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- Man, this video is all over the place.
- It is really cool looking.
The song's kind of terrible though.
♪ (industrial music) ♪
(thunder rumbling)
- Oh. (chuckling)
This is Taylor's new song, right?
- What is this?
(crows cawing)
- Why do I feel like I've seen this?
- Dude, whatever, it's dark and desolate.
"泰勒絲的名譽葬於此地" 怎麼回事...什麼東西?
Oh no! The T.S.?
- (groaning) Tell me it's not Taylor Swift.
- (amused) "Here lies Taylor Swift's reputation."
What is go-- what?
但我還沒看過MV 所以對殭屍絲絲很有興趣
- Tay-- oh, Taylor Swift. Oh, Taylor Swift.
She's being reborn?
- ♪ I don't like your little games ♪ - That's pretty sick.
- I've heard the song.
洗鑽石浴 有錢任性
I haven't seen the video yet, so I'm very invested
這MV沒想到還挺酷的 那些是蛇嗎?噁!!
in zombie Taylor Swift.
- ♪ The role you made me play ♪ - I love the visuals.
- ♪ Of the fool, no, I don't... ♪ - I really miss her country music.
- ♪ I don't like your perfect crime ♪
♪ How you'd... ♪
- That's literally what I picture every rich person doing,
just taking a bath in diamonds because they can.
天哪 更糟了
- This is a surprisingly cool music video.
這裡完全就是《我太性感了》 (弗瑞德語錄的歌曲)
- ♪ But I got smarter... ♪ - Are those snakes? Ugh.
我知道她有把弗瑞德語錄 列在創作人名單
- ♪ the nick of time ♪
- I have such a huge fear of snakes.
This is not okay.
- ♪ it all the time ♪ - It is really cool looking.
The song is kind of terrible though.
拿著棒球棍 有微小丑女的感覺
- Oh my god!
A snake holding a teapot?
- ♪ ...check it twice, oh ♪
♪ Ooh, look what you made me do ♪
好的 我覺得那跟時事有關
- Oh my god. Where is--?
- ♪ Look what you just made me... ♪
- And then that is exactly "I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt."
- I know she gave Right Said Fred credit,
but I still don't like that part.
我覺得這邊挺好笑的 那些全部都是她的化身
- ♪ Look what you made me do ♪ - I don't like this part.
- ♪ The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama ♪
♪ But not for me... ♪
我很喜歡 那些都是不同版本的她
- I mean, this video's visually pleasing to me.
這個概念很酷 我不得不讚賞
- It's just not Taylor Swift!
- ♪ ...but you'll get yours ♪
我超討厭這裡 好俗氣啊!
- It's almost a little Harley Quinn-esque right there,
with the baseball bat.
- ♪ Honey, I rose up from the dead... ♪
- Man, this video is all over the place.
- ♪ I've got a list of names and yours... ♪
所有不同的時期 好酷
- Some creepy looking models.
- 這部分挺好笑的 - 大夥們快看!
- ♪ I check it once... ♪ - This is kind of sick.
- ♪ (moaning) ♪
♪ Look what you made me do ♪
別裝了 妳不可能一天到晚都這麼驚訝
♪ Look what you made me do ♪
♪ Look what you just made me do ♪
- 那碧池有啥問題 - 別這樣叫我!! - 大家!!!
♪ Look what you just made me do ♪
幫幫忙別再偽善了 有夠假
- Okay, I thought that was topical.
- In this music video, I feel like she totally transformed
into a whole different person.
唉她又來了 裝成受害者打悲情牌
- ♪ Look what you just made me... ♪ - "Heart T-Swizzle."
水喔 好的她自己也承認了
至少她有勇氣自嘲 出奇地在輿論最後佔上風了
- ♪ I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me ♪
- Oh, old-school Taylor.
(絲絲們) 喔妳給我閉嘴!
- I did think this part's funny though,
好的但那最後一部分挺好笑的 我很喜歡
where it's like all of her personas.
- I don't understand what's going on. (laughing)
- ♪ ...nobody trusts me ♪
一般人都將評論看得很重 但若你能在自己MV裡自嘲
♪ I'll be the actress... ♪ - These are all of her old Taylors?
- ♪ ...bad dreams ♪
我不是為了這黑暗面才聽泰勒絲的歌 我聽她的歌是為了有趣輕快的音樂
- I love how it's literally every version of her.
- It was a pretty cool concept, so I give her props for that.
她試圖想變得前衛 走不同的路線
- ♪ The old Taylor can't come to the phone right now ♪
這樣很棒 但我覺得這路線實在行不通
- And I hate this part. It's so cheesy!
- ♪ Oh, 'cause she's dead ♪
♪ Oh, look what you made... ♪
"有這些鳥事都是你們的錯 過去的我已經死了也是你們害的"
- There's so many memes on Twitter
with that "'cause she's dead."
好的 我們懂了
- ♪ Look what you just made me do ♪
- (audience cheering) - What?
呈現出"我知道你們的酸言酸語 但那無法阻擋我繼續努力"
- All the different eras. That's cool.
- This part's pretty funny.
- (Taylor #1) You guys!
- (Taylor #2) Stop making that surprised face.
It's SO annoying.
- (Taylor #3) Yeah, you can't possibly be that surprised
all the time.
- It's always great, seeing people make fun of themselves.
一塊美金 哦我能懂了
(Taylor #4) What's a "bad bitch"? - (Taylor #2) Don't call me that!
- (Taylor #5) Oh, stop acting like you're all nice.
若這猜測是真的 我喜歡
You are so fake! - (Taylor #6 sobbing)
那DJ是白痴 但我欣賞她只求償一塊美金 這麼做是想證明她的觀點
- What? This is funny.
- 她覺得"老兄 你沒出息" - 許多時候 性侵案都不被嚴肅正視
- She's fighting with herself, all these different personalities.
- (Taylor #5) Well, there she goes.
將這個案件開誠布公 告訴大眾"儘管報案吧別害怕"
Playing the victim again.
- Yes, okay, she's admitting it.
(接下來這個是端茶的蛇 粉絲揣測是影射 大眾幫她取的外號"蛇精")
- At least she can make fun of herself.
She's definitely getting the last laugh on this.
她看起來就挺像那種表面無辜 但背後捅人一刀的綠茶婊
- (Taylor #7) I would very much like to be excluded
from this narrative. - (other Taylors) Oh, shut up!
她就像Regina George (電影《辣妹過招》中的女王蜂)
- Okay, no, but that was really funny, actually.
I liked the end part a lot.
我準備好爆出所有的真相了 她就想說這個 大家繃緊神經喔
- That was actually great.
I'm very surprised with her.
啥真相?當名人的話那不叫做"真相" 而叫做"八卦新聞"
People take things so personally, but if you can read yourself
in your own music video, I think I just gained
a little more bit more respect for her for that.
- That's not what I listen to Taylor for.
I listen to Taylor Swift for fun, poppy music,
哇 大家真的越挖越深
and this is not fun, poppy music.
She was just trying to be edgy, go a different route,
which is cool, but I just don't think it really worked well.
我不覺得泰勒絲會為這個 去數前男友的數目
- (FBE) Well, that was the music video for "Look What You Made Me Do,"
總覺得"八"就是很好的數字 兩邊可以分成四個四個
the latest single by Taylor Swift.
- 就某部分而言是穿鑿附會 但泰勒絲的確可能這麼做 - 她看起來就像會過份仔細的人
- She's definitely not trying to be subtle at all.
"It's your fault that this is happening to me,
(這個理論有另一個證明 因為這些舞者 都身穿"我愛絲絲"的衣服)
and the old me is dead because of what you did to me,
(這是在影射知名前男友湯姆·希德斯頓 曾穿過的衣服)
and look what you made me do."
Okay, we get it.
對啊 兩個禮拜就告吹的那段感情是吧
- She's kind of using what people say about her
真的太瞎扯蛋了 只因為這件衣服?
in the media from the beginning of her career until now,
嗯好的 這麼一來的確更有可信度了
and making a whole video out of that to show, hey,
I understand what people are saying, but I'm still going to do what I do,
and I'm gonna have fun with it.
這理論如果是真的 我不訝異
I thought that was a great idea.
- (FBE) Well, this video contains numerous references
and in-jokes from her career, and we want to take
a look at some of those with you now.
- Oh, cool.
- (FBE) So this first one is of a dollar in her bathtub,
which many people speculated as referencing
"我喜歡舊的 但新的泰勒絲我越來越有好感了"
when a DJ grabbed her inappropriately at an event,
這個挺好笑的 因為就泰勒絲的情況而言很相似
whom she then successfully sued for $1.00.
別招惹Sandy (電影《火爆浪子》中的女主)
- For $1.00, yeah, I saw that.
沒有人能取代Sandy 好嗎?
- That's a good Easter egg.
If that's true, I like it.
