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  • (Gasp)

  • [Pow] UAAGH!

  • Cindy!

  • [Pow]

  • [Thud]

  • -Ah!

  • Ah!

  • [Lights Flicker] [Crowbar Drops]

  • [Lights Flicker]

  • [Clanking] [Lights Flicker]

  • [Chainsaw]

  • [Leaf Blower] [Chainsaw]

  • [Chainsaw]

  • [Chainsaw] [Thud]

  • Time to go back down the well, bitch.

  • [Gargley Demon Noises]

  • -Cindy!

  • No

  • Don't hurt him

  • Cindy you have to come outside,

  • the aliens aren't invading -Ah

  • -Aaah

  • Don't worry, Cody.

  • I will save you

  • -Aah

  • -Wait!

  • Wait...

  • Don't do this.

  • You don't have to be evil!

  • I know what happened to you,

  • Tabitha.

  • I know what your mom did.

  • That was wrong!

  • You were just a little girl.

  • You're still that little girl

  • just... a lot more corpsey

  • and... with really bad teeth.

  • But...

  • Maybe all you need is...

  • A mother.

  • -And a father.

  • -We could be...

  • -A family.

  • -Thank you all.

  • Your love has broken the curse

  • and freed my soul.

  • I'll never have to kill again.

  • -Really?

  • -Nah!

  • I'm just screwing with you!

  • [Thud] [Tabitha Screams]

  • I just want to tell you both, good luck.

  • We're all counting on you.

  • [Splash]

  • Watch The Clips Previous + Movie Actors + About the Movie + And More Thing On The Canal


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