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  • All right here we go Stopde Nation!

  • So we are bringing back a favourite series from Madden Mobile.

  • and we are going to do it with a bit of a twist! After the world launch of NBA Live Mobile

  • I want to see

  • The top 5 pulls from Stopde's subs!

  • So I want you to send in to me all your best pulls so that we can share them with the Stopde community.

  • So whatever you have pulled. Elites, legends. I have seen awesome pulls all over twitter - all over instagram

  • Either tag me in a tweet on twitter @stopde_official

  • Send me a DM on instagram or tag me in your pull on instagram @stopde_official as well

  • Let me know what you have pulled and it could be featured in my next top five pulls, which will be released shortly.

  • most likely this weekend, but I am excited what you have pulled and to share with everybody.

  • Make sure when you are doing it to let me know that it is for the top 5 pulls, so that I know that you want me to use it.

  • And then what you would like me to shoutout. Just make it anonymous. Like hey I just want to show this, but I don't want people to know my twitter/instagram

  • say that

  • If you want to shout out your instagram, or you in game name, or your league in NBA Live Mobile. Whatever it is let me know that in the tweet, or in the DM.

  • So there you have it! That is all! I can't wait to see them!

  • It has been a pleasure as always!

  • Stopde out!!

All right here we go Stopde Nation!

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nba直播手機版停德子五大拉鋸戰歸來! (NBA Live Mobile Stopde Subs Top 5 Pulls Returns!)

  • 215 11
    鄒xx posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary