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  • I'm sure you've heard this phrase before: "we're going back to our roots".

    你肯定聽說過這句話 “我們要回到系列的原點”

  • Like, a developer makes a game about inching through a creepy mansion and then, several

    比如,一個開發商做了個穿越過嚇人的豪宅的遊戲 而幾年後

  • years later, that same series is now about jumping over a helicopter on a flippin' motorbike.

    這個系列的主要內容現在變成了 騎著飛起來的摩托車飛躍直升機

  • Yeah. So, Capcom says "we're going back to our roots" and Resident Evil returns to claustrophobic

    耶。所以卡普空說“我們要回到系列的原點” 生化危機系列也回到了幽閉的走廊

  • corridors, hoarding herbs, and ruining your favourite jeans.


  • It's all about identifying what made a series so great in the first place - and taking a

    這主要目的是分辨出是什麼 讓一個系列一開始就變得這麼偉大

  • good, hard look at a franchise to see if it still carries the essential DNA of its earliest games.

    並且認真地審視這個系列是否依然保留著 其元祖遊戲中必要的DNA

  • The next series to do this is, perhaps, my favourite of them all: The Legend of Zelda.


  • For the next game, Breath of the Wild, Nintendo will be going back to its roots, by looking

    下一個遊戲,荒野之息 任天堂也會回到系列的原點

  • to the very first Zelda game for inspiration.


  • Which, I think, is pretty exciting. Because despite its simple graphics and general retro

    我認為這很激動人心 因為儘管畫面非常簡單,並且有著

  • clunkiness, Zelda 1 remains as one of the very best entries in this series - and it did

    fc遊戲的那種笨拙感 塞爾達1依然是最好的入坑方式之一

  • things that no other Zelda game has done since.


  • Designer Shigeru Miyamoto made The Legend of Zelda to capture his childhood experience

    設計師宮本茂製作塞爾達的時候 想要在遊戲中複現小時候探索

  • of exploring the Japanese countryside.


  • He's said, "I went hiking and found a lake. It was quite a surprise for me to stumble


  • upon it. When I traveled around the country without a map, trying to find my way, stumbling

    我到鄉村四處旅行的時候並沒有帶地圖 嘗試著走我自己的路

  • on amazing things as I went, I realized how it felt to go on an adventure like this".

    蹣跚地走過了非常驚人的地域 我認識到了冒險的感覺大概就是這樣吧”

  • He wanted players to feel that same sense of adventure when they were exploring the


  • fields, forests, lakes, deserts, mountains, and graveyards of Hyrule.


  • So, you definitely don't have a map in this game - there's just a grey box that shows

    所以,你在遊戲中肯定沒有地圖 只有左上角的灰框顯示著你

  • your position in the world. And you aren't told where to go - the text crawl says that

    在世界之中的相對位置 你也並沒有被告知要去哪里,文本框只告訴了

  • you need to track down eight pieces of the triforce, but how that happens is up to you.

    你要找回8片三角力量 但做什麼取決於你自己

  • You're just let loose in a clearing, and told to get on with it. You don't even start with

    你只是被放在一塊空白的地方 你甚至一開始連劍都沒有

  • a sword - you've got to enter this cave to grab that. A way for Miyamoto to tell players

    你需要進入山洞才能拿到它 宮本茂由此告訴玩家們

  • that this game isn't going to hand them anything on a silver platter.


  • You're given a huge amount of freedom, from the very beginning. You can technically explore

    你有著大量的自由 一開始的時候,你理論上可以訪問

  • the entire world right now, perhaps striding off west and coming across a lake, or heading

    整個遊戲世界,或許你可以向西遇見一條河 或者向東

  • off east to squeeze through a canyon before you burst out onto a beach.


  • Sure, games like Skyrim let you go anywhere you like - but in that game you make the choice

    當然,像上古卷軸5一樣的遊戲,你一樣可以去任何地方 但是那個遊戲裏你需要做出選擇

  • between following a quest or freely exploring the map. There's no such choice in Zelda 1

    你是要做任務還是隨便逛逛 而在塞爾達1中你不需要做出選擇

  • - it's just all curious exploration, never knowing what you might come across next.

    遊戲中只有好奇的探索 你永遠也不知道接下來要面對什麼

  • Maybe a shop. Or a secret. Or the entrance to one of the game's dungeons, which are these

    或與是個商店,亦或是秘密 或者是地宮的入口之一

  • tricky underground mazes filled with treasure, bosses, mysterious messages, and one of the


  • eight pieces of the triforce.


  • The dungeons are numbered, but there's rarely anything stopping you visiting them out of

    地宮是被標號了的 但是幾乎沒有任何東西阻止你不按順序地訪問

  • sequence and accidentally stumbling into one of the last dungeons in the game. In Zelda

    並且可能偶然的進入最後幾個地宮 在塞爾達1中

  • 1, surprises lurk on every screen.


  • Part of what makes this game so enchanting is that it's mysterious and oblique. You're


  • given no companion character to provide hints and assistance, and the few friendly faces

    沒有旅途中的同伴給予你提示和幫助 只有幾個和善的人

  • in Hyrule offer up cryptic riddles that need to be deciphered.


  • But they are intoxicating. I remember this guy, who said "did you get the sword from

    但是這些提示讓人激動 我記得這個人說“你有沒有從瀑布頂端拿劍?”

  • the top of the waterfall?" and I was like "No?!" and then found myself following the


  • stream up into the mountains with giddy anticipation.


  • And this is a game that encourages experimentation, as much as exploration. Items like the blue

    這款遊戲鼓勵實驗,盡可能的探索 道具,比如說藍戒指

  • ring and the piece of paper and the candle and the magic croissant are just added to


  • your inventory without description. and you'll simply have to figure out what the heck they do.

    加入你的背包裏 你必須搞清楚,這些東西到底是幹什麼用的

  • Zelda 1 just felt indifferent to the player's existence. It had whatever the opposite of

    塞爾達1中會感覺,遊戲對於你的存在很冷漠 感覺跟手把手教完全相反

  • hand-holding is. You know, you're just dropped into a world and told to explore it. It was,

    你知道,你只是掉入到了一個世界裏 被告知要探索它。他就是

  • to sum it up in a single word, an adventure.

    用一個詞總結的話 一場冒險

  • I'm sure it was mind-bending 30 years go but I played it for the first time... in 2017

    我確定它在30年前非常難以理解 但是當我第一次玩這款遊戲的時候...在2017年

  • and it still enraptured me so if you haven't experienced it yet and you think it sounds

    它依然讓我著迷 所以你如果還沒有玩過它,並且覺得

  • interesting - please go grab it and turn off this video because I'm about to spoil the

    聽起來它很有趣 請迅速的拿起這款遊戲,關掉這個視頻,因為我將要

  • crap out of it.


  • Years later, Miyamoto said "We were very nervous since The Legend of Zelda was our first game


  • that forced players to think what they should do next. We were afraid that gamers would

    需要玩家自己去思考接下來要幹什麼的遊戲 我們害怕玩家覺得

  • be bored and stressed by the new concept".


  • Luckily, they weren't. The game was successful and led to a couple sequels.

    幸運的是,玩家們沒有 這款遊戲非常成功,還發展出了一堆續作

  • But I don't think he had any reason to worry, because - and this shouldn't come as a surprise

    但是我們並沒有任何理由去擔心,因為 -看我視頻的朋友們都不會吃驚-

  • to anyone who watches my stuff - but it's because Nintendo knows how to make video games.


  • So, yes, Zelda 1 does offer a huge amount of freedom. You can go anywhere you like,

    所以,塞爾達1提供了大量的自由 你可以去任何想去的地方

  • and visit - though not necessary finish - the dungeons in any order you want. But the designers

    訪問(儘管沒有必要完成)地宮,按照任何你想要的順序 但是設計師

  • use some clever tricks to help guide you through the game, stop you getting lost, and make

    用了一些聰明的詭計幫助指引你通關 同時防止你迷路,逐步地將

  • the world naturally open up, piece by piece.


  • For one, the world map just isn't that big. It's only 16 screens wide and 8 screens high,

    其中一點是,地圖,還真沒那麼大 它只有16屏寬,8屏高

  • meaning you can learn most of the layout in a few hours. To make it feel bigger, the map

    代表著你只需要幾個小時就能弄明白佈局 為了讓地圖感覺更大,地圖變成了

  • is turned into a giant maze with winding pathways, dead ends, and chokepoints.


  • Also, Zelda keeps some of the map away from you until you're more experienced with the game.

    並且,塞爾達讓地圖的一些部分讓你難以進入 知道你對著這個遊戲更加地熟練

  • Not through actual locks - only two screens and two dungeons are literally impossible

    不是通過“鎖” 只有兩屏和兩個迷宮紙面上無法進入

  • to reach at the beginning of the game -


  • But through, what you might call "soft locks", which discourage exploration of certain areas.

    但是通過,可能叫“軟鎖”的東西 阻礙你進入某些地區

  • One of these, is challenging enemies.


  • These centaur dudes, and screens filled with tricky foes, will quickly kill you if you

    這些半人馬傢伙,和滿螢幕的敵人 會迅速地殺死你

  • only have a few hearts. And dying in the overworld sends you right back to the first screen

    如果你只有很少的心 並且,死在這裏會直接送你回第一屏

  • so instead of trekking all the way back to where you just got pummelled into a fine pixelated


  • mist, you're more likely to just try going off in another direction.


  • Another soft lock, is information.


  • To access this whole area over here, you either need the ladder from dungeon four, or you

    為了到這裏的整個地區 你要麼需要迷宮4裏的梯子

  • need to know the correct path through the lost woods. That's a maze that will keep turning

    要麼你就要知道迷失森林的正確走法 這是個不斷讓你回到起點的迷宮

  • you around if you don't know the right order to take its many exits - and to get the solution

    除非你知道正確的順序 為了得到解法

  • you need to find this woman, and pay her some rupees.

    你需要找到這個女人 給她一些盧比

  • These locks also help you find the dungeons in a more sensible order. If you're just wandering

    這些鎖也幫你發現迷宮更合理的順序 如果你只在海拉爾

  • around the main part of Hyrule, you'll only stumble upon the entrances for the first three

    主要的地區隨便逛逛 你只能踏足前三個迷宮的入口

  • dungeons. The remaining six are more hidden.


  • The fourth dungeon requires the raft. The fifth is on top of the magic mountain, so

    第四迷宮需要木筏 第五迷宮在魔法火山上

  • you'll need another solution. The sixth is in that western area I just talked

    你需要另一個解法 第六迷宮就在我剛才說到的西部

  • about. And the seventh, eighth, and ninth dungeons are just hanging out in Hyrule - but


  • hidden away so you'll need special items and clues to find them.

    但是它們都藏了起來 你需要特殊道具和線索來尋找它們

  • Ah yes, the clues. Zelda is, like I said, a mysterious game, and not one to quickly

    是的,線索,塞爾達是,像我說的 一個解密遊戲,並不是一個放棄自己的秘密

  • give up its secrets or tell you where to go. But, if you listen carefully, you'll realise

    或者直接告訴你要去哪 但是如果你認真地聽,你會發現

  • that these old men and women do give Link cryptic hints that actually detail almost

    這些長者會給林克神秘的提示 事實上告訴了所有

  • everything you need know to get through the game.


  • Some tell you about the boss's weakpoints. Others give you clues about finding more powerful

    有些告訴你boss的弱點 另一些告訴你強力裝備的線索

  • gear. Some tell you stuff that doesn't make much sense... though, you have to


  • remember that the game's English translation isn't perfect.


  • Zelda fans fevershly argue about the meaning of this clue, which says "eastmost pennisula

    塞爾達粉狂熱的爭論這條線索的意義 “eastmost pennisula是秘密”

  • is the secret", but it wasn't written by the game's designers. In the original Japanese

    但是這並不是設計師們寫下的 原本的日文版

  • version, that same man tells you that shooting arrows costs you money.

    同樣的老人告訴你 射箭需要花錢

  • Anyway, other characters tell you how to find the most hidden dungeons.


  • In the fourth dungeon, this guy tells you to "walk into the waterfall" - where you'll

    在第四迷宮,這個人告訴你 ”走進瀑布裏“

  • find the hint you need to find dungeon number five. In the sixth dungeon, a man says "there

    在那裏,你會發現進入迷宮五的提示 在迷宮六裏,一個人說

  • are secrets where fairies don't live", which should help you find the entrance to seventh

    沒有精靈的地方隱藏著秘密 這會幫助你找到迷宮七的入口

  • dungeon in the only pond without a fairy.


  • The clue for the eighth dungeon is more obtuse, I'll grant you. This guy tells you to look

    進入第八迷宮的線索更讓人難以理解,我向你保證 這個人告訴你

  • out for the tree at the dead-end - which I guess is referring to the entrance to dungeon

    尋找在死路的樹 我猜這是進入迷宮八的提示?

  • eight? I mean that's how I took it, and ended up in the penultimate dungeon in my first

    這是我猜的 結果我第一個小時

  • hour with the game.


  • But, maybe this is why I kept seeing that bogus claim that you need to burn every bush

    但是,這也是為什麼我總看到假裝玩過的人一直說 你需要燒掉所有的樹

  • and bomb every wall to beat Zelda 1. Nah mate.


  • There are hidden rooms behind random bushes and walls, and they don't have telltale signs

    確實在某個樹或牆後有隱藏的房間 他們並沒有特別明顯的特徵

  • like big ol' cracks. But that actually makes them... secrets. So it's a genuine surprise

    比如大大的裂縫 但是這讓它們更像是秘密。當你發現的

  • when you find them.


  • And you really want that stuff. Zelda 1 can be brutally hard, so any help - whether that's

    但是你要真想得到這些東西 塞爾達1會變得殘酷地困難

  • rupees or heart containers - is more than welcome. But it's all optional stuff, so you

    所以(不管是盧比還是心的容器的)幫助 非常受歡迎。但是這都是可選的

  • can beat the game without it.


  • Of course, there were some genuinely tricky bits. I won't deny that. Especially in the

    當然,遊戲裏也有真正棘手的地方,我不會不承認 尤其是在迷宮裏

  • dungeons, which I'lll cover in more detail in the NES episode of my dungeon design series,


  • Boss Keys.

    Boss Keys裏

  • But, if you got stuck, all hope was not lost because Nintendo encouraged you to look beyond

    但是,如果你卡住了,並不是所有希望都沒有了 任天堂鼓勵你在遊戲外

  • the game for help.


  • There's the manual - which you are told to read in the opening text crawl. Both the main


  • text, and the bonus tips that are hidden behind a protective seal, give you loads of help.

    主要的文字和藏在保護封條內的內容 都會給你很大的幫助

  • It describes all the items in the game, reveals that there's a secret on almost every overworld

    它描述了遊戲內的所有物品 告訴你幾乎每一屏都有秘密

  • screen, and gives up the locations of the last three dungeons. Though, the English manual

    給出你最後三個迷宮的位置 儘管,英文版的翻譯

  • is also filled with translation issues, like this erroneous claim that the warp whistle

    依然有很多的問題 比如說這個,吹口哨

  • can take you to the ninth dungeon.


  • You could also ask a friend. Miyamoto purposefully designed the game to encourage communication

    你也可以叫上一個朋友 宮本茂設計這個遊戲的時候就鼓勵玩家間的

  • between gamers, saying "I wanted them to talk with other Zelda players and exchange information,


  • ask each other questions, find out where to go next. That's what happened - this communication

    互相詢問對方問題,找到接下來要做什麼 這就是發生的事情——溝通

  • was not a competition but it was a real life collaboration that helped make the game more popular".


  • So The Legend of Zelda is a game that gave players the freedom to dictate their own journey


  • through Hyrule, allowing for surprises and sequence breaking. And the game felt mysterious,

    允許驚喜和亂序 並且有系裏充滿了

  • with secret passages, weird items, and cryptic hints.


  • But I think the team used clever design to make a game that felt free, but didn't let

    但是我認為開發團隊試用巧妙地設計 讓一個遊戲感覺自由,但不感覺迷路

  • you get lost. Mysterious, but far from inscrutable. And completely indifferent to the player - while

    充滿謎團,但遠不費解 並且對玩家非常冷漠

  • secretly helping them reach their goals.


  • But in more recent Zelda games, you no longer feel free, everything is explained, and that

    但是在最近的塞爾達遊戲 你再也不感覺自由,所有的東西都被解釋了

  • guiding hand is no longer secret.


  • In more recent entires, the overworld is often restricted until you've hit certain points

    在最近的遊戲 地表世界總是受到限制,直到你

  • in the story, dungeons can no longer be completed out of order, and you're stuck with chatty

    觸發劇情,迷宮不能不按順序地完成 你總是被話癆同伴纏住

  • companion characters who tell you what to do and where to go.

    它總是是告訴你 你要做什麼 去哪里

  • I mean, these games are all fab in their own way - well, almost - but none of them share

    我的意思是,這些遊戲都是按他們自己的方式製造的 -額,幾乎- 但是它們中沒有任何一個

  • Zelda 1's unrestricted sense of adventure.


  • And you might think that this is just how modern games are. And that I'm just being


  • a nostalgic old fart.


  • But I'm not so sure. Well, I am a nostalgic old fart. But, games with that sense of freedom,

    我也不太確定。額,我確實很懷舊 但是,有那種自由,謎團,驚喜

  • mystery, and surprise still exist.


  • Indie games like Hyper Light Drifter and The Witness are enchanting, wordless odysseys,

    獨立遊戲,比如《Hyper Light Drifter》和《見證者》就是迷人,無言的冒險

  • which capture those feelings.


  • And games like Fez have arguably found even better compromises between mystery with accessibility

    並且比如《Fez》這樣的遊戲 在神秘性和到達性上有著甚至更好的取捨

  • - like these maps which point you towards secret areas, but don't completely give the


  • game away.


  • And everybody's already made this connection but Dark Souls definitely feels like a modern

    並且所有人已經把黑暗之魂和塞爾達1聯繫起來 但是黑暗之魂確實是現代版塞爾達1

  • take on Zelda 1 - complete with secret walls, cryptic hints, and communication between players.


  • So the question is not, "can you make a game like Zelda 1 today".


  • The question is, "can Nintendo make a game like Zelda 1 today".


  • They made a bold start with the non-linear Link Between Worlds on 3DS. But the real test

    他們在3ds上的非線性的三角力量2做了大膽的嘗試 但是真正的考驗是

  • will be with Breath of the Wild. Just how much is Nintendo willing to go back to its roots,

    荒野之息 任天堂是多麼想要回到系列的原點,

  • To give The Legend of Zelda that feeling of freedom, mystery, and surprise?


  • We'll see.


  • Hey, thanks for watching. Game Maker's Toolkit is, as always, powered by the crowdfunding

    謝謝觀看。Game Maker's Toolkit永遠被捐錢網站Patreon驅動

  • website Patreon. If you like the show, consider throwing a few bucks my way. Just like these

    如果你喜歡這個節目,請考慮下捐幾塊錢 右邊是

  • super brilliant people, who donate five bucks or more, per episode.


  • Breath of the Wild will be out in a week or two - and you can definitely expect a video

    荒野之息就要在一兩周之後發售了 你當然可以期待不久之後

  • on that game in the near future. Plus, I've got lots of other stuff in the works too so maybe

    關於這款遊戲的視頻 另外,我還有其他作品

  • tap the subscribe button, and the bell button, to get a notification whenever I put a new

    所以請點訂閱按鈕 你就會在新視頻出來後

  • video out.


  • Oh, and if you're still not sick of Zelda stuff then look forward to new episodes of

    哦,如果你沒有看膩塞爾達相關的東西 那麼請看看Boss Keys系列視頻

  • Boss Keys. To be honest, I'm struggling to muster up the enthusiasm to replay these DS games


  • but I started this ridiculous project so I shall finish it. Look out for that video

    但是我既然進行了這麼大型的計畫 我總要完成它,那個視頻會在三月?

  • in March, I guess?


I'm sure you've heard this phrase before: "we're going back to our roots".

你肯定聽說過這句話 “我們要回到系列的原點”

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