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  • MISKO HEVERY: Hi, my name is Misko Hevery.

  • I'm the father of AngularJS.

  • BRAD GREEN: And I'm Brad Green, and I will play

  • Angular's manager today.

  • It's what I do.

  • All right, so we wanted to take some time in front of you

  • folks-- thanks for coming, by the way-- talking about what

  • it is that drove us to build Angular.

  • Because we think, when people come and look at the Angular

  • framework, a lot of times they see the features of Angular,

  • and maybe we're not very clear about what we meant.

  • When they come to see the features, they see what we

  • call the three D's--

  • directives, dependency injection, and data-binding.

  • But we're passionate about some very different things.

  • We just happened to arrive at these features along the way.

  • So Misko, why don't you talk about what do you care the

  • most about web development?

  • MISKO HEVERY: So web development, if you think

  • about it, is all about getting data to the browser, and then

  • back to the database.

  • And so one of the things that you end up doing is a whole

  • lot of boilerplate marshaling of the data back and forth.

  • And after you build a couple of web applications, you're

  • just getting tired of writing the same thing

  • over and over again.

  • And it's kind of getting in the way of just building the

  • actual stuff.

  • And so, the boilerplate is one of the things that we really

  • wanted to eliminate as much as possible

  • inside of our codebase.

  • BRAD GREEN: Right.

  • So we thought that if we can distill our apps-- if we could

  • boil them down, maybe--

  • to their essence, about just what adds value to the app,

  • then it'd be very much--

  • it's easier to build these applications, but also easier

  • to understand.

  • We spend a lot more time reading code than writing it.

  • So we thought that would be cool.

  • MISKO HEVERY: So the next thing is, every single

  • application I've ever been on, it was structured

  • in some other way.

  • And having a common way of structuring the application

  • means the developer can easily bring--

  • come up to speed on your codebase, and we can easily

  • move between projects.

  • And so giving structure to the applications is another

  • important thing.

  • BRAD GREEN: What is that shape, Misko?

  • MISKO HEVERY: That's a scaffolding, sir.

  • BRAD GREEN: Do you know how to draw scaffolding?


  • I do not get paid to draw.

  • I get paid to write code.

  • BRAD GREEN: OK, good thing.

  • Good thing.

  • MISKO HEVERY: And then lastly, I'm a big fan of testability,

  • and so we put a lot of testing effort into our framework.

  • But it's not enough to just build a framework

  • which itself is tested.

  • It's all about making sure that the people--

  • developers writing code, using the framework will have easy

  • time testing.

  • And so one of things we wanted to make sure is the way the

  • framework is structured naturally leads you down the

  • stability path

  • BRAD GREEN: That's right.

  • And we believe that if you're shipping software, you better

  • be shipping tested software.

  • So we really wanted to make that easy.

  • So let's go back to a few years to 2009, where I think I

  • said, Misko, you should go learn JavaScript.

  • This seems like the new thing.

  • And what did you do?

  • What was your first inclination as a newbie in the

  • world of JavaScript?

  • What did you do?

  • MISKO HEVERY: Well, write a framework.

  • What else would you do?

  • BRAD GREEN: That's right, every newbie

  • should write a framework.

  • It's a good policy.

  • MISKO HEVERY: So the idea behind Angular-- the original

  • Angular was actually a little different, which was that

  • there's a lot of web designers out there, people who are not

  • really programmers, developers per se, but they know how to

  • put HTML together because it's so declarative, and

  • it's easy to do.

  • And so, could we enable the web designers to be able to

  • build a very trivial, simple application just by a dropping

  • little bit of extra markup logic into the HTML?

  • So you don't even have to manage your backend.

  • You have some database in the cloud, and you include the

  • script tag, put a little bit of extra tags, and all of a

  • sudden, your form becomes persistable form and can send

  • email, and things of that sort.

  • BRAD GREEN: That's right.

  • You know, this eye-stabbingly yellow logo, right?

  • MISKO HEVERY: You have something against yellow?

  • BRAD GREEN: I got better.

  • MISKO HEVERY: All right.

  • BRAD GREEN: All right, so fast forward just a little bit to--

  • we were on a project together.

  • And I remember Misko-- this was a project

  • called Google Feedback.

  • And Misko, you and the other developers on the project were

  • kind of unhappy with our development pace?


  • The velocity was not so great.

  • We spent about six months, three of us working on this

  • particular project.

  • 17,000 lines of code later, we were really not making the

  • progress we wanted to make.

  • And so we're frustrated.

  • And so in my frustration, I went to Brad, and I said, you

  • know, Brad, I'm working on this thing in my free time,

  • kind of an open source project.

  • And I bet you I could rewrite the whole thing in two weeks.

  • BRAD GREEN: And I said, go for it, because two weeks--

  • whatever.

  • But I don't think you quite made it in two weeks.

  • MISKO HEVERY: No, I didn't make it in two weeks.

  • It took me three weeks.

  • And 1,500 lines of code later, we actually have rewritten the

  • whole application.

  • BRAD GREEN: I was impressed.

  • And this was kind of the start where I though, well, Angular

  • seems like it could be a thing unto itself, not just a part

  • of Google Feedback as the way it was.

  • And this is where we decided we would spin it off into its

  • own entity.

  • MISKO HEVERY: So what exactly is it to build a single-page

  • application?

  • Well, you have a database, and you the browser, and the stuff

  • in the middle is really what we're talking about, right?

