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  • Hey, Vsauce, Michael here.

  • Gravity is a property of matter- anything with mass. This includes the Moon, Earth,

  • Jupiter, the Sun, and even you- your body. In fact, if you kinda like somebody, have

  • them stand 3/4 of a millimeter away from you. At that distance, cumulatively, every atom

  • in your body and every atom in their body will draw you two together with the same gravitational

  • force that the Sun is exerting on you right now.

  • Of course, we don't feel either of those forces because compared to the gravitational influence

  • of the Earth, they are basically nothing. You don't need to concern yourself with the gravitational

  • attraction between you and someone you're hugging, or, your individual body and the

  • Sun, 150 million km away. In fact, the Sun may as well not exist...what if the Sun disappeared?

  • Well, to be sure, it's not going to happen. The Sun will die billions of years from now

  • by expanding, boiling off our oceans and swallowing the Earth whole.

  • The Sun is not going to simply disappear. Matter and energy don't vanish. Of course,

  • matter can quantum tunnel to different locations, but, on the scale of the Sun, there is not

  • enough time in the lifetime of millions and billions of universes for such a probability

  • to even be worth discussing.

  • But, let's discuss it anyway as a thought experiment to determine how the Earth would

  • get along with no Sun. What will the Earth do, and what can it do alone?

  • At the exact moment that the Sun disappeared, we would have no idea because it takes light,

  • from the Sun, 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach Earth. So, for a little over 8 minutes

  • after the Sun disappeared, we would have no idea. Once we did, confusion and mass panic

  • would, most likely, ensue.

  • The Sun's gravitational grasp on our planet would also take 8 minutes and 20 seconds to

  • end. This is because gravity waves propagate at the speed of light. So, the very moment

  • we saw our Sun disappear, we would also lose its gravitational influence, and Earth would

  • fly out in a straight line, tangent to wherever it was in its orbit.

  • The finite speed of light and gravity mean that as panic and fear spread across the Earth

  • at the loss of our Sun, we could still, for a while, look up into the sky and see our planetary

  • buddies, further out, continuing to operate as if nothing had happened.

  • For instance, Jupiter would continue orbiting and reflecting light from a Sun that no longer

  • existed for about 30 minutes after the Earth already knew the Sun was gone. And, depending

  • on where Jupiter was in its orbit, it would take another 30 minutes to an hour for us

  • to watch the reflected light of Jupiter snuff out.

  • With no moonlight or sunlight, the universe, itself, would be our only source of visible

  • light from space.

  • In 2004, Abdul Ahad calculated that the Milky Way contributes about as much light as 1/300th

  • of a full Moon. So there would be enough light from space for us to see around a bit. But,

  • of course, electricity and fossil fuels would still be usable for a while. So, cities and

  • towns could continue to be lit by manmade sources, just like a typical night; except,

  • it would be night everywhere.

  • Photosynthesis would stop immediately, and this is huge. I had a great discussion about

  • this video with Henry from MinutePhysics, and the new channel MinuteEarth, if you're

  • not subscribed to MinuteEarth, you definitely should be.

  • In one of his episodes there, he mentions that 99.9% of the natural productivity on

  • Earth is done by photosynthesis, which requires the Sun. Without the Sun, plants would no

  • longer be able to inhale carbon dioxide and exhale life-sustaining oxygen.

  • But, don't worry. Collectively, all of us humans, all 7 billion of us, breath in about

  • 6 trillion kilos of oxygen every year. But our atmosphere contains a whopping quintillion

  • kilos of oxygen. So, even without photosynthesis, and, including all the other animals, and

  • insects, and microorganisms that consume oxygen, it would take us thousands of years to run

  • out.

  • The poor plants, themselves, would be much worse off. Without the Sun, most of them would

  • die within days, or weeks. Except for large plants. Giants trees, for instance, contain

  • enough sugar for energy that they could technically live in the dark for years. Their problem

  • is going to be that the Earth will get quite cold. In fact, mighty trees would freeze to

  • death. Their blood, the water and sap inside of them, solidify way before they died of starvation.

  • Right now, with our Sun, the average surface temperature on Earth, hot places and cold

  • places, and different seasons all considered, is an arguably comfortable 14 to 15 degrees

  • Celsius.

  • Without the Sun to add energy, the Earth would radiate away heat exponentially- meaning,

  • it would go fast at first, and then happen more and more slowly. By the end of the first

  • week without the Sun, the average surface temperature across Earth would be freezing.

  • Zero Celsius, 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, temperature's like this happen all the time

  • on Earth- we're used to it. Panic, and fear, and looters, and anarchy aside, for the first

  • few days, or months, we could get by.

  • But, by the end of the first year without the Sun, the average global surface temperature

  • would be -73 degrees Celsius, -100 Fahrenheit.

  • The best option, really, would be to move to geothermal areas like Yellowstone or Iceland.

  • These places would be the few safe havens for human life after the sun. Nearly all life

  • on Earth exists because of, and is dependent upon, extraterrestrial energy: the Sun. But

  • the Earth produces its own heat. Despite floating in the coldness of space for billions of years,

  • down below the crust the Earth is quite warm.

  • 20% of this warmth came from the fact that when the Earth formed, mass crushed so tightly

  • in the middle that the pressure liquified rock. The other 80% of Earth's internal heat

  • comes from that fact that deep in its core, radioactive elements decay, providing the

  • energy needed to keep the Earth's core at 5000 degrees Celsius.

  • Anyone who failed to secure a position within one of these bastions of warmth, or, perhaps,

  • underground in a community warmed and powered by nuclear fuel, would likely be dead within

  • the first year of no Sun.

  • In the next 10-20 years things would start to get wet with dew. But not with glorious

  • water droplets. Instead, droplets of liquid air. The air would literally become cold enough

  • for the gasses that make it up to condense, or form clouds and precipitate, first as rain,

  • and then as it got colder and colder, eventually, as snow.

  • In Fritz Leiber's famous science-fiction short story "A Pail of Air," this has already happened.

  • The Earth was ripped away from the Sun, and, in order to survive, a family must go outdoors

  • in a special suit and scoop up a pale of just the oxygen snow, bring it back in, and place

  • it over a fire to warm and allow them to breathe.

  • A year or so after the sun disappeared, Earth's oceans will have frozen over. Ice all the

  • way across. But ice is less dense than liquid water, which means that ice floats. And, ice

  • is a pretty decent insulator. So, for billions of years after the sun disappeared, liquid

  • water could still exist at the bottom of our oceans, protected and insulated from space

  • by miles of ice above it, and warmed by vents on the ocean floor that spew water out, super

  • heated by Earth's interior.

  • This would continue on Earth for a very, very long time- Sun, or no Sun. Instead of becoming

  • frozen and lifeless, extremophiles, like microbes, that live around hydrothermal vents deep in

  • the ocean, would be fine. They live deep in the ocean, far below the point where sunlight

  • can penetrate, and they make energy not through photosynthesis, but via chemosynthesis- converting

  • heat, and methane, and sulfer into the energy they need. They are then eaten by clams and

  • tubeworms.

  • Extremophiles deposit minerals back into the vents, meaning that their food chain is complete.

  • It's a circle. It's independent of the Sun. Earthlings like them would thrive if the Sun

  • were to disappear. They would live just fine without every knowing that the sun was gone.

  • Or, honestly, without ever even knowing it existed in the first place.

  • It's amazing to think that life, here on Earth, all alone, flying through space with no Sun,

  • would kind of be fine. Far from becoming a frozen dead rock, or a boring dormant seed,

  • the Earth would be a spaceship, carrying living passengers with enough geothermal heat for

  • billions of years of life.

  • If the Sun disappeared, spaceship Earth would fly out in a straight line covering about

  • 30 km every single second. After just 1 billion years, it will have covered 900 quadrillion

  • km, or, about 100,000 lightyears- a trip that could potentially take it all the way across

  • our galaxy, near thousands of stars, and nothing's to say it couldn't fall into orbit around one,

  • thaw out, and allow its still-living extremophiles to proliferate life on Earth all over again-

  • maybe one day developing life intelligent enough to uncover whatever is left of our

  • lives. Maybe they could even find this very video- in which case, hi, uh, you're welcome

  • for this video about your planet's history and journey. And, um, as always, thanks for

  • watching.

Hey, Vsauce, Michael here.

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如果太陽消失了呢? (What If The Sun Disappeared?)

  • 123 9
    尤弘志 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary