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Electric cars are making big waves in the automobile world
These noise-free, pollution-fre and high-performance] vehicles are expected to make their IC engine counterparts obsolete by 2025
00:00:14,830 --> 00:00:21,840 This video will unveil the hidden technologies behind the Tesla model S which recently became the world's fastest accelerating car
We will see how electric cars have achieved superior performance by analyzing the technology behind the induction motor,
這個視頻將揭開.最近成為世界上最快的汽車. Tesla Model S背後的隱藏技術
通過分析感應電動機的技術. 我們將看到電動汽車如何實現卓越的性能
Lithium-Ion battery Power source,
and, above all, the synchronized vehicle mechanism, in a logical step-by-step Manner
The powerhouse of the tesla car is an invention made by the great scientist Nikola Tesla around 100 Years back: the induction motor
00:00:54,489 --> 00:00:58,439 The induction Motor has two main parts: the stator and the rotor
特斯拉汽車的電動機是偉大的科學家(Nikola Tesla) 大約在100年前創造的一款發明.感應電動機.
You can see the construction details of the motor here
The rotor is simply a collection of conducting bars short-circuited by end rings
A three-phase AC power input is given to the stator
The three-phase alternating current in the coils produces a rotating magnetic field. The tesla motor produces a four-pole Magnetic field.
This rotating magnetic field that induces current on the rotor bars to make it turn
線圈中的三相交流電產生旋轉磁場 特斯拉電動機產生四個極的磁場
In an induction motor the rotor always lags behind the RMF.
An induction motor has neither brushes nor a permanent magnet. At the same time it is robust and powerful.
The beauty of an induction motor is that its speed depends on the frequency of the AC power supply.
So just by varying the frequency of the power supply, we will be able to alter the drive wheel speed
This simple fact makes electric car speed control easy and reliable
The motor Supply is from a variable frequency drive, which in turn controls motor speed.
所以只要通過改變電源的頻率. 我們就能夠改變驅動輪速度
The motor speed can range from Zero to 18,000 rpm.
This is the most sizable advantage electric cars have when compared to internal combustion cars.
電動機供應來自變頻驅動器. 變頻器依次進行控制電機轉速
An Internal Combustion engine produces usable torque and power output only within limited speed range
電機轉速可以從零到18,000 轉/分
Therefore, directly connecting the engine rotation to the drive wheel is not a clever idea.
A transmission must be introduced to vary the drive wheel speed
發動機僅在有限的速度內. 產生可用的扭矩和動力輸出範圍
On the other hand an induction motor will work efficiently in any speed range
因此直接將發動機旋轉連接到驅動輪 不是一個聰明的想法
Thus no speed varying transmission is needed for an electric car
moreover an IC engine does not produce direct rotational motion
The linear motion of the piston has to be converted to rotational motion
This causes major problems for mechanical balancing
Not only is the internal combustion engine not self-started like an induction motor
further, the power output of an IC engine is always uneven
Many accessories are needed to solve these issues
On the other hand you will have direct rotational motion and uniform power output with an induction motor
many components in the IC engine can be avoided here
As a result of these factors, a great response rate and higher power to weight ratio comes naturally to an induction motor resulting in superior
另一方面.感應電動機 將具有直接的旋轉運動和均勻的動力輸出
vehicle Performance
But from where does the motor receive power?
From a battery pack
the battery Produces DC power
so before supply get to a motor it has to be converted to AC
An inverter is used for this purpose
This power electronic device also controls the Ac power frequency thus controlling the motor speed
Moreover the Inverter can even vary the amplitude of the ac power which in turn will control the motor power output
Thus the inverter acts as the brain of the electric car
此外.轉換器甚至可以改變AC電力的幅度. 這又將控制電機功率輸出
Now let's turn our focus to the battery pack
You will be amazed to find that they are just a collection of common lithium-ion cells similar to those used in your daily life
The cells are connected in a combination of series and parallel to produce the power required to run your electric car
你會驚奇地發現它們只是一個常見的鋰電池的集合. 就如同於你日常生活中使用的鋰電池
Glycol coolant is passed through metallic inner tubes through the gap between the cells
電池以串聯和並聯組合連接 以產生電動車運行所需的動力
This is one principal innovation of Tesla
by using many small cells instead of a few big cells
Effective cooling is guaranteed
This minimizes thermal hot spots and even temperature distribution is achieved leading to higher battery pack life
這使得熱點最小化.並且實現了溫度分佈. 導致更高的電池組壽命
The cells are arranged as detachable modules
There are 16 such modules in the battery pack constituting around 7,000 cells
The heated Glycol is cooled down by passing through a radiator, which is fitted at the front of the vehicle
被加熱的冷卻劑.通過安裝在車輛的前方 散熱器而被冷卻
Moreover you can see how such a low height battery pack when fitted close to the ground level will lower the vehicle center of gravity
此外.您可以看到如何將這樣一個扁平的電池組 安裝在靠近地面的地方.將降低車輛的重心
The lower of gravity improves the stability of the car considerably
The large battery pack is also spread across the floor offering structural rigidity against side collisions
大電池組也散佈在車身地板上. 提供了結構剛性抵抗側面碰撞
Now let's get back to Tesla's drivetrain
The power produced by the motor is transferred to the drive wheels via a gearbox
As previously discussed, tesla model s uses a simple
如前所述.特斯拉模型S使用簡單的單速傳動. 因為電動機在廣泛的工作條件下是有效的
Single speed transmission because the motor is efficient in a wide range of operating conditions
You can see that output speed from the motor is reduced in two steps
即使實現倒檔也很容易. 在電動車上只需改變電力相位的順序
Even achieving the reverse gear is quite easy in an electric car. Just change the order of the power phase for this
為此.電動車變速器的唯一目的是 降低速度與相關聯的扭矩倍增
The only purpose of electric car transmission is speed reduction and associated torque multiplication
The second component in the Gearbox is a differential
The reduced speed drive is passed to it
You can see this is a simple open differential. However, open differentials, have a problem of traction control
But why does such an advanced car use an open differential rather than a limited slip differential?
但為什麼這樣一輛先進的車輛. 使用開放差速器而不是限滑差速器
The answer is that the open differential is more rugged and can carry more torque
A problem that occurs in an open differential can effectively be overcome with help of two methods: selective braking and
在開放差速器中發生的問題. 如何有效地克服.可以借助兩種方法
cutting the power supply
In an Internal combustion engine this power supply cut by cutting the fuel is not so responsive
In an induction motor, however, the power supply cut is quite responsive and an effective means for obtaining traction control
在感應電動機中.電源切斷是 相當有效獲得牽引力控制的手段
In the tesla this can all be accomplished using a state-of-the-art algorithm with help from Sensors and controllers
在特斯拉.這一切都可以使用最先進的計算. 在傳感器和控制器的幫助下實現
In short, Tesla Motors has replaced a complex mechanical hardware system with smart,
總而言之.特斯拉汽車公司的 智能反應軟件系統已經取代了複雜的機械五金
responsive software
Did you know an electric car could be driven efficiently with the help of just one pedal?
This is due to its powerful regenerative braking system
這意味著以電力的形式節省車輛的巨大動能. 而不會浪費它轉換成熱量.
That means saving the huge kinetic energy of the car in the form of electricity without wasting it as heat
In an electric car, as soon as you release the accelerator pedal the regenerative braking comes into action
有趣的是在再生制動過程中 同樣的感應電動機會變成發電機
The interesting thing is that during the regenerative braking the same induction motor acts as a generator
Here the wheels drive the rotor of the induction motor
We know in an induction motor the rotor speed is less than the RMF speed
將電動機轉換為發電機.您只需確保轉子 速度大於RMF速度
To convert the motor to a generator. You just have to make sure that the rotor speed is greater than the RMF speed
轉換器在調節輸入功率.頻率方面 有著至關重要的作用.並保持RMF速度低於轉子速度
The inverter plays a crucial role here in adjusting the input power frequency and keeping the RMF speed below the rotor speed
這將在固定座線圈中產生電能. 而且高於供電
This will generate electricity in the stator coils, which is way higher than the supplied electricity
The generated electricity can then be stored in the battery pack after the conversion
在此過程中.相反的電磁力作用在轉子上 驅動輪和車量將會減速
An opposing electromagnetic force acts on the rotor during this process, so the drive wheels and the car will slow down
This way vehicle speed can be accurately controlled during the drive using a single pedal
The brake Pedal can be applied for a complete stop
As you might already be aware, electric cars are much safer than internal combustion cars
The cost of maintaining and driving an electric car is much lower than that of an IC engine car
電動車的是通過改進缺點而出現的 高技術電動車.並承諾成為未來的車輛.
With the drawbacks of the electric car evaded through the advent of improved technology, electric cars promise to be the cars of the future
特別感謝 J Garcia 一名電動車專家. 感謝他的技術支持這個視頻.
We think mr.. J. Who Garcia an electric car expert and youtuber for his technical support for this video?
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