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79 years, that's the average lifespan of an American citizen.
79 歲是美國公民的平均壽命。
If you're in Japan, it's 83.
如果你是日本人,平均壽命是 83 歲。
Canada, 82.
加拿大人是 82 歲。
68 in India and Sierra Leone, 50.
印度人平均壽命是 68 歲,而獅子山共和國人則是 50 歲。
79 years but not all of those are free.
並非 79 年的壽命都是可以自由支配的。
If you sleep eight hours a day, you'll sleep for about a third of your life, which cuts that down to fifty three years.
若你一天睡 8 小時,生命中就有三分之一的時間被你睡掉了,也代表你只剩下 53 年的時間可用。
If you're like 68 percent of American students, you'll study from kindergarten to grade 12 and then head to college right after.
你如果像 68% 的美國學生一樣,從幼稚園讀到高三,然後緊接著上大學。
This takes 3 years worth of time from your life, and brings the total down to 50.
這總共花掉你生命中 3 年的時光,而你可用的時間只剩下 50 年。
If you spend a typical 45 years of your life working full-time at 40 hours a week, this amounts to 93 thousand and 6 hundred hours or 12 years of time, which brings a toll down to 38 years.
如果你一週工作 40 小時,並正常的工作了 45 年,那你總共花了 93600 個小時,也就是 12 年的時光在工作上,代表你只剩下 38 年的時間可以自由運用。
If you retire at the current average age of 63, you'll spend about 16 years of your life in retirement which might be nice.
如果你在目前退休的平均年齡—— 63 歲時退休的話,你退休後的生活大約會是 16 年,這聽起來不錯。
But some statistics show that 68 percent of people over the age of 65 suffer from some sort of disablement and require long-term care, so that's not exactly the freest time in your life.
但是一些統計數據顯示, 65 歲以上的人們中,有 68% 的人身體上或多或少有些不便並需要長期照護,所以並非退休後你就自由自在了。
So that brings a total down to 22 years.
也代表你只剩下 22 年的時間可用了。
The average American spends a little over 10 percent of their life cooking, cleaning, eating or doing housework.
This amounts to 8 years of their life and brings a total down to 14 years.
這些事大約佔他們生命中 8 年的時間,使可用的時間只剩下 14 年。
The average American will spend a bit over two and a half percent of the life taking care of kids or family, which amounts to roughly 2 years and brings the total down to 12 years.
美國人平均而言會花約超過生命中百分之 2.5 的時間在照顧孩子或家人,也就是大約 2 年的時間,這讓可用的時間剩下 12 年。
I think most people will agree that those activities are fairly standard and usually considered non-negotiables.
They're gonna happen in our lives, so that means we have twelve years worth of absolute freedom, right?
這些事情就是註定會發生在我們生命中,也就是說,我們的人生只剩下 12 年可以自由運用,對吧?
Well, if you're a typical young adult, you spend about five hours a day on your phone, which amounts to 118 thousand 6 hundred 25 hours over your lifetime, or roughly fifteen years.
如果你是位典型的年輕人,每天大約花 5 小時在手機上,一生中總共是花了 118,625 個小時,或者說大約 15 年時間。
So there goes all your free time.
Or maybe you're not like those young adults, you don't even have a phone.
But if you're like the average American, you spend about 2.5 hours a day watching television, amounting to 57 thousand 9 hundred and 33 hours over the average life, or 7 years that would bring your total down to 5 years.
但如果你是一般的美國人,每天會花大約 2.5 小時看電視,一生中累積下來是 57,933 個小時或者是 7 年的時光,這也代表你只剩下 5 年的自由時光。
This is assuming you only watch 2.5 hours a day and that you start watching at the age of 15.
這假設的基礎是你每天只看 2.5 個小時的電視,而且是從 15 歲才開始看。
So in reality, this number is probably a lot higher in the modern day.
So it's at this point I should ask you how do you feel?
Did it make you sad, happy, shock or maybe angry?
Because how you feel about this data is you telling yourself something important about your own life.
What it didn't say is that, yes, we're going to spend 12 years worth of time at work.
數據沒告訴你的是,沒錯,我們會花 12 年時間在工作上。
But what if it's work that we love?
If we spend the 8 years of our life involved in cooking, cleaning and eating, preparing the best food and maintaining good hygiene, we might be a lot healthier heading into retirement and not require long-term care.
如果我們花 8 年的時間在煮飯、打掃和進食,並準備最好的食材和保持好的衛生習慣,我們也許會在退休後有更健康的身體,而不需要長期照護。
So those 16 years may actually be quite free.
所以退休後的 16 年也許會更自由。
That time spent eating are we mindlessly eating, or are we being present and enjoying the flavors and every bite?
When we're taking care of our kids or family, are we thinking about what happened in the past or the future?
Are we indulging in the present and making new memories?
Are we truly enjoying the time we spend on our phones, or are we mindlessly scrolling through an infinite loop of articles, videos and information?
Do we enjoy watching TV or is it just something to do when there's nothing to do?
The exact precision of the numbers I've presented isn't important.
What is important is the feeling the information gave you.
What I'm trying to say is that life, even if we are truly free for the whole 79 years is extremely short.
我要說的是生命這件事,即時我們真正自由地活到了 79 歲,也還是非常地短暫。
Life has been around for 3.8 billion years on Earth.
生命存在地球上已經約 38 億年了。
You and I are just the tiniest of tiny specks in existence whether we like it or not our clocks are constantly draining.
Our most precious asset, our time, is constantly being fought over and we might never come back.
If you're working a job you hate, that's 12 years of your life gone.
如果你正為了一個你討厭的工作付出時間,你生命就浪費了 12 年!
If you aren't healthy or financially prepared for retirement, that's another 16 years gone.
如果你身體不健康或是沒有為退休之後的經濟做準備,你又有 16 年的時間不見了!
If you're in the habit of constantly checking your phone or going home and watching TV on the couch all day, and you don't really enjoy these activities, that's at least another 10 years of your life gone.
如果你養成不斷看手機或者回家就躺在沙發上看電視的習慣,而你並不享受這些活動的話,這至少又消磨了你生命中寶貴的 10 年。
So it's time to make a decision.
We can do what we think we're supposed to do, or what people tell us to do.
Passively let life pass by and keep on thinking that we have a lot of time left.
Constantly think about the past and worry about the future.
Lose an hour here and an hour there and keep waiting for tomorrow.
Or we can truly understand the shortness of life and start taking control of it.
Start appreciating each moment for what it really is.
A moment we will never get back and become deliberate with our actions.
I'm not advocating anyone hastily quit their job or drop out of school.
Not at all.
Self-disciplined and delayed gratification are great tools that can be used to maximize overall freedom and enjoyment in life.
The only thing I'm advocating is to be mindful of how we spend our own time.
Let's go back to that average value of 12 years of freedom for a second.
我們回來看一下那 12 年的平均自由時間。
That amounts to a hundred and five thousand and a hundred and twenty hours.
總共是 105,120 小時。
Assuming that the 10,000 hour rule is correct.
假設 10,000 小時定律是成立的。
If you use those 12 years of free time perfectly, you could become world class in about 10 different activities.
若你完美運用那 12 年的自由時間,就有可能在約 10 種不同活動中達到世界級水準。
That's crazy, and I've never heard of anyone doing that and it's probably because humans aren't capable of being that efficient.
But if you have at least one big dream in life, I hope you're constantly moving your life towards that and don't care about what other people have to say because you legitimately don't have the time.
But if you focus on your craft and are mindful of your time, I don't think there's any reason you can't become world-class in at least one thing.
Life's too short and you never know when it's gonna end.