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  • I’m sure everybody knows somebody who searches health related information online.

  • Well there’s actually a name for it and it’s called cyberchondria.

  • Cyberchondria is defined as anxiety induced by escalation during online search to review

  • morbid or serious content.

  • So what does this mean?

  • Well it means that you have a headache and you end up reading about brain tumor.

  • And there’s a very good reason behind it.

  • Humans have a propensity to escalate, to review the worst possible scenario probably to dismiss

  • it.

  • So come back to the headache.

  • If you went to your doctor and you said I have a terrible headache and your doctor said

  • well, you could have anything from a hangover to a brain tumor.

  • You would say oh my goodness, talk to me about the brain tumor.

  • And essentially that’s what happens online.

  • People click on the worst case scenario and therefore those scenarios get driven up the

  • search rankings.

  • So the point about search it’s based on a frequency model, things that are frequently

  • clicked are those things that actually rise to the top of search results.

  • That’s fine if youre looking at best beach in Florida but when it comes to health

  • related matters it’s problematic.

  • Why?

  • Because it causes anxiety and you could be perfectly well but end up with a nasty case

  • of health anxiety as a result of search.

  • So the thing is if there’s something wrong with your car and you Google it or search

  • it inherently youre not going to do any damage to the car.

  • But in terms of bodily symptoms, the very act of searching can bring about or instigate

  • psychosomatic factors.

  • Psyche being mind and soma being body.

  • So you can believe to feel that you are actually suffering from some terrible condition.

  • If you put any body part now into search what you will see is pages of tumor and cancer.

  • And, in fact, just a month or so ago on Google’s official blog they have well, owned up to

  • the issue and have also told us that one percent of all online search actually relates to medical

  • search, people Googling symptoms.

  • I’ve published in this area and I’ve published a paper which actually looks at a phenomenon

  • which I name as cyberchondria by proxy.

  • And that is people searching health results of others.

  • And the thing is if you survive the initial search and you get to the intuitive diagnostic

  • websites that prompt symptomatology it actually can make the problem worse.

  • Why?

  • Youve got a pain in your arm.

  • Could be from carrying a heavy bag or a harsh workout in the gym.

  • You go online and youre led through this decision pathway.

  • Is the pain radiating across your chest?

  • Well it could be.

  • Do you feel tingling in your fingertips?

  • Well when I think about it I do.

  • Are you palpitating?

  • Well of course I am.

  • You then rush to your GP, your doctor, and you present with a cluster of symptoms that

  • actually mimic a cardiac event.

  • The point is that doctors don’t prompt symptoms but artificial intelligence based systems

  • diagnostic tools do.

  • There’s a great paper called hypochondriacal hermeneutics and the paper argues that the

  • doctor-patient relationship is a hypochondriacal exercise in its own right.

  • One person sitting there talking about symptoms and the other trying to interpret them.

  • And effectively if you appear or manifest with this perfect cluster your doctor has

  • got no choice but to put you in the pipeline for intrusive, diagnostic, investigative procedures

  • which are all inherently risky.

  • A report came out recently that was published in the BMJ that has stated that iatrogenic

  • death is the third cause of death in the USA.

  • Iatrogenic would coverit’s a catchall for problems in terms of taking medication,

  • medical error, infection.

  • So it’s death by accident within the medical system.

  • But in my book I note and of course I’m aware of causation correlation but there’s

  • a very interesting trend that iatrogenic death has increased fourfold between 1999 and 2011

  • and actually shadows the growth of the internet.

  • Let’s think about that.

I’m sure everybody knows somebody who searches health related information online.

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網絡軟骨病。網上健康搜索是否會引發症狀(或更嚴重)?| 瑪麗-艾肯 (Cyberchondria: Do Online Health Searches Prompt Symptoms (and Worse)? | Mary Aiken)

  • 258 11
    Gabby posted on 2021/01/14
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