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Have you guys ever had a message or a secret that you wanted to share, but you were so
afraid that if you said it on the phone, mommy could hear you or if you said it in school
one of your friends would hear you? Well, what if I showed you how to tell that message
by creating invisible ink? And I know what you're thinking, you need really expensive
Actually, no. At lunch when you're drinking milk, take the milk, because that's the key
ingredient to making this invisible ink.Milk, that's right. And you know what else I need?
A Q-Tip, what you clean your ears with is what I'm going to write with. Step one I'm
going to take this Q-Tip, I'm going to dip it in the milk. Now I'm going to write a note.
I'm not going to tell you what I'm writing, okay?
So watch this. As I dip the Q-Tip into the milk, I write on the paper and the milk is
being absorbed by the paper. Absorb is when it's able to suck it up. Now what happens
is the milk eventually will evaporate, which means the liquid is going to turn into a gas.
But you want to know the cool part? Whole milk, and by the way, do not do this with
skim milk, whole milk has fat in it. Fat does not evaporate. The milk will. The fat will
stay. Now you really need to wait a half hour for this to try to do the second part.
So I already did this. The same method that's here, is here. Now how do you get to see the
message? It's invisible. Part two, take two pencils. Now you could use pencil tips and
rub them together or you can get a piece of sandpaper.
Sandpaper is extremely rough and when you rub two things together it creates friction,
and the graphite from the pencil rubs off. So it kind of looks like it's snowing. Ready?
Now as you rub, the graphite from the pencil starts to slowly fall on to the paper and
you're going to get really upset, because you're going to say, "Wait a second. This
isn't working. The message isn't there."
Carmelo, this experiment is a failure. Stinka-rooney. Actually, want to see something really cool?
Take your finger. As I start to rub the graphite that's on the paper across the paper, it's
going to find the fat from the milk and stick to it, and the message that I wrote starts
to magically appear or in science, scientifically appear.
Ready? Now I wrote a really important message for you kids, okay? Because it's true and
you'll admit that it's true. Do you know what the message is? Let's see. Now you saw the
paper there a minute ago. You weren't able to see anything, but right now my message
is to you kids, "Kids have smelly feet."
And you know it's true. I just made invisible ink using nothing but milk and Q-Tips and
a pencil. Go make a note. You can make something fun like this, give it to daddy, give it to
mommy and have them see how important you are and how amazing science truly is. Go have