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-How are you feeling? "Saturday Night Live"?
-What? -Are you excited?
I mean -- -Wh-at?
Yes, I´m very excited. I´m very excited.
-Now, what is today -- Thursday.
Oh, yeah. So you´re kind of getting --
You´re picking the sketches now? -Yeah, yeah.
We picked the sketches last night.
-Have you ever acted live, like in theater?
-I did musical. I did one musical in Israel.
-And how was that? -Good.
-Yeah. -No, it was good.
-It was for -- It was for little children,
so this is obviously a whole different thing.
-No. "Saturday Night Live" is
for kids. Just like Trix cereal.
-I did "Saturday Night" as the mermaid.
I was the mermaid. -Yes.
Oh, you should be a funny mermaid.
I´m just trying to think of sketches for you.
Last time you were here, it was right before
"Wonder Woman" came out. -I know.
-And man, oh man, those knockout punches.
You were so great. [ Cheers and applause ]
You were great! -It was all thanks to you.
-You crushed it! -Thank you.
-The biggest movie ever! -It´s the group of us.
-$800 million worldwide. -$820 million,
but I´m not counting. -$820 million, who´s counting?
No big deal.
Yeah, no big deal. Whatever.
$820 million, no big deal.
[ Laughter ]
But that -- That is insanity.
-Right? -I´m so excited,
so happy for you. -Thank you.
Thank you so much, Jimmy. -It´s so good when you see
someone and you go, "I hope it´s going to be giant,"
and then it´s bigger than giant. -No, it´s been --
Honestly, it´s been beyond what we´ve all expected,
and we had many expectations for the movie.
But just, you know, there´s so much for this character,
and people care so much for her, and it´s been --
It´s been incredible. -And you´re coming back
for "Justice League." -Right.
-November 17th. -Correct.
-It´s so secretive that you couldn´t tell me anything
backstage even. -Nothing.
-Yeah, you gave me a photo. -Unh-unh.
-You got to wait. -I don´t even know what´s
going on in the photo.
It looks like there´s a steam leak.
That´s all I can think of.
The plot is that they have to fix a leak -- a leaky pipe.
-How did you know? -That´s the plot.
-The plumber, yeah. -It´s the plumber, yeah.
-I´m the plumber. Justice Plumbers.
-I have that, I have that. Yeah, it´s all about plumbing.
But, how exciting is that? -Why did you not flush?
[ Laughter ]
-Don´t give away the ending. Yeah, yeah, that´s good.
-It´s set in the -- never mind.
-How old is your oldest? -She´s six.
-So, Halloween´s coming. -She´ll be six in November.
-Halloween´s coming up. -Yeah, oh, my God.
This is a big deal. And we´re going to celebrate
her birthday very, like, around...
-Right next to it? -Yeah.
-Is she going to be Wonder Woman?
-No. She doesn´t care about costumes.
-What do you mean? -I´ll tell you.
Alma, she´s, like, the best thing ever to me.
She´s my daughter. But whenever people talk to me
about "Wonder Woman," she completely takes
the conversation, and she´s like,
"Listen, we´ve been to London. It´s been amazing.
I was working on set too, but I was 4, 3, 4,
so I didn´t take -- I didn´t do all the takes.
It was cold. -No.
-And they dressed me like a poor girl and I didn´t want
to do it because I don´t want to be famous.
But honestly, every woman is a Wonder Woman.
My mom is just the biggest one because she does the movie.
But if you think.." like, like this.
She will go on and on and on. -Oh, my God.
-Smart cookie, man.
[ Applause ]
-So she´s not... -School everyone at Halloween.
-"My mom is Wonder Woman. Whatever."
[ Laughter ]
-No big deal, my mom´s Wonder Woman.
My dad´s... [ Laughter ]
-No, but she´s -- She´s psyched about --
She wants to be a zombie. -A zombie.
-Yeah. -Well, does she know, like,
you go out and you get candy and all this stuff?
-So, last year, we just moved to the States, and it´s been
our first -- her first -- very first Halloween.
And I want to say, it´s weird. You guys in America,
you have wonderful holidays, but it´s kind of crazy, right?
Because it´s all about consuming and consuming.
So Christmas, everyone buys presents,
and then Halloween, everyone´s got to do candies
and buy tons of candy, and then it´s okay for you
to tell to your children to go knock on strangers´ doors
so they can give them candies. [ Laughter ]
And last year, Alma was like,
"This is the best holiday ever!"
-Of course! Kids love it!
-She loves it. There´s nothing not
to love about it. -Well, we were talking
about candies and what candies you like
and you told me about this candy I´ve never heard of.
-Oh, you´ve got it. The Shokolad Parah.
-Yeah, I was going to say that.
[ Light laughter ]
-So, this is chocolate... -Parah.
"Parah" means a cow.
-Pa-Parah. -Pa-rah.
-Chocolate cow. Parah. -Parah.
-Sounds like something´s caught in your throat.
Chocolate Parah. -Parah.
-But what is special about this guy?
-This one has, how do you call it,
exploding candies inside.
Like the candy... -Oh, yeah, Pop Rocks?
Yes, Pop Rocks in it.
-I want to try this.
I´m very excited.
-Are you going to share? -Of course.
Are you kidding me? You get first piece.
All right. [ Band playing music ]
I´ll take this guy. Ready?
-Cheers. -Cheers.
[ Light laughter ]
[ Crackling ]
[ Laughter ]
-That was so cool. -You hear it pop.
-No, let´s do it again. Let´s do it again.
No, I´m just kidding.
[ Laughter ]
It´s still happening.
Wow, this is really fun. I like this.
-Right? -It´s still happening.
-But I heard... -It gets more and more
at the end. -I heard a rumor that
you´ve never tried Reese´s Peanut Butter Cups.
-I never.
[ Audience groans ]
-Well, today is a great day for you.
[ Cheers ]
This is -- I can´t wait to see
what happens. -Oh, my gosh.
Magic will happen.
-Gal Gadot is trying a Reese´s Peanut Butter Cup
for the first time, right now.
And we´re about to see her reaction.
You want to open it? I feel like Willy Wonka.
I´m just so excited right now.
This is, like, fantastic. -Where is it?
-No, look, all right, so... -Oh, there´s two?
Oh, yeah, they come with two. -I can share.
-You can share or save or freeze.
I don´t even know what you want to do there.
That´s it. [ Band playing music ]
That´s the way they come.
So it´s like that. It´s almost like a little --
Do you like peanut butter? -I love peanut butter,
but I never tried it with chocolate.
-Here we go. This is --
I just can´t wait to see this. -Oh, my God, now I´m nervous.
-All right, here, cheers. -Cheers.
[ Laughter ]
-What do you think?
[ Cheers and applause ]
You love it? She loves it!
-That is really good.
-We love it. -I can´t believe
I´ve never tried it.
-I´m so happy that you just did that.