- That guy was a moron, but I like the fact
"舊絲絲 v.s. 新絲絲"
that she just sued for $1.00, just to prove a point.
這太好笑了啦 老兄
She's like, "Bro, you got nothing."
- A lot of the time, sexual assault isn't taken that seriously,
但她擁有"高地優勢" (《星際大戰》中歐比王的台詞,而後變成梗圖)
so it's great seeing someone of Taylor Swift's status
actually, you know, bringing that to light
and showing people, you know, don't be afraid to report it.
It's important.
不 才沒有那麼邪惡
- (FBE) And this next one is a snake serving her tea,
那太黑暗了 這可涉及到大屠殺 沒這麼嚴重吧
which fans think is a reference to people calling her a snake.
- Oh, oh, that's terrible.
歐買尬 那是Robin嗎? (影集《追愛總動員》的主角之一)
- She's kind of one of those people where she looks innocent and stuff,
我的天啊 我記得這個
but she's super shady.
這太讚了 我喜歡
That's why I get the reference.
- She's like Regina George.
喔這太爆笑了啦! 是Robin Sparkles欸
She is.
I'm about to spill the tea.
這絕對是以《芙蓉仙子》當範本在模仿 (1985年出產的美國卡通)
That's what she's saying, so get ready.
- What tea?
"2017年:舊的泰勒絲不能來接電話 因為她死了"
What? When you're famous, it's not tea.
It's just tabloid news.
There's nothing to spill.
這形容的好真實因為我總認為 她很像愛哭鬼(感情上的弱者/付出者)
- (FBE) This one scene has eight backup dancers,
我認為Drake出道之前她就已經是Drake了 (Drake歌詞盡是些暗自哭泣之事,網友即稱他愛哭鬼)
and many pointed out that Taylor had eight profile ex-boyfriends
他什麼事情都能哭 但這邊泰勒絲說著 "老娘什麼都不在乎了" 很棒
who these could represent.
- Whoa! People are getting really in depth
and very specific with analyzing this music video.
- That seems a little far-fetched.
我認為她和Kim和Kanye是一起策劃的 (Kim指控泰勒絲說謊一事,可自行上網搜尋)
- I don't know if Taylor Swift went and counted.
這MV是很有趣的視覺饗宴 而且好像有一個劇情在
I feel like eight is just a good number to divide four and four
但這首歌真的很糟糕 所以有點令人分心
on either side of you.
(很顯然這是首多層次的歌曲 多層次的MV)
- Partially, that's a stretch, but I would not put that past her.
(若要你總結的話 你覺得MV整體含義究竟是什麼?)
- She seems like the person that would overthink
"滿肚子火" 我一直這樣覺得 (Salty常形容被酸或輸了之後生氣不滿的人)
those kind of things and go, like, every single detail
她想傳達說 她擁有這些不同角色
has to mean something.
而這些不同的角色 進而創造出了新的泰勒絲
- (FBE) Well, the theory has further proof because all these guys
are wearing shirts with "I Heart T.S.,"
which is a reference to a shirt that one of her famous ex-boyfriends,
Tom Hiddleston, wore. - Oh, what the-- please.
Yeah, the relationship that lasted two weeks?
反省自己 反省所作所為 反省這些所導致的後果
- It's a lot of stretching, dude, just his t-shirt?
- Hmmm, okay, well, then I guess that puts
a little more credence to the theory that they're all her boyfriends.
"看看你們逼我做了什麼 現在我已截然不同"
- With all the other stuff that's in this video,
但那有怪罪別人的感覺 她在這MV裡面好像沒有要怪別人
it wouldn't surprise me if that was a nod to that.
- (FBE) In addition to these references,
which there are tons more that we can't get into right now,
there have also been quite a few memes to pop out from the video,
同時也是她 回顧自己一路上的一些錯誤 也許不是全部
with many people talking about old Taylor Swift
但是 嘿 她這樣值得讚賞
versus new Taylor Swift.
(最後 大眾在懷疑泰勒絲的演藝生涯 是否正朝著對的方向前進)
So we're going to show you some of those as well right now.
- I'm all about the memes on Twitter.
Show me the memes.
痾... 我覺得會退一點點 因為這首歌不太好
- "I liked the old one, but the new Taylor is growing on me."
對她而言 似乎是朝好的方向前進
- That's really funny because this is so relatable
是進步 這是大眾最愛的戲碼
in Taylor's case.
老兄 你能讓大眾談論並思考
- Don't mess with Sandy.
然後還看你的MV 我認為是百分百是進一大步
No one can be Sandy, okay?
- Taylor Swift is nothing compared to Olivia Newton-John.
她得到了她想要的 大眾媒體都在談論她
I love Olivia Newton-John to death.
- "Old Taylor Swift versus New Taylor Swift." (laughing)
- That's really [bleep] funny, dude!
我會說是 停滯不前
Oh my god.
She has the high ground, though.
- Darth Vader's my favorite character in Star Wars.
Don't do that.
你知道的... 這是泰勒絲欸
He's way better than Taylor Swift.
我認為是進步 她勇敢嘗試不同的風格 簡直神來一筆
- No, it's not that dark.
這是她的進步 因為我沒感到厭煩
That's dark.
We're talking about mass murder here. That's not that serious.
(白眼) "好喔 隨便妳吧 絲絲"
- "Taylor Swift before and after August 23, 2017."
"很酷 很可愛沒錯~"
- Oh my god, is that Robin? (laughing)
但這首 YO 我覺得我今天會無限循環播放喔
Oh my god, I remember that.
(感謝觀看~記得訂閱) [字幕 by Mioga Chen]
That's so great. I love that.
I love How I Met Your Mother.
- Oh, that is so hilarious. Robin Sparkles, man.
Every time I saw that too, I was like,
if this isn't a Jem and the Holograms reference,
I don't know what this is.
- "2012, he calls me up and he's like, 'I still love you.'
2017, the old Taylor can't come to the phone
'cause she's dead."
- That's so good.
That line just had to become a meme.
- That is so accurate because I felt like she was
always like a super crybaby.
I felt like she was Drake before Drake was Drake,
where he cries about everything, and now she's like,
"I don't care about anything."
I'm like... (light applause)
- It conveys what she wants to be as the evolution of Taylor Swift,
but I don't think she's really that dark
or, you know, deep down, it's all a facade.
I think her and Kim and Kanye are all in on it together.
- It was a really visually interesting video,
and there seemed to be some sort of plot in there,
but the song was really bad, so it's kind of distracting
from the video.
- (FBE) So obviously this is a very multi-layered song,
multi-layered video coming from Taylor Swift.
If you had to sum it up, what would you say
is the overall message she's trying to send
with this video?
- Saltiness. That's all I kept feeling.
- She's saying that she's had all these roles
and this is who-- all these different things
have created this new Taylor Swift.
- I know everybody in media talks about me,
about, like, "Oh, this is who you used to be"
and whatnot, but this is who I am now,
and all of that doesn't matter anymore.
- Look at yourself and what you've done
and where it has gotten you now, that's what I got from it,
but you can also see it from the point of view, like,
"Look what you all made me do, and now this is how I am."
But that would be blaming people and she doesn't seem
to be blaming people in the video.
She's putting it all on herself.
- It's a combination of both, kind of calling out the people
who have said this stuff about her, but also I do think
it's her acknowledging some of the mistakes she's made
along the way-- maybe not all,
but, hey, props to her for doing that.
- (FBE) And, finally, people were pretty split
as to whether or not this was a step in the right direction
for Taylor's career, so what do you think?
Do you think this moves her career forwards
or moves her career backwards?
- You know, I feel like it might move her a little backwards
because the song's not very good.
- It seems like it's going in a good direction for her.
- From a monetary standpoint, from a marketing standpoint
moving forward, this is good for her.
This is what people are gonna buy the most.
- Dude, you get people talking and thinking about stuff
and going and watching the video, I think it's a step foward, 100%.
- It is a step forward on career.
She is getting what she wants, which is everyone talking about her.
- This made me less excited for the new album
than I was, so, for me, it moves it back.
- I would say stagnant.
It's pop music.
It's not supposed to be some sort of revolutionary
kind of thing, you know?
It's, you know, it's Taylor Swift.
- I think this is a step foward.
The fact that Taylor has the courage to create something
completely different, that's a stroke of genius.
- This is a good step for her because this didn't annoy me.
I listen to her stuff and I watch her videos
and I'm like, "(sighing) Okay, whatever, Taylor.
It's cool. It's a cute song."
But this, I'm like, yo, I think I'll listen to this
on repeat for the rest of the day.
- Thanks for watching another episode of Adults React.
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- Thanks for watching, everyone. See you later!
- Hey, guys, Ethan here from FBE.
Thank you so much for watching this episode of Adults React.
And if you want to check out behind-the-scenes
of all of our shoots, and everything else going on
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