  • And so to have a single-page application is really all

  • about modifying the DOM-- you know, the divs, the spans, the

  • uls, the lis, the tables, and so forth.

  • You need to transfer it from one state to another state,

  • because that essentially is going to drive

  • the rendering engine.

  • But the thing that's different between [? round-tree ?]

  • applications and single-page applications that you have to

  • deal a lot of it about the internal thing called RAM.

  • BRAD GREEN: Memory.

  • MISKO HEVERY: Memory.

  • Memory, I see.

  • BRAD GREEN: We call it memory these days.

  • MISKO HEVERY: So the heap of the program, right?

  • So instead of getting the data in line with your HTML to get

  • data separately, you load it into the memory.

  • And now the problem becomes once we get it to memory, how

  • do we get it to the DOM?

  • And then back when the user interacts into the memory, and

  • into the database?

  • And so our passion really became how do we simplify this

  • flow of data to the DOM, and back to the database.

  • And this is essentially what became Angular.

  • BRAD GREEN: Right.

  • And we got a logo.

  • But let's see how this works.

  • And we're going to go to an example of the basics of

  • moving back and forth.

  • And this is one of those three D's--

  • and we'll actually describe them-- not our goals.

  • But it's important.

  • So data-binding, the way this works.

  • We've got a--

  • just in a template, we're actually able to express kind

  • of an interesting case.

  • Well, let's actually see how this works before we

  • dive into the code.

  • So Misko's a text box here, and you'll notice how he

  • types, the words that he types appears below, and the word

  • "hi" appears when there's something in the box.

  • So if he deletes all the text in the box, the word "hi" goes

  • away, and we don't see anything.

  • So let's go back and take a look at how this works.

  • So at the top, you'll notice in the HTML tag, we have an

  • extra attribute that is not actually

  • part of the HTML spec.

  • And there-- all these things in green are--

  • these are extensions we've added.

  • And we call them directives.

  • But they allow us to assemble the application

  • in interesting ways.

  • And here on the input field, what we've said is that the

  • model for our data-- the place in memory where this lives--

  • we're going to name it with an object called "user," and we

  • have a property called "name." And that we want this thing

  • synced up, so that whenever somebody types that in memory,

  • it should update this, and we

  • can use that elsewhere.

  • So right below it in the paragraph tag, we want to

  • place that text.

  • So what we do in double curlies-- we call this

  • interpolation--

  • we're able to place that text right in there just by putting

  • those double curlies in.

  • This is a familiar syntax that's used in other

  • templatinig languages.

  • But we're also able to use it not only to modify what data

  • is there, but to control whether it's shown or hidden.

  • So in the p tag, we have ng-show equals username.

  • Well, what this says is that showing and hiding should be

  • controlled by presence of text in there.

  • If there's no text, hide it.

  • If there's text, show it.

  • But we had an interesting eureka moment in here, which

  • is that our templating system was actually HTML, which means

  • you can use all your existing HTML editors, such as

  • Dreamweaver, or your HTML editor inside of your IDE.

  • And this is in stark contrast to most other templating

  • systems that happen to be templating languages of their

  • own, and just happen to produce HTML on the end.

  • This is actually HTML all the way through.

  • And that makes it easy for people to pick up and learn,

  • such as for web developers-- or, for web designers who are

  • already familiar with the HTML paradigm.

  • BRAD GREEN: That's right, but data-binding isn't the whole

  • story, right?

  • So we also want to put in but some other bits when we create

  • an application.

  • MISKO HEVERY: So at the beginning, I mentioned the

  • idea was, could I build a very simple web application without

  • having actually any kind of logic inside--

  • without having to write any logic, any program just by

  • using data-binding?

  • And if you wanted to build a real application, sooner or

  • later you come to the situation where, well, you

  • have to put the logic in there.

  • And so it's not sufficient to just have a good data-binding

  • story, but also have a good story about how do we manage

  • all the code that has to be written, and how does the code

  • interact with the data-binding, as well.

  • BRAD GREEN: That's right.

  • And let's take a look at another example.

  • So here we've got a slightly more complex example where

  • we've got two files-- one index.html on the left, end

  • UserController.js on the right.

  • And again, let's take a look at how this works before we

  • walk through the code.

  • So Misko's going to open his second tab, and we've got a

  • text input.

  • We've got the word "Larry" in there.

  • And when he clicks the word--

  • the bye button, it says, "bye Larry." Nothing too complex.

  • But if he changes the text and clicks bye, it updates to use

  • "Google I/O" as the text.

  • OK, let's take a look at how we do this.

  • So now, we've got--

  • we need some logic.

  • We need some way to take that text that somebody typed, and

  • move it somewhere where we can use in our bye button.

  • So our template on the left-hand side, we're adding

  • another piece to the template.

  • We are now telling Angular to construct a template that

  • relates to some code.

  • And in this case, we're specifying that a class called

  • UserController we're going to use to manage

  • this part of the DOM.

  • And this is some new syntax, so for people who have used

  • Angular before, this is some new syntactic sugar we'll be

  • releasing tomorrow.

  • But we're able to create an alias for UserController.

  • We're just going to call it UControl and then we can refer

  • to it later.

  • And what we'll see is that we can put attributes on UControl

  • that we want to access as part of our model.

  • So the input will bind to UControl.user.first.

  • And for clicking the button-- when users click it-- it will

  • specific an ng-click there that UControl should call the

  • bye function that we defined there on the right-hand side.

  • MISKO HEVERY: But I wanted to point out something over here,

  • which is that the UserController has no access

  • to the DOM.

  • There's also no special thing you have to inherit from, no

  • special way that you have to instantiate your model, other

  • than regular object.

  • And notice there is no API one has to call inside of Angular.

  • This is really just a plain old JavaScript type that

  • exists in JavaScript.

  • BRAD GREEN: Right.

  • And maybe even more importantly, notice that

  • there's no new-- we never call new on UserController.

  • We don't create it.

  • Just by specifying in the ng-controller tag, Angular

  • knows enough to create it at the right moment when this

  • view comes into my application.

  • It creates a controller, and attaches it-- or, it hands it

  • the right things in the DOM.

  • MISKO HEVERY: Right So when you have a model-view

  • controller, in Angular, everything is driven by the

  • view on the left-hand side over here.

  • And the view says I need the controller, and so the

  • instantiation of the controller has to happen,

  • which then goes ahead and instantiates the model.

  • Now the thing to notice over here is that all of the arrows

  • point away from the view, and into the

  • controller or the model.

  • And because the arrows point in this particular direction,

  • it means that one doesn't have to start with the view.

  • One can start with instantiating the controller

  • and the model separately.

  • And this is very wonderful in tests.

  • And also, this allows you to easily reskin your application

  • for different devices.

  • BRAD GREEN: Right.

  • And what this really means is that my view and my controller

  • and my model are decoupled, meaning I could change the

  • view with the same business logic and the same model for

  • maybe different devices, or different use cases.

  • So Misko, let's talk about how this assembly of the

  • application actually works then.

  • MISKO HEVERY: So here, we're taking a simple case, which we

  • just saw with the hello world, and making it a little more

  • complicated by saying instead of popping up a dialog box,

  • maybe we can use a voice synthesis to actually say the

  • words that we're about to display in the LR box.

  • So in this case, we again need to have a UserController, but

  • notice the UserController says it needs VoiceSynth.

  • And below, we have a definition of what Voicesynth

  • might look like, which then uses the web audio to actually

  • speak to-- to generate the text, and speak

  • it through the speakers.

  • And a thing to notice over here is that the view says it

  • needs a UserController.

  • And the dependency injection system that tries to

  • instantiate the controller, but it notices--

  • a-ha--

  • but in order to get the UserController going, I need

  • to have a VoiceSynth object.

  • So then it goes one level lower and says, OK, let me

  • make one of the voice synth.

  • But again, it sees, well, I need a web audio, so it goes

  • one level further yet, and it tries-- it

  • instantiates web audio.

  • Hopefully, that has no dependencies.

  • And then it takes the web audio instance, puts it inside

  • of the VoiceSynth instance, which then is placed inside of

  • the UserController instance.

  • And the whole controller is then handed over to the view.

  • BRAD GREEN: But let's talk a little bit about how this

  • actually works.

  • Like nowhere in my UserController do I actually

  • directly refer to VoiceSynth?

  • MISKO HEVERY: That's right.

  • So normally, when you have a constructor parameter, such as

  • over here, those don't matter.

  • I mean, they're only there for the user-- for the developer

  • to kind of understand what's going on.

  • But in our case, we actually look at the actual text, and

  • we use the VoiceSynth key to match it up against the

  • VoiceSynth class so that we can instantiate it.

  • BRAD GREEN: Right, very cool.

  • Now this is great for building my app, and

  • rearranging my app.

  • If I go to refactor my application, this is cool.

  • But it's also great in testing.

  • MISKO HEVERY: That's right.

  • So let's say we wanted to test this thing.

  • So first of all, we probably don't want to instantiate the

  • whole HTML5 DOM.

  • That's expensive.

  • So we'll start a layer lower, and we're going to say, well,

  • that's just instantiated UserController.

  • But tests don't hear.

  • They don't have ears.

  • BRAD GREEN: They hear very poorly.


  • And so we would really like to do is replace the VoiceSynth--

  • the actual voice synthesizer--

  • with a VoiceSynthMock.

  • And so what we're really trying to tell to the

  • dependency injection system is that we're going to change the

  • recipe by which you build the application slightly so that

  • we can get a subset of the application going configured

  • in a slightly different way.

  • And once we get the subset, it's very easy to apply

  • stimulus to it, and assert that the right methods get

  • called on a VoiceSynth.

  • BRAD GREEN: Right.

  • OK, let's take minute and step back, and talk about what do

  • we got so far.

  • MISKO HEVERY: So we have this imperative world, and we have

  • this declarative world, imperative world being, let's

  • say I wanted to center something.

  • In imperative world, you have to compute the width of the

  • page, the width of the thing you want to center, divide it

  • by half to get the midpoint, align the midpoints, and then

  • render the text that you want.

  • The trouble with this way of doing it is when somebody else

  • comes afterwards and looks at the code, and they're going to

  • have to reverse-engineer.

  • What is the side effect of this piece of code?

  • Declarative is, on the other hand, if you simply say I want

  • to center to this thing, and it doesn't matter where the

  • implementation is.

  • And actually, the concept of centering might actually be

  • implemented slightly differently in different

  • browsers, as long as the end result is the same thing.

  • And so, up to now, usually when you have a framework, the

  • developers really are just, hand it over, and say, you get

  • to use this imperative thing-- this is you, you can play with

  • it any way you want.

  • But the declarative thing, well, we'll have the framework

  • give you some vocabulary for the declarative stuff, but

  • it's essentially fixed.

  • So we thought, wouldn't it be great if we could take this

  • vocabulary and extend it.

  • And this was our a-ha moment, and saying, hm, why are we in

  • some way special that we can create vocabulary, but the

  • developer can't?

  • What if we gave the same tools to the developer, as well?

  • And so we have a change in Angular in that the developer

  • gets to use the imperative or gets to use the declarative

  • world, depending on what they feel like is the best way to

  • solve this particular problem.

  • BRAD GREEN: That's right.

  • Let's take a look at some examples.

  • So we've seen how directives can be used to express the way

  • we wire our application together with ng-model and

  • ng-controller, and the way we change the structure of the

  • DOM with ng-show, as we saw.

  • But you can also use it to create reusable components.

  • For example, if I wanted maybe a star rating component, I

  • could, after implementing it, then just use it in my

  • template by saying, angle-bracket-rating, and then

  • pass the data to it that it needs through its attributes.

  • You can create more complex things where you've got

  • nested, or components that need to collaborate.

  • For example, a set of tabs will have the information

  • about which one is highlighted, and which one

  • should I paint with a box around it.

  • And then the individual tabs inside will contain the title

  • and the content.

  • You could also do it not just by element name, but also by

  • attribute name.

  • And so you can create things like a tool tip, where you

  • could place it on a span or on a tab or in a rating, or

  • anything else in the UI.

  • OK, we've covered kind of the basics in Angular.

  • And now let's take it back to the way we were kind of

  • creating apps before we wrote the Angular framework.

  • We weren't using jQuery, but we're going to use jQuery here

  • because we feel like a lot of folks know it.

  • We've got a simple application.

  • Misko's going to show us.

  • MISKO HEVERY: It says you're going to tap dance, but you

  • got no shoes.

  • BRAD GREEN: I took them off because I knew

  • that line was in there.

  • And then we're going to rewrite the application in

  • Angular, and show some of the differences.

  • MISKO HEVERY: So here's a very simple application.

  • All it really does is it shows you a list of projects.

  • And what you can do is you can add, and it brings you to the

  • detailed view.

  • Notice when I click the Add, it's a single-page

  • application, the URL didn't actually change.

  • It's the same URL.

  • I can say something over here, hit Save, and now I have my

  • new item inside of the list.

  • I can further click on it, and delete it.

  • BRAD GREEN: I should mention, there is a very simple RESTful

  • server running a node on the backend here that we used to

  • persist the project.

  • MISKO HEVERY: So really, it's just an

  • application with two views--

  • very simple.

  • And what's strange about this thing is that it takes me two

  • sentences to explain what it does, yet it takes me about

  • 200 lines of both HTML and JavaScript to actually

  • implement this.

  • And so there's a little bit of a disconnect over there.

  • So what does this look like?

  • Well, so this is a list of projects.

  • And in this case, we have a template, which is a table.

  • And inside of the table head, we have this plus on the

  • right-hand side.

  • And notice what we have to do here.

  • We have to say, well, there's a link-- so that it looks like

  • a link-- but actually, it actually goes nowhere.

  • Inside of JavaScript later on, I'll show you, you basically

  • have to set up a click listener, and we have to

  • prevent the default behavior of the browser-- which is to

  • navigate to a link--

  • and actually just modify the DOM to

  • render the details page.

  • And this kind of breaks the paradigm of what a web

  • application is supposed to be.

  • And so we'll show you how Angular can make better usage

  • of this thing.

  • The other thing is that in the table row, the same kind of a

  • click has to happen, but there's no-- it isn't clear

  • what the text goes inside of here.

  • And so we actually have to get a hold of this thing from the

  • JavaScript side, as well.

  • We do something similar for the form for the details view.

  • So let's have a look at how is this implemented in

  • JavaScript.

  • So the first thing you're going to notice is that

  • there's a tremendous number of selectors that have to get

  • executed in order to get a hold of the right

  • pieces of the DOM.

  • And what the selectors essentially end up doing is

  • they are essentially creating the arrow going in the

  • opposite direction from the code to the view that creates

  • coupling, and it makes it difficult for a web designer

  • to come in and move things around, and number break the

  • CSS selectors that select them.

  • BRAD GREEN: Even if we're using IDs, it's still fragile.

  • It's still something that you have to be careful about when

  • you move things around.

  • MISKO HEVERY: That's right.

  • And so this basically shows you how we rendered the page

  • on the right-hand side.

  • So we had this show method--

  • what it does is, well, it has to assume that there might

  • have been a different page before, so it has to remove

  • the existing content.

  • It has to add its template to it.

  • It has to remove any existing projects that happened to be

  • inside of the template before.

  • And it has to set up this click listener, which I talked

  • to you-- mentioned briefly before, which does the

  • navigation for one page to another.

  • We then go and do an Ajax to the server.

  • And for each project, we basically do clone of the

  • table row, write the data into the right locations.

  • And again, we have to set up a click listener which

  • transitions us from the detail to the--

  • I'm sorry, from the list view to the detail view.

  • And so, what's lost in the process over here is it's not

  • clear what this thing actually does.

  • There's tons of DOM manipulation, and the actual

  • business logic of this particulate

  • page is lost in here.

  • BRAD GREEN: Right.

  • So let's fast forward, and let's

  • reimplement it in Angular.

  • Let's see how it's different.

  • MISKO HEVERY: So let's look at the template again.

  • What we have done is we have removed the templates from

  • index.html and replaced them with something called a view.

  • So this is essentially a hole into which individual pages

  • will be loaded.

  • And the actual pages get moved into a separate file.

  • BRAD GREEN: Now this template, the top of the template right

  • now-- if this was a more complex application, this is

  • where we would put maybe are top nav, or our left-hand nav.

  • But here it's simple.

  • We just have one view that we swap in and out.

  • MISKO HEVERY: Exactly.

  • Now notice, instead of registering a click listener

  • for this href, we let the href do what the web does best,

  • which is create links.

  • So this case, we're saying, look, there is a sub-view of

  • this particular page, which is the slash project with no ID.

  • And this is what's tied to the URL.

  • So now if I reload this application, and I click on

  • the plus, notice that the URL has changed.

  • Now a nice side effect of this is all of a sudden, our back

  • and forth button just work without really any effort

  • whatsoever.

  • BRAD GREEN: Now, we could have done that in the jQuery

  • reversion--

  • just a lot more work.

  • MISKO HEVERY: We could have done it, and it would

  • be a lot more work.

  • But this is a model that people are very familiar with,

  • that developers are familiar with, because it's the kind of

  • round-trip application model, except the round-trip, it all

  • happens in the browser.

  • There's no actual round-tripping.

  • This is still a single-page application that we have here.

  • So the next thing to notice is that, instead of manually

  • making clones on the table row, we have this other

  • directive called an ng-repeat, which basically says for each

  • project in the list of projects--

  • and I'll explain where the list of

  • projects comes in a second--

  • we just want to have a copy of the TR, and this does the

  • copying and cloning and managing it automatically.

  • The next thing is that all of the double curlies shown over

  • here naturally show us where things belong, so we don't

  • have to have selectors to place them there.

  • And finally, again, we have an example of deep-linking where,

  • if you want to click on an Edit button, it just means

  • that we want to update the URL with a specific ID in the URL

  • that becomes bookmarkable.

  • And again, all the magic of bookmarks happens

  • automatically for us.

  • So let's look at how this changes inside of the

  • JavaScript.

  • And this is the goal that we were more after, which was, if

  • you want to explain to somebody what this particular

  • page does, it's just as simple as saying, give

  • me a list of projects.

  • It's a single sentence.

  • And I want this to be a single statement inside

  • of my code, as well.

  • So in this case, we're saying we have a project list

  • controller that is a single item in there.

  • So how did we know to load this particular controller?

  • Well, if we look over here, this is

  • where we set up routes.

  • We're saying we're emulating kind of a round-trip

  • application, but in the browser.

  • So we have to say that when the URL--

  • which is shown right here--

  • is a regular slash, we activate the project list

  • controller and the project list template.

  • And so the project list controller simply says, go to

  • the database, and fetch me a project query.

  • BRAD GREEN: OK, so there's something

  • interesting going on here.

  • We should explain.

  • When we query, we're actually connecting to the database,

  • but you'll notice, there's no call-backs there.

  • What's really going on, Miska?

  • MISKO HEVERY: So this is a place where we get to take

  • advantage of data-binding in a very unique way.

  • So project.query query does essentially an XHR in the

  • background.

  • And the way it does this is that it returns immediately,

  • but it returns an empty set, because the server will

  • respond in some future point in time with

  • the actual data set.

  • And it takes that ng-array, and just

  • assigns it to the project.

  • So when the ng-repeat gets notified to say, hey, I have a

  • new data for you inside of the projects, it simply says, oh,

  • there's nothing there, and therefore it renders nothing.

  • But at some future point in time, the data actually does

  • show up, and updates the same instance of the array, which

  • then automatically causes the ng-repeat to unroll itself and

  • make as many copies of the project as you have.

  • So in the simple situation where all you need is to fetch

  • some data and render it, we can actually bypass the whole

  • need to have a call back.

  • Now the second thing is, where did the project come from?

  • This is where dependency injection comes in, and this

  • is how the application actually gets assembled, which

  • we kind of mentioned that earlier.

  • So right above here, it says a project can be made by using

  • something called a resource.

  • A resource is just a service in Angular that we can use to

  • build JavaScript types for the RESTful backend services.

  • So we're just saying, this is going to be a standard RESTful

  • object, which we can just use query on to

  • fetch the data set.

  • And again, notice that the application gets automatically

  • assembled for us.

  • So just simply by navigating to the right URL causes the

  • right route to be activated, which then activates the right

  • controller, which then knows to go and make a new project,

  • which then knows to build the project using the resource.

  • And the whole application gets assembled without us ever

  • having to do any of this stuff.

  • Similarly, inside of the project [? details ?]

  • controller, we can simply say, show me an existing project or

  • a new project, depending on whether we have an ID or not.

  • BRAD GREEN: So how many lines of code do we have?

  • MISKO HEVERY: So we are about 40 lines of code.

  • And we actually added a new behavior, because we have

  • deep-linking available for us.

  • BRAD GREEN: OK, that's very cool.

  • As your manager, however, I need to ask you to add more

  • features to this application.

  • MISKO HEVERY: More features?

  • OK

  • BRAD GREEN: Miska, could you please add more features?

  • MISKO HEVERY: What feature would you like to add?

  • BRAD GREEN: OK, well, thanks.

  • So this is a list of projects--

  • probably frameworks.

  • People like to write frameworks, as we know.

  • It could get long.

  • How about add the ability to filter how many frameworks are

  • there if I want to search for the one I want.

  • MISKO HEVERY: So the first thing you need to add is an

  • input box, right?

  • So if I refresh now, I have an input box.

  • And if I type into it, this text actually ends up in the

  • memory location called search text.

  • Now we need to do something with this particular case.

  • Now one of things we have-- and I'm sure you're familiar

  • with in UNIX-- is the concept of filters, which we have, as

  • well as using a simple pipe-character.

  • And we can run it through kind of a special [? mini-ask ?]

  • functions.

  • In this case, there's a function called filter--

  • I know the naming is a bit confusing.

  • BRAD GREEN: I see, yeah.

  • MISKO HEVERY: But what a filter does it just looks

  • through the list of objects in an array, and sees if any of

  • the objects happen to have a text inside of it that matches

  • the search text criteria inside of the input box.

  • So now if I refresh this, you will see that as I type the

  • word "web," it will show only those projects that actually

  • have the word "web" inside of them.

  • Notice how the repeater automatically grows and

  • shrinks as the filtering changes.

  • BRAD GREEN: OK, very cool.

  • However, modern applications use animation to show me-- to

  • give me a more intuitive sense of what's going.

  • Could you maybe animate the items in the

  • list in and out as--

  • MISKO HEVERY: Do you understand how complicated

  • animations are?

  • BRAD GREEN: I don't.

  • I'm a manager.

  • MISKO HEVERY: I see.


  • So animations--

  • as you guys all know, I'm sure-- are complex things,

  • because you have to add things to the DOM before they

  • actually come on to stage, then you have to transition

  • them to keep track of timers, remove things, and so on.

  • And this is where the power of the declarative world really

  • comes from.

  • Because really, what I want to express to when I'm building

  • the application is there is something called animation.

  • And I want to animate this thing using a slide animation.

  • A slide animation is just something I've declared inside

  • of my CSS, as this is the set of transitions we want to

  • apply to the system.

  • But actually managing the DOM's add and removing,

  • setting the classes at the right time is actually managed

  • by this ng-animate directive.

  • So let's refresh this.

  • And notice, as I type "web" now, it removes and adds item

  • in the correct way with just a couple of keystrokes.


  • BRAD GREEN: Sassy.

  • Very sassy.

  • All right, so we're kind of at the end of our coding portion.

  • Miska has, however, added some other interesting features

  • also in sort of a declarative way.

  • But we'll just demo them.

  • You can go to the GitHub repository.

  • We'll give you a link at the end of the session.

  • But you can also do things like animate between views.

  • So if I was on a mobile device, I would want to be

  • able to slide back and forth.

  • We've also done form validation, so you can have

  • things that are required, or that are not really required

  • but they have to be in a specific reg-x format, like

  • something must be a URL.

  • And these things, as I mentioned, we can add in also

  • a purely declarative way.

  • These are well-understood problems.

  • We can just put them in the template.

  • So we should talk about a couple of other things before

  • we wrap up.

  • One of the things that people tell us is

  • fantastic about Angular--

  • besides the framework--

  • is the community.

  • And there thousands--

  • hundreds of thousands of folks in the community who do a

  • great job of helping each other, documenting new things

  • in Angular, adding code, all kinds of things.

  • There are meet-ups that happen regularly.

  • There are-- on our Google group, on Twitter, on Stack

  • Overflow, and Google+.

  • There's a tremendous community.

  • There's an IRC channel that's very active, too.

  • As you can see from the map, there are actually still some

  • places in the world where we would love to see monthly

  • meet-ups, and we'd love to help you make these happen.

  • Let's go next.

  • So the rest of the ecosystem, Angular kind of fits a small

  • piece of the whole web development puzzle.

  • And I think this is kind of cool, because it's made space

  • for other people to create things that fit in the world.

  • We've developed some of them, but a lot of other folks have

  • created things, too.

  • So in the world of tools, one of the things we created is a

  • Chrome Developer Tools plug-in called Batarang.

  • And Batarang lets you visualize your application,

  • visualize your data-bindings, where your template is set up,

  • optimize the performance, and debug it--

  • for all of the Angular-specific concepts.

  • The good folks over WebStorm have created a plug-in that

  • makes it Angular-syntax aware.

  • And a lot of us use WebStorm on the team because of it.

  • We've been working with Addy Osmani and Paul Irish and the

  • other folks on Yeoman to make it very easy to scaffold an

  • Angular application, to update its dependencies, and then to

  • build and deploy it when you're ready.

  • And then, one of our team members, Vojta, has done

  • something I think is extra special.

  • We talk a lot about testing.

  • But making the framework testable was

  • not the full story.

  • He wrote a test-runner called Karma.

  • And Karma, we think, is the fastest, most reliable,

  • easiest test-runner on the planet.

  • Matter of fact, I would say it would change your life.

  • We should do a demo of that later.

  • But it's awesome.

  • Go download it.

  • Search for karma test-runner.

  • It's awesome.

  • Now when we were talking about directives, we said that you

  • can write your own things, like star ratings and

  • tabs and tool tips.

  • And it turns out a lot you don't want to be doing that.

  • And so, there are a ton of directives--

  • web components--

  • that you can just use.

  • And we have things like the Angular UI Project.

  • It's not part of Angular but, they've collected a number of

  • the web components from across the web.

  • And they're specifically a Twitter Bootstrap theme set of

  • components.

  • There are also commercial versions, like KendoUI and

  • Wijmo So you can come out of the box with a whole bunch of

  • components that you just snap together like

  • LEGOs in your template.

  • In the rest of the world of libraries, there are things

  • like BreezeJS that gives you a very rich set of tools for

  • manipulating data that comes from SQL and NoSQL databases.

  • If you want a database in the cloud, there's Firebase, who

  • have created Angular-specific binding so that you can use

  • them with our data-binding system.

  • And the folks at Salesforce recently created a developer

  • tools pack that lets you create Angular applications

  • with Salesforce on the backend on mobile devices.

  • And then there's books.

  • I actually--

  • I wrote one of them, the one with the fish.

  • I think that is the most handsome of the books.

  • But there--

  • I think last count, there are seven books.

  • Really, you should buy them all.

  • I could not choose.

  • All right, so thank you everybody.

  • Thanks so much.

  • We--

  • at the lower right-hand side is the link for our GitHub

  • repository, for the demos that you saw today.

  • Misko and I are available on Twitter and Google+ if you

  • want to reach out to us.

  • We're going to be in the Chrome Sandbox upstairs for

  • the next half hour.

  • We've got a little bit of time for questions.

  • But we'll be there.

  • We'd love to answer questions.

  • We've got some stickers to hand out upstairs.

  • And then Angular books are going to be in that Chrome

  • Sandbox area on Thursday and Friday all day long.

  • Thank you for coming.

  • Really appreciate it.


  • So, let's go over here on the mic.

  • AUDIENCE: So good to see Angular at I/O.

  • BRAD GREEN: Thank you.

  • AUDIENCE: So my question is, how do you configure the curly

  • braces for data-binding?

  • That is configurable, right?

  • I'm using Jekyll with Liquid templates, and there are curly

  • braces used there as well.

  • So I'd like to be able to configure that.

  • And do you recommend against it?

  • MISKO HEVERY: Yes, so there is a interpolation provider which

  • allows you to configure the starting and ending set of

  • sequence of characters that will do this.

  • And so you could use that.

  • The caveat is that, if you're using a third-party library or

  • third-party widget library that assumes curly braces, you

  • might break them.

  • It's not true?


  • Oh, we compensate.

  • Oh, we fixed it now.

  • BRAD GREEN: OK, good.

  • MISKO HEVERY: You can change it using the--

  • BRAD GREEN: It just works.

  • It just works.

  • Thank you, Igor.

  • AUDIENCE: Great, thanks.

  • BRAD GREEN: All right, sure.

  • AUDIENCE: I come from China as a [INAUDIBLE]

  • [? TGD ?]

  • organizer.

  • So I notice that a map, a pocket of all

  • the Angular's community.

  • But in fact, AngularJS [? dot-send ?]

  • is building just users [INAUDIBLE].

  • In fact, in China, it is very--

  • so many people like AngularJS.

  • so my question is how make the AngularJS community, and you

  • can address--

  • you can know it.

  • I just want to--

  • I think you [? might ?].

  • You're not quite [? sure? ?]

  • BRAD GREEN: I'm kind of missing the question.

  • AUDIENCE: I'm trying to say [INAUDIBLE]


  • MISKO HEVERY: I think he's saying there's an awesome



  • BRAD GREEN: You're saying in China, there's a fantastic

  • JavaScript community, and there's AngularJS going on.

  • AUDIENCE: But we lost it in your map.

  • So I have a question, why--


  • Tell me where it should go, and I'll put it on my map.

  • AUDIENCE: OK, thank you.

  • BRAD GREEN: Yeah, that would be awesome.

  • Thank you, thank you.

  • AUDIENCE: How is Google using AngularJS internally?

  • Are there going to be apps that we use?

  • Or that consumers use?

  • BRAD GREEN: Yeah.

  • We've built a lot of internal apps on Angular.

  • Google Feedback was one of them.

  • The two big external applications that we've built

  • on top of it is DoubleClick, which makes

  • some money for Google.

  • This is display advertising.

  • I mean a lot, actually.

  • And then YouTube has built their--

  • it's kind of like an embedded in the PlayStation 3

  • application.

  • So the live player that you get with PlayStation 3, that's

  • built in Angular.

  • There's some more stuff on the way.

  • Can't pre-announce it.

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah, because that's always a concern that you guys

  • keep using it so that it keeps growing, right?

  • BRAD GREEN: Indeed, indeed.

  • It's well-loved within Google.


  • BRAD GREEN: Thank you.

  • And over here.

  • AUDIENCE: First question is, the query--

  • it does have a call back, though, right, if I need it?

  • BRAD GREEN: That's right.

  • You can have a call back if you want to.


  • BRAD GREEN: Yeah, for catching errors, and there's some other

  • reasons you might want [INAUDIBLE].

  • AUDIENCE: And secondly, we think Google-- is there any

  • sort of internal fight with Backbone?

  • BRAD GREEN: There's actually no fight with Backbone in

  • terms of Google.

  • No.

  • There's none.

  • None whatsoever.

  • AUDIENCE: Thank you.

  • BRAD GREEN: Yeah.

  • Yes?

  • AUDIENCE: Hi, yes.

  • I just started using Angular for the first time actually a

  • couple of weeks ago.

  • BRAD GREEN: Thank you.

  • Awesome.

  • AUDIENCE: And I absolutely freaking love it.

  • MISKO HEVERY: Thank you.

  • AUDIENCE: So--

  • BRAD GREEN: Next question.

  • Awesome.

  • No, go.

  • AUDIENCE: The search

  • functionality, it's really nice.

  • But can you talk a little bit about patterns to use when the

  • data set is big, and it needs to be paged in

  • and out, and how--

  • what's the right way of setting up your services?

  • MISKO HEVERY: I think that's way beyond what we

  • can answer on stage.

  • BRAD GREEN: Yeah.

  • I mean, I can point you-- there are several services

  • that help doing this, for help doing the pagination, and

  • doing sort of an infinite scroll effect, which is what

  • folks often want.

  • AUDIENCE: The search, the actual search, right?

  • The ng-search stuff.

  • Not just the scrolling, but the actual--

  • BRAD GREEN: Yeah.

  • So that as you type.

  • You want it like the Google homepage search style thing.

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah, even if I set up like a

  • backend search stuff.

  • BRAD GREEN: As Misko said, there are some details--

  • maybe come up to the Chrome Sandbox, and let's have

  • a chat about it.


  • That's a better way of-- yes.

  • AUDIENCE: Thank you.

  • BRAD GREEN: Yeah Over here?

  • AUDIENCE: OK, first of all, thank you for making Angular.

  • You saved my bacon like two months ago making a site.

  • It's really awesome.

  • Two questions.

  • First, what are your recommendations towards search

  • engine optimization for sites built with Angular?

  • And the other one is, I'm currently trying to get a site

  • done in Angular, but the manager is concerned about

  • users who don't have JavaScript enabled, or what--

  • MISKO HEVERY: What year is this again?

  • BRAD GREEN: I think it's 2002.

  • But no-- so I can't help your manager, because he is living

  • somewhere else.

  • But as far as--

  • what was the first question?


  • BRAD GREEN: SEO, yeah.

  • So there's a recipe for SEO.

  • There's a website called "Year Of Moo." It's

  • this guy named Mateo.

  • He worked with us on the animation directive actually.

  • And he is a very good documented

  • path for doing this.

  • Search for "Year of Moo" angular SEO.

  • MISKO HEVERY: And it has to do with the headless--

  • BRAD GREEN: Using PhantomJS to kind of render your pages.


  • And that wouldn't be penalized by you guys, as Google?

  • Because--


  • AUDIENCE: Since users are--

  • BRAD GREEN: There's no way for Google to know.

  • We see what you finally render.

  • AUDIENCE: Oh, OK Thank you.

  • BRAD GREEN: Sure.

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: So we already built a map with Backbone and other

  • stuff, and we don't have a-- it's like a financial app.

  • So now, do you think I could introduce Angular and, with

  • it's help-- because it's a huge app, a trading app, but

  • lot of Backbone, and a lot of stuff in it.

  • BRAD GREEN: So what is the core of the question?

  • Could you rewrite in Angular?

  • AUDIENCE: I mean, do I have to only rewrite something?

  • Or will it-- can I use this as a part of it?

  • Or how will this help--


  • I think [INAUDIBLE]

  • is [INAUDIBLE] do a full rewrite, or

  • you can do it partially.

  • And one of the things we wanted to make sure that

  • Angular plays nicely with other frameworks so that you

  • could rewrite an app one page at a time, or

  • something like that.

  • So there's even--

  • I've seen some blog posts about people trying to get

  • Angular to run together with Backbone.

  • So they'll use Backbone for the models, and Angular for

  • the data-binding and rendering.

  • So that should be possible.

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah, because we use data-binding of the Backbones.

  • Thanks.

  • MISKO HEVERY: I think we can make time for one more

  • question, and then time is running out.

  • BRAD GREEN: Yes.

  • Right over here?

  • And we'll hit the rest of you up in the sandbox.

  • AUDIENCE: All right, score for me.

  • So I actually have been using it for the past half

  • year, and loving it.

  • I have two very specific questions about ng-switch.

  • So one of them is, lately I've been doing a lot of nested

  • ng-switches.

  • One inside--

  • like for instance, one is true, and inside that another

  • ng-switch, and sometimes a third.

  • Should I be concerned about doing nested ng-switch?

  • That's question number one.

  • MISKO HEVERY: If you're just going to nest just a few

  • ng-switches, it shouldn't be an issue.

  • If you're gonna nest 50 of them, then maybe you should

  • look at a different way of doing it.

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah, OK.

  • That's good to know.

  • So the second one is, is there a good way to do undefine with

  • ng-switch, because I haven't been able to do that very

  • successfully.

  • So what I always have been doing is to actually have the

  • wrapper do a return true or false.

  • And then have it go to web [? branch ?] when true, and

  • then when false--

  • versus when I tried to do one undefined, it just doesn't

  • seem to fall to the right branch.

  • So not sure if anybody else has seen this similar problem.

  • BRAD GREEN: I didn't quite get it.

  • But maybe let's continue this back upstairs.

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah, OK.

  • Cool.

  • BRAD GREEN: Thank you everybody.

  • MISKO HEVERY: Thank you

  • BRAD GREEN: Thanks so much for coming

MISKO HEVERY: Hi, my name is Misko Hevery.

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谷歌I/O 2013 - AngularJS中的設計決策 (Google I/O 2013 - Design Decisions in AngularJS)

  • 73 9
    柏偉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary