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  • Boxing_-How-To-Slip-Punches-with-Kerry-Pharr

  • Kerry Pharr: OK, folks. The next thing weíre going to show you is some defensive drills,

  • how to slip a punch, how to parry a punch, how to block a bunch, different techniques.

  • So weíve got Brian in the stance. Now the first punch that a boxer is generally going

  • to throw at you is going to be his jab. So heís going to stick the jab and if I just

  • tilt my head this way, this is called a slip. It slides right over my shoulder.

  • Now how do I know thatís coming? What I normally do is Iím watching a guyís chest and Iím

  • watching his shoulders. If he turns his shoulder this way, I know that a hook is coming.

  • Now he might feign something. Now I know I can watch by his shoulders and tell what heís

  • going to throw but anyway, heís going to throw a jab and Iím going to slip. Iím just

  • going to turn, basically turn this shoulder, this way and bend. Thatís all Iím doing,

  • just slipping that punch. So thatís how you slip the left jab. Slip.

  • Now I have my hands up, slip, and I will move this hand as I slip to cover my face just

  • in case I donít get it.

  • OK, then a puncher, if heís a right hand fighter, heís going to throw a combination.

  • Left jab, right hand, left hook, right hand. So it only stands to reason after he throws

  • the jab, heís going to throw the jab and I will slip that. The right hand is coming

  • right behind us. So heís going to throw a jab, right hand.

  • So I want to go slip here, slip outside. Slip here, slip outside. Another thing that I used

  • to do when I was a young man was boxing. Because I was so short, when he threw the jab, I would

  • slip. You see Iím slipping here. Iím over here. Then I would roll. I would roll and

  • I would come back with my hook.

  • So Iím going to slip. Iím going to slip this shot here. Iím going to roll it inside

  • and Iím going to throw my hook. Slip and Iím going to roll inside and Iím inside

  • for the shot but slipping, slip, and then the right hand comes. Iím slipping out here.

  • All right. So thatís how you slip a punch. He might throw a right hand and I slip out

  • here but you basically got to have the head ready to go and move the torso left to right.

  • Now, I call this a pick. Itís really called the parry. This is how you parry a punch.

  • Heís going to stick his left jab. Now when he sticks that left jab, if I do not slip

  • that jab, Iím going to get him full in the face with that jab. If I donít slip it, heís

  • going to hit me right in the face. Sove either got to slip that jab or I can parry

  • that jab.

  • Now stick the jab and the parry ñ move a little closer to me, Brian. The parry just

  • means that I push his ñ when he sticks his left hand out there, I just reach ever so

  • slightly and push his left hand off so that it doesnít hit me in the face.

  • Now let me show you how not to parry. If he starts to jab and I reach here ñ come on

  • over and hook behind that Brian. Hook. No, no. Iím going to stick out there. Now hook

  • off of that. If I stick my hand out here, all he has to do is hook. You do not want

  • to reach out here with the parry. When you parry a punch, when he throws a jab, you push

  • the jab right here.

  • OK, put a little weave on it. You push it just an inch or two over here because what

  • happens, anytime you reach out here, the fighter can pull the hand short, come around and hit

  • you with the hook. We can just go over this. So you want to parry this hand here, bring

  • the right hand back here. So the same thing. If he throws the right hand, I can pick it

  • here. I can catch it here. I can also catch it here, here. Another way is I can even catch

  • it with my right hand. So thereís a lot of ways you can do it.

  • Now, when he throws the right hand and if I move this hand here, Iíve got to be careful

  • because heís going to come with the hook. When he comes with the hook, what I want to

  • do is I can catch it here or I can ñ go ahead ñ turn into the shot and then come out and

  • throw a right hand. I can catch the hook, turn my weight into him, boom! Catch it here.

  • Do the same thing if he throws me a right hand and go back here and turn and go with

  • it.

  • All right. Now as heís moving, letís say that Brian is moving to his left and all of

  • a sudden his opponent throws a right hand. Come to the left. All he has to do is drop

  • his hips and duck underneath that punch. Just duck underneath it and notice how he did a

  • very good professional move there. Notice that when he ducks underneath my right hand,

  • heís going to pivot out so that heís in a position to throw a right hand or left hook.

  • So here we go. Heís going to move to the left. I throw a right hand. He goes underneath

  • it and comes back with the right hand. Same thing. If heís moving this way, all he has

  • to do is dip underneath and he can get his right hand. Go again. See? Just duck underneath.

  • Duck underneath. Now come back in the way. Duck underneath. Duck underneath.

  • Now that is called bobbing and weaving. So what you can do as you slip, you slip this

  • way. You slip this way. If I slip to the right, Iím going outside the jab. If I slip to the

  • left, Iím going outside the right hand. But I can also, once I slip ñ this is bobbing

  • and then I come around and Iím weaving. So slip and come on through, Brian. Go ahead

  • and slip yourself, like slip outside my jab and then come on.

  • Weíre going to talk about slip, roll, slip and roll. Slip and roll through. Slip and

  • roll through. Thatís kind of bobbing and weaving. Bobbing is here, moving your head

  • side to side and then rolling. Moving here, moving here, up and down. [0:06:10] [Indiscernible]

  • Male Speaker: Brought it back [Phonetic].

  • Kerry Pharr: OK. One of the things that Muhammad Ali was so great at was he was tall and Iím

  • going to have Brian throw a jab and he would ñ Muhammad Ali would just kind of rock back.

  • As he would move his punch, he would rock away from the punch and have the ability to

  • come right back and throw something. If he throws a right hand, I can rock back. But

  • if I rock back, now watch. Heís going to throw a right hand and Iím going to rock

  • back and not roll my shoulder and he will hit me with that right hand. See?

  • Now what I want to do when I rock back, I want to roll that shoulder so that Iím protecting

  • myself from that there. So I can rock back from the jab, the right hand, either one,

  • and it puts you in the position. You rock back and when you rock back ñ Diamond Jim

  • MacDonald, a fighter that I used to work with who fought Michael Spinks for the light heavyweight

  • championship of the world was fantastic at this. He would stick his jab. He would rock

  • back, boom! Come on the top of the right hand. He knocked out a bunch of fighters with that

  • and had Michael Spinks hurt in the world championship fight just by rocking back and throwing that

  • right hand. [0:07:32]


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拳擊如何滑拳 (boxing how to slip punches)

  • 108 11
    Wing Yung Chan posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary