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Hello, my name is Shannon morse, and I am one of the hosts of hack five
Thank you so much for [visiting] our page at slash hack 5 or hack 5 org with over
1,000 videos on our page a common question that we get is where do I start?
[we] have assembled several different playlists by topic [so] [you] can easily follow along with a specific series on your own time
So if you already have a topic in mind such as software-defined radio
which is one of my favorites you [can] just click on over to [our] playlist and browse for that series of episodes on YouTube [if]
You are completely new to our channel and to hacking in general. I would recommend starting with our hack tip series
We break down many many common theories tools and protocols that you will run into such as network mapping
Reconnaissance Linux terminal commands and so much more really get you started and once you feel ready
you can check out our main show Hack 5 for more in-depth tutorials and
You can also learn [the] ins and outs of metasploit from our resident [pro] Mubix's in our show metasploit minute learn about the latest
In [security] privacy and internet freedom from our show threat wire or find practical consumer Tech advice from our show
Tech thing new videos are released every single week on and slash Hack 5
So if we haven't already done a segment on it yet, don't worry
we probably will check out all [of] our shows and make sure to subscribe so you don't miss anything and
Remember to trust your technolust