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  • Today I'm going to talk about one particular word in terms of reduction. Reduction is when

    今天我要講的是一個特別的。 詞在還原方面。縮減是指當

  • a sound is dropped or changed in a word, and this happens quite frequently in unaccented

    掉音 屢見不鮮

  • syllables. The word today is the word 'for'. The word 'for' reduces to fer, fer. Very quick:

    音節。今天的詞是'為'字。 '為'字減為fer,fer。非常快。

  • F, and then the schwa/R sound. Fer, fer. It will then link to the word that follows. Fer,

    F,然後是schwa/R音。Fer, fer.它 就會鏈接到後面的單詞。Fer。

  • for, fer. Example: I got it for you. I got it for you, fer, fer, fer you. I got it for

    為,fer。例如:我得到了它給你。我得到了 它為你,fer,fer,fer你。我得到了它

  • you. More examples: Can I have this cake? No, it's for tonight. Fer, fer, it's for tonight.

    你。更多的例子。我可以吃這個蛋糕嗎? 不,這是今晚的。費,費,這是今晚的。

  • I bike for transportation, not for fitness. Fer, fer. One more time: I bike for transportation,

    我騎車是為了交通,不是為了健身。 費,費。再來一次我騎車是為了運輸

  • not for fitness. Let's eat out, just for fun. For fun, for fun, let's eat out just for fun.

    不是為了健身。我們出去吃吧,只是為了好玩。 為了開心,為了好玩,讓我們在外面吃飯,只是為了好玩。

  • This medicine is for headaches. For headaches. This medicine is for headaches. These flowers

    這藥是治頭疼的。對於頭痛。 這藥是治頭痛的。這些花

  • are for the wedding. Notice here the word 'are', before 'for', is also reduced. Rr fer,

    是為婚禮準備的。注意這裡的詞 '是',在'為'之前,也是減少。Rr fer。

  • rr fer, these flowers are for the wedding. You can use these folders for organizing.

    rr fer,這些花是婚禮用的。 你可以用這些文件夾來整理。

  • For organizing. You can use these folders for organizing. This is for my parents' anniversary.

    用於整理。您可以使用這些文件夾 為整理。這是為我父母的週年紀念日準備的。

  • For my, for my. This is for my parents' anniversary. That cabinet is for linens. For linens, fer,

    為了我的,為了我的。這是為我父母的週年紀念日。 那個內閣是為亞麻布。對於亞麻布,fer。

  • fer, that cabinet is for linens. The software is for accounting. The software is for accounting, 0:02:07.979, 0:02:18.120,0 fer accounting. Thanks so much for using Rachel's English. Fer, fer, fer using, fer using. That's

    fer,那個櫃子是裝亞麻布的。軟件 是為會計服務的。該軟件是為會計服務的。 0:02:07.979, 0:02:18.120,0 會計。非常感謝你使用Rachel的 英文:Fer, fer, fer using, fer using.費,費,費使用,費使用。那是

  • it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

    它,並非常感謝使用雷切爾的。 英文。

Today I'm going to talk about one particular word in terms of reduction. Reduction is when

今天我要講的是一個特別的。 詞在還原方面。縮減是指當

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