of childbed'.

  • Basically what was happening is women were giving birth

  • and they would die within 48 hours after giving birth.

  • This black death of childbirth was the ravage of Europe

  • and it got worse, and worse, and worse

  • over the course of over a century.

  • In some hospitals it was high as 70% of women who gave birth

  • who would die as a result of giving birth.

  • But this was the Renaissance, this was the time

  • of empirical data and science, and we had thrown away

  • things like tradition and mysticism.

  • These were men of science, these were doctors.

  • And these doctors and men of science

  • wanted to study and try and find the reason

  • for this black death of childbed,

  • and so they got to work studying.

  • They would study the corpses of the women who had died,

  • and in the morning they would conduct autopsies,

  • and then in the afternoon they would go

  • and deliver babies and finish their rounds.

  • And it wasn't until somewhere in the mid 1800's

  • that Doctor Oliver Wendell Holmes,

  • father of Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes,

  • realized, that all of these doctors

  • who were conducting autopsies in the morning

  • weren't washing their hands before

  • they delivered babies in the afternoon.

  • And he pointed it out, and said, "Guys, you're the problem."

  • And they ignored him, and called him crazy, for 30 years.

  • Until finally somebody realized

  • that if they simply washed their hands, it would go away.

  • And that's exactly what happened.

  • When they started sterilizing their instruments

  • and washing their hands,

  • the black death of childbed disappeared.

  • My point is, the lesson here is,

  • sometimes, you're the problem.

  • (audience laughing)

  • We've seen this happen all too recently

  • with our new men of science and empirical studiers,

  • and these men of finance,

  • who are smarter than the rest of us

  • until the thing collapsed.

  • And they blamed everything else except themselves.

  • And my point is take accountability for your actions.

  • You can take all the credit in the world

  • for the things that you do right,

  • as long as you also take responsibility

  • for the things you do wrong, it must be a balanced equation.

  • You don't get it one way and not the other,

  • you get to take credit when you also take accountability.

  • I spoke at an education summit for Microsoft,

  • I also spoke at an education summit for Apple.

  • At the education summit for Microsoft,

  • I would say that 70% of the executives

  • spent about 70% of their presentations

  • talking about how to beat Apple.

  • (audience laughing)

  • At the Apple education summit 100% of the executives

  • spent 100% of their presentations

  • talking about how to help teachers teach,

  • and how to help students learn.

  • One is playing this way, and one is playing that way.

  • One is playing finite, and the other is playing infinite.

  • Guess which one gets frustrated?

  • (audience laughing)

  • So at the end of my talk at Microsoft they gave me a gift,

  • they gave me the new Zune, when it was a thing.

  • (audience laughing)

  • And let me tell ya, this thing was spectacular.

  • It was the most elegant piece of technology I've ever used.

  • The user interface was incredible,

  • the design was spectacular, I absolutely loved it.

  • It was easy to use, and it was bright,

  • and gorgeous, and fantastic, it didn't work on iTunes,

  • which is a different problem, so I couldn't use it,

  • but it was amazing. (audience laughing)

  • And elegant, my God, it was elegant.

  • So I'm sitting in the back of the taxi

  • with a very senior Apple executive,

  • sort of employee number 12 kind of guy,

  • and you know, I like to stir pots,

  • so I turn to him, I said, "You know,

  • "Microsoft gave me their new Zune,

  • "and it is so much better than your iPod touch."

  • (audience laughing)

  • And he turned to me and he said, "I have no doubt."

  • Conversation over.

  • (audience laughing)

  • Because the infinite player understands,

  • sometimes you're ahead, and sometimes you're behind.

  • Sometimes your product is better, and sometimes it's worse.

  • The goal isn't to be the best every day,

  • the goal isn't to outdo your competition every day,

  • that's a finite construction.

  • If I had said to Microsoft, "I've got the new iPod Touch

  • "and it's so much better than your Zune",

  • they would have said, "Can we see it, what does it do?"

  • React, react, react, react.

  • Finite players play to beat the people around them.

  • Infinite players play to be better than themselves.

  • To wake up every single day and say,

  • how can we make our company a better version

  • of itself today than it was yesterday?

  • How can we create a product this week

  • that's better than the product we created last week?

  • We also have to play the infinite game.

  • It's not about being ranked number one,

  • it's not about having more followers on Twitter

  • than your friends, it's not about outdoing anyone.

  • It's about how to outdo yourself.

  • It's not about selling more books,

  • or getting more TED views than somebody else,

  • it's about how to make sure that the work

  • that you're producing is better

  • than the work you produced before.

  • You are your competition.

  • And that is what ensures you stay in the game the longest,

  • and that is what ensures you find joy.

  • Because the joy comes not from comparison,

  • but from advancement.

  • - When are you at your best?

  • - I'm at my best when I'm around people

  • who believe what I believe.

  • I know it seems silly, but I try very,

  • very hard to sort of stack the deck.

  • You know, to put myself in a position of strength.

  • So for example, you know, somebody asked me just yesterday,

  • have you ever had sort of a bad, you know, engagement?

  • And I was thinking to myself, and I'm like, not really.

  • But it's not because I'm some sort of,

  • sort of genius or anything, anything like that,

  • it's because I stack the deck.

  • It's because I want to be there,

  • I want to be around people who want me there.

  • In other words, if I'm somebody's tenth choice,

  • and like, you know, I'll probably turn it down.

  • Whereas if I'm their first choice, they really want me there

  • and so I'm more likely to have a good engagement,

  • they're supportive of me, and I'm supportive of them.

  • And so yeah, I'm at my best when I stack the deck,

  • when I choose to be in an environment

  • where my strengths are there.

  • Nelson Mandela is a particularly special

  • case study in the leadership world,

  • because he is universally regarded as a great leader.

  • You can take other personalities

  • and depending on the nation you go to,

  • we have different opinions about other personalities,

  • but Nelson Mandela, across the world,

  • is universally regarded as a great leader.

  • He was actually the son of a tribal chief,

  • and he was asked one day,

  • "How did you learn to be a great leader?"

  • And he responded that he would go with his father

  • to tribal meetings, and he remembers two things

  • when his father would meet with other elders.

  • One, they would always sit in a circle.

  • And two, his father was always the last to speak.

  • You will be told your whole life

  • that you need to learn to listen,

  • I would say that you need to learn to be the last to speak.

  • I see it in boardrooms every day of the week.

  • Even people who consider themselves good leaders,

  • who may actually be decent leaders,

  • will walk into a room and say, "Here's the problem,

  • "here's what I think, but I'm interested in your opinion,

  • "let's go around the room."

  • It's too late.

  • The skill to hold your opinions to yourself

  • until everyone has spoken does two things.

  • One, it gives everybody else the feeling

  • that they have been heard, it gives everyone else

  • the ability to feel that they have contributed.

  • And two, you get the benefit of hearing

  • what everybody else has to think

  • before you render your opinion.

  • The skill is really to keep your opinions to yourself.

  • If you agree with somebody, don't nod yes.

  • If you disagree with somebody, don't nod no.

  • Simply sit there, take it all in,

  • and the only thing you're allowed to do

  • is ask questions, so that you can understand what they mean,

  • and why they have the opinion that they have,

  • you must understand from where they are speaking.

  • Why they have the opinion they have,

  • not just what they are saying.

  • And at the end, you will get your turn.

  • It sounds easy, it's not.

  • Practice being the last to speak,

  • that's what Nelson Mandela did.

  • Every decision we make in our lives

  • as individuals or as organizations,

  • is a piece of communication,

  • it's our way of saying something about who we are,

  • and what we believe.

  • This is why authenticity matters.

  • This is why you have to say and do

  • the things you actually believe.

  • Because the things you say and do

  • are symbols of who you are.

  • And we look for those symbols so we can

  • find people who believe what we believe,

  • our very survival depends on it.

  • So if you're putting out false symbols,

  • you will attract people to those symbols,

  • but you won't be able to form trust with them.

  • This is what Tiger Woods did to us, he lied!

  • He lied.

  • He told us what he thought we wanted to hear,

  • and it was great, and we were drawn to it,

  • and all of us who kind of like that idea

  • of the, sort of the good guy, were drawn to it.

  • Until we found out it was a lie.

  • He could have been the bad boy of golf,

  • he could have had all the same endorsements,

  • and had a fantastic career, and still been hailed

  • as one of the great athletes of our day.

  • But he didn't, he chose to lie.

  • Good luck forming trust again, Tiger.

  • We don't believe you.

  • We don't trust you.

  • The goal of putting something out there,

  • if you say what you believe, and you do what you believe,

  • you will attract people who believe what you believe.

  • If you go to one of your friends,

  • and you say to one of your friends,

  • "How would you like me to dress

  • "so that you'll like me better?"

  • How would you want me to address you,

  • how do you want me to speak, so that you'll like me more?

  • Right?

  • Your friends are going to look at you and be like,

  • what the, what are you talking about?

  • You're like, "Come on, come on, come on,

  • "what should I wear, so that you'll find me more appealing,

  • "and how would you like me to speak to you

  • "so that you'll like me more?"

  • And your friends are going to tell you,

  • "Just be yourself, that's why I like you,

  • "I don't care, just be yourself."

  • Now think about what we do in industry.

  • What do we do?

  • We do market research, and we go up

  • and we ask the customers, "What kind of things,

  • "what style should we speak to you?

  • "How should we decorate ourselves,

  • "what kind of things are you drawn to,

  • "so that we can do those things

  • "so that you'll like us more?"

  • It's just as ridiculous.

  • It's just as ridiculous.

  • Organizations should say and do

  • the things they actually believe,

  • and they will attract people who believe what they believe.

  • Or, they can choose to lie, and at the slightest hint

  • that they might be lying, cynicism sets in.

  • And people start saying,

  • I'm not sure I can trust these guys

  • because there's not a lot of consistency

  • in all the things they say and do,

  • which means they can't have a very strong belief set,

  • or they're lying to me.

  • And we call them inauthentic.

  • The entire process of asking other people who we should be

  • is inauthentic, that's hilarious to me!

  • All these positioning studies we do are inherently--

  • We're going to do a study to find out from people

  • so we can be more authentic, that's hilarious.

  • (audience laughing)

  • Say and do what you actually believe

  • and the symbols you put out there,

  • the things you say and the things you do,

  • those red hats are ways that people can find you.

  • What you have the ability to do

  • as designers, is create those symbols,

  • and allow people to use those things

  • to say something about who they are.

  • Work for companies, work for clients,

  • work for people who you believe what they believe.

  • Show up and feel a part of something bigger than yourself.

  • And your part is to put what they believe into pictures,

  • and words, and symbols, and graphics,

  • so that other people can use those things

  • to say something about who they are.

  • People put Harley Davidson logos on their body

  • to say something about who they are, corporate logo.

  • Ain't no Procter and Gambles tattooed on anybody's arm.

  • (audience laughing)

  • Because Harley means something, they stand for something.

  • People put that tattoo on there

  • not to tell you that they own a motorcycle,

  • they put that tattoo there to tell you

  • something about themselves.

  • Do you ever see anybody with a Mac laptop

  • put a sticker over that beautiful shining apple?

  • Ain't never going to happen!

  • Then how will you know who I am?

  • Did you ever see anybody with a PC break out

  • the Windex to clean out their computer?

  • Mac people?

  • (breathing heavily)

  • (audience laughing)

  • Have you ever seen a dirty Mac?

  • Doesn't exist.

  • Does not exist.

  • Why?

  • Because it's who I am.

  • These are symbols we use.

  • The companies that are crystal clear on what they believe,

  • and they're disciplined in how they do it,

  • and they're consistent in what they do,

  • and everything they say, and everything they do

  • serves as a symbol of the set of values and beliefs,

  • we use those symbols to say something about who we are.

  • We surround ourselves with the people,

  • and the products, and the brands,

  • that say something about who we are.

  • And when we can find the people who believe

  • what we believe, we're weirdly drawn to them,

  • because our very survival depends on it.

  • We need it.

  • And so the more you can give of yourself,

  • the more you can give of what you believe,

  • the more you can discipline, with discipline,

  • say and do the things you actually believe,

  • strange things start to happen.

  • - What are your thoughts, and what's your approach

  • on finding, and building upon passions?

  • - Passion is not an actionable word.

  • It's correct, you know, that those who do the things

  • that they're passionate about do better,

  • but it's not helpful advice.

  • And so the question is, where does passion come from?

  • Passion is a result, passion is an energy,

  • passion is the feeling you have

  • when you're engaged in something that you love.

  • Passion is the feeling you have

  • that you would probably do this for free, you know?

  • And you can't believe somebody pays you to do it.

  • You know?

  • And I think we mistake that passion is something we do

  • in our private lives, but it shouldn't be done,

  • you know, in our careers, for example.

  • And I'm a firm believer that you are who you are,

  • and anybody who says, I'm different at home

  • than I am at work, and one of those two places you're lying.

  • And the goal is to make everything you do,

  • at home and at work,

  • something that you have excitement to do.

  • So how do you find the things that you're excited to do?

  • Well it's actually easier than you think.

  • What are the things that you love to do?

  • What are the things that you would do for free?

  • You know?

  • How can you recreate that feeling, and paid for it?

  • So what are the things that I do on the weekend, right?

  • I love, I'm very involved in the art world.

  • I love to go to museums and galleries,

  • but I love to go see dance and performances,

  • because I want to see how others are interpreting the world.

  • So that inspires me.

  • New ideas, new thoughts, new ways of looking at the world

  • are the things that interest me, privately,

  • and I seek it out and pay money for it.

  • Right?

  • So does that mean that I have to have a career in the arts?

  • No.

  • It means I have to have a career

  • where new ideas are explored,

  • where people are experimenting and trying things out,

  • and I have to explore new ideas and try things out,

  • and I'm just as excited to go to work every day

  • as I am to go do something on a Saturday night.

  • And so the idea of finding your passion

  • is ironically simple because you should be doing stuff

  • that you enjoy sometimes, what is the stuff that you enjoy,

  • and then what is the stuff that you love?

  • Who are the people that you love,

  • and what do they all have in common?

  • And how do you explain when things don't go as we assume?

  • Or better, how do you explain when others

  • are able to achieve things that seem

  • to defy all of the assumptions?

  • For example, why is Apple so innovative?

  • Year, after year, after year, after year,

  • they're more innovative than all their competition.

  • And yet they're just a computer company,

  • they're just like everyone else.

  • They have the same access to the same talent,

  • the same agencies, the same consultants, the same media.

  • Then why is it that they seem to have something different?

  • Why is it that Martin Luther King

  • led the civil rights movement?

  • He wasn't the only man who suffered

  • in a pre-civil rights America,

  • and he certainly wasn't the only great orator of the day,

  • why him?

  • And why is it that the Wright brothers

  • were able to figure out control powered man flight

  • when there were certainly other teams

  • who were better qualified, better funded,

  • and they didn't achieve powered man flight,

  • and the Wright brothers beat them to it?

  • There's something else at play here.

  • About three and a half years ago I made a discovery.

  • And this discovery profoundly changed my view

  • on how I though the world worked,

  • and it even profoundly changed the way

  • in which I operate in it.

  • As it turns out, there's a pattern.

  • As it turns out, all the great and inspiring leaders

  • and organizations in the world,

  • whether it's Apple, or Martin Luther King,

  • or the Wright Brothers, they all think,

  • act, and communicate the exact same way,

  • and it's the complete opposite to everyone else.

  • All I did was codify it.

  • And it's probably the world's simplest idea.

  • I call it the golden circle.

  • Why, how, what.

  • This little idea explains why some organizations,

  • and some leaders, are able to inspire where others aren't.

  • Let me define the terms really quickly.

  • Every single person, every single organization

  • on the planet knows what they do, 100%.

  • Some know how they do it, whether you call it

  • your differentiating value proposition,

  • or proprietary process, or your USP,

  • but very, very few people or organizations

  • know why they do what they do.

  • And by why I don't mean to make a profit.

  • That's a result, it's always a result.

  • By why, I mean what's your purpose,

  • what's your cause, what's your belief.

  • Why does your organization exist?

  • Why do you get out of bed in the morning?

  • And why should anyone care?

  • Well as a result, the way that we think,

  • the way we act, the way we communicate,

  • is from the outside it, it's obvious.

  • We go from the clearest thing to the fuzziest thing.

  • But the inspired leaders and the inspired organizations,

  • regardless of their size, regardless of their industry,

  • all think, act, and communicate from the inside out.

  • Let me give you an example.

  • I use Apple because they're easy to understand

  • and everybody gets it.

  • If Apple were like everyone else,

  • a marketing message from them might sound like this:

  • We make great computers, they're beautifully designed,

  • simple to use, and user friendly.

  • Want to buy one?

  • Meh.

  • And that's how most of communicate,

  • that's how most marketing is done,

  • that's how most sales is done,

  • and that's how most of us communicate interpersonally.

  • We say what we do, we say how we're different,

  • or how we're better, and we expect some sort of behavior,

  • or purchase, or vote, something like that.

  • Here's our new law firm, we have the best lawyers

  • with the biggest clients, we have, you know,

  • we always perform for our clients, do business with us.

  • Here's our new car, it gets great gas mileage,

  • it has, you know, leather seats, buy our car.

  • But it's uninspiring.

  • Here's how Apple actually communicates:

  • Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo,

  • we believe in thinking differently.

  • The way we challenge the status quo

  • is buy making our products beautifully designed,

  • simple to use, and user friendly.

  • We just happen to make great computers.

  • Want to buy one?

  • Totally different, right?

  • You're ready to buy a computer from me.

  • All I did was reverse the order of the information.

  • What it proves to us is that people don't buy what you do,

  • people buy why you do it.

  • People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

  • This explains why every single person in this room

  • is perfectly comfortable buying a computer from Apple.

  • But we're also perfectly comfortable

  • buying an MP3 player from Apple,

  • or a phone from Apple, or a DVR from Apple.

  • But as I said before, Apple's just a computer company,

  • there's nothing that distinguishes them structurally

  • from any of their competitors.

  • Their competitors are all equally qualified

  • to make all of these products.

  • In fact, they tried a few years ago,

  • Gateway came out with flat screen TV's.

  • They're imminently qualified to make flat screen TV's,

  • they've been making flat screen monitors for years.

  • Nobody bought one.

  • And Dell, Dell came out with MP3 players and PDA's,

  • and they make great quality products,

  • and they can make perfectly well-designed products,

  • and nobody bought one.

  • In fact talking about it now, we can't even imagine

  • buying an MP3 player from Dell,

  • why would you buy an MP3 player from a computer company?

  • But we do it every day.

  • People don't what you do, they buy why you do it.

  • The goal is not to do business with everybody

  • who needs what you have, the goal is to do business

  • with people who believe what you believe.

  • Here's the best part,

  • none of what I'm telling you is my opinion.

  • It's all grounded in the tenants of biology.

  • Not psychology, biology.

  • If you look at a cross section of the human brain

  • looking from the top down,

  • what you see is that the human brain

  • is actually broken into three major components

  • that correlate perfectly with the golden circle.

  • Our newest brain, our homo sapien brain,

  • our neocortex, corresponds with the what level.

  • The neocortex is responsible for all of our rational,

  • and analytical thought, and language.

  • The middle two sections make up our limbic brains,

  • and our limbic brains are responsible

  • for all of our feelings, like trust, and loyalty.

  • It's also responsible for all human behavior,

  • all decision making, and it has no capacity for language.

  • In other words, when we communicate from the outside in,

  • yes, people can understand vast amounts

  • of complicated information like features,

  • and benefits, and facts, and figures,

  • it just doesn't drive behavior.

  • When we communicate from the inside out,

  • we're talking directly to the part of the brain

  • that controls behavior, and then we allow people

  • to rationalize it with the tangible things we say and do.

  • This is where gut decisions come from.

  • You know, sometimes you can give somebody

  • all the facts and the figures,

  • and they say, I know what all the facts and details say,

  • but it just doesn't feel right.

  • Why would we use that verb, it doesn't feel right?

  • Because the part of the brain that controls decision making

  • doesn't control language, and the best we can muster up is,

  • I don't know, it just doesn't feel right.

  • Or sometimes you say you're leading with your heart,

  • or you're leading with your soul.

  • Well I hate to break it to you,

  • those aren't other body parts controlling your behavior,

  • it's all happening here in your limbic brain,

  • the part of the brain that controls

  • decision making and not language.

  • But if you don't know why you do what you do,

  • and people respond to why you do what you do,

  • then how will anybody, how will you ever get people

  • to get vote for you, or buy something from you,

  • or more importantly, be loyal,

  • and want to be a part of what it is that you do?

  • Again, the goal is not just to sell people

  • who need what you have, the goal is to sell

  • to people who believe what you believe.

  • The goal is not just to hire people who need a job,

  • it's to hire people who believe what you believe.

  • I always say that you know, there's,

  • if you hire people just because they can do a job

  • they'll work for your money, but if you hire people

  • who believe what you believe, they'll work for you

  • with blood, and sweat, and tears.

  • And nowhere else is there a better example of this

  • than with the Wright brothers.

  • Most people don't know about Samuel Pierpont Langley.

  • And back in the early 20th Century,

  • the pursuit of powered man flight

  • was like the dot com of the day, everybody was trying it.

  • And Samuel Pierpont Langley had what we assume

  • to be the recipe for success, I mean,

  • even now when you ask people, why did your product,

  • or why did your company fail, and people always give you

  • the same permutation of the same three things.

  • Unde capitalized, the wrong people, bad market conditions,

  • it's always the same three things.

  • So let's explore that.

  • Samuel Pierpont Langley was given $50,000 dollars

  • by the War Department to figure out this "flying machine."

  • Money was no problem.

  • He held a seat at Harvard and worked at the Smithsonian,

  • and was extremely well connected.

  • He knew all the big minds of the day.

  • He hired the best minds money could find,

  • and the market conditions were fantastic.

  • The New York Times followed him around everywhere,

  • and everyone was rooting for Langley.

  • Then how come we've never heard of Samuel Pierpont Langley?

  • A few hundred miles away in Dayton, Ohio,

  • Orville and Wilber Wright, they had none

  • of what we consider the recipe for success.

  • They had no money, they paid for their dream

  • with the proceeds from their bicycle shop.

  • Not a single person on the Wright brother's team

  • had a college education, not even Orville or Wilbur.

  • And the New York Times followed them around nowhere.

  • The difference was, Orville and Wilbur were driven

  • by a cause, by a purpose, by a belief.

  • They believed that if they could figure out

  • this flying machine, it'll changed the course of the world.

  • Samuel Pierpont Langley was different.

  • He wanted to rich, and he wanted to be famous.

  • He was in pursuit of the result.

  • He was in pursuit of the riches.

  • And low and behold look what happened.

  • The people who believed in the Wright brothers dream

  • worked with them with blood, and sweat, and tears.

  • The others just worked for the paycheck.

  • And they tell stories of how every time

  • the Wright Brothers went out they would have to take

  • five sets of parts because that's how many times

  • they would crash before they came in for supper.

  • And eventually, on December 17th, 1903

  • the Wright brothers took flight.

  • And no one was there to even experience it.

  • We found out about it a few days later.

  • And further proof that Langley was motivated

  • by the wrong thing, the day the Wright brothers took flight,

  • he quit.

  • He could have said, that's an amazing discovery, guys,

  • and I will improve upon your technology.

  • But he didn't.

  • He wasn't first, he didn't get rich,

  • he didn't get famous, so he quit.

  • People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

  • And if you talk about what you believe

  • you will attract those who believe what you believe.

  • Well why is it important to attract

  • those who believe what you believe?

  • Something called the law of diffusion of innovation.

  • And if you don't know the law,

  • you definitely know the terminology.

  • The first two and a half percent of

  • our population are our innovators.

  • The next 13 and a half percent of

  • our population are our early adopters,

  • the next 34 percent are your early majority,

  • your late majority, and your laggards.

  • The only reason these people by touch tone phones

  • is because you can't buy rotatory phones anymore.

  • (audience laughing)

  • We all sit at various places at various times on the scale,

  • but what the law of diffusion of innovation tell us

  • is that if you want mass market success,

  • or mass market acceptance of an idea,

  • you cannot have it until you achieve this tipping point

  • between 15 and 18 percent market penetration.

  • And then the system tips.

  • And I love asking businesses,

  • what's your conversion on new business?

  • And they love tell you,

  • "Oh, it's about 10 percent", proudly.

  • Well you can trip over 10 percent of the customers.

  • We all have about 10 percent who just "get it",

  • that's how we describe them, right?

  • That's like that gut feeling, oh, they just "get it."

  • The problem is, how do you find the ones

  • that just get it before you're doing business with them,

  • versus the ones who don't get it.

  • So it's this here, this little gap, that you have to close,

  • as Jefferey Moore calls it, crossing the chasm.

  • Because you see, the early majority will not try something

  • until someone else has tried it first.

  • And these guys, the innovators, and the early adopters,

  • they're comfortable making those gut decisions.

  • They're more comfortable making those intuitive decisions

  • that are driven by what they believe about the world,

  • and not just what product is available.

  • These are the people who stood in line

  • for six hours to buy an iPhone when they first came out,

  • when you could have just walked into the store

  • the next week and bought one off the shelf.

  • These are the people who spent $40,000 dollars

  • on flat screen TV's when they first came out,

  • even though the technology was substandard.

  • And by the way, they didn't do it because

  • the technology was so great, they did it for themselves.

  • It's because they wanted to be first.

  • People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it,

  • and what you do simply proves what you believe.

  • In fact, people will do the things

  • that prove what they believe.

  • The reason that person bought the iPhone

  • in the first six hours, and stood in line for six hours,

  • was because of what they believed about the world,

  • and how they wanted everybody to see them.

  • They were first.

  • People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

  • So let me give you a famous example,

  • a famous failure, and a famous success

  • of the law of diffusion of innovation.

  • First the famous failure.

  • It's a commercial example.

  • As we said before a second ago,

  • the recipe for success is money, and the right people,

  • and the right marketing conditions, right?

  • You should have success then.

  • Look at TiVo.

  • From the time TiVo came out about eight or nine years ago,

  • to this current day, they are the single

  • highest quality product on the market.

  • Hands down, there is no dispute.

  • They were extremely well funded,

  • market conditions were fantastic,

  • I mean we used TiVo as a verb.

  • I TiVo'd stuff on my piece of junk

  • Time Warner DVR all the time!

  • (audience laughing)

  • But TiVo is a commercial failure.

  • They've never made money.

  • And when they went IPO, their stock was at

  • about $30 or $40 dollars, and then plummeted,

  • and it's never traded above $10.

  • In fact, I don't think it's even traded above six,

  • except for a couple of little spikes.

  • Because you see, when TiVo launched their product,

  • they told us all what they had.

  • They said, "We have a product that pauses live TV,

  • "skips commercials, rewinds live TV,

  • "and memorizes your viewing habits without you even asking."

  • And the cynical majority said, "We don't believe you,

  • "we don't need it, we don't like it, you're scaring us."

  • What if they had said, "If you're the kind of person

  • "who likes to have total control

  • "over every aspect of your life,

  • "boy, do we have a product for you."

  • That pauses live TV, skips commercials,

  • memorizes your viewing habits, et cetera, et cetera.

  • People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it,

  • and what you do simple serves as

  • the proof of what you believe.

  • Now let me give you a successful example

  • of the law of diffusion of innovation.

  • In the summer of 1963, 250,000 people showed up

  • on the Mall in Washington to hear Dr. King speak.

  • They sent out no invitations,

  • and there was no website to check the date.

  • How do you do that?

  • Well, Dr. King wasn't the only man in America

  • who was a great orator, he wasn't the only man in America

  • who suffered in a pre-civil rights America,

  • in fact, some of his ideas were bad!

  • But he had a gift.

  • He didn't go around telling people

  • what needed to change in America,

  • he went around and told people what he believed.

  • I believe, I believe, I believe, he told people.

  • And people who believed what he believed took his cause

  • and they made it their own, and they told people.

  • And some of those people created structures

  • to get the word out to even more people,

  • and lo and behold, 250,000 people showed up

  • on the right day, on the right time, to hear him speak.

  • How many of them showed up for him?

  • Zero.

  • They showed up for themselves.

  • It's what they believed about America

  • that got them to travel on a bus for eight hours

  • to stand in the sun in Washington in the middle of August.

  • It's what they believed, and it wasn't about

  • black versus white, 25 percent of the audience was white!

  • Dr. King believed that there were two types of laws

  • in this world, those that are made

  • by a higher authority, and those that are made by man.

  • And not until all the laws that are made by man

  • are consistent with the laws that are made

  • by the higher authority will we live in a just world.

  • It just so happens that the civil rights movement

  • was the perfect thing to help him bring his cause to life.

  • We followed him not for him, but for ourselves.

  • And by the way, he gave the I Have A Dream speech,

  • not the I Have A Plan Speech.

  • (audience laughing)

  • I listen to politicians now with their

  • comprehensive 12 point plans, they're not inspiring anybody.

  • Because there are leaders and there are those who lead.

  • Leaders hold a position of power, or authority,

  • but those who lead, inspire us.

  • Whether they're individuals or organizations,

  • we follow those who lead, not because we have to,

  • but because we want to.

  • We follow those who lead not for them, but for ourselves.

  • And it's those who start with why

  • that have the ability to inspire those around them,

  • or find others who inspire them.

  • Thank you very much.

  • (applause)

  • - Thank you guys so much for watching,

  • I made this video because Lex van den Herik asked me to.

  • So if there's a famous entrepreneur

  • that you would like me to profile next,

  • please leave it down in the comments below

  • and I'll see what I can do.

  • I'd also love to know which clip resonated

  • the most with you today, what did Simon say

  • that had the biggest impact, what change are you going to make

  • to your life or business after watching this video?

  • Please leave it down in the comments below,

  • and I'm going to join in the discussion.

  • Thank you so much for watching, I believe in you,

  • I hope you continue to believe in yourself,

  • and whatever your one word is.

  • Much love, I'll see ya soon.

  • (electronic whooshing)

  • - Decision making is a process, right?

  • The question is, what filters are you using

  • to make decisions?

  • Are you making decisions based on the financial rewards,

  • are you making decisions based on how easy the work will be?

  • I mean, I remember in college, you know,

  • they would give you this book, where all the students

  • would rate the classes, and they would rate things like

  • how easy the class was, and how, you know,

  • how much do they like professor.

  • And you know, the first year I picked all my classes

  • based on workload, and I pick everything a low workload.

  • You know?

  • And, pretty bored, didn't work very hard, which is fine,

  • but nothing was dynamic and nothing really excited me.

  • And I, thank goodness, learned that,

  • and so the second year I picked all my classes

  • by professor rating, regardless of the workload.

  • So every class I had, I had these dynamic,

  • amazing, incredible human beings passing on their knowledge,

  • and you were excited to work hard for them.

  • You know?

  • And so again, the question is,

  • what are the filters we're using?

  • And so if you're only chasing the mighty dollar,

  • then you will have jobs that'll pay you

  • a little more than the last, but are you enjoying yourself?

  • And I talked to a guy recently,

  • who was in, he's in bad shape, like,

  • he really hates his life, and he's really depressed,

  • and he doesn't know what to do.

  • And so we were going through all his old jobs,

  • you know, and I said, give me a job that you've loved.

  • And he hadn't!

  • Every single job he's chosen out of college

  • he picked because of the money, and if something offered

  • him more somewhere else, he took it.

  • You know?

  • Regardless.

  • And the amazing thing is, he plateaued,

  • because if you're only chasing the result,

  • if you're only chasing the thing that makes it easy, right?

  • Then eventually you will get bored,

  • or they'll get bored of you, right?

  • And you plateau.

  • In other words, chasing the almighty dollar,

  • if that's your only thing, it eventually flattens out.

  • Whereas if you're chasing the thing that excites you,

  • the human beings to be around, the work that excites you,

  • the stuff that you know, you can get passionate about,

  • you know?

  • The irony is, is that you'll actually make way, way more!

  • Right?

  • Because you're excited, and they appreciate your excitement,

  • and they reward your excitement,

  • and you're better at your work

  • because you want to work harder, and all of that stuff,

  • you don't have to strain to work harder.

  • So decision making is simply a matter of filters, you know?

  • And so I've made decisions in my life

  • that I would rather be happy than right,

  • I'd rather do good than get rich,

  • and so the decisions I make put me in positions

  • where when I leave any engagement,

  • when I leave any meeting, I feel that I've contributed.

  • Right?

  • Rare are the times anymore where you walk away going,

  • just think of the money, just think of the money,

  • think of the money, you know?

  • 'Cause that doesn't feel nice.

  • And the experience I have, I don't enjoy traveling to them,

  • and I don't enjoy traveling home.

  • Where if I have an amazing experience,

  • I am looking forward to getting there

  • and I'm excited when I leave!

  • - [Interviewer] Yeah.

  • - You know, so it's just decision making,

  • decision making is just a matter of what filters you use,

  • and if you're good about keeping those filters up and clear,

  • then make your decision.

  • I don't judge anybody by how,

  • if they choose to use different filters,

  • these are just the filters I choose to live my life,

  • you know?

  • Not right or wrong, just those are my decisions.

  • You know, that's my filter.

  • How can you help the human race?

  • How can you help the human race,

  • the human species, progress?

  • I'm not joking, either,

  • this is something we all have to be aware of.

  • At the end of the day, the human animal is a social animal.

  • And our very survival depends on our ability

  • to form communities, to form cultures.

  • What's a community, what's a culture?

  • It's a group of people with a common set

  • of values and beliefs, right?

  • What's a country?

  • It's a group of people with a common set

  • of values and beliefs.

  • What's a company?

  • It should be a group of people

  • with a common set of values and beliefs.

  • When we're surrounded by people who believe what we believe,

  • something remarkable happens.

  • Trust emerges.

  • And make no mistake of it, trust is a feeling,

  • and distinctly human feeling.

  • You know, we all have friends who are total screw ups,

  • and yet we still trust them, right?

  • (audience laughing)

  • Trust is not a checklist,

  • simply doing everything you say you're going to do

  • does not mean people will inherently trust you,

  • it just means you're reliable.

  • We need trust.

  • Right?

  • We need trust.

  • When we're surrounded by people

  • who believe what we believe, and trust starts emerging,

  • when we trust them, and they trust us,

  • we're more willing to take risks,

  • we're more willing to experiment,

  • which requires failure, we're more willing to explore

  • and go somewhere that no one has ever gone before

  • with the confidence that if we fail,

  • if we trip over, if we turn our backs,

  • that those within our community,

  • those who we trust, and who trust us,

  • will look after us while we're gone,

  • will pick us up when we fall over,

  • will help us when we're hurt.

  • Our very survival depends on it.

  • We're not good at everything, we're not good by ourselves.

  • You know, if I send you out to go

  • fight a sabertooth tiger by yourself,

  • odds are tiger one, you zero.

  • (audience laughing)

  • It's not going to go very well.

  • But if you go out as a group, we're pretty damn amazing.

  • And the reason is, is because we all have our own strengths,

  • and we all have our certain weaknesses.

  • And the goal is not to fix your weaknesses,

  • the goal is to amplify your strengths,

  • and surround yourself with the people

  • who can do what you can't do.

  • But it's not just based on skills,

  • and application, and experience,

  • it's based on what you believe,

  • it's based on what you believe.

  • You see, simply being good at something,

  • and having somebody else be good at what you're no good at

  • does not mean you will trust each other.

  • Trust, the sense of trust, comes from the sense of

  • common values and common beliefs.

  • And I'll prove it.

  • How many of you are from New York?

  • Okay, a bunch of you.

  • Are you friends with everybody in New York?

  • (audience laughing)

  • Why not?

  • Why not?

  • But when you go to Los Angeles,

  • and you meet somebody from New York,

  • you're like "Hey, I'm from New York!"

  • And you're best friends.

  • (audience laughing) Right?

  • And when you go to France, there you are

  • on the Paris metro minding your own business,

  • and you hear an American accent behind you,

  • and you turn around, and you say, "Hey, where you from?"

  • They say, "Los Angeles."

  • You're like, "Hey, I'm from New York!"

  • And you're best friends.

  • (audience laughing)

  • Because you're surrounded by people

  • who don't believe what you believe,

  • when you're in a strange environment

  • where you don't feel comfortable,

  • you look for anyone who may share

  • some of the same values and beliefs that you have

  • and you start to form a very real

  • and very intense bond with them,

  • simply because you know that they have

  • a basic understanding of how you grew up,

  • of the things that you care about,

  • of the live that you lived back home.

  • Well the same is true when we go to work.

  • Do we want to go to work with people

  • who understand us, who believe what we believe,

  • who have a similar view of the world

  • that has nothing to do with their opinions

  • and the differences that we share,

  • that's good, that's called diversity,

  • that's called advantages to problem solving,

  • which is we can all look at the same thing

  • from a different angle and come up with solutions.

  • What I'm talking about is why should you

  • help each other in the first place?

  • What are you in pursuit of?

  • Now the question is, is what creates

  • that sense of values and beliefs?

  • What creates that sense of trust?

  • Right?

  • Our very human instinct, we know how to find

  • people who believe what we believe,

  • our survival depends on it.

  • We're biologically gifted with this idea.

  • If I ask you to go out in the street

  • and find all the people who believe what you believe,

  • you know exactly what to do.

  • You're going to strike up conversations,

  • you're going to start talking to people,

  • and either you'll have a good feeling about them,

  • or you won't.

  • Either you'll have "chemistry", whatever that means,

  • or you don't.

  • Sometimes it's quick, sometimes it's slow,

  • but we know how to do it.

  • It's called making friends, it's called dating,

  • it's called networking.

  • We have the innate ability to do it.

  • True story.

  • There was a former Under Secretary of Defense

  • who was invited to give a speech at a large conference,

  • about a thousand people.

  • And he was standing on the stage with his cup of coffee,

  • in a styrofoam cup, giving his prepared remarks

  • with his PowerPoint behind him.

  • And he took a sip of his coffee, and he smiled,

  • and he looked down at the coffee,

  • and then he went off script.

  • And he said, "You know, last year I spoke

  • "at this exact same conference.

  • "Last year I was still the Under Secretary.

  • "And when I spoke here last year,

  • "they flew me here business class,

  • "and when I arrived at the airport

  • "there was somebody waiting for me to take me to my hotel.

  • "And they took me to my hotel,

  • "and they had already checked me in,

  • "and they just took me up to my room.

  • "And the next morning I came downstairs

  • "and there was someone waiting in the lobby to greet me,

  • "and they drove me to this here same venue.

  • "They took me through the back entrance

  • "and took me into the green room

  • "and handed me a cup of coffee

  • "in a beautiful ceramic cup."

  • He says, "I'm no longer the Under Secretary,

  • "I flew here coach.

  • "I took a taxi to my hotel and I checked myself in.

  • "When I came down to the lobby this morning

  • "I took another taxi to this venue.

  • "I came in the front door and found my way backstage,

  • "and when I asked someone, 'Do you have any coffee?'

  • "he pointed to the coffee machine in the corner,

  • "and I poured myself a cup of coffee

  • "into this here styrofoam cup."

  • He says, "The lesson is, the ceramic cup was never

  • "meant for me, it was meant for the position I held.

  • "I deserve a styrofoam cup."

  • Remember this.

  • As you gain fame, as you gain fortune,

  • as you gain position and seniority,

  • people will treat you better.

  • They will hold doors open for you,

  • they will get you a cup of tea

  • and coffee without you even asking.

  • They will call you "sir", and "ma'am",

  • and they will give you stuff.

  • None of that stuff is meant for you.

  • That stuff is meant for the position you hold.

  • It is meant for the level that you have achieved

  • of leader, or success, or whatever you want to call it.

  • But you will always deserve the styrofoam cup.

  • Remember that, remember that lesson of humility

  • and gratitude.

  • You can accept all the free stuff,

  • you can accept all the perks, absolutely you can enjoy them.

  • But just be grateful for them,

  • and know that they're not for you.

  • I remember getting off the Acela,

  • I took the Acela from New York to Washington DC,

  • and I got off the train like everybody else,

  • and I was walking down the platform like everyone else,

  • and I walked past General Norty Schwartz,

  • who used to be the chief of staff

  • of the United States Air Force, the head of the Air Force.

  • And here I did, you know, see a guy,

  • in a suit, schlepping his own suitcase down the platform

  • just like me, and just a couple months ago

  • he was flying on private jets, and he had an entourage,

  • and other people carried his luggage.

  • But he no longer held the position,

  • and so now he got to drag his own suitcase.

  • And never did it, sort of remind me more,

  • that none of us deserve the perks that we get,

  • we all deserve a styrofoam cup.

- Some people see the thing that they want

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    alex posted on 2017/08/21
Video vocabulary