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- My pokemans. Let me show you them! - Shut up !
-I can't wait to travel to the city and get my first gym badge. It's gonna-
Hey, how the hell do I get around this thing?
-Oh, Snorlax? You gotta wake him up to get him to move.
-Wait, can't I just walk around him? -No, you freakin idiot, you gotta wake him up with a pokeflute!
-And where do I get one of those?
You can get one from that guy over there, you freakin' jackass. Man, none of you kids know anything.
-Hey, that old guy said you have a pokeflute. Can I buy it off you or something?
Hey! Can I buy a pokeflute ?
- I can't talk to you unless you walk in front of me dumbass !
Fine !
-Where do you think you're going? Let's battle!
-No, I don't wanna battle ! I just wanna buy a pokeflute ! - Well, I you want a pokeflute, you're gonna have to battle me first.
-Yeah, okay, whatever.
-Let's battle!
-All right Pikachu, I choose you!
-Ha, you're done for this time. Since our last battle, I got my Pokemon up to Level 100.
Prepare to lose. Go, Metapod!
What the hell is that ?
-Metrosexual hipster.
Dresses like a flamboyantly gay man
to stand out from the rest of the male crowd,
but always ends up looking like a complete tool.
-No, the Pokemon ! - My bad.
Metapod: completely useless Pokemon.
-Useless? My Metapod's level 100 ! and he's so bad-ass, that I stopped him from evolving into a girly little butterfly.
You don't even stand a chance.
-We'll see about that. Pikachu, use Slam!
-All right Metapod ! It's time to destroy him ! Use Harden!
All right Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!
-My Metapod's gonna get so hard in this battle.
-Metapod, Harden!
-Use thunder shock!
-Use scratch!
-Let's hit him with a Harden!
-Hit him with a Slam!
-Penetrate his defenses with your Harden!
-Use Scratch.
-Harden! Harden!
How about a Harden?
-Just one more hit and your stupid Metapod is dead.
-Metapod, use Max Potion!
All right Pikachu come back!
Now go Charizard!
-All right, attack his Metapod with...- Wait, why can't I just use my Pokemon to attack you?
-Me? 'cause it's, against the rules?
-All right Charizard ! Use Flamethrower on Metrosex-
-Okay, okay, fine! Here's your stupid pokeflute !
-Wait, this isn't a pokeflute !
-Look man, if you really wanted a Poke Flute, you could've just bought one from the guy over there.
Now give me a damn pokeflute !
-Of course, but first you have to battle me...
and my six Metapods.
-To see bloopers from this video and more,
like Pikachu peeing on Metapod,
click the link in the description below!
-Let me out of the ball, motherf*cker.
-Quick! Use subscribe attack by clicking the yellow button!
I sure do love this music.
Only problem is I always get this nostalgia boner
and it's not exactly a good time,
considering my mom's staring at me.
Hi, Mom.