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  • Yeah, hey.


  • Something has come up and I can't make the meeting.

    有些東西出現了, 我不能去開會了

  • Yeah, can we call it off until next Tuesday?

    是啊,我們能不能取消呢? 直到下週二?

  • Okay.


  • No, no. Ask her to just, you know,

    不,不。問她 只是,你知道,

  • just fill out the registration form and we'll just see her next Tuesday.

    只需填寫報名表 我們下週二就能見到她了。

  • Okay. Yeah.


  • Okay, see you Tuesday.


  • Yeah. Bye.


  • Hey, everyone. I'm Alex.


  • Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this important English lesson on using English at work.

    感謝您的點擊,歡迎來到這個重要的 工作中使用英語課。

  • And today we are going to look at "10 Phrasal Verbs for the Office".

    而今天我們要看的是 "辦公室的10個短語動詞"。

  • So, if you have an office job, any type of office job, these phrasal verbs are very,

    所以,如果你有一份辦公室工作,任何類型的。 辦公室工作,這些短語動詞很。

  • very common in any English-speaking workplace.

    屢見不鮮 講英語的工作場所。

  • So let's start with the first five, we'll talk about them, we'll look at some examples,

    所以,我們先從前五項開始,我們將。 談到它們,我們就來看一些例子。

  • and I'll explain them for you guys.

    且聽下回分解 他們為你們。

  • So, number one: "to fill out".


  • Now, "to fill out" basically means to complete.

    現在,"填寫 "基本上 是指完成。

  • And this is usually in the context of a form.

    而這通常是在 形式的背景下。

  • So: "Did she fill out the registration form?",

    那麼"她有沒有填寫 登記表?"。

  • "Oh, if you're interested in working here, please fill out this application."

    "哦,如果你有興趣在工作中 在這裡,請填寫這份申請表。"

  • Okay?


  • So you fill out or complete a form.

    所以你填寫或 填寫一份表格。

  • Next: "to run out (of) something".

    下一個"耗盡 的"。

  • Now, I put the "of" in parenthesis because you can just say: "Oh, it ran out",

    現在,我把 "的 "放在括號裡,是因為 你可以只說,"Oh, it ran out",

  • or "something ran out of something else".

    或 "沒東西了 的東西"。

  • So, for example, if something runs out it means you have used all of it and there is

    所以,舉例來說,如果某樣東西用完了,它就會 意味著你已經用完了,而且還有

  • no more left.


  • Now, in the office usually this refers to some kind of supply, some kind of inventory

    現在,在辦公室裡,這通常指的是 備貨

  • item that you have no more of because you ran out of it.

    瑕疵品 因為你沒有了。

  • For example: "The printer ran out of ink."

    例如:"打印機 沒墨水了。"

  • Or you can say: "Oh no. We ran out of paper",

    或者你可以說,"哦,不,我們沒紙了", 我們沒有紙了"。

  • or "We ran out of pens. We need to order more pens."

    或 "我們沒有筆了。我們 需要訂購更多的筆。"

  • Okay?


  • So if you run out of something it means you have used all of it and there's no more left,

    所以,如果你用完了某樣東西,就意味著你... 已經用完了,沒有了。

  • you need to order more.


  • Next: "note down".


  • This is very common in meetings, and "to note down" simply means to write.

    這種情況在會議上非常常見,而且 "記下來 "簡單來說就是寫。

  • For example: "Did you note down the main points from the meeting?"

    例如:"你記下了嗎?"你有沒有記下 會議的主要內容?"

  • I used to have a boss, and any time I had a meeting with him, if I came into that meeting

    我以前有一個老闆,任何時候我有一個。 與他見面,如果我來到那個會議,

  • with no paper, with no pen, he would...

    無紙,有 沒有筆,他會...

  • He would not start the meeting.


  • He said: "Okay, we're going to have a long meeting for 30 minutes, 60 minutes, you need

    他說。"好吧,我們要有一個漫長的... ... 30分鐘、60分鐘的會議,你需要。

  • to note down the important points from the conversation.

    記下 談話中的要點。

  • Alex, go get a pen and a paper."


  • Good times.


  • Okay, next: "to back up".


  • Now, this context is usually used for files on your computer.

    現在,這種情況通常是 用於電腦上的文件。

  • So: "to back up your files", "back up your information", "back up your data"

    所以,"備份你的文件","備份你的文件","備份 您的資訊"、"備份您的數據"

  • means to make an extra copy.


  • So, for example: "Make sure to back up your files."

    所以,比如說"確保 來備份你的文件。"

  • A lot of people use, you know, online storage spaces to back up important information.

    很多人使用,你知道,在線存儲。 空間來備份重要資訊。

  • You might have something in your email address, you might have something like the...

    你的電子郵件中可能有一些東西 地址,你可能會有一些像... ...

  • At this point, the cloud or, you know, like your Google Drive or something like that,

    在這一點上,雲或,你知道的,如 你的谷歌驅動器或類似的東西。

  • or maybe you have an external hard drive where you back up your files or a USB stick to back

    或者你有一個外部硬盤,在那裡 你備份你的文件或者用隨身碟來備份

  • up your files.


  • So it just means make an extra copy in case the original copy gets deleted or erased by

    所以,這只是意味著要多做一份,以備不時之需。 原版被刪除或擦除

  • accident, or because of a virus or something like that.

    意外,或因 病毒或類似的東西。

  • All right, next: "come up".


  • So, if something comes up at the office it means that something has happened or it has arisen.

    所以,如果辦公室裡出現了什麼事情,那就意味著。 事情已經發生或已經出現。

  • So, for example: "An urgent situation has just come up."

    所以,比如說"一個緊急的 情況剛剛出現。"

  • So if something comes up it's something that just happens, surprises you.

    所以,如果有什麼事情出現了,它的東西 這只是發生,讓你感到驚訝。

  • So, for example, if one of your employees...

    所以,比如說,如果一個人 你的員工...

  • If you are a boss, for example, and one of your employees quits...

    例如,如果你是一個老闆,並且 你的一個員工辭職...

  • And you're in a meeting and the employee comes in and quits, and you say:

    而你在開會,而該員工 進來就辭職,你說。

  • "I can't finish this meeting. Something urgent has come up.

    "我開不完這個會。 有緊急的事情發生了。

  • Somebody is quitting." Okay?


  • So something comes up, happens, arises without kind of you expecting it to.

    所以有些事情出現了,發生了,產生了 沒有種你期待的。

  • Okay, next: "keep up with".


  • So, "to keep up with something" means to follow or to keep pace with something in the context

    所以,"與時俱進 "的意思是,要按照 或與時俱進

  • of business, office work.


  • Let me give you one example.


  • "Have you been keeping up with the latest news?

    "你一直保持 掌握最新的消息?

  • Have you been following the latest news?"

    你是否一直在關注 最新的消息?"

  • You can also talk about a business keeping up with trends, with things that are happening

    你也可以談一個企業跟上 隨著趨勢,隨著正在發生的事情

  • in their line of business now.


  • Okay?


  • Next: "set up".


  • So, "to set something up" means to organize it or to, you know, get it started.

    所以,"立事 "就是整理的意思。 或者,你知道,讓它開始。

  • So, for example: "Could you help me set up the new printer?

    所以,比如說"你能不能 幫助我設置新的打印機?

  • Could you help me plug it in and make sure everything is okay, make sure the software

    你能不能幫我把它插上,並確保。 一切正常,確保軟件

  • is on the computer?


  • And could you help me set it up?"

    你能不能幫忙 我把它設置好?"

  • It's not only for objects.


  • You can set up a meeting or organize a meeting.

    您可以安排一個會議 或組織會議。

  • You can set up a holiday party, for example.

    你可以設置一個假期 比如說,黨。

  • Next: "go through".


  • So, if you go through something, this simply means you experienced it and usually it's

    所以,如果你經歷了一些事情,這簡直是。 意味著你經歷過,通常是

  • something difficult that you had to survive.

    難於上青天 你必鬚生存。

  • So: "He's going through a difficult time."

    所以說"他正在經歷 困難時期。"

  • Think of you're going through, like you're experiencing something that is difficult and

    想想你正在經歷的,就像你是... 患難見真情

  • challenging.


  • Okay?


  • Next: "find out".


  • So, "to find out" means to discover, or to obtain or get information.

    所以,"發現 "就是發現的意思。 或獲取或獲得資訊。

  • So, for example: "How did you find out about our company?"

    所以,比如說"你是怎麼 瞭解我們公司的情況?"

  • This is a very common question that you will see on company websites.

    這是一個非常常見的問題 您將在公司網站上看到。

  • It's also something that you might be asked at an interview.

    這也是你 可能在面試時被問到。

  • "How did you find out about our company?

    "你是怎麼發現的 關於我們公司?

  • How did you discover the information about our company?"

    你是怎麼發現的? 我們公司的資訊?"

  • All right?


  • And finally: "to call off".


  • "Call off" means to cancel.

    "叫停 "就是取消。

  • Usually this is in the context of a meeting.

    通常情況下,這是在 會議的背景下,。

  • So, for example: "Can we call off the conference call?"

    所以,比如說"我們可以叫 關閉電話會議?"

  • I just realized I didn't put a question mark and I didn't close my quotation marks, here.

    我才發現我沒有打上問號。 我沒有關閉我的引號,在這裡。

  • Just give me a sec, guys.


  • Preparation is everything. Right?

    準備是一切。 對吧?

  • That's what happens when I have people calling me all day.

    這就是發生了什麼,當我有 人們整天給我打電話。

  • Okay, so "call off".

    好吧,所以 "取消"。

  • So you can call off a meeting, you can call off a conference call, for example.

    所以,你可以取消會議,你可以。 例如,叫停電話會議。

  • For example: "Can we call off (cancel) the conference call?

    例如:"我們可以叫停嗎? 電話會議?

  • I'm not ready, or something important has come up."

    我還沒準備好,還是什麼 重要的已經出現了。"

  • All right, so today we looked at 10 very important, very common phrasal verbs that you can use

    好了,今天我們看了10個非常重要的。 常見的短語動詞,你可以使用。

  • at your office, at your job, at work.

    在你的辦公室,在 你的工作,在工作。

  • If you want to test your understanding of these phrasal verbs, as always, you can

    如果你想測試你對 這些短語動詞,一如既往,你可以

  • check out the quiz on


  • And if you enjoyed the video, if you like what I do here, don't forget to subscribe to the channel,

    如果你喜歡這段視頻,如果你喜歡我的東西。 在這裡做,不要忘了訂閱該頻道。

  • like my Facebook fan page, check me out on Twitter, and

    喜歡我的Facebook粉絲頁。 在Twitter上查看我,並

  • that's basically it.


  • I mean, that's what we do.


  • engVid, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.

    engVid,YouTube。 臉書、推特。

  • That's it so far.


  • I'm thinking about Instagram, but I don't think my photos are that interesting, so forget it.

    我在考慮Instagram,但我不認為。 我的照片是那麼有趣,所以算了吧。

  • All right, so til next time guys, thanks for clicking and...

    好了,所以直到下一次的傢伙。 謝謝你的點擊和...

  • [Telephone rings]


  • Oh, one second.


  • Hello?


  • Oh, yeah, okay.


  • No, we can set something up for next week.

    不,我們可以設置一些 了下週。

  • Okay.


  • Yeah, no. I don't care what you're going through.

    是的,沒有。我不在乎 你正在經歷什麼。

  • We'll just set it up. Okay?


  • Just... Just do it.


Yeah, hey.


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