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# Every day when you're walking down the street Everybody that you meet
# Has an original point of view And I say, hey! Hey!
# What a wonderful kind of day If you can learn to work and play
# And get along with each other
# You got to listen to your heart Listen to the beat
# Listen to the rhythm The rhythm of the street of the street
#Open up your eyes Open up your ears
# Get together and make things better By working together
# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart
# Believe in yourself (in yourself) cause that's the place to start (to start)
- # And I say, hey! Hey! - What a wonderful kind of day
# If we can learn to work and play And get along with each other
# Hey! What a wonderful kind of day - Hey! What a wonderful kind of day - HEY! #
- Hey, DW! - Hey...
- Come with me. - Why?
Sh! It's about our lost brother.
- We don't HAVE a brother. - They're keeping him a secret. I've SEEN him.
Uh-oh - Great!
Don't turn on...
the light.
I wonder where he went. Mom and Dad sold him or something.
- DW, that's ME.
- Is not. - Is too.
- But YOU wear glasses. - That's before I wore glasses.
You were born with glasses.
You were only two years old then, so you probably don't remember...
This quiz is to be completed in class.
No talking!
- That's a 7, right? - No, it's a 2.
- That's a 1? - No, it's a 7.
THAT'S a 7.
No, Arthur, it's a 9. Stop bothering me!
These are your test results.
Anyone with four or more mistakes, should see me later for extra homework.
- I guess math's not your best subject! - I have a headache!
- Yeah. Sometimes Francine gives ME a headache, too. - Huh!
- Arthur! - Got it!
No, I don't.
Come on, Arthur, you can do it!
- Aw! - Oh, Arthur!
I guess basketball's just not your sport.
(Girl) E...G...B...D
E, G ,B, D!
E, G, B, D.
It's not a 7. 8?
# Arthur's in trou-ble! #
How do you get in trouble with the NURSE?
- What happened? - I have to go to the eye doctor.
- What can you see? - It's just blurry, Dr Iris.
- NOW what do you see? - A giant worm!
- That better? - Yeah. I can read it all!
You just need glasses, Arthur. That's why you've been getting those headaches.
All you have to do is choose the frames you like.
- Those are nice. - Maybe I'll try something else.
- There! Those look wonderful, Arthur! - Very distinguished!
Look at that airplane way up there! Look at all the leaves on the trees!
Hay, Mom, you have grey hairs on your head! Dad, have you always had bags under your eyes?
Wow! You look weird!
You look different.
- You get a new haircut? - NO!
Hey, Buster, look! Arthur's a four-eyes!
# Arthur's a four-eyes! Arthur's a four-eyes! # THEY LAUGH
Some people need glasses to see, Francine. Big deal?!
- Hey, you guys, look - I'm Arthur! - THEY LAUGH
- I know - that's a new shirt. - 'Fraid not.
- Waaah! - Hmm?
- Arthur? - Don't talk to me!
Well, it's better than being called Four-Eyes.
If I lose them, nobody can make me wear them.
I won't even know where they land.
Good riddance!
That's it, DW...
- What are you doing with your glasses? - DW took them on. I was just getting them back!
Be careful with those. You wouldn't want them broken.
No, Mom.
- WHACK! - OW! Er, ha-ha.
- Arthur, where are your glasses? - I lost home, I think.
- It's harder than ever to see without my glasses. - Why don't you just wear 'em?
I don't need 'em! I know this school like the back of my own hand.
Boys' room is the third door from this corner. Right?
- Yeah. - See? Why do I need them?
See you in class.
Oh...! ..Well, the examination was better than I thought it would be. Still...I think we're going...
First door...
I said, "If I'm not ....clean..(?), I'm not playing...!"
- Francine? - Agh!
- What are YOU doing in here? - This is the girls' room! Get out of here!
- EEEEK! - A BOY! - Get out!
Get me out of here!
Oh, no!
I'll just have to get used to being a four-eyed weirdo.
'I'm Wilbur Rabbitt, and this is the story of how we make the Bionic Bunny Show!
- 'Cut! - Yeah, that's fine.'
Wilbur Rabbitt wears glasses just like mine?! ALL RIGHT!
- Old Four-Eyes is back. - Hi, Francine!
- I know - you're wearing glasses! - Yeah, I am.
Four-Eyes! Hah, hah
Binky, did you know Wilbur Rabbitt wears glasses?
Yeah, I saw it on TV last night.
- I didn't see that. - Yeah. Wasn't it great how they make him fly!
Don't ask me to read to the pro...(?) to you. I need to concentrate!
Look out, everyone, Arthur's got the ball!
Very good, Arthur! All correct.
How would you like to play on MY basketball team today...?
Do you like them?
- There's no glass. - They're my movie-star glasses.
Don't they make me look beautiful? Wilbur Rabbitt wears glasses, you know.
And his are just like mine.
..And since then, I always wore glasses. That solve your mystery?
I guess. But it's not as good as having a lost brother.
Hey, look!
Who's this weird guy with Mom?
- That's Dad. - Dad doesn't have a beard, Arthur!
Maybe Mom's divorced. I'm waking her up NOW and demanding an explanation!
DW...! DW!
And now. A word from us kids.
I don't think it matter what you look like really.
Arthur got his glasses because he has trouble seeing the board.
Sometimes people need glasses.
He went to school with glasses wore.
Most of kids were calling him "Four-eyes."
-He didn't want to wear glasses. - cause he didn't want to be called "Four-eyes."
cause everybody was making fun of him.
I feel that does not really nice.
because you could hurt the feelings.
It's not nice to see somebody else about how they look.
If they look different, it doesn't really matter.
It's just good to be different.
Black hair. Blue eyes. Red buttons
Green eyes. White skin. Orange hair. Brown yellow ?
A long nose...Brown skin. Black eyes. Glasses and red shirt. Green pants.
Long ... nose(?) smile.
Everybody looks different.
I don't think that matters what's outside. I think it matters what's inside.
It's not the way you look, it's the way you feel.
Quiet down! Now, as you may have heard... Buster, turn around, please.
- School pictures have just been scheduled. - What?
- Now?! I can't have my picture taken in these rags! - For next Thursday afternoon.
That should give you plenty of time to change your clothes. Miss Crosswire?!
There are a few things you have to remember about school pictures.
Like, it's not a good idea to drink six cans of soda then have your picture taken...
..or rub your feet across the carpet and sit on a metal chair...Aaaaah!...
or wear a flower if you have a allergy.
- One more out and we got 'em. - We'll never do it. They're fourth-graders.
- The plan... No matter what, get the ball to Francine. - BREAK!
- Go, Arthur! > - Go on! - You can do it!
Watch it! I got it! I got it!
You're out!
- Hooray! - Well done! - Yes!
- My mother says I can get a new dress for picture day. - I'm getting new shoes AND a dress.
We beat the fourth-graders! I tagged them and we won!
So anyway, we should compare dresses and make sure we're not wearing the same thing.
- What are YOU wearing? - To what? School pictures.
Pictures? Who cares?
- Not YOU, obviously. - I think Francine could have the prettiest picture of all.
You do?
Except for mine, of course.
- Ow! - It'd take a lot of work, but ...
... you could be a whole new Francine.
We could even look like twins... Maybe.
- Really? Nah! - Leave it to me.
I TOLD you I didn't have any dresses.
What's that? Back there?
Put it on.
- I'll look stupid. - Do you want a nice school picture or not?
Trust me.
See? It's perfect... once you fix the little rip here.
Just have your Mom run a needle over that. And now for your hair!
- What's wrong with my hair? - Huh.
Close your eyes until I tell you to look.
- But... - Do it!
OK, you can look now.
- ARGH! - I don't get it! It always works for ME.
Get me out of this!
Wait, I have an idea.
- Hello, Flossie? This is Muffy. - Ooh! Muffy, my favourite little client! This is truly ...
Can I bring a friend to my appointment? She really needs something special!
- You got it, kid! - That's great! Thank you!
It's all set. Meet me tomorrow afternoon at the Salon De Beaute.
The what?!
- You didn't say we're going to a beauty parlor. - What do you think it was? A pet shop?
No way am I going in there.
I knew you'd chicken out. Luckily, I brought my secret weapon.
Remember this? Last year's picture.
- Is THIS what you wanna look like? - OK, OK, you win!
Ma fille! How positively brilliant to see you!
Eduardo, look who's here!
- Muffy! - Surprise! How fabulous!
- And what have we here? - ..Francine.
Oh, that's right. Well, we don't promise miracles.
Not in YOUR price range, anyway.
This is our Queen Of The Nile look.
VERY popular. No?
Well, then, let's try for something more au courante!
- Don't you have anything more normal? - If you insist... Oh, I have just the thing!
I-I'll take that, I guess. Only, not too much hairspray.
You got it, kid. ..One prom queen to go - extra curls, hold the sauce!
And now, ma cherie, you will rest - and wake up as the girl of your dreams.
Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've waited for. Let's hear it...
for Francine Frensky!
Francine sports a brand new hairdo - the crowd loves it!
- Play ball! - She prepares for the opening pitch as she takes place behind the plate, .
And there's the pitch!
Huh? OOF!
- Eeooout! - What a dazzling play by Francine!
It's the butt...of inning. Francine runs to the outfield and returns the ball...
- to Arthur, who makes the catch! - Eeooout!
It's the final play of the game... Francine races to beat the ball, she slides...
and safe!
Her hairdo touches the plate just in time. What a game!
Francine. Francine?
So - what do you think?
- I knew it! - Oh, if only she had hair like YOURS.
- I think it's great!
Wait till you see how it looks with your dress.
There goes my new soccer ball.
there are a few little things you should know about hair care.
- WHAT are you doing? - Riding my bike.
I don't think so! Bicycles and curls do NOT mix.
See? I told you it was worth it
Now remember what I said. No swimming, no riding in convertibles,
and wear protective headgear during the rain.
- Honey? Arthur called to remind you about the kickball game tomorrow. Don't forget to bring the ball.
Oh, I forgot. Absolutely NO kickball.
- No way! - And no lying down!
- I can't do this. There's too many rules.
Remember my secret weapon...? Well, then?
(Arthur and Buster are kicking a paper-ball in the school hall.)
- Do you like it? - No. I wasn't asking YOU.
- Well, it's... - ALIVE!
Just pretend you don't see them. Boys ruin everything!
Was it an accident or does she look like that on purpose?
Probably a combination of gravitational pull and too much stress on the hair follicles!
- You're gonna get it! - Francine, calm down.
Aw! Now look what you did!
- There, you can't see a thing. - Yes, you can. It's all over... - Ahem!
Now, if you stay still until picture time, everything will be fine.
- What do you mean you can't play?! - You heard her. She can't mess up her hair.
- Why?
- I have to keep it nice for school pictures. - But Francine, it's the fourth-graders!
- They'll KILL us if you don't play. - Good! ..No slouching.
Remember! Good posture is the key to true beauty.
- She's lost her mind. That's all. - And WE're gonna lose the game.
Who needs Francine? We're just as good.
Can I help you find the ball?
- Come on, you guys, get up! - Sit down!
It's one to nothing.
- 2-0. - You have to get used to this, Francine.
If you wanna look nice, no more kickball.
It's just a silly game anyway. What's the point of running around in a circle and getting your shoes dirty?
- She caught it - and YOU'RE out. - She wasn't even playing!
Do you know there's a poodle on your head? Yeah, and it does tricks! Watch!
- How could you?! - I'm sick of being perfect.
Besides, I like the way I used to look.
Remember me? I'm the one who burped.
- Listen to me. Don't go in there. You'll regret it forever. - You're making it worse.
Oh, that Francine!
It's like my father says, you get what you pay for.
And if I were YOU I'd burn those, and quick.
I sort of LIKE them. See this smudge? I got it when I slid into home!
- Hey, want to trade? - Hers didn't come out. Technical difficulties.
- I'll trade if you promise not to laugh. - I won't if you won't.
- I like it. Looks just like you. - So does yours.
I give up, Francine Frensky!
I'm sorry to have to say this, but you'll NEVER be like me.
- Kickball? - You bet!