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lesson for making new sounds
lesson for making new sounds in this lesson you'll make some
in this lesson you'll make some
in this lesson you'll make some new sounds
new sounds
new sounds by combining two or three
by combining two or three
by combining two or three consonants the first set of new
consonants the first set of new
consonants the first set of new sounds are made by putting a
sounds are made by putting a
sounds are made by putting a consonant next to the letter H
consonant next to the letter H
consonant next to the letter H these sounds are very common in
these sounds are very common in
these sounds are very common in English
English listen carefully to the new
listen carefully to the new
listen carefully to the new sounds and repeat after me a
sounds and repeat after me a
sounds and repeat after me a check
check e mc2
e mc2
e mc2 aah aah punch
aah aah punch
aah aah punch grrrrrr
grrrrrr graph
graph yeah
yeah Shh fish
Shh fish
Shh fish Shh ah shop but at bad
what it with the sounds
what it with the sounds m and quote are also common her
m and quote are also common her
m and quote are also common her e
e hmm
hmm ring did
ring did
ring did ah
ah duck
duck squirt
squirt II did squeeze the letters be
II did squeeze the letters be
II did squeeze the letters be k & w are sometimes silent
k & w are sometimes silent
k & w are sometimes silent ah mm um mm ah
ah mm um mm ah
ah mm um mm ah not her
not her
not her II just wrist
II just wrist
II just wrist great job you can read and spell
great job you can read and spell
great job you can read and spell many words now in your next
many words now in your next
many words now in your next lesson we'll introduce you too
lesson we'll introduce you too
lesson we'll introduce you too long vowel sounds