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The rules today
inscent people to create carbon
and this is madness
and whatever you inscent will happen
its very important
that we take actions today to recognize
that we are making a significant change
to the chemical constituency
of the atmospheres and the oceans
and when that is almost impossible to reverse
here when we look back
on these days in the future
we weren't be able to say that we did the actions
that were right
or the actions that were important
20 30 40 years in the future
and what do you say to your kids or your grandkids
Scientist all say that
these bad things are going to happen
it's like 97%
so like say, well, to your kids or grandkids
like, well, did nobody tell you?
no everyone was telling us
so why didn't you do anything?
what's the answer?
I think it's very important that we do something
and depending on the point how
what actions we take
will drive the carbon number to
be in extreme or moderate levels
I think it pretty much is given that a 2 degree
sea increase will occur
the question is
whether it's going to be much more than that
in a plus as a percentage relative to absolute zero
its only a plus-minus 2 percent change
the sensitivity of the climate is extremely high
we've amplified the sensitivity by building our
cities right on the coastline
it based on the projections that we are seeing right now
these are like arguably the best case projections
we're going to see a significant rise in temperature
and sea level
if we don't take actions
we could see
anywhere from 5 to 10 percent
maybe more of the land mass absorb by water
about a third (1/3) of humanity lives right on
the coastline
or in a low line countries
so we'd be talking about maybe
2 billion people being displaced
and their homes is being destroyed
and their countries has been gone
so I think we should take actions
the reason that the transition is delayed
what world has is happening slowly
is because there's a hidden subsidy
on all carbon producing activity
and that result is 35 gigaton of carbon per year
into the atmosphere
The best case is simply delaying that inevitable
transition to sustainable energy
there's going to be no choice than long term
to move to sustainable energy
its total logical
we have to have sustainable energy
or something could run out the other one
the only thing we gain
by slowing down the transition is
it is just slowing it down
it doesn't make it not occur but its just slows it down
The worst case, however, is more
displacement and destruction than
all the wars in the history combined
We have about 3% of scientist
that believe in the best case
about 97% that believe in the worst case
this is why I called it the Dumbest Experiment in History
The Goal is to exit the era as quickly as possible
but the new goal is to move to
a sustainable energy future
and we wanted to use energy sources
that would be good for a billion years
so what can you do?
I think whenever you have the opportunity
talk to the politicians
ask them to enact a carbon text
we have to fix the unpriced externality
or talk to your friends about it
and fight the propaganda from the carbon industry
so I think you have tremendous power
you have the power to make the change
I tell you we definitely can't
beat the oil and gas industries on lobbyist
Exelon makes more profit in a year
than the value of the entire solar industry
there's no way you can win on money
its impossible
this is not only the important issue
but it is I think that the thing that will have
the biggest negative effect on humanity
if we do not address it
unless something changes very quickly
the sustainable energy
will still be in a bad situation 5 years from now
if its the right thing for the future
our country should just do it
and don't worry about what other countries are doing
Just do the right thing