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  • Alright ladies and gentlemen, Baron here. So what we're going to see today is a secret

  • mission. We're gonna be playing the Sunderland and this is gonna be a mini Sunderland

  • bomber formation, on a couple of different secret missions, on different

  • maps. So, it'll be pretty fun! Now secret missions are a series I've run since

  • 2013, but they've been few and far between and how do we get more of these

  • right? 'Cause I think I've only got six of them right now, in the three years that

  • I've been doing it. So that's on average only two per year. That's simply inadequate

  • for a good series like this! It's just ... just has too much potential and its too

  • much fun to do this. So how do we replicate this? Well, we make it a series.

  • It is now a series, ladies and gentlemen. So how do we make this series work? I need

  • your help; I need you guys to let me know in the comments below what your ideas

  • are for a new secret mission. Right? So you guys, comment below. If someone leaves

  • a secret mission that you think is pretty damn awesome, you're gonna up-like it.

  • You're going to vote for it. You're gonna leave your own to support it, right? And

  • that's how it goes. Just like the tank series, which I've also run. So from now

  • on, ladies and gentleman, we just today

  • established the secret mission series. So you guys let me know; the most liked for

  • one will be achieved in the next video of this series. So, without further adieu,

  • let's check out what kind of secret missions Slick and I found on the dev

  • server for the Sunderland. And please, ladies and gentlemen, let me know a good

  • secret mission because, you know what? we're really actors of the secret

  • mission; we are the agents. You guys are in control. So, without further adieu,

  • Sunderland Secret Mission... All my flaps are gone! I'm pretty sure I didn't hit

  • flaps, do you? Slick: Yeah, my flaps just came out too!

  • Slick: Ar! Ar! Baron: Oh God!

  • You did a pirouette! I'm gonna make this man. Oh yeah, I got this.

  • Well, Slick. (Slick: Look at me! I'm upside down.) Dude! (Slick: Do you have room for my crew?)

  • Yeah! Actually, yeah. I've got really, I mean I don't have any relief crew. I could

  • pick you up. I'm going to bomb some targets and ... Oh my God. We got incoming! Flaps?

  • Yeah flaps. Did you just see that? (Slick: My auto just came out too.) Well someone our first secret mission,

  • just like you said, it's gonna end so soon.

  • Yeah, I didn't I didn't want to touch the water, especially after what I saw happen

  • to you. (Slick:I touched the water...) Oh, light tanks? Tell me he's not moving, 'cos I'm gonna bomb him.

  • Man, I lost my. We need, I think I'm gonna go for a bridge. I think that's the secret

  • mission. Intel's gonna let us know closer to the objective. As of now the secret

  • mission, should you choose to accept it... Do we accept it, Slick? (I accepted.) I accept

  • um (I volunteer) I volunteer! We are the Sunderland bomber flying through... Oh, my gosh, don't you just

  • love, this is a gorgeous plane. (It's like so...) Hey, Pedro. (...ugly pretty.) Oh, the b'stard! Hurricane mark II, that's a lot of 7.7s man

  • He's got as much as we do.

  • Alright Hurricane, you are no match

  • The zoom-in is totally derped on this aircraft. I'm not entirely sure why, but it is. It's cuz it's

  • too tall!

  • We don't have two storey planes modeled. Er like, zoom-in modeled for two-story planes.

  • Alright boy, the formation is getting ever closer to the objective. We've got some medium tanks

  • and some bridges at sixteen kilometers; we're going to be... (Slick: but what I think really has to happen.)

  • Yeah? (Slick: You gotta go secret mission on the bridge. I got a fighter escort. 'Cos this

  • dudes gonna try to rip us.) He's gonna try to. I've got 500 pounders, so we

  • should have enough ordinance for this bridge. Alright, the bridge is under fifteen

  • kilometers out. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take out the

  • bridge, and ensure that at least one crew of the Sunderland survives, so that we may

  • parade them around London as heroes. (They are heroes of war) The other crew is expendable, completely. (Wow!)

  • Do you hear that? Shit man. (Wow, what dick-heads. They are, they're rather...) Look at all this, I wanna go dogfight but I accepted a mission. Alright, I'm WEPing (alright) weapons. Hahaha

  • (Slick: I staying between you and the fur-ball, just in case I gotta peel off and fuck some stragglers.)

  • Strike hard dude! What about Sam and Adam? They look a little impressive over there.

  • You want some of this Sam? (Adam?) Dude, wow! Nochnoy's here!

  • Fighter ace; but you know what that means? He's running low on ammo. If we're gonna

  • bomb on their field that would be epic. Oh yeah!

  • (Slick: He's killing the whole team.) He really is. So that means we're gonna have a swarm on us

  • momentarily. Alright dropping altitude to head toward the bridge. You're still within a

  • half a click, that's perfect. Yes he's coming, he is coming in. (Slick: Permission to peel and engage?) Not

  • yet no. (Slick: He's turned off early. Actually he's not... I thought you wanted to be protected?) I mean I do but

  • we're not gonna do the really smart way of escorting where you go and intercept

  • See! I'm pretty sure this guy's coming towards us. He's gotta head

  • back to his base to rearm. We're gonna have to deal with so many planes, alright

  • hug me and, not like 'Hug me!' Not like that! And we are going to

  • Oh, yeah. I'm gonna hit this bridge before these tanks get to it. We're going at, once we hit

  • this, we're gonna loop back and have to engage all these aircraft. Mission has

  • been updated, enemy air superiority is overwhelming,

  • we have only five planes in the air, we only have three escorts left, dude. By escorts

  • I mean just... Alright this can be tricky.

  • I'm gonna aim right under it; see if this works.

  • (Slick: I'm here for the backup bridge bomb.) Yeah, we might mean that. Oh God, flak! OK! Wait, "Ground

  • units destroyed". OK, got the bridge. Visually there's no difference.

  • Oh my god, we're taking some intense flak. Turning around... (Slick:Alright, let's go... overload, overload)

  • I've only got two bombs left. Dude, I'm already smokin from flak!

  • 0h he collided! Oh my oil, they got my...

  • They got my oil! (Slick: I will shield you.) I don't know about this. We ain't gonna make it. Oh, we did.

  • (Slick: OK, let's go dogfight.) We got to dogfight, man. Our mission...

  • We did take out the bridge though? So their amazing ace, seven kills, ran into

  • an enemy pilot. Aces always seem to have these like incredible demises. (Slick: It's

  • a real shame.) It's really, it's really a shame for us. Very sad for us.

  • Oils overheated! My engines are gonna start burning up. We're about to dogfight some I-15s!

  • This seems like a wise idea. Forward guns and rearward guns your I-15 is ready.

  • Oh the forward guns are opening up. Taking incoming fire! In the pipe 555.

  • Come on gunners, what yer doing there? (Slick: I can't tell...) We're turning upside down. (...which one of my guns is hitting them.)

  • There's one down! Alright. (Slick: These are the hardest guns in-game to aim.)

  • Yeah, the challenge is real. Ah, missed! You/we have so many rounds of ammunition.

  • Critical hit, OK, oil tank! Dude, now it's just... "Aircraft destroyed" Vladimir's down!

  • I repeat, Vladimir. hehehe (Slick: Retract flaps? Fuck off!) Oh, the fire effects are

  • beautiful. (Slick: This plane is such a gunship. I don't even know how I'm killing planes!)

  • Oh, that won't do. (Slick: The flashes are beautiful.) Aren't they beautiful? (Though I killed two.)

  • I think I think I've killed... Oh wow! (You just got a double.) Look at those gunners just working.

  • Forward gunners. (Slick: The Sunderlands boys, this is how we do it.) We fly the Sunderland over Korea.

  • Yeah, this is Korean Bill. OK Adam. My gunners have been going off today. (Slick: Dude, right next to you...)

  • God! Collision! Oh god, please pull-up. Wait, did we just win the war? (Slick: We just won the war!)

  • We just won the war! Dude, yeaah! (Sunderlands you rock. Coming through, gonna shoot all the cream.)

  • Engine four is overheating. "Hostile team has lost all of its..." Dude, both crews

  • survived. Hell, yeah! We'll call that a victory boys. Secret mission successful. I

  • cannot wait to fly this on the live server dude. Alright let's try this

  • secret mission. Oh shit, we got heavy cruisers and carriers! You wanna hit up a secret

  • mission carrier? It's happening. Oh yes, look Slickbee and Baron this is uber-

  • lieutenant... I mean that would be German. Let's see how about... (Where you want to go?)

  • This is the Queen speaking, and I need you to take out a carrier. (Slick: That's not how do the Queen's voice!)

  • Hello Slickbee and Baron, I've got a mission, if you choose to accept it,

  • Did you just drop all your bombs? (No.) What was that then? (I threw Jim out.)

  • It looked like eight bombs... Get off the screen text! Is it, "In order to destroy the

  • enemy's airfield, blah blah." Alright we fly through this enemy formation. Let's drop altitude.

  • And engage the Ki-10s. (Slick: This text is not gonna get off my screen.) I'm cutting to 24% in my dive here.

  • 'Cos I don't like flaps to come out and "we see that you cut throttle, so we initiated flaps." And they're gone.

  • Yeah I think it's like they were like recovery crew? No, what did they call that? Relief crew.

  • Alright we're about to engage a Lucy Keaton. Dude, don't you talk... (Slick: Let's go!)

  • [Slomo: Aaaargh!] Oh my god, I swear I almost collided! This is awesome; too bad the text is all over

  • my dick / screen. We're getting a little heated. Oh, Johnny-boy's down! I repeat John... Why, yeah,

  • the zoom-in is borked. I've firing right over your right wing, dude. (Slick: I've figured out where to aim.) Where? (A bit under them.)

  • Oh my god! Well geez, save some for me. (Slick: Baron, this is no time to be saving stuff.) Clearly, my crew's like, "Meh." (I'm actually, almost,

  • my guns are pretty much overheated.) Alright. So you did fire, so you aim just a little

  • under them. Can we bomb them on the runway? Luke is trying to take a look sorry I mean I was but now

  • I'm pulling off. (Slick: Trust me our pull-out game needs to be strong. We need to go for the carrier.)

  • Aircraft destroyed. Woo! I did it!

  • Oh, you got someone on your six here. Let's dogfight... Don't, don't do that!

  • Gunners! Gunners!

  • (Slick: these back gunners are pretty volatile.)

  • "Enemy kill assist" Good lord, you've killed five, gonna be like a Sunderland ace!

  • Alright, your smokin' though.

  • (Slick:The back gunner's a quad.) Yeah it is beautiful. (I'm gonna wing-out left and then hit the carrier

  • straight down the deck, we gonna do it.) There's too much cavitation, so I can't

  • like aim. (Slick: In order to strike the ... grinding my balls but...) Was that some...

  • technically the air... yet we're not going to their airfield... (Slick: We're going for this carrier right?) Yeah (I'm gonna drop down and...)

  • Oh my god, that flak though. Oh here we go.

  • This is it boy, the secret mission. (Slick: I probably missed all of those, this thing is so hard to drop bombs from.)

  • Oh God. (Oh) You killed it!

  • It did man. I shouldn't have dropped all my ordnance. OK, let's see is we can rearm.

  • (Slick: I didn't know I would kill it, man.) Me neither, that's amazing.

  • Alright. (Slick: Ah! Wingtip!) Oh that doesn't look good.

  • You need to land this thing! You need to land this thing. I'll pick you up and got

  • That that does not look good.

  • [Slomo: The Baron dies, noisily.]

  • I got instantaneously wrecked! (Slick: I'm good though, I'm floating still.) Are you alive?

  • (Slick: I feel like I am, but I'm not. 'Cos I'm still floating, strangely.)

  • OK, you killed, how many planes? (Four, and I'm about to kill this other guy.) You killed four planes;

  • you killed the carrier and you survived getting flakked. My plane shot down two

  • planes; covered the carrier, made sure we covered it,

  • and I got sniped by a heavy cruiser. (I got sniped too. So he didn't, ...) But I blew the fuck... blew up.

  • All crew went down. (I'm just floating here man.) You can see me hanging back there.

  • Secret mission was successful. High losses though.

Alright ladies and gentlemen, Baron here. So what we're going to see today is a secret

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SUNDERLAND ACE - 祕密任務(戰爭雷霆1.57遊戲玩法) (SUNDERLAND ACE - SECRET MISSION (War Thunder 1.57 Gameplay))

  • 10 1
    吳堯勛 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary