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♪ (funky music) ♪
- That song's so good.
I want to listen to that on my way home now.
♪ (industrial music) ♪
- (FBE) So today we are going to show you a medley of music
from a popular band, starting with a new song
and then going into their bigger hits. - Ooh, okay.
- Heck yeah!
Those are my favorites.
♪ (soft music) ♪ (footsteps)
(doorbell ringing)
(lightening cracking)
(thunder booming) - What is this?
- Oh, it's Gorillaz.
- Is it the Gorillaz?
Yeah. (laughing) Hell yeah!
- Gorillaz? No.
Oh, Gorillaz!
- Oh, Gorillaz!
- This is Gorillaz!!
OOOH! Aaah, I'm so excited!
- (Russel) Welcoming. - (Murdoc) A little too...
- I'm so excited about their comeback.
- (Murdoc) A little too welcoming, I'd say.
- What is going on? - (Murdoc) ...vacuum.
- (Russel) We should split up and take a look around.
- I want to be part of the Gorillaz!
♪ (mellow hip hop beat) ♪ (laughter)
- I haven't actually heard their new song yet.
♪ Done know how di ting go, a the Unruly boss, don'? ♪
♪ Press the button to begin ♪ - Okay, I dig it.
I like it.
♪ (haunting music) ♪ - Oh my god.
- ♪ All my life ♪
♪ Mi ever have mi gun so mi haffi move sharp like mi knife ♪
- I like it.
- I was digging the animation until it got really trippy.
- ♪ ...when mi get wealthy a ma a mi wife ♪
♪ All my life ♪
- This is different.
It's a little bit different than what they're normally doing.
- ♪ life ♪
- This is so different and creative.
- ♪ All my life ♪
- The pizza's talking. Like, that's so cool.
- ♪ I'm in the stakin' bar ♪ - Oh, that classic voice!
- Who is this?
I feel like I should know them. It sounds familiar.
- Oh man, they're so chill.
The music, the-- - ♪ I'm just a heartbreaker ♪
- Man, that's so weird. It's so trippy.
- ♪ 'Cause I'm out when I'm stakin' ♪
- How do they come up with these things?
- This is the weirdest music video I've ever seen.
- I mean, I feel like it's very them, but it's kind of creeping me out.
- ♪ 'Cause I'm out when I'm stakin' ♪
♪ And the rings I am breaking ♪
♪ Are making... ♪
- To be honest, I'm not really digging this song.
- That looks like a horror film.
(birds chirping happily) What?
♪ (song concludes) ♪ - That's dope.
- Oh, it's daytime. Cool.
(footsteps) (car door shutting)
- (Murdoc) Breakfast? - (Russel) Oh yeah!
I got a real appetite.
- What in the world?
- That's so sick!
It's Gorillaz, dude.
I'm excited for the Gorillaz comeback.
- I wish I was this creative. (chuckling)
I write songs about breakups.
- (FBE) So before we get into their older work,
we're going to show you some new music.
They don't have official music videos released yet,
but they have videos to accompany the audio.
- Okay.
- I like that idea.
It's like they make their own visualizer for their song.
- ♪ We got the power to be loving each other ♪
♪ No matter what happens ♪
- This is the same band?
- ♪ We have the power to do that ♪
- This is, like, a lot faster.
- ♪ On a le pouvoir de s'aimer... ♪
- That's so mesmerizing.
- I like the tempo of the music.
It goes along with the video.
- ♪ We got the power for that ♪
♪ We got the power to do that ♪
- That sounded so different from the other song.
- I could see myself driving on the highway now,
listening to it.
- They mixed it a little bit with sounds right now,
a little poppish, but I still like it.
It's still their voice.
- One of the greatest things that defines Gorillaz
is that, ironically, they are not defined by a genre.
They can make so-- they do make so much different music,
you know, and no song is alike.
♪ (trippy music) ♪
- ♪ Back to when it was cool ♪
♪ (steady mellow beat) ♪
♪ 'Cause there's no... ♪ - Oh my god, yes.
- This is interesting.
Not nearly as chaotic.
- I like this one a little bit more.
It's more chill.
- The other ones were a little bit more, like, hype.
Now this is, like, chill.
- ♪ 'Cause there's no... ♪ - Ooh! I like this song.
♪ (synthesizer notes) ♪ ♪ Ooh, Andromeda ♪
♪ (energetic synthpop) ♪
- I want this music all on my phone right now.
It's so good.
♪ (energetic synthpop) ♪
- Ooh, I really like this one.
- It's got a nice beat.
- ♪ Take it in your heart ♪ - Ooh, bass line.
♪ (singers vocalizing) ♪
♪ Take it in your heart ♪
- I like it.
Like, I really like their sound.
- Oh my gosh. I'm buying this album.
When is it coming out?
- I'm super excited for their comeback.
They're working with a lot of artists that I enjoy.
I have been waiting for a long time.
- (FBE) Here's a few more songs from earlier in their career.
- YES!!!
- I'm excited. I'm hyped.
- ♪ I ain't happy... ♪ - Oh yeah.
I know this song.
- (singing along) ♪ ...sunshine in a bag ♪
- ♪ I'm useless but not for long ♪
- How many years has it been since this song were released?
- ♪ The future is coming on ♪
♪ I ain't happy ♪
- (humming along)
- (singing along) ♪ I got sunshine in a bag ♪
♪ I'm useless... ♪
- I think I still have this on my iPod.
- ♪ The future is coming on ♪
- It's giving me Cartoon Network vibes.
♪ It's coming on ♪ - (vocals) Yeah, ha ha!
♪ It's coming on ♪
(rapping) ♪ Finally, someone let me out of my cage ♪
- This is the definition of genre blending.
- ♪ Now I couldn't be there ♪
♪ Now you shouldn't be scared ♪
♪ I'm good at repairs ♪
♪ And I'm under each snare ♪
♪ Intangible ♪
♪ Bet you didn't think so I command you to ♪
- (singing along) ♪ Panoramic view ♪
♪ Yeah, I'll make all manageable ♪
- A classic song. Like, classic song.
I totally know it, but I can't think of the name.
- I really like the real gritty look of each character, you know,
and the fact that they each have their own kind of personality
and what they do in the music is so sick.
- ♪ The world is spinning too fast ♪
♪ And I'm buying Nike shoes ♪
♪ To keep myself tethered ♪
♪ To the days... ♪
- I don't know this song.
This is a new one for me.
(tires screeching) - ♪...slow down ♪
♪ You must make your own shoes ♪ (tire screeching)
- I want to know what they look like.
- I want to know what they look like,
instead of these little characters.
- Have they shown their faces on newer concerts?
No, I don't think so, right?
- I think I'm enjoying the animation more than the actual music.
- I've always loved their graphics in their videos.
No one else does anything like this.
♪ (song concluding) ♪
- So sick!
Gorillaz has really paved the way for those kind of voices
without a person behind it.
- ♪ You've got to press it... ♪
- Oh my gosh! I know this song.
- This is Gorillaz?
I had no idea!
♪ (funky music) ♪
♪ Hold it down ♪
♪ Dare ♪
- That just makes you want to dance.
That's exactly how I feel on the inside.
- You can turn on the lights on and off really quick, guys,
so I just get into the mood.
- ♪ Jump back and forth ♪
♪ And feel like you were there... ♪
- A real person.
- ♪ Work it out ♪
♪ (funky beat) ♪
- They did the DJ music before it was DJ music.
- I like that and the video they mixed the animation with,
like a real life person.
- All right, come on, you got Feel Good Inc.
- ♪ Windmill, windmill for the land ♪
- Oh my god.
I'm sure everyone right now is going,
"Oh my god! I know that song!"
- Oh my gosh. I love this song.
- This is the song that everyone talks about.
- Maybe the first song every Gorillaz fan has heard.
- (singing along) ♪ Take it all in on your stride ♪
- ♪ It is sticking, falling down ♪
♪ Love forever, love is... ♪
- Like, this is music you listen to when you're driving down the highway
right next to the beach.
- (rapping) ♪ Laughing gas these hazmats ♪
- I'm honestly hearing a lot of similarities
between their old music and their new music.
- ♪ It's my chocolate attack ♪
♪ Shoot, I'm steppin' in the heart of this here ♪
- That bass line is so funky.
- ♪ Watch me as I gravitate ♪ (laughing)
- I want my Gorillaz rendition.
I want someone to draw me as part of the Gorillaz.
- ♪ Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it ♪
- That song's so good.
I want to listen to that on my way home now.
Every song is so different.
They have one that sounds like a RnB,
and another one sounds like poppy boy band.
- I'm going to probably go home on Spotify and listen to them now.
- They're working with so many of my new favorite artists,
so it's really sick to have Gorillaz, who are so [bleep] awesome
from when I was a kid, to now... now be even better.
- (FBE) So this was Gorillaz. - Oh my god!
Oh, my friends are going to be so mad at me.
- (FBE) Who are well-known for not being an actual band,
but a virtual band. - A virtual band?
Is it like Hatsune Miku type of deal? - (FBE) Kind of.
- Oh really?
- (FBE) So the band consists of two permanent members,
one who does the music, and one who does the visuals
as well as other artists and musicians who contribute to the band.
But they said the reason they wanted to create a virtual band
was to comment on the lack of substance within popular music.
- I was not aware of that. That's so amazing.
That's like a true artist.
- Their band seems more of like a collective.
It sounds like they consider the person that visualizes
all of this digitally like a part of their group.
- (FBE) What do you think about them being a virtual band like this
for over 20 years?
- It's just like with anything that you're trying to sell.
It has to be different.
So that was their thing that made them different.
- I actually love it.
There's mystery behind it.
- That's so innovative on their part
because you're able to always change what you're doing
because you have so many people working on something.
- It forces the audience to focus more on the music
instead of being like, "Oh, I like this song
because it's Nicki Minaj."
It makes you focus on whether you truly like the song or not.
- Marshmallow, you never see his face.
Daft Punk, they wear the cool space helmets.
I don't really think it matters.
- The Chainsmokers is two guys, but in every song they have new artists
come in and help them with their songs,
so I feel like they do kind of what DJs do now,
but they did it a long time ago before it was a thing.
- (FBE) So finally, coming in April, Gorillaz will be releasing
their first full album since 2011. - That's so cool!
- (FBE) Are you going to check it out when it gets released?
- Hell yeah, I'm going to check it out.
They're one of my all-time bands
so because they're coming out with new music,
I'm going to check it out.
- Yeah!
They've had so many hits.
There's definitely going to be a hit, at least one.
- Now that I know more about them--
I didn't know about their whole digital whatever--
I think that's such a cool concept, so I'm definitely going to check it out.
- Hell yes!
I'm going to go down to my local music shop,
I'm going to pick up the album, and that's getting played
for a month straight.
- Thanks so much for watching another episode of College Kids React.
- Subscribe! We have new React episodes four times a week.
- What band should we cover next?
Let us know in the comments.
- Thanks for watching, everyone. See you next time.
- Hey, guys, it's Ethan here from FBE.
Thank you so much for watching this episode of College Kids React.
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