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  • D’ANN RAUH: Nobody in the world has more Dodge Vipers than I do.

  • COMM: Oil transport company owners D’ann

  • and Wayne have a collection of Dodge Vipers that many would envy.

  • WAYNE RAUH: I did a count this morning and

  • we are to even 80. Out of the 80, I think 21 of them I claim and the rest of them are

  • D’ann’s. So, you can kind of see who really likes the Viper.

  • COMM: The Dodge Viper is one of America’s

  • most iconic sports cars.

  • D’ANN RAUH: I like the Spiderman, my grand

  • kids like Spiderman. It’s a fun car, it’s a good car to put like in parades and things for kids.

  • COMM: The couple’s collection is worth around $7.5 million.

  • WAYNE RAUH: I’m guessing probably the least

  • expensive is 45,000 and the most expensive, boy, that’s hard to say. Sons Of Italy was

  • the most expensive car that we own, we paid $236,000 for that one Viper. This white one

  • with the blue stripes, this is my first Viper. This is actually a Gen 3 Viper.

  • D’ANN RAUH: I do have cars that I call my

  • misfits because they are not Vipers. All and all we have a 140 cars here and they all have to be driven.

  • COMM: The cars have their own dedicated building.

  • D’ANN RAUH: We have two levels here. It’s

  • not just having a place to park them. Each car, you know, does have to be maintained.

  • COMM: Regular maintenance is crucial as the

  • couple use their cars daily.

  • JOHN GASTMAN: They are amazing. A lot of my

  • customers own three or four Vipers, but they don’t drive them. These folks actually use

  • and enjoy their cars, it’s fun.

  • D’ANN RAUH: So I have maybe three that,

  • you know, I don’t just take out. One, no, not the gold one. The gold one got six miles

  • on it. Driving the Vipers is always special. There’s been times where I’ll be driving

  • one and all these people staring at me and, you know, everything is like, ‘Why are they

  • staring at me for?’ It’s like, ‘Oh yeah, I’m in a Viper.’

  • COMM: But it’s not all fun and games as

  • each car must be meticulously cleaned after it’s gone out.

  • WAYNE RAUH: When we go on a trip, I have got

  • a two post lifts, and I pick the car up, pull all the tires off, clean it up top to bottom

  • and that takes a full day per a car to do.

  • COMM: But they have no plans to sell out any time soon.

  • D’ANN RAUH: I have never sold one, I mean,

  • it’s kinda like kids, you know, you don’t just get rid of your kid. Some day, I’m

  • sure, when I’m really really old and no longer able to bend into a Viper, I guess,

  • you know, than they will be sold, but for today theyre not gonna be.

D’ANN RAUH: Nobody in the world has more Dodge Vipers than I do.

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世界上最大的道奇蝰蛇收藏品。 (World's Largest Dodge Viper Collection)

  • 113 5
    rihrong posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary