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  • Forteen months ago, I was on a [unclear] flight

  • and my eyes rolled back in my head.

  • I slumped to my seat, unconscious.

  • I woke up to the plastic rubber floor of the airplane,

  • right in the middle of the seats

  • and I was wheeled off in a stretcher,

  • Atlanta Georgia,

  • and I ended up in an emergency room,

  • followed by months of tests,

  • months of doctors' visits,

  • a number of gluten tests.

  • I got really good at making those quinoa loaves for breakfast.

  • And, I finally got a very unsatisfying explanation.

  • Ambition and stress

  • placed the body on a war footing,

  • my doctor told me.

  • I've been running hard for ten years through my twenties,

  • and my army had simply run out of supplies.

  • I took some time off

  • and the strangest thing happened.

  • Hard charging, high performing people

  • started coming up to me,

  • often in whispers,

  • and told me that they too had collapsed recently.

  • That they're suffering from insomnia.

  • >From lockjaw.

  • >From losing chunks of hair.

  • These invisible diseases all around me

  • due to stress and anxiety.

  • I started to rebuild my body,

  • and during that time,

  • my 93-year-old grandfather

  • said something to me that really stuck.

  • He said: "Priya, do you know what the word 'Svastha' means?"

  • And I said, "Yes Nana. It means health in Hindi"

  • And he said, "Yes,

  • that's how we use it in modern day Hindi,

  • but it actually derives its root from Sanskrit.

  • And it has a two-fold meaning:

  • 'Sva' means self.

  • And 'stha' means seat.

  • So 'svastha' or health,

  • means to be seated inside yourself."

  • I began to build myself.

  • To regain my strength.

  • I spent a lot of time dancing.

  • I also spent a lot of time alone,

  • in silence, creating.

  • And I realized that in trying of making something of myself,

  • I had somehow lost the thread.

  • And I realized that I in fact was not alone.

  • I decided to do two things once I healed.

  • First,

  • to conduct a study of the next generation

  • of socially concerned globally minded leaders --

  • basically the TED demographic --

  • to find out what are their unique anxieties.

  • Then, to work with individuals and organizations

  • who were experiencing critical inflection points,

  • to build bold visions of how they can thrive

  • and how they can build a vision off of their internal core.

  • I called these sessions, visioning labs.

  • As I conducted these labs

  • and I conducted these interviews,

  • I found that there were in fact

  • things that this generation uniquely suffers from.

  • Two stood out.

  • The first, is that we become untethered.

  • The people that I work with,

  • more than their parents,

  • more than their grandparents,

  • are less and less tethered to anything.

  • We have full choice to make a decision about

  • who we marry, whether we marry,

  • what we want to study or eventually do.

  • And this prolific rise, you could say, of choices,

  • has made our life full of more variables

  • and less certainty.

  • A doctor I was working with,

  • a very successful young doctor crystalized this for me.

  • She said, "I become a skeleton.

  • The layers have been stripped away.

  • I no longer have institutions or tribe or family.

  • It just no longer exists for me."

  • What happens when we lose our traditions, our cultures,

  • our ways of being,

  • our inherited ways of being,

  • is that all of a sudden,

  • we began to look and live our lives

  • in a social mirror.

  • We spend our lives looking at a mirror

  • and all we have is the people around us

  • to reflect back to us what normal is.

  • And what has happened,

  • is that,

  • we're spending our time looking at this guy and saying,

  • "Should I be doing what he's doing?"

  • Or, "What does she know that I don't?"

  • We've lost our organizing principles.

  • The second thing I learned in these labs

  • that stood out in these interviews,

  • is that we're suffering from the anxiety of opportunity cost.

  • There are many things today to be anxious about.

  • But the people that I was working with, weren't self-conscious.

  • They didn't lack confidence.

  • They weren't anxious about sort of the pointlessness of life.

  • They were specifically and uniquely anxious

  • about this strangely modern anxiety of opportunity cost.

  • We've been taught to relentlessly maximize our options.

  • We live in fear to make sure

  • that we're trying to live the best of our possible future scenarios.

  • And these people that I was working with

  • was variously consumed with two terms:

  • "FOMO," the fear of missing out.

  • And "FOBO," the fear of better opportunities.

  • As I began to run these labs particularly,

  • I realized that visioning is very powerful,

  • because there is a strong link

  • between those who disproportionely suffered from "FOMO" and "FOBO",

  • and those who lacked an internal vision.

  • A vision for themselves.

  • What they wanted to create in the world.

  • And so I designed these visioning labs

  • around three activities

  • that I found most helped people to thrive.

  • To envision, to embody and to enact.

  • People need bold authentic visions

  • that align with their internal core.

  • Align with what makes them come alive.

  • Gathering external data is helpful,

  • but if it's not first aligned with what we most want to be,

  • it's irrelevant or at least not sustainable.

  • Second, to embody.

  • People need to design structures in their lives

  • that enable them...

  • so they can spend their time and resources

  • in ways that reflect their professed values.

  • And third, to enact.

  • A vision is only as relevant as it is implemented.

  • And so using peer networks particularly

  • to help monitoring,

  • drastically increases the likelihood of implementations.

  • So you do a lot of work around social networks.

  • In the last year I've run 85 labs.

  • And given that the theme of this gathering is to thrive,

  • I'd like to share five activities

  • that I found most obstruct

  • my subjects' ability to thrive,

  • and then four, to be fair to you,

  • that help thriving.

  • First, the obstructions.

  • Number one.

  • The GTD syndrome.

  • David Allen, bestselling book, "Getting things done,"

  • has become a productivity bible for at least my generation.

  • But we're forgetting to ask why we're doing what we're doing.

  • We've prioritized productivity over purpose.

  • The second.

  • Hedging bets and maintaining optionality.

  • A number of my interviewers told me

  • that they chose consulting

  • as their best possible option.

  • Because it gives them high prestige, high pay,

  • and it allows them to push of a decision for two years

  • and not close any doors.

  • Third.

  • Again these are obstructions to thriving.

  • Maintenance.

  • It actually takes a lot more energy

  • to create, to build, to think,

  • than it does to go to sit in meetings

  • or to respond to email.

  • So maintaining as a way of life rather than creating.

  • Fourth.

  • They prioritize success over mastery.

  • When a writer comes to me,

  • somebody who wants to be a writer,

  • and they're given the option of going to a coffee for two hours

  • basically networking,

  • or spending two hours alone,

  • staring at a glass

  • and looking at the 17 ways they can describe that glass,

  • they will always choose the coffee.

  • And finally, they're stuck in their heads.

  • This is more about the body section, next session.

  • But people who suffer from FOMO and from FOBO,

  • tend to not physically engage their body as much,

  • and not engage in activities that increase creativity

  • and increase relaxation

  • and focus on time to refuel.

  • So those are the activities that obstruct thriving.

  • There are now four activities that I've seen over labs

  • that are inducive to thriving.

  • The first is,

  • people first ask before anything else,

  • "What kind of life do I want?"

  • They learn ways to cultivate their own listening

  • and hear that answer

  • and then organize their lives around that specific answer.

  • So for example.

  • One of my clients

  • truly wanted to structure his time

  • around an ability to control his time.

  • And so that became his fundamental principle.

  • And he created everything around his life

  • from his job to the way he interacts with his friends

  • around that specific principle.

  • The second is to increase your ability

  • to accept sub-optimal outcomes.

  • So they literally embrace the possibilities -

  • I want to say this again,

  • that sub-optimal outcomes may be result of a choice.

  • They don't ask, "Is this the best possible activity?"

  • Or, "Is this the best possible way to use my time right now?"

  • They accept that it actually probably isn't

  • and do it anyway.

  • So for example,

  • rather than going trying to go to three parties in one night,

  • they decide to choose one party,

  • one dinner invitation perhaps that they've been invited to,

  • commit to the host to be there the entire time,

  • and turn the phone on silent before they enter the room

  • and keep it off the table.

  • Finally,

  • they're really good at saying no

  • and they burn bridges,

  • they're willing to burn bridges.

  • The people that I work with who thrive

  • are the ones who are able to know

  • what their own guiding principle is.

  • They say no to venture capitalist that don't reflect their values,

  • and they start restaurants

  • that are able to say no substitution on the menu.

  • (Laughter)

  • So in closing,

  • I'm now close to announcing a startup around this work.

  • And our goal is to enable a generation

  • to spend their time differently.

  • A number of my clients come to me

  • and they're looking externally for a vision.

  • They want to, I'm sure like many of you, help the world

  • do something to help people.

  • But in closing,

  • I'd like actually recall the words of a great civil rights movement leader

  • and a theologian, Howard Thurman.

  • He said, "Don't ask the world,

  • don't ask yourself what the world needs from you.

  • Ask yourself first what makes you come alive

  • and then go do it.

  • For the world needs more people who come alive."

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

Forteen months ago, I was on a [unclear] flight

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TEDx】錯過的恐懼。Priya Parker在2011年TEDxCambridge的演講。 (【TEDx】The Fear of Missing Out: Priya Parker at TEDxCambridge 2011)

  • 267 18
    Amy.Lin posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary