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Because you know I
got a sinus ache in my face
Nose trouble
Don't wanna go to space
go to space
No Hubble
I like a shaven face
shave that face
No stubble
Just sayin' random things
from my brain
Yeah it's pretty clear
that I got writer's block
It's driving me insane
feel like a cuckoo clock
I'm fishin' for a hook
just somethin' basic
What should I sing
on top of that bass riff?
I need a goofy phrase
that I can base this on
That will appeal to kids
as well as soccer moms
I said I could write singles
they called my bluff
Now excuse me for a jiffy
while I make some pop hits up
Cuz my bang bang boom clap
Anaconda's gotta stay high
Cuz your trumpets were rude
Maroon 5
I think I like it
but that's not quite it
There aren't enough songs out right now
about big behinds
(True dat dat)
Gonna cover my bases
and make up one about mine
(Yeah you should do dat)
Because you know I ain't no skinny waif
I'm not shaped
Like Urkel
I got handles for love
like a Dove
I got a plus-sized butt
that's what's up
Dos bubbles
I got a sexy shape
like a bass
You know I'm all about that bass
'bout that bass
No treble
Just don't end up obese
that creates
Heart trouble
But have a piece of cake
that's okay
Don't shovel
And that was how I made
'Bout dat Bass
I love it
Sounds like a hit to me