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  • In any computer program, bad things can happen despite our awesome code. Bad things can be

  • errors like trying to access an element in array that doesn't exist. Or dividing a number

  • by zero. These failure events are called Java exceptions.

  • An exception in Java is an unexpected event that happens and the program cannot continue

  • normal behavior until the problem is addressed. These exception events are something that

  • shouldn't, but in some rare cases, do happen. When an exception does happen, we say the

  • exception is thrown.

  • We can also provide code to run if an exception happens. This is called catching the exception.

  • When we catch a thrown exception, we're telling Java our catch block code makes every thing

  • better and handles the problem gracefully. Catching exceptions gives our program a chance

  • to recover from a problem, and continue normal execution.

  • All exceptions are represented with a class that are subtypes of the java.lang.Exception

  • class. Exceptions are also subtypes of Throwable. Throwable is the superclass class for all

  • types of errors and includes the Error class. The Error class represents something that

  • happens which we can't do anything about. An example is the JVM is out of memory. In

  • this video, we're looking at exceptions only. Not the errors.

  • There are two types of exceptions. runtime exceptions and checked exceptions. runtime

  • exceptions are exceptions that we should have prevented. We should never use a variable

  • before it's assigned, so we should never get a NullPointerException. We should iterate

  • over arrays, so we should never get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. These are problems we should prevent using

  • solid programming practices. Java will not force us to provide code to run if a runtime

  • exception is thrown. Instead, the program will likely crash.

  • Checked exceptions are different. Java forces us to deal with these exceptional conditions.

  • These are unlikely things that could happen in our application, no matter what we do.

  • An example is FileNotFoundException. We could write everything perfectly, but someone might

  • delete the file when we're not looking. Java asks us to provide code to catch this exception

  • when it's thrown. We'll cover how to catch exceptions soon.

  • For now, let’s look at exceptions and how we trace them back to the problem. Let's create

  • an array with three numbers but try to print out four. This creates the runtime exception

  • java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. In this code, we're forcing the error as an

  • example. We know this isn't how we should iterate over an array.

  • When Java hits this error, it throws an exception and exits the program. This is a very simple

  • stack trace. It states the runtime exception, in this case an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

  • It also tells us which index this exception happened, so in this case 3. The only way

  • we can tell this is from experience and knowing the exception message. We'll look at other

  • exception messages later in the video. The stack trace tells us the line in our code

  • where things went bad. That's where it says "at com.deegeu.constructors.NewClass.main"

  • and the line number is 20.

  • If we go back to our code we can find line 20. Reading the stack trace for this case,

  • we can see the exception, the bad value, and the line number. That should be enough to

  • pin point the error.

  • We can make our call stack deeper by moving the error to a method outside the main method.

  • Now the stack trace is deeper by one. As we call methods within methods, the stack trace

  • will grow deeper. For some Java programs, this stack trace can be very deep. It really

  • depends on where in our program we are.

  • Not all stack traces are as kind our simple one. Some look like this. The "caused by"

  • tells us that the exception we received above was really caused by this exception. We want

  • to look at this line of code to solve the problem. You can have multiple "caused by"

  • sections in a stack trace, but the last one will likely be your problem. In this long

  • example, the final exception isn’t even in our code. What we want to do in this case

  • is look for the last stack trace message that is coming from our code. The first line that

  • references our code is likely the problem. In this case, our problem is actually in this

  • code.

  • Our next question is how to we handle checked exceptions? I say "checked exceptions" because

  • we rarely, if ever, try to catch runtime exceptions. If we're trying to catch a runtime exception,

  • we really need to think about what we're trying to accomplish.

  • However, Java does force us to handle all checked exceptions. In Java, we can either

  • "catch" checked exceptions using something called a "try-catch" block in code, or specify

  • a requirement that any method calling our method must handle the exception.

  • If our method has the possibility of throwing an exception, we can specify the exception

  • in the method declaration. We add the keyword "throws" and the exception class. We only

  • need to do this for checked exceptions. Runtime exceptions do not need to be declared. When

  • we add this code, we're telling anyone calling our method they need to catch this exception.

  • Exceptions work like this. The exception is thrown in a method somewhere in our code.

  • If we don't catch the exception in this method, we declare our method throws the exception

  • and Java passes the exception up to the calling method. If there's code to catch the exception

  • here, it will run the handling code. Otherwise it will keep working it's way up the call

  • stack until it reaches the main method, or a method that does catch the exception. If

  • nothing catches the exception, the program crashes and reports the problem.

  • How do we catch an exception? We use a try-catch block. It starts with the keyword try, a code

  • block to try, and then the keyword catch, the exception type, and the code to handle

  • the exception. This code says, "try this code block, and if there's an exception of this

  • type catch it with this code block". Once the exception is caught, we execute the next

  • line of code after the catch.

  • The exception type is important. Our catch block applies only for the exception type

  • we state after the catch keyword. So if we put FileNotFoundException, it will only apply

  • for FileNotFoundExceptions and any possible FileNotFountException subclasses.

  • We can put different catch blocks for a single try block. This allows us to provide handling

  • code specific to the exception. The exceptions we handle must be ordered from specific exceptions

  • to general exceptions. The reason is Java will try to match the exception class from

  • top to bottom. As soon as Java hits an exception it matches, it stop looking.

  • So if we put Exception as the first class like this, it doesn't matter if there is a

  • more specific Exception class later. Exception is the superclass, so this catch applies to

  • Exception and any subtype - which is everything. Java will only run one catch block per exception.

  • Catching just the Exception type is a bad practice. The reason is, we're telling Java

  • this code handles this exception type. If we use the Exception superclass, that means

  • we're saying our code handles any error that can happen. There are not many cases where

  • this is true. It's not Pokemon, we don't want to catch them all. Usually we'd want to recover

  • from a file not found differently than a an error from parsing.

  • It's very important we put our application back into a runnable state after catching

  • exceptions. When we catch an exception, our catch block is run, and then the very next

  • line of code is executed. So if we don't completely recover from what ever problem threw the exception,

  • we're just going to create more problems.

  • There are three things we might see in code we're maintaining. The first is a blank catch

  • block. This hides the problem, as if it never happened. It's saying, "try this code, and

  • if it fails, ignore the problem and hope no one notices". What almost always happens is

  • our application is now in an invalid state, and something bad will happen again later

  • down the road in a completely different location. This makes the problem very hard to diagnose

  • and fix. Don't ever do it. If you don't know how to handle the exception, specify the requirement

  • for the calling class to handle it.

  • The next worse thing is, some developers will say "since I can't have a blank catch block,

  • I'll add a log message", or worse write a message to the console. That's the same thing

  • as a blank catch block. In this case, we are writing a note that no one is likely to see,

  • and then putting the application in a state where something bad can happen later on. Again,

  • if you don't know how to handle the exception, specify the requirement for the calling class

  • to handle it.

  • Finally, we might see code like this. This is called catching and throwing a new exception.

  • The problem with this is we are losing the stack trace. The exception in our try block

  • is handled, and then we are throwing a new exception with a stack trace starting from

  • here. If you want to log a message, and then rethrow an exception, this is how you want

  • to do it. Just use the keyword throw with the same exception object. This will preserve

  • the stack trace.

  • And that's a whirlwind tour of Java exceptions. In the next video we'll look at diagnosing

  • common exceptions, and how to fix them.

  • Put any questions you have in the comments below. Liking the video helps me know what

  • I'm doing right, so if you liked the video... you know what to do.

  • And with that, I’ll see you in the next tutorial!

In any computer program, bad things can happen despite our awesome code. Bad things can be

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Java異常處理 - 041 (Java Exception Handling - 041)

  • 27 2
    free.huoshan posted on 2021/01/14
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