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Around 70,000 years ago humans left
Africa for the first time and arrived in
India via the great coastal migration.
Their direct descendants can be found in
the Andaman Islands even today.
The next people to populate India were a small
group so successful that their numbers
quickly multiplied and soon swamped all
traces of the previous coastal migration.
They domesticated the cow and grew wheat
barley and jujubes. The next wave of
settlers came from Central Asia and
between four to two thousand years ago
the two groups began to mix. Today's
Indians are the descendants of this
prehistoric intermingling.
In 1921archaeologists discovered the ruins of a
lost Bronze Age civilization in the Indus Valley
They found great cities with
careful town planning and drainage systems
This was the Indus Valley Civilization
older than the great pyramids
and at its peak home to up to
five million people. Most of the people
were craftsmen and merchants whose trade
network stretched all the way to Sumer in today's Iraq.
Hundreds of seals used
by these traders to stamp their goods
have been found. The seals contain a form
of writing but the Indus script has not
been deciphered so far
Eventually the civilization went into decline perhaps
because of climate change the Indus
Valley cities were abandoned and their
existence vanished out of memory
then around 1500 BC a new society emerged.
The people cleared forests to
graze cattle and made tools out of iron
Their kings road horse-drawn chariot
called Rathas to battle while the
priests or Brahmins appeased the gods
through ritual sacrifices at fire altars
The sages of this period composed the
Vedas, hymns to ancient gods. Many of these
hymns are attributed to women scholars
Three and a half thousand years later
the Vedas are still in use today
The language of the Vedas is Sanskrit,
mother to the languages of northern India and
itself related to the languages of Europe
Vedic india stretched from the Hindu Kush
to the plains of the Ganges and
was divided into many kingdoms and republics
One kingdom the kuru witnessed
a dynastic struggle that culminated in
a legendary war. This war would be the
inspiration for the Mahabharata, an epic
poem as gods and heroes that continues
to influence India even today.
In the 5thcentury BC a host of thinkers arose with
new ideas that challenged the authority
of the priests and their rituals
One of them was a young prince who had
renounced his kingdom to seek out the truth
He discovered that desire is the
cause of suffering and letting go of
desire was the path to inner peace
He became known as the Buddha
the enlightened one and his message spread across India
in 326 bc the undefeated
army of Alexander the Great reached
India's doorstep. They won a fierce
battle against King Porus in the Punjab
but to the east, a young adventurer
Chandragupta Maurya had seized power
He drove Alexander's successors out of
India and established the Mauryan empire
His grandson Ashoka expanded the empire
from the Khyber to Bengal. Shaken by his
brutally destructive victory against the
kingdom of Kalinga he became a Buddhist
and dedicated his life to the welfare of
his subjects. Ashoka issued edicts
bearing the message of peace, compassion
and justice all across his empire
These edicts were written in Brahmi,
the ancestor of all the writing systems used
in India today. By this time the general
population spoke various Prakrit languages
that would evolve into the
modern languages of India but in the
deep south the Tamil language had
already developed classical literature
The three kingdoms of the Tamil country
traded extensively with the Roman Empire
exchanging Indian spices for gold
After the fall of the Mauryan Empire
a nomadic tribe expanded from Central Asia into
northern India forming the Kushan empire
Under emperor Kanishka they embraced
Buddhism and exported it to China via
the famed Silk Road.
The decline of theKushan Empire was followed by
the rise of the Gupta dynasty and a period of
peace and prosperity followed.
This was the Golden Age of India. The Gupta period
produced cultural high points such as
the classical Sanskrit plays of kalidasa
Chaturanga - the precursor to the game of chess
and the world's first manual on sex
the Kama Sutra
the mathematician-astronomer Aryabhata proposed that the
Earth revolves around the Sun and
accurately calculated the circumference
of the earth but India's greatest
contribution to the world was the Hindu
number system and the use of zero
- The foundation of all modern science
A renewed Hinduism based on devotion
rather than ritual emerged under the Guptas
The cults of Shiva and
Vishnu became prominent
The Gupta Empireeventually declined and broke up into
many kingdoms that waged war against
each other no ruler of this period was
able to create and control a great empire.
in the tenth century the chola
dynasty under Raja raja broke the deadlock
and conquered all of southern India
The Cholan Navy dominated the Bay of Bengal
and invaded Sri Lanka and parts of
Southeast Asia. The chola kings built
great temples to Shiva that also became
the centres of economic and cultural life
Around the same time the temple towns of
the north were under attack by Turkic
Raiders led by Mahmud of Ghazni
150 years later another Muslim ruler
Mohammed Ghori raised vast armies that
over ran the Northern Plains
His defeat of the Rajput King pretty Rajan 1192
laid the foundations of Muslim rule in India
Qutub ud-din Aybak a former slave
of Ghori became the first Sultan of Delhi
the Delhi Sultanate would give India the
tradition of sufi saints, the Urdu
language, music and poetry and for a
brief period - its first female Empress
under Alauddin Khilji they repulsed the Mongol empire
and under the Tughlaq dynasty
the Sultanate expanded into
southern India
The weakening of the southern kingdoms
paved the way for the rise of Vijayanagara
the last great empire of the south
the Vijaynagara rulers built monumental
temples were patrons of carnatic music
as well as literature in the Kannada
Telugu and Tamil languages
In the North the nomadic warlord Timur sacked belly and
massacred its people. This attack
severely weakened the Sultanate and many
regional Sultanates, Rajput Princedoms
and the Ahom kingdom of the
Northeast emerged. In the Punjab
Guru nanak
founded the sikh religion
The final blow for the Sultanate came
when Babur a descendant of Timur and
Genghis khan defeated the last sultan of
delhi at Panipat
Although outnumbered five-to-one Babur had the
advantage of gunpowder and cannons
This battle marked the beginning of a new era
the Mughal empire
Babur's grandson Akbar was a great ruler
who united his subjects both by conquest
and by tolerance. He started an
experimental religion Din-i-Ilahi by
blending ideas from all religions
He reorganized the administrative
departments and abolished the sectarian
tax on Hindus. By the time of his death
India had the largest GDP in the world
the Mughals embarked on great building
projects constructing magnificent Gardens
forts and tombs including the Taj Mahal
built by the Emperor Shah Jahan in
memory of his beloved Queen Mumtaz
incidentally it was Shah Jahan's third son with Mumtaz
- Aurangzeb, who imprisoned Shah Jahan
and seized the throne
Aurangzeb ruled with an iron fist
The empirereached its greatest extent but was
plagued with revolts and religious the empire
Aurangzeb's greatest
enemy was Shivaji Bhonsle, a leader of
the Hindu Maratha people who broke away
from Mughal rule and established the
Maratha Empire
After Aurangzeb's death the Mughal
emperors became vassals of the Maratha
prime minister or Peshwa
Provincial governors or nawabs declared
independence as did the Sikhs and the
kingdoms of Mysore and Hyderabad but
waiting patiently on the sidelines were
the European powers
It was the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama who
first landed in India in 1498, almost 30
years before the Mughals
The Dutch, Danish French and British trading
companies soon followed
Wary of the growing influence of the British East India Company
the nawab of Bengal had
146 british prisoners locked up in a
small cell. Only 23 survived the night
This incident led to the battle of
Plassey where company troops led by
Robert Clive defeated the Nawabs forces
The emboldened East India Company went on to
defeat the Mysore kingdom, the Sikhs
the Marathas and the French to emerge as
the dominant power in India
The company troops were mostly made up
of Indian soldiers called Sepoys
In 1857 the company issued cartridges
greased with the fat of cows and pigs
This infuriated both Hindu and Muslim
sepoys causing a mutiny. They were
joined by local rulers including the
last Mughal emperor and the rebels
almost succeeded in driving the british
out of india. The rebellion however lacked
a central leadership and was brutally
suppressed a year later
the East IndiaCompany was dissolved and India was
directly governed by the crown
Independent local kingdoms became
British protectorates called princely states
The British Raj had begun
Indian social reformers campaigned for women's
education and the abolishment of widow immolation
and child marriages
The british-built universities, schools and
hospitals and a network of railways that
connected the country. This brought the
different regions of India together and
the sense of a common national identity emerged.
But all of this came at a heavy price
India was made to grow cash crops
like indigo, tea and cotton which were
processed into finished goods in Britain
only to be dumped back into Indian markets
Millions died in famines as food was
diverted to supply Britain's war efforts
in Europe. India's share of world gdp
fell from almost twenty-three percent in
1700 less than four percent
The Indian National Congress was first formed to
obtain a greater share in the government
for Indians but faced with opposition
from the British the party began
campaigning for total independence in
1919 British troops opened fire on a
peaceful gathering at jallianwala bagh
in the Punjab killing at least 379 men,
women and children. This event triggered a
nationwide movement for independence
although there were attempts at armed
revolution India's freedom struggle
would be marked by the nonviolent
resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi
When World War 2 broke out, Britain declared
war on India's behalf and sent two million
Indians to battle. Subhas Chandra Bose's
army of Indian prisoners of war raised
with German and Japanese help
unsuccessfully tried to challenge
Britain's hold on India but the war in
Europe had diminished Britain's economic
and military strength to control India
and India finally became independent on
the fifteenth of August 1947 owing to
vociferous demands for a separate Muslim homeland
india was partitioned into a Hindu
majority India and a Muslim Pakistan
14 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims were
displaced in what was to be the largest
mass migration in human history
Thousands would die in violent riots
along the way. Under Jawaharlal Nehru
the first Prime Minister India adopted a
mixed socialist economy and chose to
remain non-aligned in the cold war
Dr ambedkar wrote India's Constitution
the longest in the world which declared
India to be a secular Democratic Republic
Sardar Patel led the
integration of 565 princely states into
the Union of India. Disputes over the
Himalayan border escalated into a war
with China in which the ill prepared Indian forces
were defeated
India and Pakistan went to war over the Kashmir region in
1965 this time India prevailed
Pakistan launched another attack on India in 1971
but was defeated again and forced to
grant independence to Bangladesh
Nehru's daughter and India's first woman
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi authorized
the country's successful nuclear weapons program
The Green Revolution allowed
India to feed a population of 500 million
ending two decades of food imports
India's highly regulated economy
however remained sluggish with rampant corruption
This changed with the
liberalisation reforms of 1991 that
created a large urban middle class and
transformed India into one of the
world's fastest growing economies
tHE 90s were also a decade of strife
A militant insurgency started in the
muslim-majority Kashmir region
Comunal violence erupted across India when a
Hindu mob demolished a mosque built by
Babur on the site believed to be the
birthplace of the Hindu god Rama
In 1998 both India and Pakistan conducted
nuclear weapons tests. The next year
India repulsed Pakistan's attempt to
infiltrate Kashmir in the Kargil war
- the only instance of direct conventional
warfare between nuclear States
Peace still continues to elude the two nations
India welcomed its billionth baby in May 2000
and is expected to become
the world's most populous nation by 2022
in December 2016 India's GDP surpassed
that of Britain for the first time in
150 years making it the sixth largest in the world
However problems like the black market
economy, domestic insurgencies and
economic inequality still persist
Today India is a member of the g20 and BRICS and
is campaigning for a permanent seat on
the UN Security Council
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a
crackdown on corruption and red tape and
seeks to increase India's geo political clout.
Indian movies food and spiritual
teachings reflect India's growing soft power
as does a large and prominent Indian diaspora population
So this was
the history of India. If you liked this
video please check out the other videos we made.
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