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  • - [Instructor] All right, in the last video,

  • we talked about the election of 1824,

  • which turned into a grudge match

  • between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson

  • in which Andrew Jackson won the popular vote

  • but John Quincy Adams won the electoral vote

  • and the tiebreaker turned out to be

  • Speaker of the House Henry Clay,

  • who helped give the election to Adams

  • but then was shortly named Secretary of State by Adams,

  • leading Andrew Jackson and his partisans

  • to claim that a corrupt bargain had taken place.

  • And this really shows how the nature

  • of American politics had changed

  • because this sort of you scratch my back,

  • I'll scratch yours was common practice in American politics

  • between a few elite men who were generally

  • in charge of the political process.

  • But Andrew Jackson and his supporters

  • say that this is undemocratic.

  • This is the kind of elitist hokum

  • that we do not need in our nation of free white men.

  • So, four years later in the election of 1828,

  • it is a Jackson/John Quincy Adams rematch

  • and the gloves are off.

  • So, in the first video in this series,

  • I mentioned that during this time period,

  • a lot of the aspects that we consider

  • part of American politics first came to the fore.

  • And one of the things that you'll see

  • in the election of 1828, really for the first time,

  • is down and dirty mudslinging,

  • or making angry attacks ad hominem, or at the man,

  • rather than at his principles, attacks on your opponent.

  • So, Andrew Jackson probably already had

  • all the ammunition he needed

  • with the corrupt bargain of 1824.

  • John Quincy Adams kinda considered himself

  • above this kind of mudslinging.

  • But his supporters did not,

  • and they came out with some real gems.

  • Not only did they put out handbills with coffins,

  • this is known as the Coffin Handbill to this day,

  • detailing how many men had been killed by Andrew Jackson,

  • either through execution or duels,

  • they also accused his mother of being a prostitute

  • and his wife of being a bigamist.

  • In fact, Andrew Jackson's wife died

  • shortly before his inauguration

  • and he believed to his dying day

  • that it was the terrible slanders about her

  • that had led to her untimely death.

  • Another first for the election of 1828

  • is Andrew Jackson as the first candidate

  • for the Democratic Party.

  • This is a new party united around Jackson.

  • In the previous election, all of the candidates

  • had been Republicans in one form or another,

  • but now the Republican Party is going to start

  • to fade away and the Democratic Party will come to the fore.

  • And this is the same Democratic Party

  • that is still in existence in the United States today.

  • Of course, its goals and ideas have changed

  • a great deal since the 1820s.

  • And with his Democratic Party and even with the supporters

  • of John Quincy Adams, what Jackson taps into

  • is this kind of mass party democracy.

  • He has great party machines

  • working for him in Eastern cities.

  • He also really takes advantage particularly

  • of people on the frontier,

  • so white people who are looking to expand westward

  • to kind of make it, as we would say, rugged individuals,

  • people pulling themselves up by their bootstraps

  • and they saw that in Andrew Jackson

  • because he had been born fairly penniless.

  • And then, by the time he was elected president in 1828,

  • he had become part of the frontier elite.

  • He was now a slave holder;

  • he was one of the guys who had made it.

  • But those on the frontier looked to him

  • and saw the example of what they wanted to be.

  • Jackson also had the advantage of being a war hero

  • from the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812.

  • And throughout the 19th century,

  • those with valorous military service

  • will do well in national elections.

  • And another thing that Andrew Jackson does quite well

  • is harnesses anti-Indian, anti-Native American sentiment.

  • John Quincy Adams had attempted to bargain in good faith,

  • to try to hold up the side of the United States

  • with Native American nations living in what was then

  • the territorial borders of the United States.

  • He'd bargained with them

  • as if they were sovereign nations unto themselves.

  • Andrew Jackson understood that white settlers

  • desperately wanted Indian lands

  • and he played to those white settlers,

  • assuring him that he would do his utmost

  • to remove Native Americans from those lands,

  • a promise that he will make good on during his presidency.

  • So, Jackson wins the election of 1828

  • and immediately it's obvious that the democracy

  • under Jackson is quite different

  • from the American system under previous presidents.

  • At his inauguration, he turns to the crowd and bows,

  • signaling that he thinks of himself

  • as being beneath the people that he's serving.

  • He also opens up the White House

  • during what's called the Inaugural Brawl,

  • and it's believed that many people went into the White House

  • and they wrecked the china and they destroyed the furniture

  • and they wouldn't leave until people told them

  • there was alcohol outside on the lawn.

  • And to an earlier generation who had been raised

  • with this early American aristocracy

  • of the Adamses and the Washingtons, this looks like anarchy.

  • They thought this was the beginning

  • of the French Revolution in the United States.

  • It was not, but it was the beginning

  • of massive party politics, political campaigns,

  • and the beginning of a new politics in the United States

  • that appealed to the common man.

  • And we'll talk more about that in the next video.

- [Instructor] All right, in the last video,

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傑克遜式民主3 (Jacksonian Democracy 3)

  • 18 2
    Amy.Lin posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary