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lesson 11 long you
lesson 11 long you in this lesson you'll learn some
in this lesson you'll learn some
in this lesson you'll learn some common spellings of the long you
common spellings of the long you
common spellings of the long you sound unlike the other long
sound unlike the other long
sound unlike the other long vowel sounds that save their own
vowel sounds that save their own
vowel sounds that save their own name
name the long you sounds more like
the long you sounds more like
the long you sounds more like boom then you the long you sound
boom then you the long you sound
boom then you the long you sound can be made with VW u e UI and
can be made with VW u e UI and
can be made with VW u e UI and oh let's take a look at a few
oh let's take a look at a few
oh let's take a look at a few examples
examples yeah Shh
yeah Shh
yeah Shh hmm
hmm cashew mmm
cashew mmm
cashew mmm whoo - Newt
whoo - Newt
whoo - Newt skirt
skirt screw oh who blew
screw oh who blew
screw oh who blew go blue fur who fruit
suit who
who - mm-hmm
- mm-hmm
- mm-hmm move
move the cool but who wrote who zoo
yeah select work in your final lesson
select work in your final lesson
select work in your final lesson will review a few other
will review a few other
will review a few other combinations of letters and
combinations of letters and
combinations of letters and practice pronouncing some of the
practice pronouncing some of the
practice pronouncing some of the sounds they make
sounds they make
sounds they make don't forget to keep practice