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  • English subtitles by David Blake (2013)

  • Under the rule of the cruel Emperor Caracalla, the City of Rome,

  • more intoxicated than ever with power, became the centre of many intrigues

  • that threatened the integrity of the mighty Roman Empire.

  • Frastus! How good to see you! - Greetings, Astarte.

  • Have you brought me news? - Yes.

  • This evening we are to meet a man who has information for us.

  • He's devious, but he knows the secrets of half of Rome.

  • Do you think he'll speak true? - It takes gold to make such men truthful.

  • You are the only person I can count on. Since I met you as legionnaires in Silesia.

  • Come and sit in the tavern with me.

  • We'll refresh ourselves with a cup of wine, and talk about old times.

  • Bring us some wine!

  • Happy days - when we served on the Eastern Frontier.

  • That's when Uras was only a tribal chieftain.

  • I remember the time he said to me...

  • But, tell me, Astarte, why are you trying to find the Princess Nisa?

  • Are you in love with her?

  • No...

  • Because you are like a brother to me, I will trust you.

  • I have to kill her! - Kill her?

  • Yes, by order of King Uras. I was the one who helped him

  • take the throne from King Arculeus. And now, I am rewarded like this -

  • Either the head of Princess Nisa! Or, it's my own! - That's terrible.

  • You can count on me for anything.

  • How beautiful Nisa was!... I can still see her, there with Arculeus.

  • We murdered all of the royal family. Except for Nisa. She managed to escape.

  • Today, Uras is afraid his enemies might restore her to power.

  • I cannot return to Silesia, unless I can take him that woman's head.

  • But how did Nisa manage to get away? - With a slave loyal to Arculeus.

  • A real giant - Marcus. It was a miracle he didn't crush us with his bare hands.

  • Drink up... And don't worry. You're about to complete your mission.

  • What is it? - Everything is in order.

  • The fodder has arrived, and the blacksmith has finished his work.

  • Very well. Valerius is leaving for Rome. Is his horse ready for him? - Yes.

  • Have it brought around to the front.

  • Also bring the chariot with the white horses. The Senator has to go out.

  • How are you, Marcus? - While I can work in peace, I'm well.

  • The master is pleased with your work. I heard him say he wants to reward you.

  • Reward me, why? - Because you cleared out the cellars in short order,

  • removing those enormous barrels that no-one else was able to budge.

  • That was nothing. For me, it was easy.

  • Do you ever get homesick for Silesia? - No, I couldn't feel safe there now.

  • Nisa. She is of noble birth, isn't she? - One's status in life is changeable.

  • Today she's a slave like myself. But I swore to her father I would protect her.

  • Well, Fate is kind to her now. And, if the Gods will, it will soon be kinder.

  • Thanks to the noble heart of our young master, Valerius.

  • And I love you, Valerius...

  • But I'm afraid. Your parents will never consent to our marriage.

  • You are the only son of one of the most illustrious families of Rome.

  • And I am only a slave-girl your mother bought in the slave market.

  • They won't ever let us marry. I will lose you forever.

  • No, we won't lose each other. My mother and father are kind people.

  • They will understand not to forbid our happiness.

  • And, when I return to you here... - You are leaving?

  • You're going to abandon us - again. - I must return to Rome immediately.

  • From there, I have to proceed to Brindisi with my legion.

  • When will you return? - I don't know.

  • But I promise I'll speak to my parents of our love as soon as I return,

  • and I'll ask them to give you freedom, and to consent to our marriage.

  • Publius! - Here comes your father.

  • I hope your visit to Macrinus will serve our purpose. - I trust it will.

  • Has the chariot been brought round?

  • It's time for you to go.

  • May the Gods watch over you, and now I have to leave you.

  • But first, I would like to speak... - Leaving so soon?

  • My son, who knows when I'll see you. - Soon, I hope.

  • This parting is not like the others. - Your father and I are most upset.

  • Who knows what is to become of us? - What do you mean, Mother?

  • We are accused of embracing Christianity. We face the threat of persecution.

  • Vezius Rufus has always envied our family. Now he is Praefectus of the Praetorians,

  • his spite may give way to unbridled fury. - But the Emperor would never allow an act

  • as unjust as that, against the family

  • that has contributed so greatly to Rome!

  • Caracalla only listens to Vezius Rufus, and the more he does, the worse he becomes.

  • Rome's best, accused of imaginary crimes, now fall beneath the feet of the Preaetorians.

  • And now they dare accuse even us, of embracing Christianity!

  • It's inconceivable that Caracalla believes this. - It seems that he does, my son.

  • I can't believe that the Emperor is as utterly blind and cruel as you say.

  • Now, don't worry.

  • How are you, Nisa? - I've never been so happy.

  • You tell me everything in Rome. Now I too must be on my way.

  • In Rome?! You'll be there? - Tomorrow I will see the Emperor,

  • and refute these absurd accusations. At least I'll make every attempt to,

  • but I'm not very hopeful. - Will the Senate give their support.

  • Certainly, but today I seek good counsel from Marcus Macrinus, at his villa nearby.

  • The Senators will oppose the merciless policies of Caracalla. But Marcus Macrinus

  • is the only Senator who can command the fear of that lunatic pack about Caracalla.

  • Here is the place.

  • There he is now!

  • Greetings, Frastus. - This is Septimius, the man we seek.

  • Let's sit, why don't we? We can talk more easily. There.

  • Two pitchers of the best Palermo!

  • Let's hear it. - I found where you can find the girl.

  • Where is she? - In one of the patrician's villas.

  • Where? - Not far, not more than a mile or so.

  • Take us there immediately! - But it's almost dark now.

  • Better to wait until daybreak. - I'm losing my patience.

  • Over two years now I've hunted for that miserable slave girl!

  • I sympathise. But after two years, you can wait a few hours longer.

  • If you knew what an effort, and cash, it cost me to get this information!

  • Do I take it you're not sure? You've not seen her with your own eyes?

  • No - but I trust the person who has. I'll lead you to her if...

  • you'll agree to another 100 sesterces.

  • 100 sesterces. You already gave him 100? - Yes, I did give them to him.

  • Come on now, what's a mere 100 sesterces to a General from Silesia!

  • Very well, finish the business quickly, and I'll give you another 100 sesterces.

  • But only when I have Nisa within my power! - Agreed.

  • And now, let's drink to the success of our little enterprise!

  • Stop, I say! What are you're doing!?

  • This is the home of a true Roman...!

  • Who gave the order for this?

  • Vezius Rufus, I warn you! Answer me now!

  • You will pay for this outrage!

  • How dare you! Call off your men!

  • Marcus! Marcus, help!

  • Don't let that one get away!

  • Help me!

  • Help me!

  • Restrain that man!

  • Marcus! Marcus!

  • Stop, you fools! That giant of a man is worth his weight in gold!

  • I want him alive.

  • Take him away.

  • Destroy everything, and remove everyone.

  • The slaves are confiscated, and now they belong to the State.

  • Move along, quickly!

  • Marcus Macrinus, why are you here?

  • I have come to witness your vengeance on Valerius and his family.

  • As Praefectus of the Praetorians, I've acted solely on orders from the Emperor.

  • I'm sure that Caracalla never ordered the death of these two.

  • Valerius and his wife were guilty of endorsing the outlawed sect of Christians.

  • I refuse to believe either was guilty of such an offence. They honoured the Gods!

  • Marcus Macrinus, you may bury the dead, but I advise you not to argue with me.

  • The Emperor knows well your rebellious spirit, and your words of hostility.

  • My words now protest this infamy. Recall to your Master's attention that

  • tyrants like him always have proved short-lived in Rome.

  • Now it's a flock of sheep! We'll never get there!

  • A little more patience! The villa is not far - no more than my 100 sesterces.

  • Let me pass - let me pass! I am Valerius the Younger.

  • No-one is allowed to enter here! - Out of my way!

  • Criminals! Murderers! Barbarians!

  • What is your explanation for this? - Leave this place at once, Valerius.

  • I sympathise with your feelings, but I am forced to obey orders.

  • I want to bury my parent's bodies. No power on Earth can prevent my doing so!

  • Senator Macrinus has arranged for their burial. - Murderous dogs!

  • You killed two innocent people savagely. Animals! Both you and your Commander!

  • But I'll take my revenge out on you! - Control yourself!

  • Assassins! My father was the truest and most faithful of Romans!

  • What you did here was butchery! - There is no point in shouting at me.

  • I'll shout in front of the Emperor, then! I refuse to serve in this army of cut-throats!

  • Stop it, Valerius. Get out of here before I'm forced to put you under arrest.

  • You and your pitchers of Palermo... If we'd started when I wanted to yesterday,

  • we'd have had the slave-girl! - But my information was correct, wasn't it?

  • Don't blame me if the Emperor decided to confiscate all of Valerius's belongings.

  • And my 100 sesterces? - Be off with you!

  • Astarte, there is still hope for you. You're the General of a friendly monarch.

  • Make an application to the Praefectus, asking to buy Nisa for yourself.

  • The Emperor wouldn't grant me an audience. He referred my complaint to the Praefectus.

  • What did you say to Vezius Rufus? - That it's simple justice I ask for!

  • That I won't serve in an Army that destroyed my entire family.

  • Imprudent. But with the best intentions. Yet, in practice, it's an ineffective

  • weapon in overthrowing a tyranny. He who tramples on the freedom of Rome,

  • won't find much time to vent his fury upon his free-born citizens.

  • The best men amongst us, even at the cost of their own lives,

  • will soon put an end to this Emperor's reign of terror.

  • Macrinus, will you help me recover one of the slave-girls taken with the others?

  • This is hardly the moment to lose your head over love for a slave-girl.

  • Nisa isn't a slave-girl in that sense. She's very refined, and has won my heart.

  • If the Gods hadn't treated us so cruelly, I would've asked my parents to free her,

  • and to give their consent and blessing to our marriage.

  • But she is simply a slave-girl and you are a patrician of Rome, albeit in difficulty.

  • I'm aware of it. I thank you for your wise counsel, Macrinus.

  • Tomorrow my household is leaving Rome, for a few days sojourn in my villa at Cumae.

  • I want to breathe air purer than the City. The Emperor will also breathe freely,

  • knowing that I'm out of town.

  • Is this as far as you have got? - Forgive us, master.

  • The cart is heavily loaded, and the horses are really exhausted...

  • I had to rest and water them, we can't maintain the same pace you do.

  • How cool this water is... - Would you like to try it, Lord?

  • I don't believe I've ever tasted better. - It comes from those mountains.

  • It's said it soothes the pangs of love. - Perfect.

  • Fill a couple of jars of it. We will meet at the villa of Anius Quadrius.

  • Give me the reins. I want to drive awhile.

  • Nisa, lean on me if you are tired. - It wouldn't make any difference.

  • Where are we going now? - To Minturnus, to work on a new road.

  • How far away is it? - It shouldn't be very far from here.

  • Minturnus isn't far now, I know this area.

  • What brought you here with us? - I was put out to work by my master.

  • He said I robbed him, but I stole nothing!

  • Help me! - Halt!

  • Help me!

  • Help!

  • Help!

  • Was it you who saved me? - Yes.

  • Tell me your name? - Marcus.

  • I am grateful to you. And I won't forget you.

  • Put him back in line, and tie him again.

  • You, come here.

  • The Emperor grants your request. His decree of freedom for the slave Nisa.

  • King Uras, my sovereign lord, will be grateful for the clemency of the Emperor.

  • Divine Caracalla approves of your Lord's actions in bringing peace to Silesia,

  • restoring freedom and respect to this daughter of his predecessor.

  • How can I find the girl? Valerius's slaves are now property of the State.

  • They are assigned to Public Works - one is in the quarries of Tarquinia,

  • the other - building a road at Minturnus. - But Nisa is with which group?

  • Slaves do not have records kept but, with your sealed edict,

  • it won't be difficult to trace the girl and have her assigned to you.

  • I'm grateful to you, Rufus.

  • My friends, I have enjoyed your hospitality more than I can tell you.

  • I thank you for this banquet. Above all, Prisca, for this wine,

  • which I would happily drink all my life. - We drink to your recovery, Macrinus.

  • And to your permanent good health.

  • Now, Macrinus, would you like to visit my gladiator school?

  • Even in Rome, you may have heard of it. - It's famous, I know,

  • but I must leave it for another time. At Cumae, my overseer waits for me.

  • You, Anius, are interested in gladiators; and I, in breeding bullocks.

  • And which, in times of crisis, are more use - more swords, or bullocks?

  • I think, today, too many swords are drawn against respectable citizens.

  • The Emperor does nothing to stop them. Perhaps he even orders them.

  • You don't doubt Caracalla? I would like to trust in him, but I can't.

  • It is my conviction is that any good judgment he once had no longer exists.

  • To tell the truth, I'm grief-stricken about what happened to the family of Valerius.

  • But Christians must not be shown mercy. - We cannot make exceptions.

  • When I think of the crimes committed in the Emperor's name...

  • Christians represent a threat to the Empire. For that reason, they should be destroyed.

  • I don't agree, and Valerius wasn't a Christian. In any case, it's better to be kind and tolerant.

  • Christians have never resorted to violence. I wish to thank you once again.

  • Not at all. It's you who have honoured us. - You will come back soon?

  • At the end of the season, when I'm on my way to Rome.

  • I would like to help that slave, who came to my rescue in the water.

  • Anius, would you help me to trace him?

  • There are many slaves engaged on Public Works, you know.

  • It won't be easy. - Do your best, I beg you.

  • I shall be forever in your debt. - You can rely on me, Macrinus.

  • Till we meet again. - Farewell.

  • Will you really search for that slave?

  • Not for a moment. Macrinus doesn't count in Rome anymore.

  • He is in disgrace. And it wouldn't be wise to be compromised with him.

  • Beyond those pines, the ground is marshy. - We'll have to double the road depth,

  • and make good in places by sinking pilings. - Yes, but if they don't send more slaves,

  • the work will increasingly fall behind schedule. - It can't be helped...

  • Water... Give me some water... - Back to work there! Keep moving!

  • Get along!

  • Keep working!

  • He's a Hercules! - He's too big for you..

  • Better keep an eye on him. - I agree.

  • Get on with your work. - That Marcus is amazing.

  • It's extraordinary what that man can do. He is as strong as a bullock.

  • With ten men like him, we could progress ahead of schedule, I'm sure of that.

  • Do you have a permit to be here? - Oh, what a stickler for rules!

  • As if this were the first time you'd seen me bring wine for your soldiers!

  • Oh, it's you, always a nuisance...

  • Aglaea. - Marcus, my dear, I couldn't come these last few days.

  • There was so much work at the tavern. I was beside myself.

  • Tomorrow we are working near the river. - I'll come at any cost.

  • I'll find some excuse to satisfy my master. - Enough chatter, pour out the wine.

  • See you tomorrow, Marcus. - Move on! You too, Marcus!

  • Cease work! Fall in line!

  • Are you tired, Nisa?

  • This work is too heavy.

  • It's inhuman...

  • Forward!

  • Get a move on!

  • You wait for word from me at the place we agreed upon.

  • Imagine what a life it was - three years in Bithynia.

  • You're lucky! Three years without a wife nagging you!

  • What can I offer you? - A pitcher of your Palermo.

  • Tell me, are there lodgings at this inn? - Yes, indeed.

  • A pitcher of Palermo.

  • There's someone wants a night's lodging. - Let him have a look at the room upstairs.

  • Tell me, do you know of any slaves around here, assigned to work on the new road?

  • There's one group, containing both men and women.

  • Have you noticed a tall man? Very strong. His name is Marcus.

  • I've seen him. And I know where to find him.

  • Where is the room I wanted? - This way.

  • Seven for me... Believe me, she was something you see once in a lifetime.

  • You never got the chance to see her. But she was the prettiest in all Bithynia!

  • You'd be dazzled by any old crone in Hades! My throw.

  • Twelve! Now it's your throw!

  • Does this suit you? - Yes.

  • Why are you so interested in that slave? - I'm very fond of him.

  • He once belonged to my family. Have you also noticed a girl with green eyes

  • and beautiful blonde hair, whose name is Nisa?

  • Oh, I understand. You're in love with her! It's she you want to rescue...

  • Would you be kind enough to help me? I'd see that you were well-paid.

  • No, I don't want anything. And you can trust me completely.

  • Why? Because I'm in love with Marcus.

  • What is the name of this man? - Jesus, he is called Christ.

  • His followers are beyond counting. They spread throughout the world.

  • You. Do you believe this nonsense? - Christ is our only hope of salvation.

  • The day will come when there'll be no slaves, or masters either.

  • Our chains will be broken, and removed from our hands and feet.

  • Are we supposed to forgive even the overseer who...?

  • Of course, we must forgive even our enemies, my child.

  • Only through forgiveness may we enter the Kingdom of Heaven

  • and sit on the right hand of the One who is the only King in existence, God!

  • Listen, listen! Over there!

  • Get away from there! If not, I'll whip you!

  • Hear me, I have important news. Let me speak to the overseer. Yes?

  • Go on!

  • You must eat something, if you want to survive.

  • You must keep up your strength.

  • Alas...

  • Valerius has forgotten me.

  • A slave girl does wrong to raise her eyes to those of her own master.

  • I should have expected it. - Valerius will keep his word.

  • And, if I am holding back, it's because I'm awaiting his orders.

  • Believe me!

  • What do you want? - I overheard them plotting as Christians.

  • The old ones said their God would return, but in place of the Emperor, no less.

  • His soldiers are supposed to be these dogs? A pack of slaves in chains?!

  • But they say there are Christians even among the gladiators. And they have weapons!

  • If you are imagining all this, I'll have your tongue burnt out with red-hot pincers!

  • I swear it's only what I've heard! - I'll tell the Quaestor, then.

  • Eight.

  • Eleven! - Tomorrow, you'll buy the wine at the tavern.

  • We're not finished yet...

  • That's the only outside window. You wait here and I'll draw the sentinel away.

  • Aglaea, where are you off to? - My master at the inn has sent wine.

  • It's a gift from your Centurion, in fact. - Give me a taste of it.

  • First I must deliver it to the guardhouse. If you want any, come along.

  • I can't do that. I'm on duty. - Don't let it worry you.

  • Those bars are stronger than any arm. Come on, why don't you?

  • You wait here...

  • Aglaea! - I've brought you some wine!

  • It's a present from your Commander. - He must've heard what we were saying.

  • Wonderful! - I never refuse free wine! - Where's mine?

  • You deserve it...

  • Valerius!

  • I'd almost given up hope... - My darling! I've come to get you out of here.

  • Call Marcus.

  • Marcus, we haven't a moment to spare! I have two men keeping watch for us.

  • Aglaea has been able to draw away the sentinel.

  • And, you know, the Centurion ordered me to bring him five whole pitchers of wine!

  • The first one he poured down in honour of Mars.

  • The last, in Marcia's embrace, in honour of Venus.

  • Will you sacrifice us in honour of Venus, Aglaea?

  • No-one sacrifices to Venus with me, unless he first delivers me from that foul inn-keeper.

  • Listen, my turtle dove, Venus herself wouldn't cost us so much!

  • Escape! Escape!

  • Hurry! After them!

  • Valerius! Valerius!

  • Put him back in the cell, and chain him to the wall!

  • Be quick! Don't stand there!

  • I'll cure you of trying to run away, dogs! You'll pay for this!

  • Move!

  • Pull those chains more tightly, so he cannot move at all.

  • You're also going pay for this night's work. That beast cannot help you now.

  • I'll cure you both of wanting to run away!

  • When a slave rebels the way you did, he should be nailed to a cross.

  • But to crucify a brute with the strength of a hundred would be too wasteful.

  • We can do something, however, to make you docile - without affecting your strength.

  • A lion without eyesight is no longer wild.

  • Nothing to worry about. You'll be on your feet in a few days. The wound isn't serious.

  • The soldiers evidently didn't know you, else they would have been here by now.

  • I'm alright now. It's for Nisa that I'm upset.

  • Now she's back with those butchers, they'll be more vicious than ever.

  • Don't worry about Nisa. Our friend Marcus will protect her even now.

  • The iron is white hot.

  • It's just right...

  • Look straight into my eyes, they'll be the last thing you'll see.

  • Desist! What are you doing? - The slave was trying to escape.

  • The man is a constant threat to us, with his superhuman strength.

  • Why destroy such a treasure? He could be a magnificent gladiator.

  • What is your name? - My name is Marcus.

  • I'll take you into my service.

  • If you show as much strength and spirit when you fight in the arena,

  • I might even grant you your liberty. - I am willing to fight as a gladiator,

  • if you will let her come with me.

  • Who is this woman? Is she yours?

  • No, but I am pledged to protect and defend her.

  • Conduct this slave under close escort to my gladiator school.

  • And have the girl taken to my villa. She can serve my wife.

  • The Gods protect you more than any mortal deserves.

  • You, release this slave at once!

  • Attack!

  • Good, that's right!

  • Parry! Closer...

  • Stay inside! Attack!

  • Raise your shield!

  • Respond!

  • If I had your muscles, and you had my brain,

  • who knows what we'd be! Emperors, at least!

  • What would you do as Emperor, Pompilius? - I'd run away.

  • Because here, there's no future. - But Emperors can't run away.

  • That's what you think...

  • Yesterday I saw Aglaea asking a guard to help her get inside.

  • She was like a pussy cat in the moonlight. Miaow-miaow.

  • Help her, if you can.

  • Listen. I told her to hoot like an owl, and bring wine. Otherwise, she won't get in!

  • Drink, drink - keep up your spirits!

  • Stronger!

  • Faster!

  • Enough! Your turn, Marcus. The rest of you out of the ring.

  • You can be the first to try him out.

  • See what you can do.

  • Hail, Marcus! - Hail, Marcus!

  • He's Hercules! He's a sensation! He's... - Hold your tongue, we're not at the Circus!

  • Easy there, or you'll be sorry.

  • You've made excellent progress. Bravo!

  • When you get to fight in Rome, no gladiator will be able to match you!

  • When do we go to Rome? - That's for the Master to say.

  • You - you - practise - get your helmets on!

  • Don't wash too much, or your muscles will get a chill in them..

  • Why all the attention? - I've bet all my money on your first fight!

  • Of course I'm taking good care of you!

  • Marcus!

  • Now, keep yourself dry!

  • Nisa, finally! - I've tried often to come here,

  • but the sentinels sent me away. Today, I was luckier.

  • Pompilius brings me news of you. How does your mistress treat you?

  • Fairly, I have to say. Serving Prisca is easier than toiling on the road.

  • But I still feel ill-at-ease with her. If I had perished in that prison cell,

  • Valerius would not have been wounded. - Never fear.

  • If his wounds were serious, Aglaea would have let me know.

  • Oh, Marcus. If only I could be near him now.

  • I am sure, Nisa, that we'll have news of Valerius very soon.

  • I must go, or my mistress will look for me. - Remember, if ever you need me,

  • just tell Pompilius. - Thank you.

  • I am leaving for Rome. I must speak with the Emperor at once.

  • I've discovered Christians even here. - This will convince Caracalla of your loyalty.

  • But I'm afraid it will avail you nothing - you and your weak character!

  • We'll remain here, forever rotting away in this dreary wilderness.

  • While men of less capacity are raised to the highest positions in Court!

  • You'll see. This time, Caracalla will listen to my report.

  • If only because of his hatred for Christians. - Tell him also what we heard from Macrinus.

  • I shall tell him. - Beg him, promise him, but please...

  • do something to get us out of this provincial trap! It's so suffocating!

  • I'll do my best. But, stay calm...

  • The same old promises as usual...... - No! Believe me, Prisca...

  • This time I will be successful! Your wish will be granted.

  • Don't be afraid of him!

  • Coward, you don't have the back-bone to be a good fighter!

  • Arrest those two gladiators, they are Christians.

  • Eight guards with me. Step forward!

  • They are Christians, you say? - Yes, I have proof.

  • Be watchful. These fanatics are known to be infiltrating everywhere.

  • Marcus, I hear great things about you. - He's better than the trainer, he is!

  • When I return from Rome, you shall have your reward!

  • Your first fight in the arena will be to the death.

  • You are still very fresh, but I have great confidence in you.

  • Inside!

  • Please take a seat, Valerius.

  • To what do I owe the honour of your welcome visit?

  • I have come to seek the kindness of Quaestor Anius Quadrius.

  • My husband has gone to Rome for a meeting with the Emperor.

  • But you may speak freely with me. If I can be of use, I shall be delighted.

  • I wish to thank you, Prisca. - I have heard, of course,

  • of how you lost all your family. I am distressed beyond words.

  • A young man like you, so gifted. We'll see that the Emperor is told...

  • No don't, it is out of the question. I wish to redeem two of your slaves,

  • who formerly belonged to us. I wish to free them. - Who are they?

  • Their names are Nisa and Marcus. - I understand about Marcus.

  • As a slave he is invaluable. He might at any moment be sold

  • and bring you a fortune. - That is not my intention.

  • I feel for him like a brother. - And what about the girl?

  • She was a cherished member of our home. My Mother loved her well.

  • Valerius, don't think I don't appreciate your tenderness for this young woman.

  • but I find it hard to believe that a slave is worth as much attention

  • as you are showing... - Don't ask me to explain, I beg of you.

  • I count on your understanding in this, and I shall be grateful for your help.

  • Very well, Valerius. When Anius returns, I shall speak with him.

  • Now, why don't you call on me again? - I'll be happy to.

  • Valerius...

  • Nisa!

  • It seems impossible to me, after all we went through that night.

  • And that horrid cell for the slaves.

  • How I have longed for you to come. And you were wounded?

  • It's healed now. I was lucky for once. Aglaea hid me out of danger.

  • Don't let's be seen together. It could be dangerous for you.

  • I'm past caring. If I can be near you, I am willing to feel the overseer's lash.

  • I've just told your Mistress that I mean to redeem you and Marcus from Anius.

  • Are you sure it's not a hopeless dream?... - It's not hopeless.

  • I've persuaded Prisca to use all her influence with the Quaestor.

  • I pray Heaven is willing that we can all be happy.

  • My parents are gone now. They can't share in our happiness.

  • I shall try to give you all my love to make up for them...

  • I shall always be with you.

  • Is Prisca kind to you? - Well, she's rather demanding.

  • I enjoy a small degree of liberty, But I'm not with you...

  • And that's worse than chains and iron fetters.

  • It will soon be over...

  • Don't worry - I'll never leave you here.

  • Pompilius!

  • Hurry up! Open the gate!

  • Between the two of you, I'll get into trouble...

  • Quiet! - I'll let you drink wine for free for a week.

  • That's a good idea! Now, be careful!

  • Stop worrying, Who is going to know? - No-one, I hope...

  • In you go.

  • May Luck be with us!

  • Wait...

  • Go ahead!

  • They'll be kissing; and I'll probably get thrashed! There's no justice...

  • What are you doing here? Who are you? - Don't you recognise her?

  • She's a special friend of Marcus! Keep on going!

  • Be good. There'll be free wine for you!

  • They're so much in love. Ever been in love? Well, then...

  • Watch!

  • Valerius has spoken with Prisca, about buying your and Nisa's freedom.

  • I was sure he wouldn't desert us. - He promised to do the same thing for me.

  • We'll all be so happy.

  • Why do you think Valerius is so anxious to buy your redemption?

  • I don't know. He was once my master. - There must be a very strong motive.

  • Did the family of Valerius have any reason to feel indebted towards you?

  • On the contrary, I owe them for my comfort - until that day when...

  • Ah, now I understand! Valerius seeks to redeem his mistress!

  • I was never his mistress! Our love has always been pure and honest.

  • A slave girl like you has only one use - as a plaything for her young master.

  • For as long as she pleases him. But, when it's over,...

  • Oh no, he wouldn't do that, Mistress! I know Valerius loves me!

  • You thought you knew it, but perhaps you'll find him changed towards you.

  • Don't say that, Mistress. Please accept his offer of redemption.

  • Have pity on me. I beg you...

  • I beg you...

  • Come in.

  • There's a slave girl here from the Quaestor. - Show her in.

  • Were you sent by Prisca, the wife of Anius?

  • You?! - For a Valerian, this is a miserable hovel.

  • You don't even have an attendant. Now I understand your anxiety to buy Nisa.

  • Have you come to agree to the redemption? - I have come to give you some good advice.

  • Instead of wasting time with a slave girl, why not socialise with fellow Romans.

  • Such friendships may well help you to regain your rightful position.

  • I must confess the truth. Nisa is the girl I love with all my heart.

  • That's why I want to redeem her. - How low you have fallen!

  • Even in your sensibilities! I do well in refusing to sell her to you.

  • Whatever the cost, I intend to have that girl! - Don't you think it imprudent to speak thus

  • to the mistress of the slave girl you desire?

  • Please, Prisca. Listen to me...

  • I heard what she said. Be careful, Valerius.

  • I love Nisa; and I will save her. Even if it costs me my life.

  • Remember. A woman who enjoys cruelty can torture her slaves anyway she wishes.

  • On your feet!

  • It'll be alright, Nisa.

  • You'll not suffer much longer. Valerius is seeking to redeem you.

  • It won't happen. My mistress is jealous. That's why she sent me to work here.

  • Valerius will rescue you. It won't be very long now.

  • Have faith in him.

  • I hope you've learned your lesson. Don't play the spy, and

  • keep your hands off these poor people.

  • Did you listen carefully to Marcus, eh?

  • Keep his words in mind; because you never know when we might be back.

  • Enough said.

  • Don't you forget now....

  • Get back to work there!

  • What did you stop for? - See what they are doing to Nisa?

  • Prisca has decided Valerius can't have her.

  • Anyway, we gave those beasts a lesson!

  • Nisa is now at the mercy of a mistress who won't agree to the redemption,

  • because she is in love with Valerius herself. - Valerius is a handsome man.

  • If I were a girl, I'd fall in love with him myself.

  • Listen, we're going to help Nisa escape. - How do you mean, escape?

  • We've got to rescue that poor girl. We can't leave her there.

  • You've got to help me get her out, if it costs our lives.

  • Just a minute! Your life, not mine!

  • You're big and strong. You can use a sword. You're not afraid of anything...

  • Look at me! One careless cuff from your great paw, and I'd be broken in half.

  • Even if your body is weak, your heart is as strong as a lion.

  • M-my h-heart...

  • I-I tell you, this is going to end badly. - Will you help me?

  • Well, alright...

  • Ambassador Asarte is on a mission from the King of Silesia.

  • He has a decree from the Emperor. - How can I be of service to you?

  • General Astarte is looking for a Silesian slave girl named Nisa.

  • There are many slaves on this project, but I don't recall that one.

  • Are you quite sure? - Look for yourselves, but I'm sure of it.

  • Let's go!

  • Enough!

  • Welcome home, Master.

  • See they are shut in the dungeon beneath the gladiators' cells.

  • I want you to ensure your soldiers guard them day and night..

  • They are Christians. - As you command, Quaestor.

  • The slaves transferred from Public Works will also be under your supervision.

  • They will dig an eel pond on my estate. Guard them closely.

  • I'll take care of the scum. Leave them to me.

  • Who are they? - They are the Christian slaves.

  • Wait and see what happens to them. After they finish digging the eel pond,

  • they'll be fed to the same eels for lunch! He must have got the idea in Rome.

  • Back at last, Anius!

  • I have awaited you so anxiously. Do you have good news for me?

  • I believe I have. - Then you are satisfied with your visit?

  • Extremely. The Emperor treated me like an old friend.

  • He kept several dignitaries waiting, while he talked with me.

  • Caracalla has given me a free hand in getting rid of the Christians.

  • Before I started back, I arrested a lot of them. It's strange: they neither resist arrest

  • nor even deny their beliefs. Quite incredible! - Did you speak to him of your ambitions?

  • Five years in Minturnus is really exile! - Oh, if I can help exterminate the Christians,

  • I'm sure I will given a high position at Court. While in Rome, I spoke with Vezius Rufus.

  • He was very encouraging.

  • Who are these men? - They want to speak to you on behalf of

  • an Ambassador from Silesia.

  • Health and prosperity to you, Anius Quadrius! Astarte, Ambassador from Silesia,

  • is eager to be known to you - in order to discuss the affairs of his nation.

  • The Ambassador of a King friendly to Rome will always be most welcome in my house.

  • Please ask him to dine here tomorrow. - I am honoured.

  • Accept my thanks, Anius Quadrius.

  • The warm reception I had from Caracalla... give me some wine...

  • ... has obviously increased my prestige.

  • You see how the Ambassador from Silesia wants to discuss his private affairs with me!

  • I know your prestige won't improve until you have crushed the Christians.

  • I'll send them to the Emperor - as a present - for the Games in the Circus.

  • Only the jaws of a lion will crush the spirit of these miserable rebels.

  • Mistress, have you agreed to my redemption?

  • You will find your redemption in the jaws of the lions in the Circus of Rome.

  • I don't understand, Mistress... - You are a Christian!

  • You pray to their Cross, don't you? Don't pretend otherwise.

  • If praying to the one God, who asks for love and forgiveness for all men,

  • is a crime... Then I can only confess to it.

  • Throw her in the prison with the others.

  • Marcus, have you heard the latest? - What latest?

  • Prisca has had Nisa thrown into prison. - In prison?

  • Yes, with the Christians. - Why persecute her so! She is innocent!

  • Nisa confessed she worships the Cross, and wants to share the same...

  • Enough! We can't wait longer. - What is it, Marcus?

  • Nisa has been imprisoned as a Christian. - Then she will be condemned.

  • She will not be martyred! We will save her... - But there are so few of us!

  • Marcus is worth a hundred soldiers! - If they capture us, we'll all be killed!

  • If we don't try, our comrades will face certain death.

  • What is our fate anyway, but to die in the Circus entertaining the mob?

  • We must try this very night. There are four of us.

  • Five! - And the others?

  • You, speak to the other gladiators. They love liberty as much as we.

  • And you, secure the weapons. - And me?

  • Don't move from here. Keep a sharp watch on the sentinels.

  • Leave it to me.

  • Don't be so high and mighty. Don't you know who I am?

  • Aglaea! My profound respects, noble lord. - I advise you not to be so aloof.

  • We are the retinue of the Ambassador from Silesia.

  • Right now, he is dining with the Quaestor. - I expect you are on an important mission?

  • Wouldn't you like to know, eh? - It's interesting to hear what's going on.

  • And I'm the one to tell you. I'm here with a very important person,

  • Ambassador Astarte.

  • I drink to the health of King Uras and to that of Astarte - his noble Ambassador!

  • Tell me, what is the purpose of your visit?

  • I am searching for a royal princess of Silesia, taken as a slave to Rome two years ago.

  • She is the youngest daughter of King Arculeus,

  • whom you probably recall. Her name is Nisa.

  • No girl in my staff has a name like that. - Nisa was a slave of Valerius.

  • She was subsequently assigned to Public Works in this zone.

  • Former slaves belonging to Valerius are now property of the State.

  • I can't possibly... - I have a decree from the Emperor.

  • I am informed the slave girl is with you.

  • Very well, Astarte, I will look for this girl.

  • But there are thousands of slaves here. I cannot say whether Nisa is here or not.

  • May it please the Gods that she be found in our possession.

  • I should be delighted to set her free, but I fear that your informers are mistaken.

  • Astarte hopes to put Nisa to death, by order of the King of Silesia.

  • She is the only surviving princess of the Royal Family driven from the throne.

  • She is a danger to the King who usurped it. - Nisa was born a princess of Silesia?

  • I can believe it. Stories told by a drunkard are often true.

  • What are you going to do? - We must act now, together with Marcus

  • We must save her before it's too late.

  • I'm coming too.

  • Hey, Pompilius, why are you out so late?

  • I can't sleep, that's all...

  • I envy you, I can't keep my eyes open. - That's because you drink water.

  • If you drank wine, like me, you'd be more alert.

  • You - You get your wine for nothing. Special treatment from that tavern girl.

  • Oh well, what do you expect, I'm so attractive to women...

  • Go ahead.

  • Marcus!

  • Valerius! - We must save Nisa at once.

  • Astarte has come here to kill her. - Astarte here? That assassin...

  • He's dining with Anius. Where is Nisa? - In prison, with the other Christians.

  • We must get her out, and far away from here.

  • Come on!

  • We're ready to do what we can. - We're prepared to fight for you.

  • Thank you. I thank all of you.

  • Hurry!

  • They are escaping!

  • Don't be afraid, Aglaea. I am here with you...

  • Quickly!

  • Hurry...

  • Escaped...

  • All of them?!

  • Gladiators - and Christians!

  • My huge investment swept away! - The guards were taken by surprise.

  • What good were your one hundred legionnaires?

  • And your, so-called, first-rate overseers!

  • How did they escape their chains?

  • With the aid of a slave of great power, together with an outsider.

  • Marcus! I should have known better than to stop them from blinding him,

  • when he rebelled on the road gang. - Since Marcus enrolled in the school,

  • discipline has been impossible. - What did say was his name?

  • Marcus. A Silesian. - Was a slave girl with him, named Nisa?

  • Yes. She was in the death cells because she confessed she was Christian.

  • And she too has run away. - You had her, and you frankly denied it!

  • You ignored an order of the Emperor! - Astarte, we too have just learned...

  • that the slave girl you wanted was here.

  • How could we know the names of all the Christians we arrested?

  • Now I'll never get my hands on Nisa! - No, you shall have your princess.

  • And sooner than you think. They can't have gone very far.

  • When I get my hands on Marcus, he'll get the punishment he deserves!

  • If we stay here much longer, they will be bound to capture us.

  • For Nisa, it will mean the axe, but for you, the cross. Don't forget.

  • We must try to make our way to safety across the sea.

  • My uncle is Proconsul in Iberia. He can be counted on to save us.

  • But how do we get there?

  • I'll go to Formia, and find a ship. Once we get to Iberia, we'll be safe.

  • I'll be back soon. Formia isn't a long way off.

  • Marcus will take care of you. - Don't worry, she's safe here with us.

  • I bid you welcome, Vezius Rufus. And you too, noble Astarte.

  • May the Gods look with favour upon you. - More so than on you, I trust.

  • The Emperor is most perturbed at what is happening in Minturnus.

  • Why didn't you turn over the slave girl to Astarte, as required?

  • He will have the girl as soon as we can capture those rebels.

  • A handful of slaves, badly armed. And feeble Christians with no fight in them.

  • But commanded by a patrician as courageous as young Valerius!

  • And with that Marcus! - I am taking over full command of the military.

  • I shall go with you. I have to deliver Nisa to my King. - Agreed.

  • You, Anius, are to follow my orders. - Very well. What do you intend doing?

  • I intend to comb the entire area, and force the rebels to surrender.

  • Then I shall punish them without mercy! How soon can you muster your soldiers?

  • I'll see to it immediately. - If you please, come inside.

  • Here's some water. - You'll need it. You'll find none in the forest.

  • When will you bring us wine again? - Water makes tadpoles grow in your belly.

  • Be thankful you have something to drink.

  • Soon, I'll have to bow to you as a Roman patrician.

  • Until Valerius gets back, I don't dare hope. - Oh, he'll be back. Rest assured.

  • There are better times ahead for us, too. - Fair Aglaea, you have a good heart.

  • Keep Nisa company and cheer her up, won't you?

  • Let's go.

  • Good hunting! - Good luck!

  • Aren't you coming with us, Pompilius? - I always go hunting by myself. Ha-ha.

  • Here is where we'll separate. Make a close search.

  • Anius, take your men through the valley. I'll follow the river bank.

  • You enter the forest with your cavalry only. Leave the infantry at the wood's edge.

  • Very well. - I'll go with Anius.

  • Yes. You, come with me.

  • Well caught! - See what a good hunter I am.

  • Masterly. Less tiring and more to show. - But he is sweet, isn't he?

  • Delicious. - It breaks my heart...

  • There's nothing to be sorry about! - Let's say we let him go, huh?.

  • Have you lost your mind! With all of us famished!

  • Let's just let him run away...

  • I'll roast him on a spit, then you'll see!

  • Halt!

  • Infantry, that way!

  • Forward!

  • Follow me!

  • Halt! Take the left!

  • The rest, with me!

  • Perhaps they've forgotten us. - I wouldn't be so sure.

  • Why haven't they tried to catch us? - Maybe they will wait until Winter,

  • in the hope that the cold will drive us out into the lowlands.

  • I hope you're right...

  • I wish I could bathe in warm milk, like they do in Rome...

  • Aglaea, be grateful for this clean water, and for not having weals on your back.

  • Today I'm pretending to be a real patrician.

  • Nisa! The soldiers!

  • Tell me where the others are hiding, or I'll have the lot of you killed!

  • Capture those women before they get away!

  • Well, did you find anything? - No.

  • I wonder where they can be hiding. We must capture them...

  • Rufus may be a great general, but I don't see the need for all this.

  • It's not Spartacus and his army. Things needn't be so complicated.

  • What would you do instead? - I would wait until hunger and cold...

  • drove them out of the forest.

  • March the prisoners away!

  • Pompilius!

  • Marcus, the soldiers - taken everyone. - When?

  • Just n......

  • We'll attack, in spite of their numbers! - Send for the others in the caves.

  • It's still difficult to beat them. - I'm not eager to die,

  • but I won't abandon our friends! Whoever wants to keep the freedom

  • that I gave him can stay behind. But I'm going!

  • Come on!

  • The majority have been re-captured. A few are left. We'll get them soon.

  • That won't be so easy. - We still haven't captured Marcus!

  • We'll get him too, don't worry.

  • Charge! Meet them head-on!

  • You filthy traitor!

  • Now you'll pay for the murder of my King!

  • Seize that man!

  • Put him in chains, and take him along!

  • Step forward!

  • He's as big as Hercules. Handsome, too. - Just a mass of muscle...

  • The slave girl is attractive.

  • So the sheep have returned to the fold.

  • Little Nisa doesn't look so pleased. Where is your handsome Valerius now?

  • A runaway slave and a confessed Christian. One death is not enough to punish you.

  • Your patrician lover will come to the same end.

  • How often I have regretted saving your life that time.

  • But now I will delight in watching you die like a bull in a slaughter house.

  • Why don't you call on your God to free you?

  • I heard of an old Christian who invoked this God of theirs during the night,

  • and he went flying through the air!

  • Invoke your God, why don't you? Let's see you fly, if you can!

  • Show us this fantastic magic of the Christians.

  • Your punishment will serve as an example to others.

  • Take them away!

  • When are we going to see your famous dancing girls?

  • I promised you a spectacle, but it's much more exciting than dancing girls.

  • Some jugglers, then. Or the gladiators you have no more?

  • Something even rarer, and far more exciting.

  • The Christians!

  • Wonderful! - We'll see if they die singing songs...

  • A Centurion wishes to speak with you. They believe in coming back from death.

  • Praefectus! - What do you want?

  • Emperor Caracalla was killed yesterday in a palace revolution.

  • Who is proclaimed the new Emperor? - The Legions, The Senate, the people

  • are acclaiming many names, including yours. Nothing has been decided so far.

  • But the Senate will soon establish who is to be the legitimate successor.

  • I will accompany you with my legions. - We must see the Christians first.

  • We will leave immediately afterwards. - May the Gods grant you Imperial Power.

  • Don't forget your old friends, Caesar. - Let's drink to our dear friend, Vezius Rufus!

  • I offer the sacrifice of the rebels to the Father of the Gods..

  • May He protect my interests! - Glory to Rufus!

  • They were taken prisoner, and hauled to Minturnus in chains.

  • They wounded and captured even Marcus. - We fought as hard as we were able,

  • but the Romans outnumbered us 10-to-1. Don't think that any of us ran away.

  • Look, nearly all of us were killed or wounded. Being brave isn't enough against such odds.

  • We managed to capture a few horses. - The Gods again show no pity towards me..

  • I had found a ship to take us to safety in Iberia.

  • Why can't I escape this curse that hounds me with misfortune?

  • Look there, Valerius. Here comes a slave belonging to Anius.

  • I've run away to warn you. There is a great feast in honour of Rufus,

  • who is going to Rome. As a spectacle, they are going to crucify the Christians.

  • While we stand here, they may be dying!

  • Have mercy, I beg of you...

  • Marcus, I don't want either of us to die!

  • Try to be brave, Aglaea...

  • Oh dear God, give us strength...

  • This is much more entertaining than the usual dancing girls!

  • There should be a long line stretching to Rome, as a reminder of Spartacus.

  • You should have ordered some musicians, so we didn't have to hear their screams.

  • If you'd ever been a soldier, you wouldn't mind a few moans.

  • Why don't you show us your strength now? Tear yourself loose, and come down!

  • Show what you can do!

  • Be brave, Aglaea.

  • I'll try. The woman you love should show herself worthy of you.

  • What a pity your beloved Valerius isn't here to admire you now!

  • Well, little princess, you've finally ascended to your throne!

  • Oh Lord, forgive us our sins...

  • Valerius!

  • Guards! To me!

  • Cease this fighting!

  • In the name of Macrinus, the new Emperor!

  • Macrinus, I thank you for saving our lives. We shall always be grateful to you.

  • To have saved the life of the son of my old friend, Valerius the Elder,

  • is my first joyful achievement as Emperor.

  • But how did all this occur? - Vezius Rufus condemned these...

  • innocent people to die on the cross. If you had not come,

  • we would all have been slaughtered. - You will see justice done, Valerius.

  • You will have the property you inherited re-instated to you.

  • Why, that man is Marcus! - Yes...

  • You are the slave that once saved my life.

  • I, the Emperor of Rome, owe you an enormous debt of gratitude.

  • I saved the life of a man without thinking if he were a King or a slave.

  • Take this man down from the cross And all the other slaves.

  • I want my reign as Emperor to begin with this act of clemency.

  • See that full honours are rendered to Anius and that he is buried as befits a patrician.

  • Aglaea has consented to be my wife. She can't find words to thank you.

  • From this moment, you are both free.

  • And, with Valerius and Nisa, you will join my adherents in Rome.

  • At my Court, you will find it easy to forget all this, and to start a prosperous new life.

  • I hereby declare you all - free citizens of Rome!

  • Hail, Caesar!


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Il Gladiatore Di Roma - Film Completo Ita Full Movie 英文字幕由Film&Clips提供。 (Il Gladiatore Di Roma - Film Completo Ita Full Movie English sub by Film&Clips)

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