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  • I am not coach right now, I am your conscience.

  • You're in a fight between will and skill. I say will first because that's what you are.

  • You're locked and loaded with skill. You're practicing every day, you're putting in your work.

  • You're buying everything, you're making investments. You're living your dream,

  • you're walking like your dream. You're surrounding yourself around your dream,

  • you got mentors - everything. You're putting more work in. You got your skill.

  • Now is the test of your will. It is a mindset thing you are in right now

  • it is a mindset thing because your challenge. Your challenge ain't moving, your

  • mountain, it is not moving. You don't feel like you making any progress.

  • You are not physically moving when you see everything else around you, other

  • people around you moving, you're not making progress, you're in the

  • test of your will right now cuz life says it has a little more test for you.

  • It's no different because we messed up, because you fell off the wagon, you've

  • been on alcohol and drugs and you gave up on life and you dropped out or you've

  • been to jail one time, two times, three times and you really want your dream to

  • happen and you putting in your work and nothing's happening yet.

  • Every transformation always gets worse before it gets better.l

  • It's supposed to be that way. When you embark this journey you must know that

  • it's gonna go down before it comes up but when it comes up, it's gonna go so

  • much higher than you've ever been. The action of making progress is progress. The, the

  • push itself, the fight, you get up and swing and miss - that's progress. You get

  • up and you run at - get what you want with everything you got and you miss,

  • that's progress. The effort of making the attempt. it's progress. It must happen. It

  • can't do anything but move. You can't do anything but make progress. You're pushing

  • and you're pushing and you're pushing and you're pushing and you're doing

  • everything right. You're tired, you're exhausted and ain't nothing happening yet.

  • That word is what you're waiting for. 'Yet.' Because I promise you, if you keep

  • pushing, if you keep giving me all your effort, it will happen. You have to be

  • equipped mentally to endure this process. Knowing what you're about to go into is

  • step one. Knowing it's an uphill battle, but a winnable one and one that's

  • achievable and at the end of this race guys, you're going to be more capable. The

  • first step guys, is knowing it's a tough road. As soon as you decide to stop

  • looking for answers in other people and miracles somewhere down the yellow brick

  • road, and click the heels of your mind, and set your affections on

  • things that are above, you could have been free years ago. All

  • jealousy, all pettiness, all unforgiveness, all strife, all malice, all confusion, all

  • blaming other people for your mistakes. You got till midnight to get rid of

  • every poison that's hindering you, every inflexibility that's stopping you from

  • what God is about to pour into your life woe be unto you if you go into

  • another year and waste another year with the old mentality while somebody in the hospital

  • begging God for the opportunity that you have right now. You better step into this moment.

  • My COMMITMENT and obsession is always to be better today than I was yesterday

  • If I have to make sacrifices to do that: so be it. If I have to tell that person I

  • can’t go out drinking with him anymore: so be it. Because that’s not what I value.

  • Anything or anyone that is taking me further away from my dreams has to go.

  • I’m committed to self development not self destruction, and you know, any person

  • that is meant to be with me on the journey, will choose that higher road

  • with me. Yes, a tougher road, but it is also a much more rewarding one. I want my life to

  • mean something. To be able to look back at my life and say, yeah, I made some

  • tough decisions, but they were the RIGHT decisions. So many people don’t get it.

  • They piss their life away every weekend for what? So they can complain

  • about their current circumstances for the rest of the week? THERE'S NO CHANCE!

  • I’m in charge of my own life! It’s all on me! I take responsibility. I take action.

  • You will never hear me complain about another person or circumstance as the

  • reason I’m not where I want to be. If I don’t like where I amTime to knuckle

  • down and work harder! I am a perfect reflection of the hard work or lack of

  • work I put in. And luck, that only comes to those who have paid their dues.

  • If I am weak in a certain area, it won’t be for long.

  • Because I’m committed to be better. I will learn, I will read. I will make it happen.

  • I will FIND A WAY. I will WORK until that weakness is turned into a strength.

  • No one can beat me, because i don't give up! I'm RELENTLESS! You might knock me down,

  • but i NEVER stay down! It’s time to RISE. RISE UP to your potential!

  • RISE UP past your limitations! RISE UP past your family or friends limitations!

  • Set the standard for those around you! Don’t conform to the standard,

  • like a sheep. Get out and LEAD THE WAY! GET UP. RISE UP! MAN UP!

  • My college ball career was over. I got offered a job to become a hospital

  • administrator. 2-year program, $75,000 job

  • and right before I took the job, my daddy called me on the phone. Let me tell you

  • about my daddy. When I was a little boy, my daddy would

  • always pick me up. When he came home from work he picked me up, when he saw me in

  • the nursery after church, he picked me up. No matter how long he worked, no matter

  • how tired he was, my dad would always pick me up. So when I had my kids, I would

  • always pick up my kids. When I got home, sometimes I was tired and they would have a bottle in

  • one hand, and they just lifted up their other hand, and they knew what

  • daddy was supposed to do, my job was to pick them up.

  • This is a spiritual interaction. When you pick up a child, it is a spiritual

  • transaction. When you pick up a child, you change their

  • perspective.

  • When you pick up a child, all of a sudden they can see the world the way you see it.

  • I don't care what your children have done, there is nothing they can do for you to stop picking

  • them up. Whether my daughter's a drug addict, I don't

  • care I pick her up. My son messes up, I don't care

  • pick him up. I don't care. You pick them up.

  • That is your job, Mama. That is your job, Daddy. That is your job

  • grandma, that is your job granddad, your number one job is to pick them up and

  • change their perspective.

  • My saddest day, one day my daddy looked at me and said boy you too big, I can't pick you

  • up anymore but when he couldn't pick me up physically, he would pick me up

  • emotionally, he would pick me up spiritually.

  • I had a great dad because he would always pick me up.

  • He would always change my perspective.

  • So my daddy called me on the phone and he asked me a question he said son you

  • had a tough year, what's next? I said dad I'm gonna be a hospital administrator.

  • He said not bad but let me ask you a question, son do you believe you're an

  • NBA player? You cannot produce yourself in there son, if you don't think so, go take the

  • job. But if you believe you're an NBA player, go for it.

  • My dad had self-control and discipline and waited for my answer and

  • my answer was yes, you're right Dad. I can't work the rest of my life. Playing in the NBA is a dream

  • I've had ever since I was a little boy.

  • He said, go for it son.

  • I limped back into my coach's office with a cast on my foot,

  • tears in my eyes. I said Coach what do I need to do to play in the NBA? He said, do

  • two things and you can play in the NBA. Lose 20 pounds and shoot a three-point shot

  • with range you can play in the NBA. If you lose 20 pounds and shoot the three-point shot with

  • range you can play in the NBA. I lost 20 pounds and every day I would shoot 500

  • shots a day, every single day. I got invited to training camp with the

  • Dallas Mavericks and not only did I make the team, I became the first ever undrafted

  • rookie free agent in the history of the Dallas Mavericks to start opening night!

  • Could you imagine what was going through my mind:

  • I had not started a basket-ball game since high-school. I got to the arena, they dimmed the lights, and they put

  • the spotlight right on me. Right in the spotlight I saw my mama right there, and all my brothers and sisters

  • and then I saw my dad,

  • and i pumped my fist,

  • and he pumped his fist, and tears streamed down my face. Thank you for all those timeouts,

  • thank you for making sure I was always home when the streetlights came on.

  • Thank you for making sure I could always hear your voice. Thank you for always

  • changing my perspective. I got a simple simple simple question for you..Here is

  • the question - Do you believe that one day you are not going live in the world that

  • was given to you that's right but you are going to actually live in the world

  • that you dream of..

  • You gotta make every single second count.. You gotta go in the future and see it baby..

  • And than you gotta come come back in the present...

  • And you gotta take that big goal, that big dream, that big reality, that;s what I said,

  • You gotta take that big reality... And you gotta take small steps to make it

  • managable... To make it so your dreams become a reality..

  • Think BIG, Dream BIG but start small.. That's right START SMALL - remember what I

  • told start where you are... with what you have, because what you have is plenty..

  • But the biggest enemy you have to deal with is yourself... There is an old African

  • proverb that says: If there's no enemy within.. the enemy outside can do us no harm...

  • You don't have to personally be perfect.. Do you hear me?

  • There are those of you right now you should've cut a CD, you should've wrote

  • a book, you should have gotten in school and get that degree.. You should've

  • started your own business.. There are so many things you should've done..

  • You should've done.. But you didn't do it because you are.. SCARED...

  • You say scared of what? - I ain't scared... You are scared... You are scared

  • of failure, you are scared to make a mistake.. You are scared.... that you are not perfect...

  • And I'm telling you today you ain't gotta be perfect. Are you hearing what I'm saying?

  • You don't have to be perfect to get what you want.. to do what you want,

  • to have what you want, to be what you want... You don't have to be perfect.... It's a LIE.

  • There will never be a point in your life... where it's the right time...

  • to do a great thing... If you are waiting for that perfect perfect

  • moment... That perfect timing... is not going to happen.. You know what you have to do?

  • You have to create the perfect time and the perfect opportunity and the perfect situation.

  • So a lot of people become comfortable... They stop growing, They stop wanting

  • anything.. They become satisfied....

  • People getting ready to go to jobs that they don't like, jobs that are making them SICK

  • You see when you are not pursuing your goal you are literally

  • committing spiritual suicide. When you have some goal out here that you are

  • reaching for that takes you out of your comfort zone.

  • You'll find out some talents and abilities you have... That you didn't know you had.

  • When the messenger of misery visits you? What are you going to do?

  • What will keep you in the game. There are things that you think you'll never need to know

  • that you may only need to know one time

  • in your life but that could save your life because you had that knowledge.

  • Unless you attempt to do something beyond that which you have already

  • mastered you will NEVER GROW. What is it that you looked at some point in time

  • and you decided that you couldn't do it. That you talk yourself out of it.

  • You waiting for your next door neighbor.. to make it happen for you... It may not happen.

  • If you want on your mother or your father... They may be so ancient in their thinking.

  • that they don't understand this opportunity that you have

  • and if you wait on them that may never get done. You don't pay average

  • people to be phenomenal, you don't pay good people to be phenomenal.

  • You just are phenomenal and you will attract phenomenal. What reason can you

  • remember that you can call on, that you reach on, that could make you

  • get back up? Find that reason. If you are not where

  • you are, if you're not where you wanna be... If you don't have what you want to have

  • If you are not where you think you should be at this particular place, it has nothing to do

  • with the system, but it has everything to do with the fact that you're not making

  • a sacrifice. I want you to make that dream become a reality. Because if you

  • don't you will be working for somebody else to make their dreams become a

  • reality. The Question is - What are you gonna do with your time?

  • What drives you? - Greatness is a lot of small things done well.

  • Day after day.. Workout after workout.. Day after day... When things don't

  • work out for you, when things happen that you could not anticipate, what are the

  • reasons that you can think of that can keep you strong.. You will never ever be

  • successful.. Until you turn your PAIN INTO GREATNESS. Until you ally your pain

  • to push you from where you are, to push you to where you need to be. Stop running

  • from your pain, and embrace your pain. Your pain is going to be a part of your prize

  • a part of your product. I challenge you to push yourself. See it's easy to be

  • on the bottom. It doesn't take any effort to be a loser, doesn't take any

  • motivation, any drive in order to stay down there on a low level. But it calls on everything in you

  • you have to harness your will to say I am going to challenge myself. What you did

  • last week don't count. Today, Today is the only important day.

  • There are 86 400 seconds in a day... And how you use those ate critical.

  • You got 86 400 a day.. And what you do today is going to seep into who

  • you are. Nobody's gonna talk about what you did last week. You have this opportunity

  • of a lifetime. It means absolutely nothing if you don't take advantage of it in the

  • lifetime of this opportunity. I got a saying that when life knocks you down

  • try and land on your back because if you can look up, you can get up and if you want

  • a thing bad enough to go out and fight for it, to work day and night for it,

  • to give up your time, your peace and your sleep for it, if all that you dream and scheme

  • is about it and life seems useless and worthless without it see it's time now

  • if you wanna make this your decade, you gotta start saying yes to your

  • life. You gotta start saying yes to your dreams. Yes to your unfolding future.

  • Yes to your potential as opposed to saying no.

  • When you die, die or leave, leave no dream left behind guys, leave no opportunity

  • left behind when you leave this earth, accomplish every single thing you can accomplish.

  • Listen to me. You're gonna be here one day but you'll never get here if you give

  • up, if you give in, if you quit and finally guys you gotta want to succeed

  • as bad as you wanna breathe.

  • What people think about you and the possibilities for your dream is none of

  • your business. The attitude is it can't be done because they haven't seen it

  • history is being read but it's also being written by people with imagination.

  • It's necessary you take responsibility for it. That you make it happen, that you

  • don't give up, that you don't take any objection or disappointment or defeats

  • personally, that you keep on keeping on, that you don't decide that I can't make

  • it because you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, that you realize

  • that's a part of the program. As the physically weak man can make himself

  • strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make

  • them strong by exercising himself in right thinking.

  • To put away aimlessness and weakness and to begin to think with purpose is to

  • enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the

  • pathways to attainment. Who make all conditions serve them and who think

  • strongly, attempt fearlessly and accomplish masterfully.

  • He who would accomplish little, must sacrifice little. He who would achieve

  • much, must sacrifice much, he who would attain highly, must sacrifice greatly.

  • What are you gonna do starting tomorrow that'll make a difference? Major step to

  • human progress - discipline. If there's one thing to get excited over

  • that's it. Get excited over your ability to make yourself do the

  • necessary things.

  • Because the story you have about your life, or about your business,

  • about the area of life, is not where you want to be.

  • Your story is what's making this stuff.

  • Yes, it's hard, it's hard, and we will do it hard and once if we do it hard, and we got through it, and

  • we realize it was worth it and once you discover it was worth it, it is done.

  • Study the things that can change your economic, social, spiritual, personal life

  • so you don't want to wind up at the end of your life and discover that you've

  • lived only 1/10 of it.

  • Maybe you're at the darkest point of your life and you're ready to give up. You're at a point

  • in your life when you feel like it's do or die. You're going through so much pain

  • you're going through so much agony, you're ready to give up, you're ready to quit.

  • I've got one word for you - warrior! Woo! Warrior! Fear. It's not real.

  • The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future.

  • It is a product of our imagination causing us to fear things that do not at

  • present and may not ever exist.

  • Fear is a choice.

  • Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

  • I want your dream to be so clear that when you wake up in the morning all you got

  • to do is step in your dream and the first step for me was seeing something I

  • was not before I was. You can do it. Where you are is temporary!

  • You will not be there for the rest of your life.

  • I don't care what happens in your life, I don't care what it looks like, I don't

  • care where you are, every single day you wake up if you're going to have energy

  • if you're going to have passion, if you're going to have drive, every day you

  • wake up you've got to start with that vision. This is a mentality like, you got

  • to live this, you got to eat this, you got - every single thing you do is not a choosing

  • it's a way of life. It's got to possess everything you do, it's got to own.

  • There's no reason to have a plan B because it distracts from plan A.

  • I want to see how far I can go, I want to see what I can acomplish, I want to see

  • what I can do, what I can be, what I can have, I want to see I don't want to see

  • what I think I can do, I don't want to see what think is possible, I want to

  • see what my life will looks life if I don't count the cost and I was willing to go

  • further then anybody was willing to do. You can't do anything without faith it's

  • impossible to accomplish anything without faith, so i need you to believe.

  • There is still time, as long there is a breath in your nostrils, as long as you

  • can wake up in the morning The first step before anyone else in the world

  • believes it, you have to believe it So I need you to believe Cause if you're

  • willing to go through all the battling you got to go through to get where you

  • want to get, who's got the right to stop you? I mean maybe some of you guys got

  • something you never finished, something you really want to do, something you never said to

  • someone, something... and you're told no, even after you paid your dues? Who's got the

  • right to tell you that, who? Nobody! It's your right to listen to your gut, it ain't

  • nobody's right to say no after you earned the right to be where you want to be

  • and do what you want to do!

  • you gotta do, what you was called to do you gotta do, what you was born to do

  • you gotta do, what works for you, because if you do what works for you gonna blow up.

  • It's in your DNA! It's who you are!

  • You are a warrior. It's time for you not to back up. Not to give up. Not to give in.

  • Either you get knocked down and you get back up you get back up, you get back up and you continue

  • to throw shit against the wall. Listen to me very carefully you are a warrior.

  • It is time for you to fight.

  • I know you have that warrior inside and now I just need you to activate it.

  • Keep going, as dark as it gets keep going.

  • As difficult as it gets, as much as it seems as if the world is

  • crumbling down around you and there's no way out, keep going.

  • See most people stop, they don't get it, they quit, they quit reaching for their dreams.

  • I noticed that there are those who are squashers of dreams. Now, I don't know why these people do this.

  • I don't know why the naysayers or squashers do this. Grow stronger and then inspire

  • others to become the strongest version of themselves that's how we evolve.

  • I go beyond the fears and limitations of other people. I control my life.

  • No matter what road you take in life there are always going to be things

  • you have to do that you just don't want to don't do. Go and do the thing. Look, you

  • only get this life once. Every experience that we have leads us to who we are and where we stand

  • and that's always the right place to be. If you can't, you must. If there's something that

  • you can't do because there's an obstacle in your way

  • that means it's your responsibility to do that thing so that you can destroy

  • the obstacle.

  • Failure is necessary.

  • Failure is success and success is failure. They need each other. The more failings you

  • have, the more success you have, the darker the night, the brighter the day.

  • The harder the ball hits the ground, the higher it goes up.

  • Pain is a beautiful thing. Challenge is what life is about. A life without

  • challenge, a life without pain, is a life without growth. So not only do I embrace

  • the challenge, embrace the pain but I even look forward to it. Send me a

  • challenge, please give me some challenges here because I need to be tested, I need to

  • be stronger, I need to grow. You know they say there's a Judgment Day. I believe we

  • face multiple judgment days while we're walking on earth. The judgement today is

  • today. Judgment Day is now and the judgment is

  • going to allow you to live a life of hell now or to choose your own Kingdom.

  • Listen to me very carefully you are a warrior.

I am not coach right now, I am your conscience.

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史上最好的勵志演講稿彙編#8 - RISE UP | 30分鐘最好的勵志演講稿。 (Best Motivational Speech Compilation EVER #8 - RISE UP | 30-Minutes of the Best Motivation)

  • 155 13
    xrlee99 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary