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-I have to tell you saw "Mother!" last night.
-[ Laughs ] -I´m still shaken to the core.
-Oh, I thought you were just kidding, okay.
-Not my mother. -Right.
-I saw mother the other night, like it´s our mother.
-Oh, thank you for seeing it. -No, your movie "Mother."
-Yeah, it´s very -- it´s hard to watch.
-Yeah, we don´t have the same -- we´re not brother and sister.
[ Laughter ]
You´re the daddy. No.
-I thought you were being Andy Cohen. Okay, anyway.
-No, yeah. No, I saw the movie --
your movie last night directed by Darren Aronofsky,
which is a coincidence.
I grew up with an Aaron Daranoski [ Laughs ]
-Oh, really? -No relation.
-Oh, and --
No, I saw this move last night and I am still shaking.
I don´t know what I went through.
-[ Chuckles ] Yeah, I know.
-How did you act in this?
Did you take a giant vacation after this role?
This is insane. -I mean, I´ve already said this.
I don´t know if people know about this.
I got to such a low point, in the film, emotionally,
like, I was going to such a dark place
that eventually I had to bring in the Kardashians in.
Not in person, obviously. -That happens.
No, no that happens they do that for people.
-Yeah. -Yeah, they show up.
It´s like a party bus. they show up, like,
"We´re here to cheer you up. what´s up.
-Oh, my God. -You know Khloe, Kendall,
they go though the whole family. -Oh, my God,
-No, we -- we I had to do this one scene
that like, I had never gone that, like,
you know, that "dark" before,
I don´t want to sound like my craft,
but I had never done something that horrifying.
So I started getting scared like a couple of days before
and I was like, "I needed a tent just to be away
from all the extras because so I didn´t know
what I would do. -Yeah.
-And then eventually, you know,
one Kardashian came and then another Kardashian came.
-It´s like a clown car They all come out of one car.
-But it was just a computer that was playing
"The Kardashians" and it had head shots,
and it also little notes of, like,
to me from them that I had written.
-Yeah, of course. Yeah. just like, just to keep you happy.
-Yeah. -A happy tent.
-Yeah, which I can´t share any of them,
because I don´t want to offend anybody but just like
my own personal thoughts. -But they make you happy?
-I don´t know. -Yeah, because I´m watching you.
I´m going, "This is just insane
for one person to do all this.
You´re so good. -Oh, thank you.
-You´re so talented. -Thanks.
And I´m just like I feel for you,
and I´m like, "I don´t know how much I can take."
-I know, my whole family is going to see it tomorrow,
and I´m really scared.
I´m like, really worried
about my brother seeing it.
-Oh, it is bizarre.
We saw it, and we had an awesome sound system.
The place was rattling because sound is a very --
I would say is one of your co-stars in this film.
Would you agree? -Totally. yeah.
The design, the amount of effort that Aaron
put into the sound design was really grade A.
-Tell him he did a great job
from like it´s from me -Okay, I will.
-I think I know what I´m talking about.
It starts off, and you just hear every creek,
and every little thing and I go, "Okay."
And by the end, it is...
I don´t -- I hate to -- I don´t even know
what to tell people about the movie.
-I don´t really know what to tell people either.
I´ve gone between not saying anything
and just telling everybody everything.
-Just go see it.
Just go see it. and not know anything.
That´s what I did. -Or you can google
all the times I´ve just spilled the entire plot.
-No, don´t. We won´t do that here.
-There´s many of them. -But you guys, Javier Bardem
and you --
He´s a writer, and you have this remote house
in the middle of nowhere, and then and a strange dude --
-That represents Earth.
[ Laughter ]
-You´re spoiling a little bit.
-I know, I know, I know.
I really can´t help it. -Stop it.
-I know but I feel like the metaphors are so good.
-Don´t tell people what to think.
No don´t. -Cause people don´t, don´t know.
-The metaphors, yeah. I know. They do. They get the metaphors.
-You sound just like Darrenofsky.
-Aaron Darrenoksi? -Darrenofsky.
-Oh, Darrenofsky, yeah.
Oh, yeah, I knew him, too.
His parents owned a car wash. Ofsky´s car wash.
[ Light laughter ]
-[ Laughs ]
-I don´t know what to say.
A stranger comes to the door.
it´s Ed Harris... -Mm-hmm.
-...and things just get weird. -Yeah.
-It gets insane. -Yeah.
They almost get biblical.
-Yeah. I was going insane watching it.
I go, "This is the most -- wow.
-I know. -It´s beautifully shot.
-When I saw it with an audience, I felt like,
really shook afterwards, and I pulled Darren aside.
I was like, "This is a mistake." We took it too far.
And then like, he was like, "What?"
And then 30 minutes later I was like, "Ah, no."
-You were singing -- you were you singing Christmas carols?
You were trying to play Christmas music
to keep you happy? -That was...
Yeah, after I would do a scene and I would try to --
or if we were doing rehearsals, anytime I didn´t want to feel
too much or -- this again. Feel so like so like --
But if I didn´t want to feel something
or if I was feeling something gross
and I wanted to get out of it,
I would listen to Bruce Springsteen´s
"Santa Claus Is Comin´ to Town."
So there was this one -- I would be crying on,
like, an apple box in the corner like,
♫ [ Sobbing ] Santa Clause is comin´ to town ♫
[ Sobbing continues ] -[ Laughs ]
♫ You better watch out ♫
♫ You better not cry ♫
♫ You better not pout, I´m telling you why ♫
♫ Santa Claus is comin´ to town ♫
It makes you happy. It makes you happy, yeah.
You got to get us some Herb Alpert on your playlist
cause that makes you happy as well.
-God, I wish that just happened in life.
where you just started singing and --
-Yeah, that does. It did just happen.
-It did, yeah, this is life.
-This is life. -I forgot.
I want to show a clip of "Mother!"
-Okay. -Not, again, not our mother.
This is the movie "Mother!"
Here´s Jennifer Lawrence in "Mother!"
Take a look at this. Whew.
[ Chimes jingle softly ]
[ Floor creaking ]
[ Insects chirping ]
[ Glass shatters ] -[ Gasps ]
[ Floor creaks ]
[ Chimes jingle softly ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
-What! That´s what I´m talking about!
I know!
That´s the whole movie.
-I wasn´t paying attention. -Don´t pay attention.
Oh, my gosh. -My brother is really
sensitive to scary things. He can´t even watch the trailer.
-It was just... -He was scared of oompa loompas.
-People are freaked out, right now.
[ Laughter ]
So then -- so you´re coming on the show,
and I´m so excited you´re coming on.
Then we hear from Matt.
-Matt! -Matt!
That you want to challenge me
to an axe throwing competition.
-Yeah. -Now, what is this story?
Where did this start? Have you ever done it?
-It´s not much of a story.
-No. -It was...
-You just thought it would be fun to do it.
-...I went to a bar with one of my brothers
in Kentucky called Flying Axes, and I threw axes and drank beer.
-The bar is called -- the bar is called Throwing...?
-It´s called Flying Axes. -You drink and throw axes?
-[ Laughing ] Yeah.
-What is wrong with people. -Yeah.
-Oh, my goodness. -[ Laughs ]
-I can´t believe you did that.
-On second thought, it should be more like
a tea or coffee place. -Yeah, no beverages.
Just throw axes. -But I had a lot of fun.
And so I thought we would have fun.
-You´re the best. I´m going to do it.
When we come back... -I just really don´t want you
to win. Eh.
[ Laughter ]
I don´t want that. -Oh, my God that character.
"I just don´t you to win. Eh."
-I don´t´ have any money but can I just have it.
-And you´re like waiting for me to say something.
I´m going to win. yeah.