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Questioner: My name is Ananth.
My question is about marriage,
I’m married
Sadhguru: No, no, they are two different things (Laughter & Applause).
Questioner: …marriage
what I see today is
many youngsters like
many of them they don’t want to marry
and few of them who marry
there are occasions where they are getting divorced;
so would you like to throw some light on this situation Sadhguru?
Sadhguru: See, you need to understand the institution of marriage.
it’s about bringing a certain sanctity
to the simple basic needs that every human being has.
there are physical needs,
there are psychological needs,
there are economic needs,
emotional needs,
social needs,
variety of needs.
To fulfill all these things we set up an institution called marriage
where all these can be conducted in a sensible manner,
otherwise if we did it on the streets like every other creature
it would turn ugly for us.
And we will feel not good about it.
So,to bring some sense of organization,
some aesthetic,
some stability,
because man and woman coming together naturally brought fresh life.
it is...
compared to any other creature,
it is the most helpless life
which needs maximum amount of support.
You could leave a puppy on the street;
as long as he gets food, he grows up into a good dog,
no problem.
But not so with a human being;
he doesn’t need just physical support,
he needs variety of support and
above all the stable situation.
Whether there should be marriage in society or not
one will debate when they are eighteen
because physical body is asking for freedom,
all right.
At that time everybody questions –
is marriage really needed,
why can’t we just live whichever way we want?
But when you are three years of age
you valued marriage immensely,
a stable marriage immensely.
Isn’t it so?
Yes or no?
Juhi Chawla: Yes, yes.
again when you become forty-five, fifty you’re hundred percent for marriage
between and eighteen and thirty-five you’re questioning the whole process (Laughter & Applause),
Juhi Chawla: That’s true (Laughs).
Sadhguru: Because where the physical body is dominant,
at that time if you give in to that
then it will question every institution.
this is hormone fired freedom okay (Laughter).
Your intelligence has been hijacked by hormones,
so you question the fundamentals of everything.
I’m not saying marriage is the thing
but do you have a better alternative?
If you have a better alternative, damn the marriage
but you have not come up with a better alternative
because a stable situation is a must for a child.
Once you have a child it’s a twenty year project (Laughter)
Your whims and fancies will change,
your emotions will change;
if that is what it is, don’t get into such situations.
It’s not compulsory for everybody to get married,
it’s good young
you were saying people are thinking whether to get married.
I’m glad it is not necessary for everybody
but if you get into it and if you
especially if you get into children you must understand,
it’s a minimum twenty year project
whether you like it or you don’t like it.
Otherwise you shouldn’t get into those projects,
you don’t walk into a project, drop it half way and walk away, isn’t it?
Juhi Chawla: Yes.
It’s your choice
but at least choose consciously.
You don’t have to get married because everybody is getting married,
you don’t have to talk about marriage and divorce in same breath
as if they come together (Laughter).
This is a completely an American idea,
you’re thinking of marriage and divorce together
nobody thought of divorce in this country till recently, isn’t it?
Juhi Chawla: Yes.
Sadhguru: So, if it happens,
if something happens
something truly went wrong between two people
and they have to separate that will any way inevitably happen.
You don’t have to plan it at the time of wedding (Laughter).
why should you ever talk about marriage and divorce in one breath?
It's a crime