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Hi, I'm Amanda B. Johnson and you're watching DASH: Detailed.
The cryptocurrency network Zcash is set to
launch on October 28th, which is either
forthcoming or has already happened,
depending on when you watch this video.
Zcash is based on Bitcoin and its
primary differentiator from Bitcoin is
that users have the option to encrypt
the details of their transactions.
This means that the sender address, the
recipient address, and the amount sent
can be obscured from public view on the
blockchain. Now some have been asking
around online about how Zcash compares
to Dash and I'm of course happy to
oblige. And now I could make comparisons
between what I consider to be
inconsequential technical details such
as differences in mining algorithms or
block times or coin emission rates, that
sort of thing. But as someone who is
confessedly only interested in the
medium- to long-term outcome of
cryptocurrency competition, I will
instead focus on a chart which I have
dubbed: Amanda's Six Prediction Metrics
for Long-Term Success. The six metrics
I'll be using to compare the two
networks provided that Zcash does in
fact launched on October 28th -- are
Governance, Trajectory of Infrastructure,
Independence of Development, Privacy for
User, Double-Spend Protection in
Real-Time, and User-Friendliness at
Protocol Level. So let's begin. First:
Governance, which is a fancy word for
decision-making process. Decision-making
How are decisions made? Zcash's
governance is exactly the same as
Bitcoin's. It has no additional
improvements, which is to say that if any
portion of the network seeks a change in
development which is not coming from the
team who currently has commit access to
the current code base, there are only
option is to write their own reference
client and attempt a fork. This type of
fork making has been debated
for years in Bitcoin -- of course
unsuccessfully as no forecast happened --
and has actually happened in Ethereum,
resulting in two different Etheria, Ether,
Ethereum. Two of them anyway. This is the
most rudimentary form of governance and
Dash of course has this capability. It
can certainly be forked. The main
differentiator in Dash's voting
mechanism is for users -- rather
stakeholders -- to be able to poll one
another before hand to see who, if
anybody, actually wants to fork. This may
sound simple but it makes all of the
difference in terms of huge development
changes because if one knows ahead of
time that a large portion of the network
wants to fork one, can confidently
execute it without worrying that a
surviving Dash classic chain will
survive and compete with you.
In short the voting mechanism allows all
major investors to get an answer to the
question, should we fork or not? Is it
safe to fork or not? Within less than 24
hours. For rudimentary governance Zcash
gets half a checkmark and for investor
controlled cryptographically provable
voting Dash gets a full checkmark.
Number two: Trajectory of Infrastructure.
By this I mean that with the economic
incentives or disincentives built into
running hardware for the network, is that
network going to tend to expand and
decentralize in its hardware across the
world? Or that going to tend to shrink
and centralized? Here again
Zcash offers no improvement over
Bitcoin in that the only type of
hardware it subsidizes is mining. Being a
proof-of-work network
this means that over time if the network
survives, mining will tend to centralize
into pools as it helps to stabilize
miner payouts and there will as a result
be fewer and fewer Zcash nodes across
the world. In contrast
the Dash network subsidizes both types
of hardware that it needs for its
network to run, namely miners and full
nodes. Or in this case masternodes, Dash's
masternodes are paid a full forty-five
percent of its block reward -- the same as the
miners -- in exchange for holding a
thousand Dash collateral and performing
the network's privacy and instant
confirmation functions. Because Dash's
block subsidies go to both types of
hardware, Dash's node infrastructure to
dollar investment ratio is the highest
out of all existing cryptocurrencies
and continues to grow actually. For a
block reward that subsidizes mining and
only mining, just like Bitcoin, Zcash
gets half a checkmark and for a block
reward which subsidizes mining and
masternodes in equal measure Dash gets
a full checkmark. Three: Independence of
Development. And by this I mean that it
is the block reward itself or blockchain
reserves or anything like that which
funds development rather than grants and
handouts from third parties who almost
invariably would like something in
return for their contribution. Now
guidance and labor for Zcash's
development is said to be planned to
come right out of the Zcash foundation.
This chart here shows the percentage of
block reward that is planned to go
towards supporting the Zcash
Foundation for assuming developmental
purposes at very least. But this subsidy
expires four years after Zcoin's launch,
leaving the network with developers
seeking a paycheck. And we've seen what
happens when developers are left wanting
a paycheck.
In contrast 10% of Dash's block reward --
also called its treasury -- is set to
indefinitely be paid to keep development
independent. And furthermore, unlike
Zcash whose development payouts are
hard-coded to a specific receiving
address, in Dash it is the voters who can
decide whom to pay and whom not to pay.
And anyone can be hired or fired at any
given time. For this effort to remain
independent in development for four
Zcash gets half a checkmark and for the
effort to remain independent and
development indefinitely, Dash gets a
full checkmark. Number four: Privacy for
User, which as it sounds is the ability
for a user to opt to obfuscate the trail
of their coins on the blockchain as they
are sent from point A to point B. Now in
Zcash this offering is it based on a
bit of cryptography known as a zero
knowledge proof. That is to say that when
a user broadcast their transaction to
miners, the miners are able to tell
whether it's valid or not based upon
whether that user was able to generate a
string of information that they only
would have been able to generate if they
did in fact own the corresponding
private key.
This feature is said to be available on
demand to users who would like to employ
it. In contrast, in Dash the privacy
feature is offered via coin mixing that
is executed for users by the masternode
network in this way the various private
keys of various users are able to be
trustlessly swapped with one another,
which is to say that users need not
revoke their private keys during any
period of time during the mixing. However,
it is not available on demand in that
people must mix before they seek to send
the transaction and depending on how
much Dash there is to be mixed this can
be time-consuming in the current
iteration and user base. For these
reasons Zcash gets a full check for
and Dash gets a half. Five: Double-Spend
Protection in Real-Time. And by this I
mean the ability of the currency to be
used in retail environments where the
merchant needs to be quite sure at the
moment they receive payment that they
can confidently give the customer the
good or service they've purchased and
not worry that that transaction will be
reversed within minutes.
Zcash offers no double-spend protection
whatsoever and so anyone trading would
need to wait the up to two-and-a-half
minutes which is the Zcash block time,
to get a first confirmation. Dash, in
contrast, thankfully has developed a way
of querying quorums of masternodes to
offer locks on inputs of transactions so
that users who desire to pay an
additional fee to get InstantSend can
receive five confirmations in less than
a second, enabling real-world retail
transactions to take place
sans the fear of getting double spent.
For this Zcash receives no checkmarks
and Dash gets one. And six:
User-Friendliness at the Protocol Level,
which is to say that your mother or --
let's get crazy -- even your grandmother
would feel comfortable using the system
as a replacement for the type of money
they've been using their entire lives.
And I say protocol level because there
are many third-party centralized
services who are more than happy to make
cryptocurrencies easy to use. As an
example Bitholla or Coinbase or any of
these other services which make Bitcoin
feel more like PayPal. But at the end of
the day they are a centralized party
running a centralized server which could
be DDoSed at any old time. And if they were
offering a widely, globally used money, a
simple DDoS attack would be the end of
money as we know it.
not going to happen. Not acceptable. When
I asked Zooko Wilcox today on Twitter -- by
the way Zuko being the founder of Zcash --
he -- thank you for your time and
kindly response -- responded that there is
no such plan or roadmap and that he
hopes that third-party services make
those kinds of offerings. Again, making
Zcash no different from Bitcoin in terms
of its ability or non-ability to be
safely used by a non-tech savvy person
without relying on trusted third parties.
In very deep contrast you will find at a highly
detailed road map of a forthcoming
product offering called Evolution which
will offer PayPal-like feeling things
like usernames and the ability to have
transactions moderated and password
resets and joint accounts and etc etc on
the protocol level itself. Now it's not
yet been released, and certainly remains
to be seen.
So in this case where Zcash gets no
checkmark, Dash gets a half a checkmark.
And that wraps up the scoring for
Amanda's Six Prediction Metrics of
Long-Term success and so when we add up
the tallies Zcash comes in with
two-and-a-half and Dash comes in with
double that at five. So if that's really
the case
what's with all the seeming hype?
Why do so many enthusiasts and investors
and developers seem to think that
something really big is about to be born
Well I have a sort of theory that is...
That in the crypto sphere, which is very
small in terms of the global population,
there are primarily and perhaps even
almost entirely two types of buyers and
two types alone. One is the type of buyer
who's self-identity and self-esteem is
based heavily on considering themselves
to be early adopters. This theory was
strengthened in my mind recently when
MIT released the results of a study that
they had been conducting unbeknownst
to me on those graduates that they gave
Bitcoin to in 2014.
If you don't recall, in late 2014 all MIT
graduates were offered a hundred dollars
worth of free Bitcoin. But what I didn't
know is that there were people who were
making sure that a portion of the
graduates -- the portion which considers
themselves early adopters -- they made sure
that they got access to the Bitcoin
after everybody else.
The study's authors then found that
because of their delayed access to the
technology these formerly early adopters
shunned it and sold it within a week or
two of having been given it.
This led the study's authors to surmise
that this type of person -- the type of
person who prides himself on being an
early adopter -- would rather not
participate in a new technology at all
rather than come into it a little later
than his peers.
Now that's investor type one. Investor
type two is the kind of person who wants
to make a buck or ten or a hundred on
trading cryptocurrencies but has a lack
of understanding in the fundamentals of
the various cryptos. Because of this, he
looks to authority figures to tell him
what he should and shouldn't buy. Lest
you think I'm alone in this theory
check out this little gem from the movie
"The Big Short" in which the movies hero
character -- the one who in real life made
hundreds and hundreds of millions of
dollars shorting the housing market --
check out what he has to say about what
many or most speculators do when
deciding what they should buy or sell:
"People want an authority to tell them
how to value things but they choose this
authority not based on facts or results,
they choose it because it seems
authoritative and familiar." Familiar and
authoritative. Authoritative and familiar
the very publicly named list of pre-
investors and Zcash are both familiar
and authoritative. And so it well maybe
that not only Zcash potentially but the
entire crypto sphere is populated
primarily with these two types of people:
one, the type who desperately want to be
seen as early adopters because it makes
them feel good in their hearts and, two:
the types would like to make a buck but
don't really understand what is what and
so wait to be told what is good and what
is bad by familiar authoritative figures.
What remains to be seen however, is
whether any of us fast-talking,
deal-making, wanna be wolves of block
street can actually make a product which
the average person pays to use. It's a
wild wild west out there in currency
competition land. May the best coin
win. That's been it for DASH:Detailed.
Subscribe for a new video every
Wednesday and we'll see you next week.
In both the Bitcoin and Ethereum
networks rather large business critical
decisions have divided the online
communities pretty severely. Think about
how a centralized company could work --
they know who their stakeholders are.
they probably know how to email them, or
call them. And so it's not at all novel
to get a poll of what an organization
it's just that in a decentralized
blockchain-based network a new way has
to be invented of doing it.