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  • - Before I start I'm going to take a vacation to a beautiful place called "Someday Isle".

    - 在我開始之前,我要先去休假了 到一個叫 "某日島 "的美麗地方。

  • Use proven success methods.


  • Problem unsolved is merely a goal unachieved.


  • Time management is the sun and everything that I do is the planets in orbit.

    時間管理是陽光和一切 我做的是在軌道上的行星。

  • "Boy, that's pretty obvious".


  • Yes, but it's the most obvious answers that we overlook.

    是的,但這是最明顯的答案。 我們忽略了。

  • You become what you think about most of the time.

    你變成了你所想的大部分 時候。

  • And my natural response, "Aaagh!" Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world".

    而我的自然反應是:"啊!"甘地說。 "做你想在世界上看到的改變"。

  • The rule is form good habits and make them your masters.

    規則是形成良好的習慣,並使之成為 你的主人。

  • You're only as young or as old as your dreams.


  • - He's a motivational speaker and author.

    - 他是一位勵志演講家和作家。

  • - He's Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International.

    - 他是Brian Tracy International的董事長兼CEO。

  • - He's consulted for over 1,000 companies and addressed more than five million people.

    - 他曾為1000多家公司提供諮詢。 並向500多萬人發表了講話。

  • - He's Brian Tracy, and here are his top 10 rules for success.

    - 他是布萊恩-特雷西,以下是他的10個最愛。 成功的規則。

  • - Most people have good, great goals.

    - 大多數人都有好的、偉大的目標。

  • "I want to increase my income, and lose weight, "and get out of debt, and be thin "and happy

    "我想增加收入,還想減肥。 "擺脫債務,瘦身,快樂"

  • and healthy, and have a wonderful family".


  • But then they decide, "But before I start "I'm going to take a vacation "to a beautiful

    但他們決定,"但在我開始之前, "我要去一個美麗的地方度假"

  • place called 'Someday Isle'".


  • And in my estimation, 80% of the population lives on "Someday Isle".

    而據我估計,80%的人口 住在 "某日島"。

  • "Someday I'll lose some weight.


  • "And someday I'll read that book and listen to that program, "and join The S Network"

    "總有一天我會讀到那本書,聽著... 到該計劃,"並加入S網絡"

  • And "Someday I'll get out of debt, "someday I'll increase my income ..." But it's always

    "總有一天我會擺脫債務,總有一天" 我會增加收入......"但它總是

  • "Someday I'll ..." If you want to be great successors one vague simple rule is vote yourself

    "總有一天我會......"如果你想成為偉大的人 繼承人 一個模糊的簡單規則是自己投票

  • off the island, for life.


  • If you decide you're going to do something, do it.

    如果你決定要做一件事。 做到這一點。

  • You know, they've done dozens and dozens of studies over the years, they've found that

    你知道,他們已經做了幾十,幾十的。 多年來的研究,他們發現。

  • there's one major difference between successful people and unsuccessful people, is successful

    成也蕭何,敗也蕭何 人和不成功的人,是成功的。

  • people launch, they start, they get on with it, they just do it.

    人們啟動,他們開始,他們繼續 它,他們只是做它。

  • Unsuccessful people get the same ideas and the same information, but they've always got

    不成功的人也會有同樣的想法和。 同樣的資訊,但他們總是得到了。

  • an excuse for not starting.


  • If you want to be successful and starting a business then you study what people have

    如果你想成功並開始 一個企業,那麼你研究什麼人有

  • learned, and everything that has learned that's written down or shared in seminars or put

    學到的東西,以及一切已經學到的東西,都是。 寫下來,或在研討會上分享,或放在

  • unto audio programs is ... I've learned this from a very wise man named Kop Kopmeyer, who

    對音頻節目的影響是...我學過這個 從一個叫Kop Kopmeyer的智者那裡,他

  • spent more than 50 years studying success, and he had developed more than 1,000 success

    花了50多年的時間研究成功。 他已經開發了1000多個成功的案例。

  • principles that he'd drive out of something like 6,000 books.

    原則,他要趕出的東西 像6000本書。

  • And when I met him I asked him the question you would ask, "Of all this 1,000 principles,

    當我見到他的時候,我問了他一個問題 你會問:"這1000條原則中。

  • 'cause I've studied it all, "which is the most important principle of all?"

    因為我都研究過了,"這是... 最重要的原則?"

  • And he said, "Brian", he said, "it's simple".


  • He said, "Use proven success methods".


  • He said, "Learn from the experts".


  • He said, "Brian, you'll never live long enough "to learn it all for yourself".

    他說:"布萊恩,你永遠也活不長了 "要自己學"。

  • So why I find is that successful people are those who learn from others who've gone before

    所以為什麼我發現,成功的人都是 前車之鑑

  • them.


  • Unsuccessful people try to make it all up, like a cook going into the kitchen, taking

    不成功的人想把這一切都做出來。 就像一個廚師走進廚房,採取

  • ingredients out of cover, throwing them all in a bowl and wondering why it doesn't taste

    扔掉 在一個碗裡,想知道為什麼它沒有味道

  • good.


  • This is why people careers, why 80% of salespeople are functioning way below their potential,

    這也是為什麼人們的職業,為什麼80%的銷售人員 正在以低於其潛力的方式運作。

  • only 20% make all the money, why 20% of businesses in any industry make all the profits, why

    只有20%的人賺到了所有的錢,為什麼20%的企業能賺到錢 賺得盆滿缽滿

  • 20% of the professionals in any service make 80% of the money, and so on, it's because

    在任何服務中,20%的專業人員使 80%的錢,以此類推,是因為

  • they've followed proven success principles, proven recipes, proven formulas, proven combinations.

    他們遵循了經過驗證的成功原則。 成熟的配方,成熟的公式,成熟的組合。

  • And they just do them over and over again until they master them, then they can do more

    他們只是做他們一遍又一遍 直到他們掌握它們,然後他們可以做更多的事情。

  • and more of 'em, faster and faster, easier and easier, at a higher level of quality.

    和更多的'時間,更快,更快,更容易。 而且更容易,品質水準更高。

  • And all that translates into greater results.


  • Make a list of 10 things, 10 goals that you'd like to accomplish in the next year or so,

    列出10件事,10個目標,你會。 想在未來一年左右的時間裡完成。

  • and as this question: "if I could only accomplish one goal on this list, "which one goal would

    和這個問題一樣,"如果我可以完成 這張清單上的一個目標,"哪一個目標會

  • have "the greatest positive impact on my life?"

    對我的生活有 "最大的積極影響"?

  • If you could only accomplish one goal in life, which one goal would have the greatest positive

    如果你只能完成一個人生目標。 哪一個目標會產生最大的積極影響?

  • impact on your life?


  • Now, for most people, especially when you're maturing in your career, when you're growing

    現在,對於大多數人來說,特別是當你是... 在事業上不斷成熟,在成長上不斷壯大

  • up, the biggest goal is money.


  • If you had money then you could buy a house, home, a car, family lifestyle and so on.

    如果你有錢,那麼你可以買房子。 房屋、汽車、家庭生活方式等。

  • So that's quite normal.


  • For other people maybe a health goal.


  • For business owners maybe a business goal.


  • For people with relationship problems maybe a relationship goal.

    對於有感情問題的人來說,也許 一個關係目標。

  • But ask yourself, if you could achieve one goal or resolve one problem, and, remember,

    但捫心自問,如果你能實現一個 目標或解決一個問題,並且,記住。

  • a problem unsolved is merely a goal unachieved, which one would it be?

    懸而未決的問題,只是一個沒有實現的目標。 會是哪一個?

  • And write that down and make that the major and definite purpose of your life.

    並將其寫下來,作為主要 和明確的人生目標。

  • Make it the central organizing principle of your life.

    將其作為中心組織原則 你的生活。

  • When I was a young man I had a revelation that changed my life.

    當我還是個年輕人的時候,我有一個啟示。 改變了我的生活。

  • I had read articles and sometimes books on time management over the years, and made some

    我讀過一些文章,有時也讀過一些關於 幾年來,在時間管理方面,做了一些

  • lists and set some priorities and things like that, and I've always felt, however, that

    列表,並設定一些優先事項,如 然而,我一直覺得,...

  • my life was the sun and that all the different factors of my life were like planets that

    我的生命是太陽,所有的不同的。 我生命中的因素就像行星一樣

  • orbited around my life.


  • And whether it was physical fitness or socializing or work or time management, they were all

    而不管是體能還是社交 或工作或時間管理,他們都是

  • planets in orbit.


  • What changed my life is when I realized that time management is the sun and everything

    是什麼改變了我的生活是當我意識到 時間管理是太陽和一切

  • that I do is the planets in orbit.


  • Everything we do in life revolves around time because time is life.

    我們在生活中所做的一切都圍繞著時間展開 因為時間就是生命。

  • Time is the substance of our life.


  • Is that the quality of your life is determined by the quality or your time management, that

    是你的生活品質決定了 由品質或你的時間管理,這

  • everything we have or are or ever will be will be a direct result of how we use our

    我們所擁有的或現在的或將來的一切 將是我們如何使用我們的直接結果。

  • time.


  • And the wonderful thing is we're always free to choose how we use our time.

    最美妙的是我們總是免費的 選擇如何使用我們的時間。

  • There's a process which has made more people rich than any other single process of goals

    有一個過程,讓更多的人知道了。 比其他任何單一的目標過程都要豐富

  • achieving, and it's to take your major goal and structure it as a question.

    實現,而且是要把你的主要目標 並將其結構為一個問題。

  • If your goal is to earn $100,000 a year then you write, "How can I earn "$100,000 in the

    如果你的目標是每年賺取10萬美元,那麼你的目標是 你寫道:"如何才能賺取 "10萬元在。

  • next 12 months?"


  • That's an open-ended question, not "how can I earn it at my job?" or doing a specific

    這是一個開放性的問題,而不是 "如何才能"。 我在工作中賺到了嗎?"或者說做一個特定的。

  • thing, just an open-ended question, "How can I earn the amount of money?"

    的事情,只是一個開放性的問題,"如何才能。 我賺了多少錢?"

  • And then you discipline yourself to write 20 answers to the question.

    然後你就會約束自己去寫 20個問題的答案。

  • And the 20 answers are all the different things that you could think of to earn $100,000.

    而這20個答案都是不同的東西 你能想到的賺10萬的。

  • "Work longer", "Work harder", "Upgrade my skills", "Get a new job", "Take a part-time

    "工作時間更長"、"工作更努力"、"升級我的 技能"、"找一份新工作"、"找一份兼職工作"。

  • opportunity".


  • Whatever happens to be, write down everything you could think of, but force yourself to

    不管發生什麼事,都要寫下來 你能想到的,但強迫自己

  • write at least 20 questions -- 20 answers to the question.

    至少寫20個問題--20個答案 的問題。

  • The 20-question method, called "mindstorming", forces you to dig deep, deep into your mind

    20題法,稱為 "頭腦風暴"。 迫使你深挖,深挖你的思想。

  • where you will find all your answers, and it may be "Call a person" or "Read a book".

    在那裡你會找到所有的答案,以及 可能是 "叫人",也可能是 "看書"。

  • Let me give you an example.


  • We had a young fellow entrepreneur, he got 35 years old, he built this successful business,

    我們有一個年輕的創業同伴,他得到了 35歲,他建立了這個成功的企業。

  • he worked to it 10 years to do it.


  • And he, for two years, wanted to sell his business so he could take a year off and travel,

    而他,兩年來,想賣掉他的。 生意,這樣他就可以休息一年,去旅行。

  • enjoy his money.


  • And so, for two years he just sort of floundered around, like a fish on the dock, wanting to

    所以,兩年來,他只是有點無所適從。 周圍,就像碼頭上的魚兒,想。

  • sell his business.


  • Nobody offered to buy it.


  • He suggested it to people, people were not interested, and so on.

    他向人們建議,人們不 興趣,等等。

  • And in this exercise that they put him through, his 20th answer, often it's the 20th answer

    而在這次他們讓他經歷的練習中。 他的第20個答案,往往是第20個答案。

  • that is the breakthrough, was "Buy a book on how to sell your own business".

    這就是突破口,是 "買書"。 關於如何出售自己的生意"。

  • And it just went off like a flash bulb in his mind.

    然後它就像一個閃光的燈泡一樣消失了。 他的思想。

  • At the break he got up, he was at a downtown hotel, got up, went down the street to a major

    休息的時候,他起身,他在市區的一家。 飯店,起身,走到街邊的一家主要的

  • bookstore, went and found, he was amazed of the number of books that have been written

    書店,去了之後發現,他驚訝於 成書量

  • on how to buy and sell a business.


  • So he bought two or three books.


  • Two months later he had restructured, packaged his business, sold it completely, satisfactorily,

    兩個月後,他重組了,包裝了 他的生意,賣得很徹底,很滿意。

  • and took a year off.


  • He said, but just a single idea, it was a breakthrough idea, but it was so simple, just

    他說,但只是一個想法,這是一個。 突破性的想法,但它是如此簡單,只是。

  • get a book on the subject.


  • And you think, "Boy, that's pretty obvious".


  • Yes, but it's the most obvious answers that we overlook.

    是的,但這是最明顯的答案。 我們忽略了。

  • Now, the starting point of becoming a millionaire is to remember the greatest discovery of all

    現在,成為百萬富翁的起點。 是為了紀念最偉大的發現

  • of human life which is that you become what you think about most of the time.

    人類生命的意義在於,你會成為 你認為大部分時間。

  • If you sincerely want to be rich to achieve all your financial goals, and to retire as

    如果你真心實意地想致富,以達到 所有的財務目標,並在退休時

  • a self-made millionaire, one of the smartest things you can do is to develop the habits

    百萬富翁,百裡挑一 你可以做的事情是養成習慣。

  • of thinking and acting that enabled others to become self-made millionaires.

    的思想和行為,使他人 以成為自釀的百萬富翁。

  • What is so hard about this to understand?


  • Most people are thinking about the little money they have, they worry about being broke,

    大多數人都在考慮小 他們的錢,他們擔心的是破產。

  • they worry about lack and poverty, they're worrying about the prices of everything, and

    他們擔心缺乏和貧困,他們是 擔心一切的價格,以及

  • they're wondering why they're not flourishing financially.

    他們在想,為什麼他們不興旺呢? 財政上。

  • Because they're thinking about poverty and lack rather than prosperity and abundance.

    因為他們在考慮貧窮和 缺少而不是繁榮和富足。

  • Now, this habits of financial success are learnable, as all habits are, by practice

    現在,這種理財成功的習慣是 習慣成自然

  • and repetition.


  • In other words, you can program yourself to think like self-made millionaires.

    換句話說,你可以給自己編程 像自立門戶的百萬富翁一樣思考。

  • And, remember, it has to start on the inside before it ever comes true on the outside.

    而且,記住,它必須從內部開始。 才會在外面成真。

  • Now, here's an important point: nothing works the first time.

    現在,這裡有一個重要的觀點:沒有什麼是有效的。 第一次。

  • When you try something new, it probably won't work.

    當你嘗試新的東西時,它可能不會。 工作。

  • When you try something new several times, it probably won't work.

    當你多次嘗試新事物時。 它可能不會工作。

  • And the turning point in my life came, when I would hear good ideas and I was so eager

    而我人生的轉捩點來了,當... 我會聽到好的想法,我是如此渴望。

  • to be successful and so, I would run out and try the ideas and they wouldn't work.

    要成功,所以,我會跑出去,並 試想一下,他們不會工作。

  • I try a way of getting an appointment or answering an objection or closing a sale, it wouldn't

    我試著用一種方式來預約或回答。 反對或完成銷售,它將不會。

  • work.


  • And my natural response "Aaagh!".

    而我的自然反應是 "啊!"。

  • And I think you have to be disappointed, and then I realized nothing works at least the

    我想你必須要失望,和。 然後,我意識到,沒有什麼工作,至少是

  • first few times.


  • So I decided I would try a new idea five or 10 times before I pass judgment on it.

    所以,我決定嘗試一個新的想法,五或。 10次後,我才對它作出判斷。

  • I would not jus try it once and quit, like most people do, and that changed my whole

    我不會像你一樣,只試一次就放棄了 大多數人都這樣做,這改變了我的整個

  • life.


  • It was a turning point in my life because I realized from then if you've got a good

    這是我人生的一個轉捩點,因為 我從那時起意識到,如果你有一個好的。

  • idea and you've got a good goal, and you want to double your income and improve the quality

    想法和你有一個好的目標,你想。 賺取雙倍收入,提高質量

  • of your life, and you have to try new things in order to get new results, it's not going

    你的生活,你必須嘗試新的東西。 為了獲得新的結果,它不會。

  • to work the first times and say, "Well, that didn't work", try something else, and try

    第一次工作,並說:"好吧,那......"。 沒有工作",嘗試其他東西,並嘗試

  • something else, and try something else.


  • Now, if you try, only two things can happen, what are they?

    現在,如果你嘗試,只有兩件事會發生。 它們是什麼?

  • Succeed or fail.


  • If you succeed you do more of it, if you fail you learn from it, get smarter and try it

    如果你成功了,你就會做更多的事情,如果你失敗了 學而時習之,不亦說乎?

  • again.


  • So you cannot lose by taking action, you could only lose by not taking action.

    所以,你不能因為行動而失去,你可以 不行動才是輸。

  • The natural tendency when we hear or learn something great is we want to convince everybody

    當我們聽到或學習時的自然傾向 偉大的事情是我們要說服大家

  • else of it.


  • And you see this people who quit smoking suddenly want there be no smoking in the world.

    而你看到這個人誰戒菸突然 希望世界上沒有煙。

  • People who adopt a religion or political philosophy want everybody to join, the next day.

    採用宗教或政治哲學的人 想讓大家加入,第二天。

  • But the very best things, as I mentioned earlier in our seminar, is that you teach men at the

    但最好的東西,正如我前面提到的那樣 在我們的研討會上,是你教男人在

  • school of example, for they will learn in no other.

    榜樣學校,因為他們將在 沒有其他。

  • So what you need to do is be an example, and be an example for an extended period of time.

    所以,你需要做的是以身作則,和。 在較長的時間裡,成為一個例子。

  • Give yourself two, three months, maybe a year, of being the new person.

    給自己兩個月,三個月,也許一年。 的是新的人。

  • When you go on a diet don't insist that everybody else go on a diet the next day, actually go

    當你節食時,不要堅持每個人都要 否則第二天就去節食,其實是去了

  • on a diet, stay on the diet, lose the weight, achieve the level of financial fitness, and

    在飲食上,留在飲食上, 減肥。 達到財務健全的水準,以及

  • attract people so they come to you and say, "What is it that you're doing?" or "What is

    吸引人,所以他們來找你說。 "你在做什麼?"或者 "你在做什麼?

  • it that you're reading?" or "What is it that you have that makes you different?".

    你在讀什麼?"或 "你在讀什麼? 你有讓你與眾不同的東西嗎?"。

  • Only then, when they reach out, do you offer to them.

    只有這樣,當他們伸出援手時,你才會提供。 對他們來說。

  • The flip side of this is that, in the main, people don't change.

    反過來說,主要是,在。 人是不會變的。

  • You can change, and you find it much easier to change if you're with positive people.

    你可以改變,你會發現它更容易。 要改變,如果你和積極的人在一起。

  • It's very hard to change with people who don't want you to change, who want you to be the

    很難改變與人誰不。 想讓你改變,誰想讓你成為的。

  • person that you are.


  • But in the main, people don't change.


  • So sooner or later in life you're often going to have to make some hard choices.

    所以,在生活中,你遲早會常 不得不做出一些艱難的選擇。

  • In the short term, be the person, as Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the

    在短期內,要像甘地那樣,做人。 說:"成為你想看到的改變,在你的生活中。

  • world".


  • Be the kind of person that you want to see, and if that does not bring people around,

    做一個你想看到的人。 如果這樣還不能把人帶過來。

  • then be prepared to go to the next step, be prepared to walk away.

    那就準備好下一步了,要做到 準備走人。

  • Well, Aristotle said that 95% of everything you do is the result of habit.

    亞里士多德說過,95%的事物都是如此 你所做的是習慣的結果。

  • So the rule is, form good habits and make them your masters, rather than allowing bad

    所以,規則是,形成良好的習慣,並讓 他們是你的主人,而不是讓壞

  • habits to form.


  • In fact, the other rule says this, is that, "Good habits are hard to form but easy to

    其實,另一條規則說的是,就是。 "好習慣很難養成,但很容易養成。

  • live with.


  • "Bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with".

    "壞習慣容易養成,但很難活下來。 與"。

  • Now, one of the turning points in my life, in my studies of Psychology was the discovery

    現在,是我人生的一個轉捩點。 在我的心理學研究中,是發現

  • that all habits are learned and can be unlearned.


  • Actually, you don't actually unlearn a habit, you simply replace a bad habit with a good

    其實,你並不能真正的解開一個習慣。 亡羊補牢

  • habit that has more powering impact.


  • And, how do you develop a good habit?


  • You develop a habit by repetition.


  • Almost everything you do from the time you get up in the morning is habit.

    幾乎你所做的一切,從你 早上起來是習慣。

  • So start to think about yourself, what would be the best habits to have?

    所以,開始思考自己,什麼會 是最好的習慣?

  • Good question.


  • "At what age does one give up on their dream?"


  • Never.


  • Goto said this, Henry Ford said this, Rockefeller said this.

    後藤說過,亨利-福特說過,洛克菲勒說過。 說,這。

  • You're only as young or as old as your dreams.


  • As long as you still have dreams and visions and goals, they keep you young.

    只要你還有夢想,還有憧憬 和目標,它們讓你保持年輕。

  • It's the most amazing darn thing.


  • One of the great stories is the story of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

    其中一個偉大的故事是肯塔基州的故事。 炸雞。

  • Once upon a time there was a little boy named Harland, and Harland was taught by his mother

    從前,有一個小男孩叫 哈蘭,而哈蘭是由他的母親教的

  • a special recipe down south the United States on how to make chicken.

    美中不足 關於如何做雞肉。

  • When he grew up he got a job as a short-order cook in a small cafe, and he asked his boss

    長大後他找了份短工的工作 廚師在一家小咖啡館,他問他的老闆。

  • if his boss would be interested in this chicken recipe, and his boss said, "Sure, throw it

    他的老闆會不會對這隻雞感興趣 他的老闆說:"好啊,扔了吧

  • together, "see what the people say".


  • Turned out that everybody liked this special chicken recipe with all these secret herbs

    原來大家都喜歡這個特別的 雞肉配方與所有這些祕密的草藥

  • and spices.


  • Well, for the rest of his career, right up to he was 65 years old he either worked in

    好吧,在他的餘生裡,直到... 到他65歲時,他要麼在

  • little cafes or sometimes he owned the little cafe.

    小咖啡館或有時他擁有的小 咖啡館。

  • When he was 65 he had a little cafe and he was making his chicken, and he had people

    當他65歲的時候,他有一個小咖啡館,而他 正在做他的雞,他有人們

  • coming from all around to eat his chicken, and the highways department built a highway

    從各地趕來吃他的雞。 和公路部門修建了一條高速公路

  • past his little restaurant, his little chicken place, and put him out of business.

    經過他的小餐館,他的小雞 的地方,並讓他破產。

  • It cut off the roads and nobody could get to it.

    它切斷了道路,沒有人可以得到 到它。

  • About the same time he received a social security check, his first social security check the

    大約在同一時間,他收到了社會保險 檢查,他的第一次社會保險檢查

  • age of 65.


  • And he became angry, he said, "I'm 65 years old but I'm not ready to give up on my dreams.

    他生氣了,他說:"我已經65歲了。 老了,但我不準備放棄我的夢想。

  • "What do I have to sell?"


  • And he realized the one thing that had kept him going all those years, the main stay of

    他意識到,有一件事讓他 他走了這麼多年,主要停留的是...

  • his little career was his mother's recipe of 17 or 18 herbs and spices.

    小康不小康,老大徒傷悲 17或18種草藥和香料。

  • So he put them together in little bags, one bag per chicken, and he put his pots and pans

    所以他把它們裝在一起,裝在一個個的小袋子裡 每隻雞一袋,他把他的鍋碗瓢盆。

  • on the back of his old car and he started driving up and down the eastern seaboard going

    在他的舊車後面,他開始了 驅車在東部沿海地區來回奔波。

  • from cafe to cafe to cafe to ask them if they would pay him five cents a bag for his magical

    從一家咖啡館到另一家咖啡館,問他們是否。 願意付給他五分錢一袋的魔力。

  • combination of herbs and spices.


  • He called on more than 1,000 restaurants, sleeping in his car, week after week, and

    他召集了1000多家餐館。 睡在他的車內,週而復始,和。

  • finally he came across a little restaurant in Toronto that agreed to pay him five cents

    最後,他遇到了一家小餐館 在多倫多,他同意支付給他5美分。

  • a bag for his herbs and spices, this is back in the '60.

    袋子裡裝著他的草藥和香料,這是回來了。 在60年代。

  • And because of exchange controls, they had to give the money to the Red Cross.

    而由於外匯管制,他們不得不 把錢交給紅十字會。

  • That was the beginning of the Kentucky Fried Chicken empire.

    這就是肯德基炒飯的開始 雞帝國。

  • He began to sell this recipe more and more, people began to put it on their signs, a major

    他開始越來越多地銷售這個配方。 人們開始把它貼在自己的招牌上,這是一個重要的。

  • corporation came along and said, "We could make a real business of this", so they embraced

    公司來了,說:"我們可以 做出真正的事業",所以他們接受了。

  • him, they built the franchise, they made him one of the best known people in the world.

    他,他們建立了特許經營權,他們讓他。 世界上最著名的人之一。

  • When he died some years later he's worth more than $50 million, because he never gave up

    幾年後他死的時候,他的身價就更高了 超過5000萬美元,因為他從未放棄

  • on his dreams.


  • So I don't know if you're 65, and broke, and living in your car with pots and pans with

    所以,我不知道你是否65歲,破產了,和。 鍋碗瓢盆,住在車裡

  • no money, but wherever you are, you never give up on your dreams.

    沒錢,但無論你在哪裡,你都不會。 放棄你的夢想。

  • - Thank you so much for watching.

    - 謝謝你的觀看。

  • We made this video because Freddie Jr., Jean Batiste, asked us to.

    我們做這段視頻是因為小弗雷迪、小讓 巴蒂斯特,要求我們。

  • So if there's a famous entrepreneur that you want to us to profile next leave it in the

    所以,如果有一個著名的企業家,你。 想讓我們下一次介紹時,請把它留在......。

  • comments below, and we'll see what we can do.

    下面的評論,我們將看看我們能做些什麼。 做。

  • - An please let us know which one of his top 10 rules that you liked the most.

    - 請告訴我們,他的上衣是哪一件? 你最喜歡的10條規則。

  • Please leave a comment below, we will join in at the discussion.

    請在下方留言,我們將加入 在討論中。

  • - Thank you guys for watching.

    - 謝謝你們的觀看。

  • Continue to believe.


  • And we'll see you soon.


  • - Bye.

    - 掰掰

  • - We say that in zero-based thinking you ask this question, "Is there anything that I am

    - 我們說,在零基思維中,你問 這個問題:"有什麼是我的?

  • doing today "that knowing what I now know "I wouldn't get into again today if I had

    今天,"我知道我現在知道的 "我今天如果有了,就不會再進入到

  • to do it over?"


  • We call this a KWINK analysis.


  • "Knowing What I Now Know", KWINK.


  • In times of rapid change there's always areas in your personal and business life that knowing

    在瞬息萬變的時代,總有一些領域是需要我們去做的。 在你的個人和商業生活中,知道

  • what you now know you wouldn't get into again today if you had to do them over.

    明知故犯 今天,如果你不得不做他們重新。

  • Your willingness to ask and honestly answer this question is the key to remaining flexible

    您的提問和誠實回答的意願 這個問題是保持靈活性的關鍵

  • and quick on your feet in times of turbulence.


  • How can you tell if you have a zero-based thinking situation in your life or business?

    如何判斷自己是否有零基礎的? 在你的生活或業務中的思維狀況?

  • Simple: stress.


  • Whenever you experience ongoing chronic stress about any person or a situation you should

    每當你遇到持續的慢性壓力時 關於任何人或事,你都應該

  • ask yourself, "If I was not now in this situation, "knowing what I now know, "would I get into

    捫心自問:"如果我現在不是在這種情況下。 "知道了我現在所知道的,"我會不會進入

  • it again today?"


  • This is a great question.


  • Here's another question for you: what percent of the time do you think that you would turn

    這裡還有一個問題要問你:百分之幾? 你認為你會轉到

  • out to be wrong?


  • Well, the answer, according to the American Management Association, is about 70%.

    嗯,答案是,根據美國 管理協會,約為70%。

  • 70% of your decisions will turn out to be wrong in the fullness of time.

    你70%的決定會變成 錯在時間的全部。

  • It's amazing how many people will stay in a bad situation or continue with a bad course

    令人驚訝的是,有多少人會停留在 亡羊補牢

  • of action because of their unwillingness or inability to admit that they made a mistake

    因為他們不願意或 不敢認錯

  • or that they were wrong in the past.


  • But, remember this, when you made the decision it was probably a good decision, based on

    但是,你要記住,當你做出這個決定的時候 這可能是一個好的決定,基於

  • the situation at that time, but now the situation has changed.

    當時的情況,但現在的情況......。 已經改變了。

  • Now you have to evaluate your situation based on the current reality.

    現在,你必須評估你的情況,根據 就目前的現實情況。

  • Recognize that everything that you achieve in life is going to be with the help or support

    認識到你所取得的一切 在生活中要在別人的幫助或支持下

  • or cooperation of other people.


  • So always think, what is it that other people want and need from me?

    所以,總要想一想,別人是什麼? 想從我這裡得到什麼和需要什麼?

  • How can I help other people so they'll want to help me back?

    我怎麼才能幫助別人,讓他們願意 幫我回去?

  • If you're in sales, tough sales people think about their customers all the time, they think

    如果你是做銷售的,強硬的銷售人員認為 他們一直在為客戶考慮,他們認為

  • about who their customers are, and what they customers want, and how they can help them

    誰是他們的客戶,以及他們 客戶的需求,以及如何幫助他們

  • the most, and how they can help them even more today.

    以及他們如何幫助他們甚至是 今天更多。

  • In their relationships, successful people are very focused on the most important people

    在他們的關係中,成功的人 非常注重最重要的人

  • in their worlds, both personal and in business.


  • If you've made mistake or something has happened in the past that's unfortunate, you can cancel

    如果你犯了錯誤或者發生了什麼事的話 過去那是不幸的,你能取消

  • it out by simply saying the magic words: "I am responsible".

    它通過簡單地說出神奇的話語,"I 負責"。

  • "I am responsible".


  • "I am responsible".


  • If someone has hurt you or you had a difficult experience in your childhood, you can say,

    如果有人傷害了你,或者你遇到了困難,那麼你就會被人傷害。 兒時的經歷,你可以說。

  • "Well, I didn't do anything".


  • Yes, but you're responsible for how you respond today.

    是的,但你要對你的反應負責。 今天。

  • A Nobel-prize winning study of the evolution of civilizations came up with the term "response

    諾貝爾獎得主對進化的研究。 文明中的 "迴應 "一詞。

  • ability".


  • It's your ability to respond effectively with the ups and downs and negative events of life,

    這是你的能力,有效地迴應與 生活中的起起落落和負面事件。

  • is the key measure of your ability to be successful and happy in the future.

    是衡量你能否成功的關鍵因素 和幸福的未來。

  • And what you do is you say, whenever you feel negative or unhappy about anything you say,

    而你所做的就是你說,每當你覺得... 對你說的任何事情都感到消極或不高興。

  • "Wait a minute, I'm responsible.


  • "I'm responsible for my life.


  • "I'm responsible for what happened.


  • "I can't change the past, "so I'm not going to spend a second worrying about the past.

    "我無法改變過去,所以我不會" 花一秒鐘的時間去擔心過去的事情。

  • "I'm going to become so busy working on my future and my goals "that I don't have time

    "我將會變得如此忙碌,在我的 未來和我的目標,"我沒有時間"。

  • to think about the past".


- Before I start I'm going to take a vacation to a beautiful place called "Someday Isle".

- 在我開始之前,我要先去休假了 到一個叫 "某日島 "的美麗地方。

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