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  • ♪ (orchestral music) ♪

  • (birds chirping)

  • Elsa, wake up!

  • Do you want to build a snowman? ♪

  • (poof)

  • (giggling)

  • Tickle bumps!

  • (giggles)

  • Woo.

  • Hang on!

  • Catch me!

  • Gotcha. Rawr!

  • Aah!

  • (whap!)

  • Ahh! [Bleep]!

  • ♪ (choir vocalizing) ♪ R RATED FROZEN

  • Lock her away? Seems a bit harsh.

  • Agreed. I'm sure half-measures will suffice.

  • Are you serious? Look what your kid's doing.

  • Do you wanna be a snowman? ♪

  • Too late. Now you are....


  • Elsa is the Antichrist!

  • Ohh, (bleep).

  • (chains jingle)

  • Do you have to go?

  • You'll be fine, Anna.

  • (window shuts dramatically)

  • But you won't.

  • (evil cackling)

  • I let you out, and yet you still shut the world out?

  • What are you so afraid of?!

  • I said... ENOUGH!

  • (attendees groan)

  • (laughing maniacally)

  • (slam!)

  • Let it go, let it go

  • ♪ I'm one with the wind and sky

  • Let it go, let it go

  • You'll never see me cry

  • (thunder rumbling) ♪ Here I stay... ♪

  • (birds chirping)

  • - Do it, Friedrich! Jump!

  • (thunderclap) - (yelling)

  • (ice crackling)

  • (thump) - Aah--

  • (thunderclap)

  • You belong with all the other putrid humans in Arendelle.

  • So do you!

  • Hi! I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs.

  • Ow! -(Anna) Olaf! No!

  • You built him, remember?

  • Yes. That means I can destroy him!

  • (whooshing)

  • Hi! I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs.

  • (shattering)

  • (sunbeams humming)

  • Ow, ow, ow.

  • (guttural groan)

  • Hi! I'm Olaf, and I like--

  • (guttural groan)

  • Hi! I'm Olaf, and...

  • (groaning)

  • Hi! I'm Olaf... - (cackling)

  • He just keeps dying!

  • (laughing wickedly)

  • (wind whistling)

  • Kristoff?

  • Anna.

  • (sword draws)

  • No!

  • (ice crackling)

  • (shattering)

  • Anna... you sacrificed yourself for me?

  • How pitiful!

  • Hah!

  • Elsa, you made it eternal winter.

  • I know, 'cause I'm super evil.

  • Yes, but did you think it through

  • from an astrophysical perspective?

  • In order for it to be winter all the time,

  • the world stopped rotating around the sun.

  • And without that rotational energy,

  • the planet is being pulled right into the sun.

  • Only an act of true love can melt the thaw.

  • Just open up your heart, and...

  • - Save your breath. I only love myself.

  • We're [bleep]ed.

  • ♪ (bright chord) ♪

  • (birds chirping)

  • It's getting warmer. I can feel my toes.

  • (people cheering)

  • Wait, wait. Too hot! Too hot!

  • (screaming)

  • (people screaming)

  • ♪ (brash music) ♪

  • - Hey, guys!

  • I'm Julie, the associate producer for the scripted department.

  • For the first time in forever,

  • we are thrilled to release a new Reverse Ratings episode.

  • Check out our previous episodes by clicking below.

  • We had so, so, so much fun bringing this to life,

  • and we really hope you guys liked it.

  • Thank you so much for all the support you've always given to us.

  • I'm gonna go build a snowman now.

  • ♪ (dramatic music) ♪

♪ (orchestral music) ♪

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