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  • China belongs to the CCP! Belief in God? Not in China!

  • We have orders. Religion must be stamped out!

  • House churches of every stripe are banned as of now! (Yes, sir.)

  • People believe when they read Almighty God's word.

  • All our good sheep have been stolen by the "Eastern Lightning" followers.

  • Expel all "Eastern Lightning" followers!

  • If you find anyone following the "Eastern Lightning," report it!

  • Hello, hello? Residents, your attention! Residents, your attention!

  • This afternoon everyone is to attend a residential committee meeting.

  • This afternoon everyone is to attend a residential committee meeting.

  • Praise the Lord. Brothers and sisters, that's it for today's service.

  • Praise the Lord.

  • Guifang, here's a donation. (Yes?)

  • Thank the Lord. Bless you.

  • Good-bye. (Mm, till next time.)

  • Hey, what's going on? What's that notice about?

  • It's about suppressing religious belief.

  • They're going to start arresting the faithful.

  • Aren't God's teachings all about being good? Why arrest people like that?

  • Really, I don't get it at all.

  • Hey, look over there. There's a reward too!

  • "For turning in people practicing illegally faiths in churches…"

  • We're talking about the government here. You can't listen.

  • Who knows what the story is?

  • But this notice is about suppressing churches!

  • They're persecuting people of faith again.

  • Why is the CCP always doing things like this? It's unbelievable.

  • What's so strange about it?

  • It's been years.

  • The CCP's always suppressed churches and restricted freedom of religion.

  • That's true.

  • This is the CCP. They've done nothing good for years. (Sure don't.)

  • They don't arrest criminals or corrupt officials.

  • They just go after good people of faith. (It's despicable.)

  • If this continues, it's all over. Society will unravel.

  • You're totally right.

  • You ask me, this whole country is doomed. (Really. It's terrible.)

  • Don't they have bigger problems? (Who knows what they're thinking!)

  • But this comes from so high up. Something's going on.

  • You can't believe in God or do good works. Not in China. (Right.)

  • The CCP government really is evil!

  • So evil.

  • The CCP is cracking down on religion again right now.

  • And this time they won't be gentle.

  • That means house churches will face persecution.

  • We should be more careful in the future. (Mm.)

  • There was a meeting held at the factory today.

  • They're going to be investigating people of faith,

  • especially the "Eastern Lightning."

  • Who is it?

  • The government residential committee!

  • Oh, Chief Zhang.

  • Oh, it's the chief.

  • We had a meeting. You didn't come. Didn't you hear the announcement?

  • The meeting was important. It was about you believers.

  • All people of faith, all Christians were to attend as ordered.

  • So why didn't you obey?

  • Uh, we were busy here. Sorry.

  • Busy? This meeting was about you. Why didn't you come?

  • Listen to me. Central levels, provinces, countiesall received the order.

  • Starting now, all faiths will be organized and restricted.

  • Believers in Jesus like you must attend all meetings.

  • You should be aware of government policies.

  • If not, things could get nasty.

  • So now, I'll fill you in. All people of religious faith must register.

  • And you believers in Jesus will face restrictions,

  • especially the "Eastern Lightning."

  • If we catch them, they will get jail time and hard labor,

  • and their children can't attend college or hold jobs.

  • If they're employed, they'll be fired.

  • And also if by any chance,

  • you find an "Eastern Lightning" follower, report them at once.

  • Do that, and the government will not only deal with you mercifully,

  • you'll also be rewarded.

  • Each household must list their faith.

  • If there are any others, write them down.

  • Wait a second. Don't we have freedom of religion? How is that free?

  • Freedom? Humph! Forget house churches like yours.

  • The state rules apply to even big ones, like the Three-Self Church.

  • They've got to be sealed off.

  • It's always like this. Why must the CCP restrict religion?

  • Why must they? You really don't know?

  • The government has to. Your religions are growing too fast!

  • Like the "Eastern Lightning," they've grown too fast!

  • They have so many followers, almost as many as the CCP!

  • And what do you think will happen if they keep growing? Don't you get it?

  • The CCP itself would be at risk.

  • If we all believed in God, we'd have world peace.

  • Wouldn't that make society safer? (Humph!)

  • At that point, we wouldn't need the police. Isn't that a good thing?

  • You're mistaken. If we all believed in God, who'd follow the CCP?

  • Humph! Faith in God? Where's your God?

  • If you want to believe, believe in the CCP. That'll keep you fed.

  • If not, things could get bad.

  • This explains the new anti-cult laws. Read it carefully.

  • This country makes belief hard.

  • Keep this in mind. I'll remind you.

  • If you see "Eastern Lightning" followers, report them at once.

  • It seems government persecution of our faith is becoming more and more severe.

  • Things will be hard from now on.

  • That's true. Faith in Jesus makes our road a hard one to walk.

  • And the "Eastern Lightning" followers like my brother have an even harder road.

  • (sigh)

  • I think my brother's a good man. Firm in his belief.

  • He's been a Christian for years now. Strong in his faith.

  • How could he accept the "Eastern Lightning"?

  • There's a divine mystery at hand.

  • Mm. Your brother's not one to act rashly.

  • Yet he's with the "Eastern Lightning."

  • That means there's truth to be found there,

  • otherwise he never would've accepted.

  • Perhaps his might be the true way. I think we should look into it.

  • Still, the government is being so severe.

  • Even if their way is the true one, who would dare seek it?

  • I know. Things are getting harder and harder for believers in Jesus.

  • Even investigating their way will be dangerous.

  • So much of the government's persecution is over the "Eastern Lightning." (Mm.)

  • For now, let's rely on the Lord's aid. He'll give us strength. (Mm.)

  • Quiet down, everyone, quiet down.

  • Thank the Lord!

  • My co-workers, as believers, we must follow the Bible. (Mm, right.)

  • The Bible is God's word. (Mm, yes.)

  • All of His works are recorded in here. (Mm, right!)

  • If we stray from it, we aren't believers. (Yes.)

  • Only the Bible represents God.

  • As such faith in Him is faith in this book. (Amen.)

  • The "Eastern Lightning" says the Lord has come for the work of the last days.

  • A verse like that doesn't exist.

  • That's true. (He's right. There's no doubt about it.) And so we don't accept.

  • Everything that contradicts the Bible is heresy. (Amen.)

  • Right, it's nothing but heresy.

  • Recently we've discovered that many ardent believers in every church

  • have been stolen by the "Eastern Lightning."

  • As this church's elder, I failed to protect the flock.

  • I feel I owe the Lord so much.

  • Yes, we owe the Lord. I feel like we failed.

  • My co-workers, if all our good sheep are stolen from us,

  • then what else can people in our position do?

  • And so we need safeguards against the "Eastern Lightning." (Mm.)

  • The information we all just saw here

  • will be just that against the "Eastern Lightning." A safeguard.

  • Yes, we need to safeguard.

  • We have these discs. Send them out.

  • Take these and watch them at home. Ask our brothers and sisters to as well.

  • Praise God. We should watch them carefully.

  • In my mind, just watching these won't accomplish all that much.

  • We've distributed many materials like this.

  • Yet the believers continue to accept the "Eastern Lightning" each day.

  • Mm. So many good peoplethey hear their preachings and all accept it.

  • It would seem the "Eastern Lightning" may hold the truth.

  • May the Lord keep us. Or else the "Eastern Lightning" may steal us.

  • More and more people have accepted the "Eastern Lightning."

  • And I hear that they're even growing overseas too.

  • My co-workers, among our precautions to resist the "Eastern Lightning,"

  • the key thing is to follow these three rules:

  • "Don't hear, don't read, don't contact." (Mm. Right.)

  • Only by preventing every single one of us from hearing their preaching,

  • can we hold on to our churches. (Right.)

  • We must also stress the "Eastern Lightning" books are literally poisoned.

  • One touch, one look, and you're bewitched.

  • And if you refuse their preaching,

  • then they'll cut off your ears and break your legs.

  • Things like that, I won't say it again.

  • In sum, we must adhere to the Lord's way, (Praise the Lord.)

  • and protect His flocks. (Amen!)

  • These are anti-Eastern Lightning pamphlets. They go with these discs.

  • At our meetings, we should discuss and study these more.

  • Also, be certain to remind our brothers and sisters of this:

  • Follow the precautions laid out by our church.

  • Don't receive strangers at your homes, and never bring strangers to the church.

  • No contact with the "Eastern Lightning."

  • If you discover anyone in touch with the "Eastern Lightning,"

  • report them to the church immediately.

  • What's more, if any relatives or friends accept the "Eastern Lightning,"

  • you should cut your ties with them, otherwise you'll be expelled!

  • Sister Jiang, your brother worked for the Lord in our church for so many years. (Mm.)

  • I know he's a good man.

  • He was a leading sheep in our church, a good one. (He was.)

  • Everyone admired him.

  • I never thought that such a good person

  • could be stolen away by the "Eastern Lightning."

  • What's more, right now he's stealing sheep too, and he targets our best ones.

  • Sister Jiang, we need you to try to bring your brother back to us. (Exactly.)

  • My brother's character and qualities far exceed my own.

  • He has his freedom.

  • Besides we really shouldn't interfere with what he chooses to believe.

  • But how can we not interfere? (Right.)

  • If everybody accepts the "Eastern Lightning,"

  • that's it, our church will collapse! (That's right.)

  • To whom will we be pastors and elders?

  • Just think, Sister Jiang. What did the pastors and elders say?

  • Aren't you worried about your brother?

  • How could I not be?

  • Guijun, sister,

  • the government has labeled the "Eastern Lightning" as an illegal cult.

  • This crackdown is severe. You can't keep this up.

  • You'll be asking for trouble if you don't stop.

  • Guifang, the CCP are atheists. No one opposes God or hates the truth more.

  • They've designated all groups that believe in the true God as illegal cults.

  • Also, they've openly labeled the Bible as a cult book. This is public knowledge.

  • Don't you already know this?

  • Besides, we've suffered so much over the years, just for believing in Jesus.

  • It's true, Guifang.

  • Many have been tortured to death or jailed, preachers and Christians all over.

  • That's not enough?

  • How can you still believe the government's rumors?

  • How should a good religion be distinguished from cults?

  • And a party shouldn't decide that or politicians, without reason.

  • And neither should a country or a constitution.

  • A good religion is positive. It benefits mankind.

  • But cults are negative and terrible things. They corrupt mankind.

  • If people want to know if it's a good religion or a cult,

  • they should look at what it produces, whether it's positive or negative.

  • If it comes from God or God's work,

  • a church like that is the true way, a good religion.

  • And what comes from Satan or the work of evil spirits, those are evil cults.

  • The CCP is a satanic regime. It opposes God and hates the truth.

  • The CCP is the real cult here.

  • They aren't qualified to comment on faith,

  • much less qualified to condemn any groups or churches that believe in God.

  • That's right. The CCP opposes God and persecutes Christians.

  • You know the history well.

  • Sister, this is all something I know.

  • However, the government's persecution of the "Eastern Lightning"

  • is crueler than with other churches.

  • Guifang, aren't we persecuted for believing in the Lord Jesus?

  • Guifang, only those who accept Almighty God's end-time work

  • can receive His blessings and promises.

  • Adversity reveals a person's true nature.

  • If we let ourselves become too afraid

  • to either investigate or accept the true way,

  • then we'll lose the blessings and promises of God.

  • Doesn't the Revelation say the fearful will not enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • This satanic CCP regime suppresses the "Eastern Lightning" most severely.

  • It just goes to show they fear the truth and hate God.

  • For all these years, house and underground churches in this country

  • have all been condemned and persecuted and hunted down too.

  • Should we deny that Lord Jesus is the true God and the true way

  • because of this hardship?

  • Guifang, you've held this faith for years. Can't you see it?

  • The CCP distorts the facts and confuses black with white.

  • That's the very essence of Satan!

  • Can you still not tell the difference

  • between what's a cult and what's a good religion?

  • Those that believe in the true God are good religions.

  • Trusting false gods and Satan and believing in evil spirits,

  • that's what cults do.

  • Cults advocate atheism, evolution and other such heresies and fallacies,

  • all which deny and resist God.

  • Right now, the CCP persecutes and attacks the "Eastern Lightning" most.

  • The whole world sees what's going on.

  • If one can really see truth,

  • then by looking at Satan's regime what it opposes most and what it hates most,

  • one will ascertain where the true way is found.

  • The CCP hates the truth most. They fear people accepting the truth.

  • That's why they resist God so ferociously.

  • In the last days, only Almighty God expresses the truth and saves man.

  • It's Almighty God alone who does the work of saving and purifying mankind.

  • Isn't what I'm saying a fact beyond doubt?

  • From this, we can see

  • why the CCP hates the Church of Almighty God so fiercely and resists God so.

  • All who wait for the Lord should look around with open eyes

  • and see who does the work of judgment in the last days!

  • Sister, Guijun, the CCP indeed opposes God and is of Satan.

  • But they've also said that people who reject the "Eastern Lightning"

  • will have their ears cut and their eyes gouged.

  • Isn't that rumor enough evidence for you?

  • You can find churches just about everywhere now.

  • Believers in Almighty God are everywhere!

  • If what they say were really true,

  • how many people in China would be missing their ears and eyes today?

  • There would be hundreds of thousands or millions!

  • But have they found even one case of that?

  • If there were one,

  • wouldn't the CCP and all the media under its control

  • spread it all over the world? (He's right.)

  • That's proof enough. What the CCP says is nothing but lies!

  • It's all rumors! All false accusations!

  • What the CCP government says isn't trustworthy at all!

  • It's clear. You know much too little about those liars.

  • Even now you haven't seen through their true substance.

  • It's Satan the devil! It's God's enemy!

  • You're a long-time believer, yet you're still so blind.

  • You're much too ignorant! Much too muddle-headed!

  • Guifang, those are rumors fabricated by the CCP.

  • How can you still believe the CCP's lies?

  • We can ignore whatever the government says.

  • I heard the same things from our elders too. Are they also lying?

  • The pastors and elders said the same things?

  • Why didn't you ask them then: Do you have any evidence?

  • Have you ever seen it? Someone who rejected the "Eastern Lightning"

  • and had their legs broken or their ears cut off?

  • Have you seen it even once? Did that ever happen?

  • That's right, Guifang. You should be asking them.

  • You should ask them if there's any basis and what proof they have.

  • If they don't have any proof, then they're telling lies and they're devils.

  • Why didn't you ask for some?

  • They feed you lies and you just believe them! That's ignorance, isn't it?

  • Guifang, you should say this to the pastors and elders:

  • You're believers in God. Have proof when you speak! Have responsibility!

  • You said the "Eastern Lightning" books are poisoned.

  • Where are these poisoned books?

  • Bring these books over here and show us. We'll see if they're poisoned.

  • Show us one who rejected the way

  • and had their ears cut off, their eyes gouged and their legs broken.

  • Find just one and show them to us.

  • If you can't find a single example, then you're just telling lies.

  • You're just devils! Deceivers!

  • The pastors and elders are God's servants.

  • In my mind,

  • they wouldn't defy God's commandments and create rumors against your faith.

  • Because bearing false witness is something that God hates most,

  • an act cursed by God.

  • And that much is something they know best.

  • Guifang, we believers should have faith in the Lord's word.

  • Only His word is truth.

  • We should be cautious about man's word.

  • We should see first if it matches the facts or accords with the truth.

  • In fact, when it comes to religious pastors and leaders' words,

  • we should be even more cautious.

  • Just think back to those Jewish chief priests and Pharisees.

  • Weren't they religious leaders too?

  • In man's eyes, they were also serving God.

  • They knew they shouldn't bear false witness.

  • But when the Lord Jesus came to do work,

  • they all fabricated rumors, framed Him and condemned Him.

  • They nailed the Lord Jesus to the cross. Isn't that a fact?

  • And after He was resurrected, they clearly knew He was God,

  • yet still bribed the guard to lie and cover up the fact of His resurrection.

  • And so even now, most don't believe in Jesus in Israel.

  • Really, you know all this.

  • Guifang, let's sit down and talk.

  • Guifang, listen closely.

  • Until corrupt mankind gains the truth and is saintly, no one is trustworthy.

  • In this evil world we inhabit, everyone tells lies.

  • Their hearts are too cunning. Their mouths full of lies. This is a fact.

  • As for all those Jewish commoners,

  • isn't it because they believed in their religious leaders

  • that they were deceived and condemned and rejected the Lord Jesus?

  • Think about it.

  • Is there evidence in the pastors and elders' condemning of Almighty God?

  • Their rhetoric also matches the CCP's

  • and they cooperate to condemn God's work here in the last days

  • to hinder our return.

  • This is the same as those Jewish leaders.

  • Isn't their condemnation of the Lord Jesus the same?

  • Guifang.

  • We believers in God should never believe hearsay and follow along with the herd.

  • We should speak according to the truth and facts.

  • Especially when we speak of God's return to do His work,

  • we should have proper reverence of God

  • and shouldn't just blindly echo others' judgments and lies.

  • If we do, we'll become ones who condemn and blaspheme God.

  • Sister, your words are true.

  • But I'm still at a loss.

  • Why do so many pastors and elders all say the same? How can it be rumors?

  • That alone makes the "Eastern Lightning" hard to accept.

  • These are the anti-Eastern Lightning books and discs.

  • You should take a good look.

  • Guifang!

  • You're too muddle-headed!

  • If you can't see the pastors and elders' true nature,

  • how can you hear the Lord's voice?

  • How can you be a wise virgin that welcomes the Lord?

  • Guifang!

  • After accepting the "Eastern Lightning,"

  • my brother has become a more insightful speaker than he was before.

  • It would seem that the preaching of the "Eastern Lightning" is indeed profound.

  • The CCP's condemnation can't be trusted.

  • But the pastors and elders are all servants of the Lord.

  • They've served the Lord for so many years

  • and each and every one are faithful to Him.

  • So doing things like making up lies about the "Eastern Lightning"

  • is something I doubt they would ever do.

  • And they wouldn't ever be on the same side as the atheistic CCP,

  • singing the same tune as them.

  • Right. The way condemned by so many pastors and elders can't be the true way.

  • Listening to the pastors and elders shouldn't be the wrong thing to do.

  • Thank the Lord. Brothers and sisters, we live in the last days.

  • The day of the Lord is at hand. His promise will soon be realized.

  • At this crucial time, be more watchful. Keep the Lord's way. (Amen.)

  • I've heard it said that good sheep strong in their belief from all churches

  • were stolen by the "Eastern Lightning."

  • The "Eastern Lightning" really is something else.

  • Many have accepted the "Eastern Lightning."

  • Which is why we must be vigilant and not contact them.

  • Many of our churches' best sheep have already been stolen.

  • Since that's so, we must protect those left.

  • I don't understand.

  • Why is it that the "Eastern Lightning" are stealing away good sheep

  • from all our churches?

  • Say, doesn't the Lord return to steal treasures in the Bible?

  • Is that what's going on?

  • You don't say. It seems it's been fulfilled.

  • The Bible does say that.

  • It does seem possible, don't you think?

  • Perhaps. It's not certain.

  • These books and discs will help guard against the "Eastern Lightning."

  • Take a good look at them once you're home.

  • And the pastors and elders said this:

  • Where the "Eastern Lightning" is concerned,

  • our rule is "don't hear, don't read and don't contact."

  • In this way, the Lord will keep us safe.

  • Guifang, there's no way that we can avoid contact with them entirely.

  • That isn't an answer.

  • That's right.

  • Right. It won't solve things.

  • They're Christians just like we are. Why avoid them or put up walls?

  • Right. Yeah.

  • If you ask me, we should actively investigate the "Eastern Lightning"

  • to see if the word expressed by Almighty God really is the true way.

  • That's right. What we should be doing is reading their books!

  • If it's the true way, we should accept it.

  • And if it isn't, we'll gain some insight. And they can't steal us. (Right.)

  • Yeah. We should've read Almighty God's word sooner.

  • That's right. (Yes, I think so too.)

  • If we don't read, how will we know? (You're right.)

  • We'll never be sure if we don't do it.

  • Read "Eastern Lightning" books? Almighty God's word? (Right.)

  • You're still impressionable, brothers and sisters.

  • The moment you read the Word, you'll start to believe. You'll forsake the Bible.

  • Are we still so impressionable after believing this long?

  • What does she mean impressionable? I feel I've been deceived. It's our right to investigate the true way. We're free to.

  • Why do the pastors and elders deny us that?

  • Yes, aren't they restricting our freedom of belief by doing that?

  • They're afraid that we'll look into the true way on our own.

  • Who knows what tricks they're playing. (That's true. That's right.)

  • There must be something behind it. (Exactly.)

  • We've all been believers for years. If it's false, would it really deceive us?

  • Exactly. That's right.

  • If that is the truth, and convinces us, it means that's the true way!

  • That's right. (It makes sense!) (Exactly!)

  • We all know the Bible well,

  • and the world's atheistic theories and lies have never deceived us. (Right.)

  • Does deception scare us? (No, it doesn't.)

  • If we follow the truth, can the false ways deceive us? (No, of course not.)

  • That's it.

  • Let's read all their books so we can see if they're really the truth or not!

  • Right, we should read them.

  • We should investigate things carefully.

  • We won't know the facts before reading the books. So many of our good sheep have been stolen by the "Eastern Lightning."

  • Perhaps theirs really is the true way. So we should look into them.

  • That's true. We should investigate.

  • If theirs is the true way, we can't miss it.

  • Yes. I mean we've believed for so long waiting for the Lord's return, right?

  • Please drink, brothers and sisters. (Thanks.)

  • We should fellowship how to sift the truth from all the rumors.

  • Yes. I think it's really necessary. (Mm.)

  • Wow, Brother Jiang, that's a good way to hide books; who thought of it?

  • It was nothing like that. We had to because of the CCP.

  • That's how we keep the books safe. (Oh, I see.)

  • Here, brother. (Thank you.)

  • Guijun. (Yes?)

  • How is your sister doing?

  • She's been terribly deceived by the rumors of the pastors and elders.

  • I'm very worried. I fear she'll lose God's salvation in the last days.

  • She seems quite smart usually.

  • How could she so be confused at so crucial a time?

  • Believing the pastors and elders.

  • To think these religious leaders, just to preserve their own positions and jobs,

  • are all actually doing everything in their power to control and entrap people!

  • That's right.

  • Her Elder Liu is particularly resistant of God's work of the last days.

  • He holds a tight leash on them.

  • There are some who don't dare come in contact with us

  • due to his lies and rumors.

  • These rumors are so harmful!

  • Mm. They really do blind people to the truth.

  • They do. The rumors from the CCP demon and the religious world are like a snare.

  • They trap and control people. (Right.)

  • People don't dare seek out the true way after hearing all the lies they spin.

  • It's Satan's scheme to keep people from returning to God. (That's right.)

  • Mm. The CCP demon and the antichrists really are so hateful.

  • They really are despicable. (They are.)

  • But no matter how many rumors there are

  • and no matter how big this snare might be,

  • we should just keep preaching the gospel of Almighty God.

  • I believe all who belong to God

  • will eventually see through Satan's schemes and return before God.

  • But this requires us to care for God's will,

  • and to preach the gospel, and testify God's word

  • to help them break through Satan's snare.

  • In this way, they'll return to God's family. (Mm.)

  • Right. There was a time when I was in Sister Jiang's exact place.

  • I put blind faith in the pastors and elders and didn't seek the true way.

  • When I read Almighty God's words, I finally knew

  • the pastors and elders' words opposed and condemned Almighty God.

  • They were rumors. They were lies.

  • They're antichrists against God who keep people from returning to Him.

  • That's right.

  • We need to fellowship and testify Almighty God's words to Sister Jiang again.

  • If she can read Almighty God's word,

  • all of her problems will be resolved. (Right!)

  • Yes! Exactly right.

  • In the past,

  • we were deceived by rumors and dared not to accept God's end-time gospel.

  • After we read many of Almighty God's words,

  • well, we started to hear God's voice, (That's right.)

  • and we saw that this is indeed God's work. (Mm.)

  • At the same time, we saw clearly the real truth behind all the rumors,

  • and saw through Satan's schemes.

  • And now, though the CCP and the religious world

  • are resisting God's work in the last days,

  • the true believers in all nations and across various sects

  • are still returning to Almighty God.

  • Yes, it's His almightiness.

  • It's really true that

  • God's work can never be hindered or stopped by any force on earth.

  • Amen. (That's right.)

  • Right. And this fulfills what the Lord said,

  • Just look. We've stolen away good sheep from all those denominations.

  • We certainly have. (Yeah.)

  • Isn't it because these sheep have heard God's voice that they return to Him? (Right.)

  • The Lord Jesus returns to steal "treasures"

  • to save and perfect the true believers who love the truth from all sects.

  • Right. Mm. Praise God.

  • Let's fellowship about some of God's word. (Okay.)

  • Brother, I'm happy to see you.

  • But if you're here to preach again, I'd like you to stop.

  • I don't want to hear it.

  • Hey, your brother is here. Why not listen to him?

  • Brother, I know your faith in God is stronger than ours.

  • You're unlikely to have made the wrong choice.

  • I'm just wondering, if the "Eastern Lightning" is the true way,

  • why is the CCP government so against them?

  • Why do religious leaders condemn them with such fervor? (Mm.)

  • Right, Brother Jiang. I don't see why either.

  • The pastors and elders receive government persecution too.

  • So when they tell us about the "Eastern Lightning,"

  • why would such servants of God

  • have the same opinions and attitudes as those the CCP are promoting?

  • What's the reason behind this?

  • That's right. We all really want to understand these questions.

  • Mm. All right.

  • Ping'an, sister, the Bible says,

  • The Lord Jesus too, said that this was an evil generation.

  • So to what extent has the world now become evil and dark?

  • In the Age of Grace, the incarnate Lord Jesus who came to redeem mankind

  • was nailed to the cross by the religious world and those in power then.

  • In the last days, when Almighty God expresses the truth,

  • He's also condemned by both the religious world and the CCP,

  • rejected by this age.

  • This fulfills the Lord Jesus' words,

  • This prophecy of the Lord Jesus has now been fulfilled.

  • All those who thirst for God's appearing should find it clear

  • the Lord has arrived and is doing the work of judgment. (Right.)

  • The Lord Jesus' prophecy is already fulfilled.

  • Are any people still unclear or in denial?

  • Mm. Jesus' prophecy of the Son of man's coming does seem to be fulfilled.

  • This way is worth investigating.

  • It is. When the Lord did His redemptive work,

  • the religious world did indeed collude with the Roman government

  • to crucify the Lord.

  • In the last days, when Almighty God comes to work,

  • He's condemned and persecuted by the religious world and the CCP.

  • Why is it each time God incarnate comes,

  • He's condemned and resisted by religious circles as well as the world?

  • It just shows us that the world is too dark and evil.

  • Mm.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • this atheistic regime and most religious leaders are Satan's forces.

  • They hate God and hate the truth.

  • The Lord Jesus' betrayal as well as cruel crucifixion is proof of that fact.

  • You see, the true way will always be rejected and condemned

  • by godless regimes and the religious world.

  • What's more, those who preach and practice the true way

  • will always face persecution and slander.

  • And it's for this reason that through all ages,

  • those who can accept and follow the true way and the true God,

  • are that small portion of humankind who love and pursue the truth.

  • While most people, because they follow Satan's forces or fear persecution,

  • dare not seek the true way,

  • so they lose their chance to receive God's salvation. (Right.)

  • That's why the Lord Jesus once warned,

  • What they're saying is practical and reasonable. (It is.)

  • If the "Eastern Lightning" is the true way, how can you prove that assertion?

  • Our faith in Jesus is because Jesus can redeem us all.

  • What proof do you have to show that the "Eastern Lightning" is the true way?

  • Right. (Mm.)

  • You're asking a very good question.

  • To answer it, I suggest we read two passages

  • and see how Almighty God phrased it. (Right.)

  • Page 1281.

  • Brothers and sisters, the true way is the work done by God.

  • Since that's God's own work,

  • there will be an expression of the truth and the Holy Spirit's work.

  • We testify the "Eastern Lighting" as the true way

  • and Almighty God as in fact the incarnate God.

  • This is because Almighty God has come to express various truths,

  • and He judges and purifies mankind, (Right.)

  • and accomplishes His plan of purifying and saving man in the last days.

  • Looking further, we should read what else Almighty God says.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • in the last days, Almighty God expresses the truth to judge and purify all.

  • He has expressed all the truths for mankind to know God and to find salvation,

  • disclosing each and every mystery of His management plan,

  • like the purpose of His six thousand years of management,

  • His working principles, His three stages of work,

  • the mystery and significance of His incarnation,

  • how man has developed up till today, our future destination,

  • the truth of the Bible, and the significance of His names.

  • All these are mysteries that we can't fathom.

  • In Almighty God's words,

  • mankind's corrupt substance as well as roots are both thoroughly revealed.

  • In the severe judgment of God's words,

  • we have true understanding of our own corruption and ugliness,

  • our conceit and baseness.

  • Yes. That was well said. Don't you think?

  • Meanwhile, we understand the truth,

  • have true knowledge of God's righteous disposition, and know how to fear God,

  • which changes our life disposition to different degrees,

  • and gradually delivers us from the fallen cycle of sin and confession.

  • Yes. Right.

  • And this fully proves that Almighty God's work is the true way. (Amen.)

  • Almighty God's word is the truth, the way, and the life.

  • It has authority and power. It can purify man and save them. (Amen.)

  • If not, what then? Who can help man break away from sin?

  • Right. That's very true.

  • Besides God, who else can reveal thousand-year-old mysteries?

  • Mm. Praise the Lord.

  • There's indeed truth in Almighty God's word.

  • No wonder so many people believe.

  • Right. Only God is the truth, the way, and the life;

  • only God can bestow the way of eternal life upon man;

  • only by accepting the truth expressed by Christ of the last days

  • can we find eternal salvation. (Right.)

  • Now let's read more of Almighty God's words. 1459.

  • Ping'an, Guifang, let's read God's word.

  • Sisters, you as well. (Thank the Lord.)

  • Today Almighty God also says

  • that He has "the water of life that flows from the throne"

  • and the way of eternal life.

  • The source of these words is the same one.

  • This does sound like God's word and God's voice.

  • Nobody else could speak such words. (Amen. Right.)

  • Exactly! If we hadn't listened, we never would have realized this.

  • The pastors and elders slander the "Eastern Lightning,"

  • but it isn't like that.

  • There's real truth in their preaching. These words are very good, (Yes.)

  • better than the pastors and elders'.

  • If we had not listened today, we'd still be blinded by their preaching.

  • Yes. (Thank God.)

  • That's right. This is the first time I've heard Almighty God's words too. (Right.)

  • And what was said is practical and very clear!

  • The Eastern Lightning's preaching is quite good!

  • We should listen to it more in the future.

  • It seems the pastors and elders really did blind us. (Exactly.)

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • Almighty God's word and work is salvation that God grants to mankind,

  • and the only path for us to be saved in the last days. (Right.)

  • The Bible says what's of God will increase and what's of man will decrease.

  • Today, twenty years after Almighty God began His work on earth,

  • God's kingdom gospel,

  • despite resistance and persecution from the CCP and the religious world,

  • is still as irresistible as the mighty tide. (That's right.)

  • Right now, it's spreading throughout Mainland China

  • as well as through other countries across the world.

  • Nowadays, it's in all nations, all places, and spreading further.

  • More and more who thirst for God's appearance

  • are making their way back to Almighty God's family. (Amen.)

  • Almighty God's kingdom gospel, despite oppression,

  • has spread to all corners of the earth.

  • It's proof of the Holy Spirit's work. (Amen. Mm. That's right.)

  • This fulfills the word "What is of God will increase"

  • and testifies that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus' return.

  • The "Eastern Lightning" is the true way.

  • Of course. What is of God will increase; what's of man will decrease.

  • If not for the Holy Spirit's work or the truth,

  • what else could've made the Eastern Lightning's rapid growth possible?

  • That's right.

  • All the sects grow more desolate in the last days

  • while the "Eastern Lightning" continues to grow.

  • So is Almighty God the returned Lord?

  • That's right. We should look into this thoroughly.

  • If the Lord has returned to earth and we don't accept,

  • won't we become the ones who resist God?

  • Right! Thank the Lord! Mm.

  • Let's read some more words of Almighty God. (All right.)

  • Residents, your attention!

  • Anyone found practicing Christianity privately at home or meeting illegally

  • should be reported immediately!

  • Any preachers entering the community from other areas

  • should be detained and handed over to the police immediately.

  • Let's all hide our books for the moment.

  • Anyone who is found practicing or preaching the "Eastern Lightning"

  • should be immediately reported to the police and will be arrested.

  • Uh-oh, let's get out of here! (What now?)

  • Sister, calm down. Such a sudden announcement

  • means we were probably seen when we entered the area, (Right.)

  • or that someone reported us.

  • It's dangerous to go out now. They have men searching the community.

  • Have you seen any "Eastern Lightning" followers?

  • They'll be questioning any strangers they see.

  • That's right.

  • If you leave now, you'll likely be caught and questioned by the police,

  • especially since you two are strangers.

  • If they're discovered to be preachers, they'll be sentenced and imprisoned.

  • We have no choice but to think of a different way out. (Right.)

  • Strangers have recently been seen entering our community.

  • Please keep an eye on your neighbors.

  • We need a way out!

  • If they search door to door, we'll be in trouble! (Yeah.)

  • Calm down, everyone. God is almighty. This is all part of God's plan.

  • He'll allow us to find a way. (Right.)

  • Where there is God's work, there's Satan's disturbance too.

  • The CCP demon resists heaven and God's will.

  • They persecute God's work. It's despicable! (Right. Despicable.)

  • Here in China, believing in the true God and being good takes such courage.

  • This country's full of darkness! (Right.)

  • Brothers and sisters, as followers of God, we have to bear this.

  • Believing in God in a country that's against Him

  • means we could all be caught and jailed. (Right.)

  • Saints living in past ages suffered this and we suffer it now. (Mm.)

  • If we are captured, accept it and submit. We should endure the pain.

  • Absolutely.

  • Drink from the bitter cup as He did without any complaint. (Mm.)

  • Now let us pray. May God strengthen our faith. (Mm.)

  • Let us pray and ask the Lord for strength. (Thank the Lord.)

  • So many good sheep have been stolen from Zhang Jian's church.

  • Do you understand the danger now?

  • How many believers has Zhang Jian led toward the "Eastern Lightning"?

  • At least a hundred or more from us!

  • More than a hundred?

  • Then how many "Eastern Lightning" followers

  • have been in our church attempting to steal our flock?

  • We don't really know for sure.

  • You're saying you don't know?

  • Do you realize that if we can't find out,

  • all of our good sheep will be stolen away before we know it!

  • If this goes on, our church is done for! Our livelihood will be destroyed!

  • All of you go check the churches right now!

  • If you find any preacher of the "Eastern Lightning," call the police!

  • Right! We should call the police.

  • No matter how many come, report them all!

  • Let the police take them!

  • Let's see if they dare come back!

  • Let's do that. (Yes.)

  • What the brothers said was very practical. I'm feeling more and more convinced.

  • Mm. Listening to Almighty God's words, they felt practical, had authority.

  • Perhaps Almighty God's words are God's expression.

  • Right. We can't become like the Pharisees.

  • They expected the Lord, but when He really came,

  • they condemned Him and rejected Him.

  • I know. I'm scared I'll become His opposer. (Mm.)

  • But if the "Eastern Lightning" is the true way,

  • why do the pastors and elders condemn and resist?

  • Hey, we should schedule another time,

  • and let the brothers explain things some more.

  • and they broke both of his legs!

  • I heard the same thing. Even now, he's still lying in his bed.

  • We should all be careful.

  • It's a serious matter.

  • I've already heard much of your criticism against the "Eastern Lightning."

  • But I haven't seen any evidence yet.

  • I think the "Eastern Lightning" followers are devout to God,

  • full of love towards others and decent people in the end.

  • Elder Liu, I have the sense that what you said just now isn't true.

  • Sister, the government's saying this about them.

  • Pastors and elders are saying it too. Are they all wrong?

  • The CCP oppose God. They are the least trustworthy.

  • Sister Jiang, would the pastors and elders make up rumors to bear false witness?

  • Sister Jiang, bearing false witness is something the Lord condemns and curses.

  • The Ten Commandments say,

  • And wouldn't the pastors and elders know this even better than you do?

  • You've looked at some of their texts, haven't you?

  • Yes, I did.

  • Almighty God's words have authority and are practical.

  • They're from the Holy Spirit.

  • Sister Jiang, the church has stated this.

  • No contact with them, and no looking at their books. (Right.)

  • Why didn't you obey?

  • Sister, you'd best confess your sins and ask the Lord to protect your heart.

  • Elder Liu, regardless of whether their way is the true one,

  • reading Almighty God's words and listening to their testimony

  • will only make things clearer.

  • Why is it that we can't read Almighty God's words or hear their testimony?

  • Sister Jiang, Elder Liu is saying all of this

  • in order to protect us from being deceived by them.

  • Think about it.

  • The pastors and elders all know the Bible well and have discernment.

  • So if the "Eastern Lightning" is in fact the true way,

  • don't you think they would've already accepted it?

  • Perhaps you're a better judge than all those pastors and elders?

  • What they think is right, in all likelihood. We can listen to them.

  • Thank the Lord. Sister Jiang, for your own life as well as the others, be firm.

  • If they come to you again, call the police.

  • Wouldn't that be helping the government persecute true believers?

  • Then we'd be Judases betraying the Lord and our true friends.

  • Thank the Lord. Who allowed them to steal our sheep?

  • To protect our own flock, we must use every tool we have. (Mm. That's right.)

  • Please, Sister Jiang, you have to be cautious around your brother. She's right.

  • Nobody continues to donate money these years as much as Sister Jiang. Nobody.

  • I'm glad Sister Wu reported this.

  • If Sister Jiang is stolen by the "Eastern Lightning,"

  • it'll be a huge loss to us.

  • The words in this book are far too powerful.

  • Every word touches people's hearts! They convince everybody!

  • If this keeps up,

  • won't all our best sheep be stolen away by the "Eastern Lightning"?

  • The "Eastern Lightning" would steal our sheep from us in this way.

  • This is robbing us of our livelihood!

  • I hate the "Eastern Lightning" so much.

  • Right. If all our sheep are stolen by them, how will we afford to eat?

  • To whom will we be pastors and elders?

  • We'll rely on the Bible and defeat them!

  • On the Bible? But we all believe in it.

  • And it's believers

  • who accept the "Eastern Lightning" preachings after reading their books.

  • This is the only solution, because right now many worship the Bible.

  • And so let us place our faith in it and combat them with it!

  • Also we have to rewrite and republish all of those books

  • against the "Eastern Lightning."

  • And we should create even worse rumors about them to add in there!

  • That's not all. We'll need more.

  • So let's use the government's and the Three-Self Church's too.

  • All their rumors!

  • We'll compile them all, and give it to everyone!

  • I refuse to believe that it won't work!

  • Elder Liu, I think it's already been proven that rumors don't help.

  • Just look. We said the "Eastern Lightning" books had poison,

  • but so many believers are reading the "Eastern Lightning" books right now.

  • And they've found out

  • that Almighty God's words are full of truth, authority, and power,

  • so they believe this is God's voice. They won't believe our rumors.

  • Also I think that the rumors we made up about the "Eastern Lightning"

  • will be found out sooner or later.

  • Found out? Then we'll stand by them!

  • We have no choice!

  • A lie repeated ten thousand times becomes the truth.

  • Tell the church. If those people dare come again, call the police!

  • They dare steal my sheep? Humph! I'm going to make them pay.

  • Hello?

  • Elder Liu, it's Brother Zhu.

  • Something happened in our church! (What's that?)

  • Some have accepted the "Eastern Lightning"!

  • The best and most faithful of our brothers and sisters

  • have now been stolen away by them!

  • What did you say? (From Brother Zhu's church?)

  • They have hundreds of believers!

  • Elder Liu! Elder Liu! Elder Liu!

  • O Lord!

  • I've listened to Almighty God's words and believed them to be Your voice.

  • Yet why can't pastors and elders who know the Bible so well,

  • why aren't they able to tell that it's Your voice?

  • Why are they trying to stop us from looking into the true way?

  • Why is it that they're so afraid

  • to let us have contact with the "Eastern Lightning"?

  • O Lord! Please allow me to find enlightenment.

  • Help me see the truth.

  • Keep me from Satan's schemes.

  • Spare me from Satan's traps, and also from man's deception and restrictions.

  • O Lord! I beg for salvation.

  • The Lord wished that I would hear news of His coming

  • to be able to discern the Lord's voice, to search and investigate,

  • much like the wise virgins did.

  • I shouldn't blindly reject things like those foolish virgins did,

  • otherwise I may very well miss the chance to meet the Lord!

  • They're from the Church of Almighty God?

  • That's right. I heard their fellowship last time.

  • What they preached was practical and very clear.

  • Brother Fang, Brother Tian, I have a matter I'd like you to clarify for me.

  • You've said the pastors and elders

  • are all people who serve God through their work.

  • By all rights, in the second coming of the Lord,

  • they ought to be more alert and taking things seriously. (Yes. That's right.)

  • So why is it that

  • they aren't seeking out and investigating Almighty God's work in the last days?

  • They make rumors, condemn, and judge instead,

  • and keep their followers from investigating. (Right. Yes.)

  • Could you please elaborate on this matter? (Mm. Please.)

  • Mm. Sure.

  • That's right.

  • The elders know that the Ten Commandments say to "… not bear false witness."

  • Why do they still fabricate rumors

  • and condemn the "Eastern Lightning," (Yes. Why?)

  • and keep asking us to guard against them

  • to avoid coming into contact with them

  • or hearing what they preach or reading Almighty God's word? (Mm.)

  • Why are they doing such things? (That's right. Yeah.)

  • This question doesn't strike me as strange.

  • When the Lord Jesus came to do His work,

  • He faced wild opposition and condemnation.

  • It was even from within the religious world,

  • from the Pharisees, from chief priests and scribes.

  • He was crucified by them in the end. That's historically true. (It is.)

  • We should all think about this.

  • Why was the Lord Jesus crucified by the religious world back then?

  • That's true.

  • That's a good question to ask.

  • What's the reason?

  • I've never given it that much thought.

  • If we can understand the reasoning for that,

  • it's easy to see

  • why in the last days Almighty God is re-crucified by the religious world.

  • Everything that Almighty God expresses is the truth,

  • and what He does is the work of judgment in the last days.

  • Yet He suffers condemnation and blasphemy

  • from those religious pastors and elders.

  • It's quite thought provoking.

  • Condemning Almighty God's work is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

  • It's almost like they're re-crucifying Christ of the last days.

  • The nature of this problem is very grave! (It is.)

  • Some people still don't understand this.

  • They say the religious pastors and elders are serving God through their work.

  • But then why don't they investigate the true way or seek it? Why condemn it?

  • The truth is, this has to do with these people's nature.

  • As we all know, the Jewish chief priests, the scribes and the Pharisees

  • all served God in the temple.

  • When the Lord Jesus did His work on earth,

  • most of them admitted that His work and words had authority as well as power.

  • Then why did they still nail the Lord Jesus to the cross?

  • We know why from the records in the Bible.

  • What the Lord Jesus did at that time shocked the entire Judean nation.

  • He fed five thousand with five loaves of bread and two fish.

  • He made the lame walk, the blind see, the dead return, and so on.

  • That shocked all of Judea.

  • Many people spread the Lord Jesus' name

  • and the news of the work He did on earth. (Right.)

  • And the followers of the Lord Jesus grew great and many.

  • But when those chief priests, scribes, and the Pharisees saw it all,

  • hatred grew in their hearts.

  • They all understood if the Lord Jesus continued His work,

  • their Jewish followers would soon turn to follow Him,

  • that all of Judaism would break down before very long and collapse.

  • And so, to safeguard Judaism's existence and the Bible's dignity,

  • as well as to keep their hold on their lofty jobs and positions,

  • they frantically condemned the Lord Jesus with false accusations.

  • In the end, they colluded with the Roman prefect to crucify the Lord Jesus.

  • That can't be denied. Very true.

  • That's the truth. There's no doubt. So the reason they crucified the Lord Jesus

  • was only to protect their positions and jobs. They're too despicable.

  • Today the pastors and elders are the same way.

  • They see Almighty God's word is the truth, that it has authority and power.

  • If this word is preached among believers who seek out and love the truth,

  • they will all acknowledge this is God's word, that it is God's voice,

  • and that the Lord Jesus has already returned.

  • So the pastors and elders fear

  • that believers will read Almighty God's word and hear God's voice.

  • They fear losing followers to Almighty God even more.

  • Because they would lose their positions and jobs.

  • That's why they especially hate Almighty God.

  • So they make up wild rumors, resist and condemn Him,

  • and disrupt and hinder our search for the true way.

  • This is obvious to anyone with good sense.

  • You see, pastors and elders today resist and condemn Almighty God

  • for the very same reason the Jewish Pharisees resisted the Lord Jesus.

  • Their satanic nature drives them

  • to despise and hate the truth and to resist God.

  • So this is the reason. (Right.)

  • The facts are certain. The pastors and the elders,

  • those who resist and condemn Almighty God are not His true servants.

  • It's clear these men are hypocritical Pharisees. They're all antichrists.

  • So all those who hate the truth and hate God are antichrists.

  • Wait, what? The pastors and elders are antichrists?

  • Let's listen to them.

  • That's right. The Jewish Pharisees in Judea were antichrists

  • who were exposed by the work of the Lord Jesus in the past. (They were. Right.)

  • Today the religious pastors and elders

  • are antichrists exposed by Almighty God's work of the last days.

  • Their substance as truth haters is no different.

  • They're antichrists who deny God incarnate.

  • Just as the Bible says,

  • And so, we're completely sure that people who deny God incarnate are antichrists

  • and those who refuse, condemn, and oppose God incarnate are antichrists too.

  • True believers who know God

  • will surely recognize and accept God incarnate's work,

  • while those who don't truly believe in or know Him

  • will condemn and resist the incarnate God.

  • Yes, this makes sense. (It does.)

  • Through the work of Almighty God, every antichrist and unbeliever is revealed.

  • The sheep and the goats, the good and the evil, are separated.

  • Thus people are classed according to kind.

  • And so, if God's believers can't discern the antichrists,

  • they will easily be deceived and controlled (Mm.)

  • and find it hard to return before God's throne.

  • Right. That's true. Very true.

  • Now I understand everything.

  • Yes, it was well said. Very clear.

  • It seems the pastors and elders spread rumors,

  • slander, condemn, and blaspheme Almighty God,

  • because they're the kind of people who despise and hate truth.

  • That's very true.

  • If they really were ones who loved the truth, they'd revere God in their hearts.

  • How could they be so hostile to Almighty God who expresses the truth?

  • That's right. Mm.

  • The truth of their nature is obvious now. (Right. Mm.)

  • That's right.

  • These pastors and elders resist and condemn Almighty God so strongly.

  • It lets us see their satanic nature clearly and their hypocrisy.

  • Without the revelation of Almighty God's work,

  • it'd be difficult for us to see they're the modern Pharisees

  • and the antichrists revealed in the last days. (Right.)

  • These men are the enemies of God

  • as well as the enemies of true believers like us. (Right.)

  • They're the ones blocking our path to the kingdom of heaven!

  • Yes, good point. (Right.)

  • The pastors and elders really use any means to keep their positions and jobs.

  • They do.

  • They even say evil things that judge and condemn God (Yes.)

  • and do such awful and evil things to resist Him. (That's very true. Right.)

  • They're so wicked and despicable.

  • They're no different from the Pharisees who condemned the Lord Jesus then.

  • They're all people who hate the truth. (Right.)

  • How can they be talking like this? (They wouldn't.)

  • It's so dangerous if we can't discern.

  • Your fellowship matches the facts.

  • The pastors and elders are clearly hypocrites.

  • They resist and condemn Almighty God's work in the last days

  • without investigating or seeking.

  • This alone reveals their nature as people who hate and despise the truth.

  • But still, they always read from the Bible and preach to us.

  • They pray for believers, practice love for us and uphold the Bible.

  • If we're saying that they're the hypocritical Pharisees,

  • most believers wouldn't understand it or even tell. (Right.)

  • I'd like a more detailed fellowship on this. (Mm. Sure.)

  • Back then, the Jewish Pharisees

  • always expounded on the Bible at their services, prayed for the believers.

  • To the eye, they looked devout, right?

  • Then why did the Lord Jesus expose them and curse them,

  • saying woe to the Pharisees who were hypocrites?

  • Did the Lord Jesus accuse them wrongly?

  • Would people not believe what He said to be the truth?

  • Would they suspect the Lord Jesus made a mistake?

  • If we want to tell if the pastors and elders are the Pharisees,

  • whether or not they're antichrists,

  • we shouldn't judge them solely by how they treat people.

  • We should judge them by how they treat the Lord in their hearts,

  • by how they treat the truth.

  • Outwardly, they may have love for believers, but do they have it for the Lord?

  • If their love is just for people, not for the Lord, or for the truth,

  • then they only show hatred and utter contempt.

  • And they condemn Almighty God, Christ of the last days.

  • Doesn't that only make them hypocrites, make them antichrists? (Yes. It does.)

  • They give sermons and seem to work so diligently.

  • But if they only do so for crowns and rewards,

  • does that represent their obedience and faith to the Lord?

  • To discern if someone is a hypocrite,

  • we should first look at the person's heart and this person's intentions.

  • Doing that first is the most vital thing.

  • This fellowship can make things clear. (It's important.)

  • God looks upon hearts and minds to see if one truly obeys God and loves Him.

  • We should first see if they practice and follow the Lord's word,

  • not to mention keep the Lord's commandments.

  • We should also see if they exalt the Lord Jesus, if they testify Him,

  • and see if they follow the will of God. (Right.)

  • In the past, we saw that the Pharisees often expounded on the Bible

  • during their congregations.

  • And they observed biblical laws in their entirety and professed love for others.

  • But in actuality, what they were practicing was not God's word,

  • and weren't God's commandments. They did so just for show.

  • Just as the Lord Jesus exposed them,

  • They also made long prayers standing in synagogues and standing at crossroads.

  • When they were fasting, they disfigured their faces on purpose,

  • so that people would see that they were fasting.

  • They deliberately gave alms in the open

  • and did good deeds on the streets so that all could see.

  • "Eat your bread with properly purified hands."

  • For generations, they kept to their ancestors' ways and such religious rituals.

  • That is true. I had no idea.

  • For the Pharisees to win people's support and adoration,

  • they camouflaged themselves in the trifling details of their faith.

  • Also they only led the people in prayer at services, in hymns and praise,

  • or in the observance of rituals.

  • They didn't lead people to practice God's word or His commandments

  • to enter into the truth,

  • much less lead them to practice the truth, submit to and worship God.

  • They deceived and fooled all their believers

  • with these outward deeds and dead rites. (Right.)

  • They did do that. (True. That really was the case then.)

  • And when the Lord Jesus came to do work,

  • all these falsely devout Pharisees

  • wished to still keep their positions and jobs.

  • So they dared forsake God's laws under the guise of "safeguarding the Bible."

  • They made up lies, bore false witness

  • and they condemned and framed the Lord Jesus,

  • and kept many believers from following Him.

  • In the end, they colluded with the prefect to defame and crucify the Lord Jesus.

  • Mm, that's true.

  • And thus, the Pharisees were totally exposed

  • as hypocrites and as those who hated the truth,

  • and their substance as antichrists was thoroughly revealed to the world.

  • We know the Pharisees were hypocritical in substance, evil, crafty, cunning,

  • and were false shepherds who forsook God and who deceived and controlled people.

  • They are. (That's right.)

  • They deceived and bound the believers, controlled religion and opposed God,

  • and wildly denied, condemned and hated the incarnate Christ,

  • proving fully that they were antichrists who created their own kingdom! (Right.)

  • That's right.

  • The Pharisees and antichrists can't only be judged by how they treat people.

  • Right.

  • First off, we should see if they really practice the Lord's word, (We should.)

  • and have real love for the Lord.

  • They really gave us a thorough dissection of the Pharisees.

  • Everything they preached, it's clearly there, right in the Bible.

  • It is in the Bible, but that's not the way it was discerned. (That's right.)

  • I feel so ashamed. I've been reading the Bible for years now.

  • Yet I've never found knowledge regarding the Pharisees' substance.

  • Your fellowship really is enlightening and helps me discern.

  • It's very edifying. (It is. Thank God.)

  • If we only ever read the Lord Jesus' word in the Bible on our own,

  • we wouldn't have seen through to the actual substance of the Pharisees!

  • Yes, you're right.

  • And now I see myself as nearly a Pharisee as well, someone who resists God.

  • As a believer, I've really been remiss.

  • Thanks be to God

  • for today He helped us see the Pharisees' hypocritical essence.

  • This really is God's blessing! (Yes. Thank the Lord.)

  • So now, the various hypocritical behaviors of the Pharisees are clear.

  • Compared to the modern religious pastors and elders, they're no different.

  • It's like they're two of a kind.

  • They don't practice the Lord's word or keep His commandments,

  • nor exalt the Lord or testify to Him.

  • All they do is blindly believe.

  • They worship the Bible and that's what they exalt.

  • And they just observe religious rituals.

  • They conduct services, have morning watch,

  • break bread, and take holy meals. (Right.)

  • They preach the believers to be humble, patient, devout, and to love.

  • Yet their hearts don't love God,

  • much less have true obedience, or any true reverence for God.

  • Their work and sermons are focused merely on biblical knowledge and theology.

  • But in the practice and experience of the Lord's word,

  • how to keep His commandments, how to testify of His word,

  • how to follow the heavenly Father's will,

  • how to truly love God, obey God, worship God,

  • and the Lord Jesus' other requirements,

  • that they don't seek out, don't look into,

  • and consequently never find the Lord's will, (Right.)

  • nor do they guide us to. (It's true.)

  • They go everywhere preaching about these biblical theories,

  • just to show off, establish themselves, and win favor,

  • for adoration and worship.

  • That's why when Almighty God expresses the truth and does the work of judgment,

  • the pastors and elders, in order to hold on to their power, control believers

  • and ultimately build a kingdom they can call their very own,

  • all go against the Lord's words.

  • They lie, blaspheme, attack, judge Almighty God

  • and try to stop believers from seeking the true way. (Right.)

  • Also as Jesus taught us, we must be wise virgins.

  • Once the bridegroom comes and we hear it, we should go meet Him.

  • But after they heard about the Lord Jesus' return,

  • they desperately sealed off the churches

  • and kept the flock from seeking the true way.

  • That's right. We've all been victims of those lies. (True enough.)

  • They ask the believers

  • to slander and harm the witnesses of Almighty God's work of the last days.

  • Jesus asked of man to not speak lies and to not bear false witness.

  • Yet the pastors and elders fabricate lies in order to slander Almighty God.

  • They collude with the CCP to resist and condemn His work in the last days

  • and discredit His Church. (These are facts.)

  • So we can see that what all the pastors and elders say and do

  • is completely against the Lord's teachings. (Mm. Right.)

  • They're all just like the hypocritical Pharisees,

  • nothing other than blind guides and deceivers who would resist God.

  • That's true. That really is the case. Right. Absolutely.

  • This fellowship makes it so clear. I'll read some of Almighty God's word.

  • All right. Page 608.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • outwardly these pastors and elders seem to be humble, patient, and loving.

  • Inwardly, they're just sinister, crafty, and evil.

  • Under the pretext of "protecting the true way and the flocks,"

  • they resist and condemn Almighty God,

  • attempting to control us,

  • to achieve their purpose of keeping their power and creating their own kingdom.

  • Hypocritical Pharisees like these hate the truth and hate God.

  • They're a gang of antichrists stubbornly against God

  • as revealed by Almighty God's work of the last days. (Right.)

  • Which is why those who truly believe in God

  • should learn to see the hypocritical, satanic nature of this gang of antichrists,

  • shouldn't let themselves be deceived, beguiled, misled, or controlled,

  • but instead should seek out the true way and accept Almighty God's work,

  • and return before the throne of God!

  • That's right. Right.

  • We need to distinguish that, right? Or it'll be too dangerous. (True.)

  • Don't you agree?

  • Everything you've fellowshiped is the truth.

  • I used to think the pastors and elders helped interpret the Bible

  • and that they seemed humble, patient, and loving. (They did.)

  • They seemed to obey the Bible and keep its truth.

  • But given that they condemn and resist Christ of the last days,

  • I've seen completely through their hypocrisy.

  • They outwardly appear to love others yet don't love the Lord Jesus, (Mm.)

  • don't revere or obey Him. (Right.)

  • That's absolutely true. (Mm.)

  • From how these men fabricate rumors, judge and slander the "Eastern Lightning,"

  • as well as stop us from seeking the true way,

  • we can see they're as malicious and base as the Pharisees. (Right.)

  • We were deceived and deluded by these leaders before. (Yes. Right.)

  • We're believers, but we've been fooled and used,

  • as tools to get their positions and jobs.

  • These evil men have duped us! (Right. Yes.)

  • Without understanding the truth, people just can't discern the Pharisees.

  • They can only be deceived. (Right.)

  • Believing in religion, it's hard to avoid the Pharisees' lies, (Mm.)

  • and hard to become wise virgins who hear the voice of God and accept His work,

  • even harder to gain the truth or have life.

  • That's right.

  • These pastors and elders expound on the Bible and teach people with it,

  • but they themselves don't keep the Lord's words

  • and only focus on rituals and doctrines.

  • All they did do was deceive people, delude them into evil deeds against God.

  • They're so sinister and so malicious! (Yes, they are. Really true.)

  • The pastors and elders never talk of this, of how to recognize the Pharisees.

  • I've long been a believer,

  • yet never understood the Lord's exposure of the Pharisees.

  • Today, through this fellowship with you,

  • I now see why the Lord Jesus hated and cursed the Pharisees,

  • why He exposed them.

  • Now that I think of it,

  • the pastors and elders preach of all this biblical knowledge,

  • this theology to show off,

  • never to exalt and testify the Lord.

  • They never lead us to practice, experience, or live out His words.

  • There are still things we don't understand, the Lord Jesus' truths,

  • how they're practiced,

  • and how exactly we should live out the Lord's words.

  • Really they've taken us in and trapped us! (We were trapped. Right.)

  • And more awful, they even incite us to resist and condemn Almighty God.

  • Aren't they exactly the same as the Pharisees

  • leading every one of us towards hell?

  • Exactly. They really are.

  • Sister Jiang,

  • no matter the rest, the pastors and elders are preaching from the Bible.

  • Aren't they exalting the Lord and testifying to Him

  • by expounding the Bible and its teachings?

  • As such, is it honestly wrong for them to keep doing so?

  • How can you sit there and say that they're only hypocritical Pharisees?

  • That's right!

  • The pastors and elders exalt and testify the Lord when they preach.

  • How can you sit there and say they are hypocritical Pharisees?

  • We don't understand. You'd better explain it!

  • Right! Spell it out!

  • Sister, just calm down and listen to them. Brother, blessed are the poor in Spirit. Please calm down.

  • Expounding on the Bible seems correct in men's eyes.

  • But when they're expounding on the Bible, they're actually only resisting God.

  • What men would do that? Are they not hypocritical Pharisees?

  • Aren't they antichrists who are resisting God? (They are. Yes.)

  • Why do they resist God with their preaching? Why do they condemn Him?

  • I really wonder why can't some people understand after so much fellowship?

  • They still think expounding the Bible exalts and testifies God.

  • The chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees were all scholars,

  • and were considered to be experts on the Bible,

  • on the Old Testament in those days,

  • and were always preaching the Bible to people.

  • If expounding the Bible is exalting God,

  • then why is it that when the Lord Jesus came to do work,

  • they fervently resisted and condemned the Lord,

  • and in the end colluded with the government leaders to crucify Him?

  • That's right. Right. True, they did.

  • The religious leaders know the Bible well, and often preach.

  • If preaching the Bible

  • is equivalent to exalting God, and bearing witness to God,

  • then why do they resist and condemn instead of seeking and investigating

  • when Almighty God comes to express the truth and do the work of judgment?

  • Right.

  • Where does the problem lie?

  • Isn't this an important issue for every believer in God to reflect upon?

  • Besides, if the leaders of the religious world do exalt God

  • when they're expounding on the Bible,

  • then in the Age of Grace, when the Lord Jesus came,

  • why didn't He do His work in the temple?

  • When Almighty God comes, why does He not work in churches either?

  • It's because the leaders of the religious world

  • aren't exalting or testifying to God.

  • They're all hypocrites, each one. They're self-conceited Pharisees

  • and antichrists who control the religion to resist God.

  • How could they allow God to exist on this earth?

  • Could they permit voices that testify about God in the religious world?

  • If the incarnate Christ

  • worked and preached in religion and churches in the last days,

  • He would've been arrested, handed to the government, and crucified.

  • If people testified to God in churches,

  • they will be persecuted and face arrest undoubtedly.

  • That's the truth of the matter. Why can't people still see that?

  • It really is like that.

  • Elder Liu said to call the police if we saw the "Eastern Lightning."

  • This really was evil.

  • Given the fact that the Pharisees resisted and condemned God,

  • we should be clear about

  • whether exalting the Bible is really bearing witness to God!

  • Can those who truly exalt and bear witness to God still resist Him?

  • Can they make an enemy of God? (Right.)

  • Besides, we should also know this:

  • The Bible contains more than God's words. It has man's words too.

  • So exalting the Bible and exalting God aren't the same thing.

  • Obeying it and obeying the Lord's commandments aren't the same thing.

  • Religious Pharisees only focus on the preaching of man's words

  • when they're expounding on the Bible,

  • of biblical knowledge, of mere theories.

  • They preach and testify man's words

  • instead of focusing on the preaching and testifying of God's words,

  • the truth in the Bible.

  • How could this be exalting and testifying God?

  • Isn't this just resisting and betraying God? (It is. Yes. Right.)

  • And so, that's why all those who think expounding on the Bible is exalting God.

  • Such people are simply fools.

  • They don't understand the spirit or see things through.

  • They're fools who worship, believe, and follow the religious leaders blindly.

  • Isn't that a fact? (Yes.)

  • Back then, the Pharisees in Judea

  • worked to interpret the knowledge and doctrines within the Bible

  • to practice religious rituals, observe doctrines and keep man's inheritance.

  • They then discarded God's commandments and put His way aside.

  • And when the Lord Jesus returned at last,

  • they fervently resisted and condemned Him and crucified Jesus upon the cross.

  • Thus they were cursed and punished by God.

  • Today religious pastors and elders

  • often expound and testify about the Bible to us.

  • But they don't focus on testifying and spreading God's word,

  • nor expounding the Lord Jesus' will, much less His requirements for mankind.

  • They rarely testify of His divine substance and of His loveliness,

  • nor guide man to practice and experience the Lord's words,

  • nor fellowship about how to hold on to the Lord's commandments

  • and follow His will.

  • They focus on expounding and exalting man's words in the Bible,

  • asking us to practice and follow man's words as God's,

  • obeying them as if they were truth.

  • And they solve their problems by looking to man's words in the Bible,

  • rather than looking to the words of God,

  • essentially rejecting God's words in the Bible, resisting them.

  • Take how to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • But the pastors and elders put aside the Lord Jesus' clear words,

  • and regard man's words in the Bible as truth,

  • as the way that one enters the kingdom of heaven,

  • and preach that one can enter just by suffering for the Lord.

  • They replace God's word with man's word, thereby rejecting it,

  • and so lead many people astray.

  • That's the most evil and vicious way

  • that the religious pastors and elders resist God.

  • It is true. Yes, right. Absolutely true. Indeed.

  • What he said is true.

  • We need to learn to discern these things.

  • And they also preach the Bible out of context.

  • They resist and condemn Almighty God with man's words in the Bible.

  • They try their best to delude, control, bind,

  • and bar us from accepting Almighty God's work of the last days,

  • keeping us tightly bound and under their control.

  • That was well said. These words are absolutely true.

  • According to these facts, how can we say that religious pastors and elders

  • are exalting and bearing witness to God whenever they're preaching?

  • Aren't they using their expounding of the Bible as an excuse

  • to resist God by twisting its words out of context? (That's right.)

  • Right. (It really is like that.)

  • They've long become obstacles to the true way and returning to God,

  • stumbling blocks,

  • and antichrists fully revealed by Almighty God's work of the last days.

  • Is this honestly not a fact that we can all see clearly yet? (Yes, it's true.)

  • According to man's notions, expounding the Bible exalts and testifies to God.

  • From how the religious leaders the Pharisees expounded on things,

  • we can see this isn't the truth of the matter at all.

  • What the Pharisees exalt and testify about is the Bible, but it isn't God.

  • What they preach is primarily man's words in the Bible instead of God's words.

  • They use man's words in the Bible to replace and resist the words of God.

  • They resist and judge God

  • with out-of-context quotes of man's words in the Bible.

  • Their purpose in expounding isn't to exalt or bear witness to God,

  • but to deceive and control people for their own despicable purposes. (Mm.)

  • Expounding like this just resists God. It's evil. (It's all true.)

  • So when God comes to do His work, they control people firmly using the Bible,

  • causing people to believe blindly in the Bible,

  • setting them upon the path of resisting God. (Right.)

  • You see,

  • the religious leaders, the Pharisees' expounding is all about resisting God.

  • They quote biblical words out of context,

  • using man's words to resist God to oppose Him,

  • and to establish their own kingdom.

  • And so, how should we expound the Bible to really exalt and testify to God?

  • The Bible is the record of God's work and God's testimony.

  • So when expounding the Bible, we should follow God's words

  • and God's truth in it to exalt and testify to Him.

  • We should spread and testify to His words in the Bible.

  • It's based on God's requirements and God's words

  • that we fellowship about God's will and the truth in God's words;

  • that we testify to God's work and disposition

  • and God's substance and loveliness,

  • and lead people in the practice and experience of God's words,

  • so that they live by them,

  • and exalt and testify to the Lord Jesus in everything.

  • Only expounding the Bible this way exalts and testifies to God, (Right.)

  • which is after God's heart, and is truly serving God.

  • Right. That's right. I agree. True.

  • Man's words inside the Bible are there just for reference and assistance.

  • They can never be equivalent to God's words.

  • But the pastors and elders

  • only focus on expounding the words of man contained in the Bible.

  • They take man's words written in the Bible

  • and treat them as God's words, and the truth, (Yes, they do.)

  • as their rules of personal conduct, as a way to handle problems.

  • And yet they seldom focus on the words of God.

  • They use man's words in the Bible to replace God's words, to nullify them.

  • Do they bear witness to God when expounding the Bible thus?

  • Aren't they exalting and bearing witness to man?

  • Mm. They are. He's right. They absolutely are.

  • Plus, when they're preaching the Bible, they only focus on explaining theology.

  • They just list the figures' names, places, and historical facts

  • to flaunt themselves, to show off.

  • Isn't that how they deceive and control people? (Mm.)

  • Aren't they making man worship and follow them?

  • Back then, in the hypocritical Pharisees' time,

  • they misinterpreted the Bible when preaching

  • in order to control man, to deceive.

  • And so, they led the believers to follow man and towards resisting God.

  • Judaism then became an independent kingdom against God.

  • Today the religious pastors and elders are playing the same trick

  • to make people put blind faith in the Bible and worship it,

  • causing the Bible to take God's position in the hearts of men.

  • Unknowingly, believers are led to forsake the Lord's words.

  • Blindly they're against Him.

  • They've turned the religious world into an independent kingdom against God

  • as well as a strong bastion against His work.

  • Expounding the Bible like this, aren't they opposing and blaspheming God?

  • Yes. (Mm.)

  • Isn't this the Pharisees the antichrists' scheme

  • to oppose God and build their independent kingdom?

  • How can we say that they exalt God and testify to Him?

  • A crafty way for the Pharisees to resist God

  • is to willfully misinterpret the Bible

  • and thereby deceive man and control the believers.

  • The Bible is God's testimony.

  • According to man, expounding the Bible testifies to God.

  • These hypocritical Pharisees, however taking advantage of this notion,

  • try to exalt and testify the Bible.

  • They replace God with the Bible.

  • And they resist Him with the Bible and trick man,

  • leading them to worship the book in their blindness.

  • They become traitors to God

  • who then worship and follow biblical scholars over Him.

  • They do. Right.

  • This is the most sinister and cunning scheme

  • for Satan to oppose God and deceive man,

  • one that is the most difficult to see through and easily misleads man.

  • Right, it's hard to distinguish.

  • Pastors and elders all exalt the Bible like this

  • and use the Bible to take God's position in our hearts.

  • This is indeed the craftiest scheme from Satan. It's hard to discern.

  • This is really hard to discern.

  • Let's read Almighty God's word.

  • You see, the religious pastors and elders often expound on the Bible,

  • but they don't understand the truth and don't know God.

  • So they're exactly the hypocritical Pharisees,

  • false shepherds, false workers who deceive, restrict, bind and harm people.

  • They lead people to deny Christ and condemn Christ

  • to the extent that people resist and go against God,

  • and all become Satan's accomplices and puppets.

  • Isn't this an obvious fact?

  • It's true. I think that's what really happens. (Agreed.)

  • Really. I never thought that

  • preaching the Bible could produce such big differences! (Yeah, that's true.)

  • Your fellowship makes it so clear.

  • We should spread the Lord Jesus' word and testify it,

  • fellowship about the truth,

  • lead others to practice and enter into the Lord's words,

  • and exalt the Lord Jesus in all.

  • This exalts and testifies the Lord. (Mm. Sounds good.)

  • The pastors and elders just expound man's words in the Bible,

  • biblical knowledge and theory,

  • and don't lead people to practice the Lord's words or commandments.

  • It's not testifying or exalting the Lord! (Right.)

  • The way that these religious Pharisees are resisting the Lord.

  • That part is now completely clear.

  • Thank the Lord. These are indeed the facts.

  • The pastors and elders don't really spread the Lord's words

  • when they preach the Bible. (Mm.)

  • They never teach us how to practice the Lord's words

  • or follow His will faithfully. (Right.)

  • And we've never heard of their experiences with His words or their testimony.

  • Right.

  • They always expound on and interpret man's words in the Bible such as Paul's,

  • but seldom the Lord Jesus' words.

  • They make the Lord's words ring hollow and replace them all with man's.

  • How could that be exalting the Lord? Isn't that fiercely resisting the Lord?

  • Yes, that's very true.

  • They're indeed no different from the hypocritical Pharisees! (That's right.)

  • That's exactly right.

  • We've heard the pastors and elders' interpretations for years.

  • Yet we still don't understand the truth the Lord Jesus expressed,

  • That's right.

  • or how to practice the Lord's words to follow the heavenly Father's will.

  • Right, that's exactly how they preach the Bible.

  • Isn't it plain to see that they're acting against God?

  • It is. Instead of guiding us to know or follow the Lord,

  • they guide us down the Pharisees' path, which opposes God. They're so deceitful!

  • They really are doing us harm. It's very true!

  • Yes, it's terrible. They deceived us so much. (Exactly. They did.)

  • Brother Fang,

  • the religious leaders always expound man's words when they preach to us,

  • especially those of Paul.

  • They don't spread the Lord's words, don't spread the Lord's will.

  • This is indeed fact. (Right. Mm.)

  • But there's one thing that still puzzles me.

  • Isn't the Bible inspired by God?

  • Don't the words in the Bible come from God?

  • Why do you make such a clear distinction

  • between the words of man and of God in the Bible?

  • Aren't man's words in the Bible revelations from God?

  • I'd like another fellowship about this. Yes, please. Mm, all right.

  • Right! Our pastors and elders often quote the words of Brother Paul

  • that all scripture is divinely inspired by God. (Amen!)

  • This is proof that all words in the Bible are God's words.

  • Exactly who said the words isn't what matters.

  • As long as those words are recorded in the bible,

  • then they're inspired by God and are all God's words. (Amen!)

  • How can you say that the Bible contains man's words inside it?

  • Right! How can it? Those are no longer man's words!

  • "All scripture is given by inspiration of God."

  • Who exactly said this? Are you clear?

  • Did God say that or was it man?

  • What were the grounds on which you sought to make your point?

  • "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." This wasn't said by Jehovah God,

  • nor by the Lord Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. (No.)

  • It was said by Paul. (Yes, it was.)

  • Paul wasn't Christ. He was merely a corrupt man.

  • How could he know that all scripture is inspired by God?

  • Whether or not all scripture is God-breathed is something only God knows,

  • is an issue that only Christ can clarify to us.

  • Because man can't know this or see through such things.

  • Right. That was well said. Indeed.

  • If we start from the time Moses wrote "Genesis" till the Lord Jesus' coming,

  • there existed at least a thousand-year gap.

  • It's clear that Paul didn't know the authors of the Scriptures at all.

  • How could he have known

  • those words of man were all inspired by God? (Yes, right!)

  • Could the authors of the Scriptures have contact with Paul

  • and tell him all their words were inspired by God?

  • That's unrealistic. It's impossible.

  • The gap in time is too large. (Right.)

  • It's clear that Paul spoke those words without any proof.

  • He said that based on his personal knowledge of the Scriptures.

  • It wasn't the Lord Jesus, nor the Holy Spirit. This is fact. (Right. True.)

  • Based on this word of Paul, the pastors and elders conclude that

  • all the words in Scripture are inspired by God and are God's words.

  • This contradicts the historical facts. (That's right. Mm.)

  • In the apostles' time, when the churches received their letters,

  • everyone would say

  • it was the apostles' words or these were Brother Paul's words.

  • Nobody would say that they were words inspired by God,

  • or they were the Lord Jesus' words.

  • There's no way they could. (Right. That's true.)

  • Even Paul himself dared not say

  • that his words were God's words, or were inspired by God, (Mm. This is true.)

  • much less that he spoke on the Lord Jesus' behalf.

  • And so,

  • that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God" is simply groundless!

  • "All scripture is given by inspiration of God" was just said by Paul,

  • and referred to the Old Testament. Yet people believe it.

  • Why do people believe these words Paul said?

  • If someone else said these words, would we believe it?

  • It's evident that people have blind faith in Paul and worship him too much.

  • Yes. I agree.

  • Every word of Paul seems to be that of God.

  • Isn't it people's notion and imagination? (Yes, just their preconception.)

  • This shows completely that

  • believers keep Paul instead of the Lord Jesus in their hearts.

  • These are the people who worship and follow man

  • but who don't fear the Lord or exalt Him.

  • That's right. This is a very important fellowship.

  • They made the context of the problem so clear that we all feel bright inside.

  • Praise the Lord.

  • Your fellowship does match up with people's states

  • and matches up with historical facts. (Yes! It does!)

  • In the apostles' time, the brothers and sisters in the church

  • would never regard those letters as the words of the Lord Jesus, (Of course.)

  • nor would anybody ever obey the apostles as Christ. (Right. Mm.)

  • When the epistles were passed to the churches then,

  • people would only say they were the apostles' letters and the apostle's words.

  • Right.

  • We know that the apostles themselves didn't say

  • that their letters were the Lord's words; this is fact. (Right. That's right.)

  • So just how could the pastors and elders insist

  • that the apostles' letters were the words of God?

  • This does go against historical fact. It's utterly ridiculous and foolish!

  • Very true. Right. This is so true.

  • Your fellowship today really was enlightening for us,

  • and it brightened our hearts.

  • Praise God!

  • That's right. The pastors and elders always expound on the Bible,

  • though they don't even know the historical background or the facts within it,

  • nor can they discern between what man's words are and God's.

  • So how can they expound on the Bible? (Exactly.)

  • By doing this, they're deluding us, even cheating us.

  • She speaks the truth. (Mm.)

  • For so many years, the pastors and elders have claimed

  • that all scripture is inspired by God, all God's word.

  • They've been replacing the Lord's words with man's words,

  • especially those of Paul.

  • And let us follow man's words and forsake the Lord's.

  • What they've done is abandon God's commandments as well as act against His will.

  • They've all gone so far astray. (Right. It's true. Precisely.)

  • If we're not able to make the discernment,

  • we'd be like what the Lord Jesus said,

  • Right.

  • The pastors and elders can't even distinguish between God's words and man's.

  • Yet they show off their knowledge of the Bible. It's shameless and disgusting.

  • I finally understand today.

  • Following pastors and elders like these

  • will never give us the truth and salvation. (Indeed. I agree.)

  • No matter how you put it,

  • I still believe that all scripture is divine inspiration. (Amen!)

  • Brother Paul's words can't be wrong!

  • Since you insist on such a clear distinction

  • between God's words and man's words in the Bible,

  • then how can we distinguish which words are the words of God

  • and which are the words of man?

  • Let's see you explain that!

  • Yes! Let's see how you discern that!

  • Those who read the Bible only need common sense to see this clearly,

  • to tell which words belong to God and which words are man's.

  • Though most are misled by Paul who said,

  • "All scripture is given by inspiration of God," which is simply not the case.

  • No. It's not. Exactly.

  • The fact of the matter is that the Bible only contains the words of Jehovah,

  • God's words conveyed by prophets, the Lord Jesus' words,

  • the Holy Spirit's words,

  • words revealed to John in Revelations,

  • which come directly from God. Those are God's words. (Yes, that's true.)

  • Outside of these, the biographies, the apostles' letters, those are man's words.

  • They're just individual experiences and don't represent God's words,

  • nor are they words God expressed.

  • Right. That's right. That makes sense. I totally agree!

  • Based on the words Paul said

  • that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God,"

  • religious leaders claim the entire Bible is God's word

  • and they treat man's words within it as God's own.

  • They focus mainly on preaching and exalting man's words in sermons.

  • They seldom testify of God's words.

  • By replacing God's words with man's words,

  • they've thrown God's commandments away. (Right.)

  • This is a serious problem!

  • Mm. That's true. Very true. It is serious all right.

  • As a consequence, the religious world worships man's words in the Bible

  • and pushes away God's words.

  • By closely following man's words while ignoring those of God, (Right.)

  • haven't they all fallen for Satan's evil scheme?

  • Yes, it's Satan's scheme. They give up the Lord's words but exalt man's.

  • So when Almighty God does the work of judgment

  • and expresses the truth to save man,

  • these people, deceived by these fallacies and clinging to the Bible,

  • reject, condemn, and resist Almighty God's work.

  • This is the proof of how the religious Pharisees resist God

  • and the obvious mark of their hypocrisy.

  • I don't agree with your statements!

  • Faith in God means faith in the Bible. If we desert it, we're not believers!

  • Sister Wu is right! The pastors and elders always preach that!

  • We believe. That means in the Bible!

  • Sister Wu, we're trying to seek the truth.

  • Let's all talk about it calmly. Sit down.

  • Yes, Sister Wu, come on. Sit down and listen.

  • "Belief means the Bible first. Leaving it is not faith in God."

  • This assertion is wrong.

  • Is the Bible able to save mankind?

  • Is the Bible able to take God's place?

  • Is it able to work in the Holy Spirit's place?

  • Can it provide judgment in the last days in God's stead?

  • Which one is greater, God or the Bible?

  • Which came first, God or the Bible?

  • There was no Bible in Abraham's time. Can we say he didn't believe in God?

  • There was no Bible when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.

  • Can we say Moses didn't believe in God?

  • God is God and the Bible is the Bible.

  • It can't speak in God's stead, much less be God Himself.

  • The Bible is merely a historical record of God's past work,

  • merely a witness to God.

  • It can't be a replacement for God's work and His words in the last days,

  • much less save man in God's stead. (Right. That's true.)

  • And so, faith in the book isn't faith in God.

  • If man treats the Bible as equal to God,

  • then this is opposition to God, blasphemy.

  • The Bible is testimony of God's work

  • and it cannot bestow life upon man on God's behalf,

  • much less replace the Holy Spirit's work.

  • There's no life to be found in the Bible.

  • Only Christ Himself is the truth, the way, and the life.

  • Only by accepting Christ and following Christ

  • can one receive the Holy Spirit's work and gain life.

  • That's true. That's right. Exactly.

  • There's no eternal life in the Bible?

  • Mm. What the Lord Jesus said is so clear.

  • So it's not in the Bible that we can gain life.

  • Why didn't I realize before? (I know.)

  • The Lord Jesus has already explained this.

  • So if one believes in God solely through the Bible,

  • yet doesn't accept or follow Christ,

  • he won't receive the truth and life.

  • And since he clings to the Bible, he resists Christ, condemns Him,

  • becoming an antichrist against God. (So true. Mm. )

  • In the past,

  • the Jewish Pharisees put too much blind faith in the Bible and worshiped it.

  • They granted the Bible the highest place of all

  • and even treated it as if it were God.

  • And so, when Jesus came to do His work,

  • they stubbornly clung to the Bible and defended it.

  • They searched for flaws with the Lord using biblical letters

  • and they resisted and condemned Him.

  • In the end, the Lord Jesus was crucified on the cross,

  • charged with not following the Old Testament,

  • which was a heinous crime.

  • Mm. That's right. That's true.

  • In the last days, the current religious leaders

  • also worship and put their blind faith in the Bible.

  • They safeguard and testify about the Bible

  • and in doing so, supplant God's place.

  • Almighty God expresses the truth and carries out judgment in the last days.

  • And like the Pharisees, in order to maintain the Bible's place in man's hearts,

  • they vigorously resist,

  • condemn and blaspheme Almighty God, Christ of the last days.

  • In this they commit the sin of crucifying Christ again

  • and offend God's disposition. (Right.)

  • Isn't that fact obvious to each and every one of us?

  • It is. Yes. Yeah. That much is obvious all right.

  • We know the Bible is a testament to God as well as to His previous work.

  • So why do the religious leaders resist God?

  • Why do they replace Him with the Bible?

  • Why would they rather let people exalt and worship the Bible

  • than allow them to stand before, obey, and worship God?

  • This is Satan's scheme to deceive people. (Yes.)

  • Because Satan fears most that humans will obey God and worship God,

  • but has no fear at all of humans worshiping and exalting the Bible.

  • So when Satan found no way to deny the Bible,

  • it resorted to making people worship and put blind faith in the Bible,

  • and then to replacing God with the Bible.

  • And like that, people only trust and hold on to the Bible,

  • but do not acknowledge God or the truth.

  • Even when they learn that Christ's words are the truth,

  • they dare not leave the Bible or betray religion.

  • In this case, people believe in God in name,

  • but their relationship with God has been cut off.

  • This is Satan's most cunning scheme to resist God

  • and the most difficult scheme for man to see through.

  • Mm. Yes, it is difficult. That's true. It really is.

  • And so if we blindly worship the Bible, trust in it,

  • we've fallen into Satan's scheme, and walked the path of betrayal against God.

  • Further taking the Bible out of context,

  • we deny and condemn Christ using man's words in the Bible,

  • and become antichrists who make enemies of God.

  • If people worship the Bible,

  • just how would such people have enough room in their hearts for God?

  • And if they let the Bible take God's place within their hearts,

  • can whatever it is they believe in still be called God?

  • We believers should be servants of God and servants of the truth,

  • and never be servants of the Bible.

  • Right. Absolutely. I agree. Yes, that was well put.

  • If people think that belief in God requires the Bible,

  • then they surely have no room left in their hearts for God.

  • These people aren't showing belief in God. They're denying and resisting God.

  • Such people will be eliminated by God.

  • He makes a very good point.

  • They certainly will be eliminated by God for doing that.

  • Believing in God and believing in the Bible

  • really are two different things, as strange as that may seem.

  • Right, we need to see their true nature.

  • Let's read some more words from Almighty God. (All right.)

  • Page 1444.

  • That's very relevant. That was well put.

  • Mm. That passage rings true to me.

  • In upholding the Bible, we've crucified God again.

  • For a long time the religious world has taught people thusly,

  • "Faith is faith in the Bible. Leave the Bible and you leave your faith."

  • They testify of the Bible, they exalt it, and they regard the Bible as God,

  • using it to replace God in the hearts of believers.

  • People grow obsessed with the Bible.

  • They worship it, treating a book as they would treat God.

  • They treat the Bible as ironclad law.

  • Even when Christ returns,

  • they still wildly circumscribe, deny, and condemn Christ,

  • resist Him based on the Bible's words.

  • Outwardly, the pastors and elders guide believers to worship the Bible,

  • but the truth is that they teach the believers to worship them. (Right.)

  • Blindly trusting the Bible,

  • people worship biblical scholars and experts more and more.

  • Pharisees across the ages misinterpret the Bible

  • and use it to deceive people, control them,

  • and prevent them from returning to the presence of God. (Right. Mm.)

  • It's Satan's cunning scheme

  • and proof of their crime of building their own kingdom.

  • I can't argue with that. (Indeed it is.)

  • The truth is many of the pastors and elders are basically unbelievers.

  • They only trust in the Bible, not in God.

  • They regard biblical records as nothing but fanciful stories,

  • and don't trust that they're records of God's work.

  • As such, they don't acknowledge God's incarnation in the least.

  • If one testifies of God's incarnation,

  • they endeavor to deny, and fervently resist and condemn. (Mm.)

  • Such people are simply not believers in God.

  • And so those who do not recognize God incarnate are antichrists.

  • That much is a certainty.

  • Yes, that's true. (Yes, exactly right.)

  • It's clear that these Pharisees the antichrists control the religious world,

  • which is now a bastion of resisting God

  • and an independent kingdom that's against God.

  • And this fact is undeniably true. (Mm. Yes.)

  • Believers in religion have in fact been fooled and controlled

  • by all these Pharisees the antichrists,

  • becoming their accomplices and puppets!

  • As such, salvation for them is unattainable or very difficult to attain.

  • That's true. (Yes.)

  • Almighty God exposes how man has used the Bible to replace and resist Him.

  • These words are considerably practical and accurate. (That's right.)

  • For all these years, the pastors and elders have deluded us.

  • We thought faith in the Lord meant faith in the Bible.

  • Without it, we couldn't believe.

  • Now we know differently.

  • The Bible is God's testimony. But it can't represent God.

  • The Bible can't be God. And it can't give us salvation. (That's right.)

  • Only Christ grants salvation. Only Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.

  • Exactly right. (Amen.)

  • We shouldn't be putting blind faith in the Bible.

  • We should be instead following and obeying Christ! (That's right.)

  • Or else we'll believe in vain and can't get the truth and eternal life! (Right.)

  • That's right.

  • We've believed in the Lord for many years,

  • yet we still don't have the truth. (Mm.)

  • We can't tell belief in God from faith in the Bible.

  • We've been nothing but fools controlled by people who use the Bible,

  • and been enemies of Almighty God, Christ of the last days.

  • We've really been so foolish and so blind. (Yes. We have.)

  • But now I understand

  • the Bible isn't the same as God. There's no salvation or life there.

  • Only by following Christ can we receive life. (Right.)

  • Believing in God through religion can't help us gain the truth and salvation.

  • She speaks the truth.

  • The sister's right. We won't gain salvation like that or the truth.

  • We have to learn how to tell the difference.

  • Hearing your fellowship up till now, compared to the pastors and elders' words,

  • I think it's true that they're hypocritical Pharisees, each one.

  • If we keep following them, keep being controlled by them,

  • we surely won't be saved. (Right.)

  • But now the issue is all the believers can't see it.

  • They're practicing the religion to believe in the Lord Jesus not man.

  • How could they not get salvation? (Right. Yes.)

  • Given this problem, I'd like another fellowship on this. (Alright. Me too.)

  • Just what is the religious world?

  • It's the empire of the Pharisees and a seething lair of antichrists!

  • How can believers there gain salvation? That's wishful thinking.

  • So why can't people be saved in religion?

  • It's mainly because when God did His new work on earth in the last days,

  • the work of the Holy Spirit moved along with His new work as well.

  • The religious world lost the Holy Spirit's work and became desolate.

  • Besides,

  • the religious world today is controlled by the Pharisees the antichrists,

  • and has long been a bastion against God.

  • The Holy Spirit doesn't work within religion.

  • And God incarnate doesn't work through religion either.

  • So believers in religion can neither experience God's work in the last days,

  • nor eat, drink, or enjoy God's words of the last days.

  • They fall into darkness. (Right.)

  • In these times, if they don't seek and investigate the true way,

  • they will easily fall into desolation, and fail to be saved by God!

  • Indeed. It's true. I agree with that.

  • When people fall into such states, they just keep to the Bible.

  • They're unable to hear God's current words.

  • Without the Holy Spirit's guidance, they're just believing in a vague God,

  • and their fellowship is all about records and words

  • of God's previous work in the Bible.

  • How can they receive God's salvation in the last days and inherit His promises?

  • Right.

  • Just like the time when the Lord Jesus started working outside the temple,

  • the temple then became desolate and a den of thieves, did it not?

  • People who stayed within the temple failed to follow the Lord Jesus' work,

  • and ended up clinging to the old laws and regulations,

  • thus losing their chance at salvation.

  • Likewise, as Almighty God works, "judgment begins with the house of God."

  • His truth will purify man and judge man.

  • He'll free us of Satan's corrupt disposition, of Satan's influence,

  • thus saving us and making us overcomers to be brought into His kingdom.

  • This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for us.

  • If any one doesn't follow Almighty God's work,

  • they won't be saved and can't enter the kingdom of heaven. (Right.)

  • Let's read Almighty God's words.

  • Sure. (All right.)

  • Right

  • It's clear. Those who don't accept Almighty God's end-time work

  • and who can't obey God's present work and words will then be rejected by God.

  • Such believers who persist in religious houses

  • will naturally lose God's guidance

  • and won't be supplied with God's current words.

  • They'll fall into darkness and be eliminated, losing God's end-time salvation.

  • As in the Age of Grace,

  • people kept the work and regulations that were from the Age of Law,

  • and so lost the Lord Jesus' salvation.

  • This is the Age of Kingdom.

  • Those who hold on to the past Age of Grace's work,

  • the Age of Grace's regulations

  • will be eliminated, unsaved and unable to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • That's an undeniable fact that nobody can alter.

  • Yes, I can't argue with that. (Yes, no one can argue with that.)

  • Belief in God within religion can save us? Thinking like that is a daydream.

  • We want to please the antichrists Satan, while still obtaining God's salvation.

  • That seems far-fetched.

  • The religious world is fully controlled by the hypocritical Pharisees

  • and the religious pastors and elders.

  • As a matter of fact, it's controlled by antichrists who are against God.

  • This is an accepted fact.

  • The pastors and elders

  • never focus on expounding and testifying the Lord's words when they preach

  • or testify to God's work and disposition recorded in the Bible.

  • They expound on man's words in the Bible.

  • By replacing God's words with man's words instead,

  • they make His words ring hollow,

  • which leads people to follow man's words and stray from His.

  • Also they preach biblical knowledge to their followers as well as theology,

  • and preach of the characters and history that we find inside the Bible.

  • They speak of these things to show themselves off to gain people's worship,

  • and lead the believers to walk the path of worshiping man and resisting God.

  • Especially when Almighty God works in the last days,

  • they vigorously resist and condemn Almighty God,

  • and try their best to stop and restrict people

  • from seeking and investigating the true way.

  • They stop people from accepting the truth expressed by Almighty God

  • or gaining the nourishment of Almighty God's word.

  • They only allow people to accept their fallacies, heresies, and theories.

  • So, when people believe in the religious houses

  • controlled by the Pharisees the antichrists

  • and accept the Pharisees' teachings,

  • their ideas and views, their choices, their understanding

  • are all affected and influenced by them.

  • They naturally feel darker and darker within and lose contact with God.

  • That's right. (That's true.)

  • When Almighty God's work in the last days arrives,

  • they are still bound and controlled by the religious Pharisees the antichrists,

  • and so can't hear God's present utterances,

  • or enjoy the supply of the living water flowing from God's throne.

  • So people have no way to gain God's salvation in the last days.

  • And worse than that, they believe in God within religion,

  • but they're following men, the antichrists.

  • So they're walking the path of the Pharisees the antichrists.

  • As time goes on, they themselves turn into Pharisees.

  • How can they ever do God's will and enter the kingdom of heaven

  • if they remain like that?

  • It's definitely impossible. (That's right. Yes, definitely.)

  • Right now, the religious world's essence is thoroughly revealed

  • by Almighty God's work in the last days.

  • The religious world isn't the kingdom of heaven.

  • It's actually the lair of the antichrists,

  • the bastion of resistance to God and the kingdom of Satan opposing God.

  • And so, people can't gain salvation through belief in the religious world.

  • Even believers who love the truth,

  • because they still haven't accepted Almighty God's work,

  • and don't possess the words supplied by Christ of the last days,

  • they stand no chance of being saved by God. (That's true. That's right.)

  • Thank the Lord! The truth is finally out!

  • Almighty God has started the work of judgment.

  • The Holy Spirit's work has changed indeed. (It is. Right.)

  • The religious world has become desolate.

  • And if we are to remain in religion,

  • the Lord will forsake us and wipe us out! (That's right.)

  • How can we enter the kingdom of heaven then? (Mm.)

  • We should've sought this out sooner and accepted Almighty God's work.

  • That way,

  • we would've had the living water of life that flows to us from God's throne!

  • That's right.

  • How were we so foolish?

  • They've been deceiving us for so many years,

  • and made us resist Almighty God's work in the last days.

  • We're so pitiful, so hateful!

  • That's right. We're really beyond all foolishness.

  • These pastors and elders take and enjoy the offerings we give to God,

  • yet would keep us from the kingdom of heaven!

  • These people have no consciences at all! (Right!)

  • They just suck our blood, just use us.

  • They're devils who are devouring our very lives! (Right.)

  • Yet we still follow these people. We safeguard them.

  • They cheat and lie to everyone

  • and we still feel grateful to them!

  • We've been such fools to trust them! (Yes. They're all so despicable!)

  • The religious world is under these hypocrites' complete control.

  • The Lord's words don't rule religion, much less does the truth rule.

  • These false shepherds reign instead. (Yes.)

  • We've lost the Holy Spirit's work and live in darkness.

  • They even prevented us from seeking out the true way. (That's right.)

  • These pastors and elders really are malicious!

  • Right. They are.

  • Not leading us to the kingdom of heaven is bad enough.

  • They want to bring us down to hell too!

  • I don't think they'll stop until they drive us to death! (Indeed. Yes.)

  • They deserve to be cursed!

  • Yes. They're malicious!

  • Sister Ming,

  • the pastors and elders have sustained us for years with their interpretation.

  • How could you say all those things?

  • Sister Wu, we should speak our conscience as well as the facts. (Right.)

  • You said that they all expounded on the Bible to shepherd us.

  • Have they ever taught us how to practice the Lord's words

  • and how to walk along His way?

  • Have they preached to us how to follow God's will?

  • Not even in the slightest.

  • There's no way we'd hear the truth. (Right.)

  • How can you still say that they're using the Bible to shepherd us?

  • They only explained man's words in the Bible,

  • and used their preaching to deceive and control us.

  • They did. (That's right!)

  • They're only busy working to maintain their own positions

  • to establish their own kingdom! (Right.)

  • Isn't that the fact we're facing? (It really is. Yes, it is.)

  • Yes, Sister Wu.

  • These two brothers clearly fellowshiped.

  • How can you still be so muddled and still defend the religious leaders?

  • Is your faith in the Lord Jesus or in the pastors and elders? (Right.)

  • Where's your sense of righteousness?

  • The Lord Jesus hated and cursed the Pharisees. We all know that.

  • Do you want to be just like them? Cursed by God? (Right. Yes.)

  • The pastors and elders are the Pharisees; they resist and oppose God.

  • They're all His enemies! (Yes. Indeed.)

  • We have to draw a clear line between them and us and we have to reject them!

  • Yes. They really are just hypocritical Pharisees.

  • We ought to reject them all and follow Almighty God. (Right.)

  • The concern at hand is whether we can enter the kingdom of heaven. (Mm.)

  • Sister Wu, in our belief in God, we can't be muddle-headed, (That's true.)

  • nor let ourselves be deceived and controlled by the Pharisees! (She's right.)

  • Discernment is what we need.

  • That's right. We can't let them keep deceiving us.

  • Regardless of whether they reign over the religious world,

  • and act with hypocrisy, walking down the vile path of the Pharisees,

  • what do their sins have to do with our salvation?

  • We may have followed them and listened to them,

  • but we believe in the Lord Jesus, not the pastors and elders.

  • In my view, we aren't walking the path of the Pharisees.

  • How is it that we're also Pharisees?

  • In religion, many people put blind faith in the Pharisees,

  • worship and follow them.

  • So whether they walk the Pharisees' path or another one

  • ought to be self-evident.

  • Can you say that you have no part in the Pharisees' sin,

  • if you worship them and defend them?

  • Can you say you follow the hypocritical Pharisees,

  • but are different from them and you don't resist God?

  • Can't we see through such a simple question?

  • People walk the same path as the ones they follow.

  • Following the Pharisees means that they're walking the Pharisees' path.

  • By walking the path of the Pharisees,

  • they're naturally considered a Pharisee too.

  • The people one follows and the path one chooses

  • both relate directly to one's nature.

  • People who follow the Pharisees

  • have the same nature and substance as the Pharisees.

  • This is an undeniable fact. (Absolutely. That's very true.)

  • The Pharisees' substance is hypocritical.

  • They believe in God but don't love the truth, don't pursue life.

  • They believe in a vague God and their own notions and imaginations,

  • but don't truly believe in or acknowledge the incarnate Christ.

  • Strictly speaking, they're all unbelievers. (Mm.)

  • Their belief is academic in nature.

  • They treat it just as a subject to study and learn.

  • The Bible and theology are their means to make a living. (That's right.)

  • From their point of view, the Bible is plainly their livelihood.

  • They think the more that they can expound on the biblical lore and the theories,

  • the more people will come to worship them.

  • And that makes them stand tall and steady at their podiums,

  • as their positions grow more stable. (Right.)

  • The Pharisees are all those who live for their positions and jobs,

  • those weary of and hostile to the truth.

  • So when the Lord Jesus became flesh to do His work,

  • in order to protect their own positions and jobs,

  • they stubbornly clung to their notions and imaginations and biblical theories.

  • They resisted, condemned, and opposed Jesus by any means. (Mm.)

  • From Almighty God's words, we can clearly see

  • the Pharisees' hatred of the truth and the root of their resistance to God.

  • Page fourteen hundred thirty-two.

  • They are. They really are. (Yes, of course.)

  • Yes. I think that's completely right. (That is true. Yes.)

  • That's why

  • the Pharisees are weary of the truth and hostile to it by their very nature.

  • They just trust in their own notions and imaginations,

  • and in the theology that they draw from in all their research,

  • but they don't believe in the incarnate Christ,

  • nor admit the truth that Christ expresses.

  • All of them are enemies of the incarnate God

  • and antichrists revealed by the work of God incarnate in the last days!

  • And the people who follow them being like them,

  • cling to their own imaginations and notions too,

  • to biblical knowledge and theology.

  • They follow them and deny Christ. They resist and condemn Him.

  • They refuse to accept the truth and become Christ's enemies.

  • This is proof enough that those who follow the Pharisees

  • are also weary of and hostile to the truth by nature. (Right. Mm.)

  • They truly follow the same path as the Pharisees.

  • They're cut from the same cloth as them, enemies of Christ and the truth.

  • That's right. Mm.

  • This fact can't be questioned.

  • It's been completely revealed by God's work of the last days.

  • It's true. Don't you think? (Yes.)

  • In religion, people believe in God while under the Pharisees' control,

  • and they emulate them as well as listen to them.

  • They learn to study the Bible and theology just like they do.

  • And they subsequently focus on biblical knowledge and theology,

  • never focus on seeking the truth or practicing the Lord's words.

  • And like the Pharisees, they just believe in a vague God,

  • not in Almighty God, the incarnate Christ of the last days.

  • No matter how much authority and power

  • the truth expressed by Almighty God possesses,

  • they stubbornly hold on to their notions and imaginations,

  • and follow the pastors and elders to resist and condemn Almighty God.

  • Such people definitely belong to the Pharisees.

  • They walk the Pharisees' path of resistance to God. (Mm.)

  • Such people don't follow the Pharisees knowingly,

  • and yet they're cut from the same cloth.

  • They're the offspring of the Pharisees.

  • Because their nature and substance are identical.

  • They're all unbelievers, truth-weary believers of the self, (Mm.)

  • and antichrists who hate the truth and oppose Christ.

  • That's right. (True enough.)

  • Yes! Right.

  • The fact is plain for all to see.

  • People follow the pastors and elders in religion,

  • and obey them and defend them until their last breath.

  • Once they hear somebody else expose the pastors and elders,

  • they feel a sting in their hearts,

  • and so will try to defend their religious leaders.

  • What is the problem here?

  • Isn't this evidence

  • that these people have the pastors and elders in their hearts and not God?

  • Yes, right. Yes.

  • Inside these people's hearts,

  • the position of the pastors and elders is much higher than that of God.

  • What problem do we see?

  • They resist God and not even a few of them rise to defend God

  • or rise up to stand in testimony for Him.

  • But when we expose the pastors and elders' substance as Pharisees,

  • why do so many people shout out their grievances?

  • Why do they defend them?

  • It's enough to show

  • that these people are the dutiful descendants of the Pharisees.

  • They're accomplices and lapdogs of the antichrists.

  • This is a fact, and no one can deny it. (Yes! Right. It's a fact.)

  • Thank the Lord. Today's fellowship has opened up my eyes to the truth. (Mm.)

  • The Pharisees are all unbelievers with faith only in themselves.

  • That sounds about right. (Yes. Thank the Lord.)

  • As they say, "Birds of a feather will flock together."

  • It's clear the pastors and elders are hypocritical Pharisees,

  • and antichrists against God, yet still we follow.

  • That's proof we're no different from them! (That's right. Exactly right.)

  • We hate the truth and oppose God by our nature,

  • and the path we're walking is one that opposes Him. (That's right!)

  • And we should reject them and turn to Almighty God,

  • and no longer be deceived and controlled!

  • Yes! The pastors and elders

  • have been revealed to be hypocritical Pharisees, the antichrists!

  • They're all God's enemies. Doesn't that mean they're ours as well? (Right! Yes!)

  • The Bible says,

  • Since we believe in God, let us follow Christ of the last days! (Amen!)

  • Reject false shepherds and antichrists!

  • We shouldn't still share in their evil!

  • Exactly! Let's break free of the religious world.

  • The pastors and elders are Pharisees the antichrists against God.

  • We shouldn't be deceived or controlled by them any more!

  • That's right. Or else we'll just be dooming ourselves. (Yes!)

  • Almighty God's work of the last days

  • has brought the antichrist substance of the pastors and elders to the light.

  • We've clearly seen their evil deeds resisting Almighty God. (Mm.)

  • The religious world is a fortress against God. (Yes. It is.)

  • When the Lord Jesus first came,

  • the Pharisees shaped the Jewish religious world into a bastion of opposition.

  • As Almighty God comes to do the work of judgment,

  • the pastors and elders resist and condemn Him again. (That's right!)

  • The religious world becomes a kingdom of Satan hostile to God.

  • You're saying. (That's right.)

  • If Almighty God didn't reveal that through His work,

  • who would see that the religious world is dark and evil,

  • hostile to God in essence? (Yes! You're right!)

  • It's Almighty God's words that brighten and fill our hearts.

  • We should break through the bondage and control

  • of these Pharisees the antichrists,

  • follow Almighty God, and accept God's salvation.

  • Praise the Lord.

  • This is a wonderful fellowship.

  • Right. The force of the antichrist is like an invisible snare,

  • one in control of the whole religious world. (Exactly. That's right.)

  • Before we didn't have the truth or discernment,

  • and we were deceived and controlled by our leaders. (Yes, we were.)

  • We didn't dare seek out Almighty God's work of the last days. (Mm.)

  • Today, Almighty God has revealed the substance and truth

  • of how the pastors and elders resist God, all while serving Him. (That's right.)

  • So we clearly see their satanic nature and antichrist substance. (You're right.)

  • As such, we can't let them deceive and control us anymore. (Exactly right.)

  • We have to break through Satan's snare,

  • accept God's work of the last days, (That's right. Amen!)

  • and experience God's judgment.

  • With that, we can break free from Satan's dark influence and be saved by God.

  • That's right.

  • Yes. This is definitely what we need to do.

  • You've testified to Almighty God's work of judgment.

  • I feel that what you've said here is God's work. (Yes, it is.)

  • The truth expressed by Almighty God

  • is to purify, save, and perfect man. (Mm. It is.)

  • Of that, I'm completely certain. (Praise the Lord.)

  • But now I'd like to know

  • how Almighty God does the work of judgment,

  • saving man from Satan's influence. (Mm. Yeah. Me too.)

  • Could you share your experiences and your testimony?

  • Tell us about that, would you? (Tell us about it. Yes.)

  • This is an excellent question!

  • Such key questions investigate God's work of the last days. (Right.)

  • It's helpful in the quest to gain salvation through our belief in God. (Indeed.)

  • Regarding Almighty God's work of judgment in the last days

  • to save man from Satan's influence,

  • let's read one relevant passage. (All right.)

  • Those words are really wonderful. That is a wonderful passage.

  • Those words are really something else.

  • Since Almighty God expressed the truth to do the work of judgment,

  • God's chosen people began to eat, drink, and enjoy His words.

  • They fellowshiped about God's words

  • and their own real experiences in every meeting. (Right.)

  • Almighty God's words with righteous disposition come to God's chosen people.

  • His words judge and reveal man's nature of sinning and resisting God,

  • expose and dissect how man resists and betrays God's will,

  • due to the deception and control

  • that comes with living in Satan's domain, (Right.)

  • and reveal His righteousness, majesty, and intolerance of offense. (Yes.)

  • In these words,

  • God's chosen people were shown that the disposition of God is righteous,

  • and that God appears to them with both wrath and majesty.

  • They felt extremely regretful and ashamed in the presence of God.

  • Only then did they feel that His holy substance allows no offense,

  • and see that they were too corrupt and ashamed to behold the face of God. (Yes.)

  • They abhorred Satan and hated themselves for being full of satanic dispositions,

  • and living as the embodiment of Satan, without any likeness of a real man.

  • That's right. (Right.)

  • This point is when they developed true regret

  • and yearned for the truth to start life anew. (That's right.)

  • We have a realization after Almighty God's judgment.

  • Why corrupt mankind resists and betrays God and lives in sin without release?

  • It's because they're all deceived and controlled by the influences of Satan,

  • like the great red dragon, the religious antichrists,

  • satanic heresies, fallacies, philosophical laws, and so on.

  • Satan's influences are just like an invisible snare,

  • binding and controlling all our hearts and minds, (Mm.)

  • so that we can't see the light

  • and can't see the appearance of God, nor can we feel His will.

  • We can only struggle in the darkness. (That's true.)

  • The judgment of Almighty God's words lets us see that mankind is deeply corrupt

  • and the world is dark, evil, and still under Satan's control.

  • We can see the great red dragon is demonic, and how it deceives and afflicts us,

  • as well as the antichrist nature of the pastors and elders,

  • hypocritical haters of the truth.

  • We've gained discernment of their heresies as well as fallacies.

  • We've discovered that we've been deeply deceived and corrupted by Satan.

  • Satan's poisons and its philosophical laws have become our very nature.

  • And by living our lives through these, we've lived out the ugliness of Satan:

  • Arrogant and self-righteous, arbitrary, selfish and contemptible,

  • crooked and crafty, so full of lies,

  • weary of the truth, and having no fear of God.

  • We've long embodied Satan with no likeness of a real man. (Indeed.)

  • Yet still we long to be raptured to the kingdom of heaven.

  • That's so shameless.

  • Before, when we were deceived and controlled by the pastors and elders,

  • and followed Satan unaware we resisted God,

  • we believers worshiped man, followed man.

  • We obeyed the pastors and elders,

  • and weren't able to seek out the truth and obey God.

  • We really were so ignorant, blind to God. (Yes. That's exactly right.)

  • After experiencing Almighty God's judgment in the last days,

  • we've come to recognize, understand,

  • and know all the truths expressed to us by Almighty God. (Right.)

  • We have more and more discernment of positive things and negative things,

  • and have more and more knowledge of God.

  • Our outlook on both life and values has changed as well. (Thank the Lord! Yes.)

  • Our satanic dispositions are cleansed gradually

  • and we aren't shackled by Satan's influence.

  • Satan's heresies and fallacies won't fool us easily anymore. (Right.)

  • We are released from all of the shackles of worldly ties that bind us.

  • Mm, great. Thank the Lord.

  • We're free to live before God and perform our duty, as beings created by Him,

  • and practice living by His words each day.

  • We slowly enter into the reality of truth.

  • We go forth like that experiencing God's work face to face with Him.

  • We often accept God's discipline and dealing in doing our duty

  • as we are living in God's love. (Yes. Thank the Lord.)

  • We all feel Almighty God's work here in the last days is extremely practical!

  • It can indeed save and perfect man! (Yes…)

  • And we deeply realize

  • that only by accepting Christ's judgment can we gain the truth and gain life.

  • What Christ of the last days brings us is the everlasting way of life.

  • This is absolutely true! (Yes. Right.)

  • Thank Almighty God!

  • What do you think? (That was wonderful. I think it was too.)

  • It's practical fellowship. This testimony is beneficial to us. (It is.)

  • Nice testimony. (It was.)

  • We've found the way we can be saved. (I agree.)

  • Praise the Lord. Your fellowship is practical.

  • Almighty God expresses the truth to judge man,

  • and the effects are wonderful. (They are.)

  • On one hand, people know God's righteousness and appreciate His deeds.

  • It's as if they're beholding the appearance of God face to face. (Right. It is.)

  • On the other hand, people learn the true face of their corruptions,

  • and thus know the truth and gain insight

  • to break free of Satan's dark influence and turn to God. (Thank God. Right.)

  • I've believed for many years and had too much faith in pastors and elders.

  • I couldn't see their true nature

  • that their true substance was as antichrists. (Right.)

  • They deceived and controlled me.

  • I was unable to accept Almighty God's work.

  • And now I feel so much shame and so much regret.

  • Brother Fang, Brother Tian.

  • How did you break free from the religious leaders' control and deceit?

  • Yes, how?

  • Please tell us your experiences concerning that.

  • That's right. Please tell us

  • Thank God. We can't discern the substance of the Pharisees

  • or be free from the deception and control of the antichrists

  • without the truths expressed by Almighty God.

  • Those truths expressed by Him tell us everything, reveal all facts,

  • so that we obtain real knowledge

  • of the religious Pharisees' substance of hypocrisy, and resistance to God.

  • I recall the time when I believed in God within religion.

  • I really looked up to the pastors and elders.

  • "Longtime believers know the Bible," so I thought.

  • They were gifted, so surely the Lord approved of them most.

  • Whatever their teachings were, I accepted them and obeyed.

  • When our church heard Almighty God's gospel of the last days,

  • they not only didn't lead us to seek and investigate,

  • but stressed repeatedly God's words are all in the Bible.

  • That faith requires the Bible.

  • And any departure from it is heresy.

  • Those who accept the "Eastern Lightning" will be expelled from the church.

  • They even promised the believers

  • that when the Lord came, He would give them the revelation first,

  • so they could lead us into the kingdom of heaven.

  • With the pastors and elders' words, we felt we had an assurance,

  • so we just followed them to bind believers and seal off the church.

  • But Almighty God was accepted by still more of our church.

  • The pastors and elders were angry and they ordered us to call the police

  • if we saw preachers from the "Eastern Lightning."

  • But one day, our elder suddenly fainted on the lectern,

  • while he was condemning and blaspheming Almighty God,

  • and he died on the way to the hospital.

  • The elder's death shocked me to the core.

  • I couldn't figure it all out.

  • He was a defender of the Lord's way. How could he just die like that?

  • Why didn't the Lord protect his life?

  • Could it be we were wrong to resist the "Eastern Lightning"?

  • Was the "Eastern Lightning" really the return of the Lord?

  • When I thought this,

  • I felt that perhaps I had committed some offense to the Lord.

  • There was an unspeakable dread that occupied my heart,

  • as if punishment might come to me anytime.

  • Just then, Almighty God's gospel came to me once again.

  • Through Almighty God's words and His believers' fellowship and help,

  • I accepted His work of the last days. (Thank God!)

  • One day, I read Almighty God's words.

  • Almighty God's words pierced my heart like a razor-sharp steel sword.

  • I felt that God was unleashing His wrath on us.

  • We resisted God, condemned Him,

  • which seriously offended God's righteous disposition.

  • I was sure that the elder's death was punishment for resisting Almighty God,

  • as well as hindering believers from their proper return to Almighty God.

  • Pondering over His words and thinking some more of the elder's actions,

  • I realized that when he told us all

  • that we should cling to the Bible, seal off the church,

  • and hindered us from looking into the true way,

  • he wasn't watching over the flock,

  • but was instead protecting his position and job.

  • God came to work and save man.

  • Yet as leader of the church, he didn't lead us to follow God.

  • He rather, to protect his own position and job,

  • spread rumors and fallacies to deceive man, resist and condemn God's work.

  • Isn't he the stumbling block that hinders us from following God? (Yes. Mm.)

  • Isn't he the devil who devours our souls?

  • But I had no sense of discernment. I was blind.

  • I worshiped and obeyed the elder like a fool,

  • followed him to resist God, believing I was faithful to the Lord.

  • I was so foolish and so muddle-headed!

  • I never even thought in my dreams that I was awaiting the Lord's return,

  • and when He actually came,

  • I joined with the antichrists in resistance of God Himself.

  • So I deserved to be cursed.

  • I should've been thrown into hell just like the elder.

  • And yet God forgave me for my transgressions.

  • He knew that I had been corrupted by Satan,

  • had no understanding of the truth or discernment,

  • and was deceived by the wicked.

  • God didn't abandon me and brought me back to His house

  • through brothers and sisters preaching the gospel to me.

  • This was God's great mercy and salvation for me! (Thank the Lord.)

  • Praise God! Thank the Lord.

  • Having had this painful lesson, I truly realized

  • that I did follow the wicked to resist God.

  • It's because I believed in God with no place in my heart for Him,

  • no reverence in my heart,

  • but rather only worshiped and followed man.

  • And so I was deceived and used by Satan

  • and became one of its tools to resist God.

  • I also deeply felt God's righteous disposition, majesty,

  • wrath and intolerance of man's offense.

  • Thanks to God's forgiveness as well as His mercy,

  • I still remain alive to this day.

  • I want to cherish the chance He gave me

  • and to pursue the truth and life correctly,

  • and try my best to preach the gospel and testify to God,

  • by bringing those brothers and sisters who long for the Lord's return

  • back to His presence, (Amen.)

  • and help all of them break through the snare of the Pharisees

  • to accept God's salvation,

  • so that I can repay God's love and comfort His heart. (Amen.)

  • Your experience is so realistic. (Mm.)

  • I can really sympathize with it. (Me too.)

  • All these years, we've been deluded and controlled by the pastors and elders.

  • We couldn't see through their satanic nature that opposes God. (That's right.)

  • It's Almighty God's word that allowed us to understand.

  • Had it not, we wouldn't have known even now

  • that we'd be abandoned by God for following the pastors and elders,

  • and we'd expect to be raptured to the kingdom of heaven.

  • We'd be blind and ignorant!

  • That's right. Your fellowship really helped me gain insight and discernment.

  • And your experience and testimony have been so beneficial! (Praise the Lord.)

  • God's disposition really allows no offense! (That's right.)

  • Elder Liu is in a coma at the present

  • and Brother Xu lost his legs in a car crash. (Mm.)

  • I think these are their punishments for resisting Almighty God. (That's it!)

  • This is retribution!

  • Right! They've all done too much evil!

  • They've fabricated so many rumors to judge and condemn Almighty God.

  • They've misled us and hindered us from accepting Almighty God's work too.

  • How could they not be punished for that? (They deserve it!)

  • Thank the Lord!

  • Almighty God's word can indeed give us discernment

  • and help us break through Satan's snare!

  • We finally have discernment.

  • I truly believe we can break through this. (Right!)

  • Thank the Lord.

  • Not only does He have love and mercy for man, He can also punish man. (Right.)

  • Today from Almighty God's words of judgment and revelation,

  • I see that God is truly wrathful and majestic, and allows no offense. (Right.)

  • I really feel like these words can pierce man's heart almost like a sharp sword,

  • and judge and cleanse man of corruption. (Really.)

  • Judgment like that is truly practical

  • and is able to purify and save mankind. (Yes! Thank the Lord.)

  • Hearing your testimony, I feel so ashamed.

  • After all these years, did I really believe in the Lord?

  • The truth is I believed in the Bible.

  • I followed people stubbornly in my worship.

  • I didn't know yet about the pastors and elders' deceit and control.

  • I constantly rejected and resisted Almighty God's work.

  • It never crossed my mind that I longed for the Lord's coming.

  • When He came, I was too blind to recognize Him,

  • and became a Pharisee who resisted God! (Mm. Yes.)

  • Today,

  • if Almighty God had never granted me mercy, and allowed me to hear His voice,

  • I fear I never would've broken the snare of the Pharisees the antichrists

  • in my life of faith. (That's right.)

  • And my religion would've just run its course!

  • I never thought the way to His salvation

  • would be fraught with so many obstacles.

  • Breaking through the great red dragon's snare is easy.

  • As long as we can see through its substance,

  • understand the mystery of gaining life,

  • and if we have true faith in God, we can break it.

  • But breaking the Pharisees the antichrists' snare

  • while still blindly believing in religion is extremely difficult.

  • Without the truth, it's hard to distinguish things

  • like the antichrist substance of the pastors and elders! (Right.)

  • It really is Almighty God who's saved me. (Thank the Lord.)

  • He sent those who preached the gospel to me

  • and rescued me from the snare of Satan finally. (Thank God!)

  • So I'm free of Satan's influence,

  • and I can walk out, free of religion and be raptured before the throne of God.

  • Thank God. Thank the Lord!

  • Starting now, I'll surely follow Almighty God

  • to pursue the truth, to pursue salvation! (Exactly!)

  • I can no longer be a muddle-headed fool anymore!

  • Thank God! Thank the Lord!

  • Who would've thought

  • Who would've thought that Almighty God we resisted for years

  • is the returned Lord Jesus! (That's right.)

  • We're really indebted to Almighty God and ashamed to behold the face of God!

  • Thank the Lord! Our Savior has returned at last!

  • That's right. I never dreamed it could be. The Lord is back.

China belongs to the CCP! Belief in God? Not in China!

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聆聽神的聲音|福音電影 "衝破陷阱" (Hear the Voice of God | Gospel Movie "Break Through the Snare")

  • 55 6
    William Sue posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary