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I felt alone.
And worse, it was my fault.
I wondered if I was just wrong.
An imposter.
A 22-year-old kid who had no idea of how things actually worked.
一個不了解世界實際上是如何運轉的 22 歲小孩。
Now, years later, I understand that this is how things work when there's no sense of higher purpose, so it's up to all of us to create it, so we can all keep moving forward together.
One of my favorite stories is when JFK went to go visit the NASA Space Center and he saw a janitor holding a broom, and he asked him what he was doing, and the janitor replied, "Mister President, I am helping put a man on the moon."
之中一個我最喜歡的故事是甘迺迪總統到 NASA 太空總署視察時,他看見一個拿著掃把的守衛,他問守衛在做什麼,守衛回答:「總統您好,我正在為送人類上月球盡一份力。」
Purpose is that feeling that you are a part of something bigger than yourself, that you are needed, and that you have something better ahead to work for.
Purpose is what creates true happiness.
JK Rowling got rejected 12 times before she finally wrote and published Harry Potter.
在完成及出版哈利波特之前,JK Rowling 被拒絕了 12 次。
Even Beyonce had to make hundreds of songs to get Halo.
甚至連 Beyonce 也是做了無數首歌曲後才創作出 Halo 這首歌。
The greatest successes come from having the freedom to fail.
Ideas don't come out fully formed, they only become clearer as you work on them.
You just have to get started.
Get started.