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  • Hi, we're the fine brothers

  • Consider yourselves frightfully warned!

  • We're about tho spoil the endings of 100 horror movies...

  • in one take

  • in under five minutes

  • starting now!

  • Dracula is killed.

  • Dracula is killed.

  • Dracula is killed.

  • Dracula is killed.

  • Dracula is killed.

  • Dracula reveals himself to be Judas - yes, that Judas - and

  • Dracula is killed!

  • note to self every Dracula movie will end the same way

  • Frankenstein monster is burned inside a windmill by angry villagers

  • the monster destroys the lab killing himself

  • they all die except for Alison Clear

  • they all die except for Kimberly, officer Burk and the pregnant lady

  • they all die

  • they all die

  • Rachel copy's a tape and passes it on to save Aidan

  • Rachel is pulled inside the tape roll and jumps of a cliff which reunite's her with Aidan

  • they finally believe Dr. Bennett right before he's committed to a mental hospital and they call the police and we are left to wonder what happens next

  • they kill IT who's true form is a spider

  • Nancy kills Freddy with the film ends with Freddy capturing her mom and friends

  • Lisa kisses Freddy who burns to death revealing Jessy in the ashes but the film ends with Freddy's glove busting through there friends chest

  • Nancy dies after she helps destroy Freddy

  • the soles kill Freddy by ripping his skull apart but his reflection is seen in the water

  • Freddy is turned into an infant and his mom sucks him back up into her whomb

  • Freddy is killed by a pipe bomb finally dead forever but then it made money soo..

  • Freddy's in the real world killing people associated with making the films, Freddy burns in a furnace and dies

  • Freddy is killed but appears in a mirror kills Nancy's mother and pulls Nancy through the mirror

  • 00:01:07,200 --> 00:01:10,620 they think Jason is killed but of course they're wrong and he kills Paul the girl survives

  • Chris kills Jason but goes insane and is taken away to the asilem

  • Tommy and Chris killed jason this was supost to be the final one but there is oh so many more

  • jason is killed but its not jason its roy burns

  • Jason is killed at the bottom of the lake but the film ends showing him alive

  • tina has magical powers and brings her farther back from the dead who then drowns jason in the lake

  • jason is killed by toxic waste in the sewers

  • and again in what was ment to be the last friday the 13th jason is alive without expalnation and is stabed and is dragged to hell and put on the clawed had of Freddy crougers and send him up

  • Jason rises from the water holding his masheti in Freddys head but its still not over focks

  • Jason is frozen till the year 2455 he is killed and comes back as a cyborg and ultimately is blown up in the atmosphere but come on 11 movies isn't enough lest reboot the franchise

  • Jason is killed but ends up alive how much you wanna bet there will be another move

  • grampa kills max the head vampire

  • lewis berries his wife in the cemetery but she returns to life and stabs him

  • norlock dies via sunlight

  • the wolf man is burned to death by his farther

  • Gwen shoots Lawrence in wolf form he turns back to normal and thanks her before he does

  • you wouldn't use the toilet for like years

  • 00:05:11,240 --> 00:05:13,240

  • 00:05:13,240 --> 00:05:15,240

Hi, we're the fine brothers

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5分鐘內的100部恐怖片劇透。 (100 Horror Movie Spoilers in 5 Minutes)

  • 119 1
    Jessica Lin posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary