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2,000 years ago,
the Jewish chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees
nailed the Lord Jesus to the cross.
2,000 years later,
the religious leaders have caused history to repeat itself
by nailing God to the cross again!
Right now, we must find a way to seal our church.
Anyone who believes in the Eastern Lightning will be expelled.
Mr. Huang, (Yes?)
cooperate with the government!
Captain Wei, don't worry. With the Eastern Lightning, I know what I need to do.
Aren't the Eastern Lightning's people already stealing our sheep?
Let's report them to the police!
Some call me Judas,
but even if I am Judas, it's worth it …
Brother Liu, Brother Qin,
through reading the Bible,
we all know that the Jewish Pharisees condemned and resisted the Lord Jesus.
But most of us still don't understand
that when the Lord Jesus did His work,
the Pharisees knew very well that His words had both authority and power,
yet they still resisted and condemned the Lord Jesus. (Yes!)
On the cross they crucified Him.
What was their nature and their substance?
Please discuss it in great detail.
Yes, please tell us. We'd like to hear more.
Yes, this really needs to be understood.
If we see the essence of the Pharisees' resistance of the Lord,
we can grasp the essence of the pastors' and elders' resistance of Almighty God
and we'll no longer be deceived or bound by them.
Isn't this indeed true?
Yes. Please talk to us about it!
Indeed. It really is.
Please talk to us about it.
Thank God. You are correct!
We believers in the Lord know that the Pharisees resisted the Lord Jesus,
but what was the root as well as the true essence of their resistance?
After two thousand years, still nobody of religion knows the answer.
Though the Lord Jesus' cursing of the Pharisees
was written in the New Testament,
no one has been able to discern the Pharisees' essence.
Indeed, that is clearly true!
In the last days, when Almighty God arrives, He reveals the answer.
Let's read Almighty God's words. (OK!)
The Pharisees' view was absurd!
Everyone, Almighty God says it so clearly. (Yes.)
The Pharisees' resistance of the Lord Jesus
stemmed from their lack of reverence and not searching for the truth.
You see, deep down they were stubborn, arrogant, and didn't obey the truth.
The Pharisees defined God within their own conceptions,
within the literal words of the Bible.
They kept the Messiah in name only.
No matter how the Lord Jesus' words are the truth,
how much authority and power His words have,
because His name is not Messiah, they opposed and condemned Him.
Their principles of faith are just as Almighty God says,
Not only did the Pharisees reject the truths expressed by the Lord Jesus,
they tempted Him and tried to find fault with Him.
For instance, they tempted the Lord Jesus
by asking what authority He used to perform miracles,
and asked the Lord Jesus if they could pay taxes to Caesar,
and if He Himself was the Son of God, Christ and so on.
The Lord Jesus, in response,
struck back at their evil plans with truth and wisdom.
Yes. Yes, indeed.
The Pharisees couldn't refute Him,
and yet they still didn't search for the truth.
They not only resisted the Lord Jesus;
they had Him arrested
and even demanded that He be nailed to the cross.
Yes. It's true.
It was exactly as the Lord Jesus said:
Thus we can see that
the Pharisees, in nature and essence, were satanic demons,
enemies of God that hated the truth!
That's true. Yes, that's right.
Brothers and sisters,
what kind of man can actually hate and condemn Christ?
The Pharisees could. (Yes, that's right.)
Yes. The Pharisees' story demonstrates one main fact:
All who believe in God
but do not love truth, are weary of truth, and hate the truth
do not know God.
In addition, these people surely resist God and take Him as their enemy.
Because the essence of Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.
And so, anyone who hates the truth necessarily also hates Christ.
That's right.
Many people who actually hate the truth seem good on the outside.
Outwardly, they follow the Bible's rules and do not seem evil at all.
However, when Christ comes to do His work,
these satanic enemies of God will be completely and utterly exposed.
Thank the Lord! This is the truth!
The Pharisees' resistance of the Lord Jesus exposes their demonic essence:
They hate truth and resist God.
Yes. It's true.
We all know
that when the Lord Jesus did His work, He expressed many truths,
displayed many miracles, and gave people abundant grace.
The Lord Jesus' work was a shock to the whole Jewish state.
Many people followed the Lord Jesus. (Yes.)
You see, the Pharisees all knew
if the Lord Jesus continued His work,
all of the faithful in Judaism would follow Him;
then Judaism would fall and their positions and jobs would disappear.
Therefore, they decided to kill the Lord Jesus.
Just as the Bible says,
In order to protect their status and meal tickets,
the Pharisees colluded with the Roman government
to crucify the Lord Jesus on the cross.
They said,
As you can see, the Pharisees hated the truth and hated Christ
to the point where they did not want to co-exist with Christ!
Yes! That's right.
They preferred to forsake the sin offering to crucify the Lord.
They chose to commit monstrous sins, resist God, and offend God,
and have their sons and grandsons cursed
by nailing Him who expresses the truth to redeem man,
the Lord Jesus, to the cross.
That is the Pharisees' satanic truth-hating nature and essence.
This is true. That truly is their nature.
The Pharisees are so despicable!
When the Lord Jesus was cruelly nailed to the cross,
the sun grew dark, the earth shook,
and the curtain of the temple split.
The Lord Jesus appeared once more after being resurrected.
When people learned of these facts,
many repented for their sins and turned to the Lord Jesus. (Yes.)
As for the Pharisees, they did not repent at all.
They actually became even more antagonistic enemies of the Lord Jesus.
They bribed soldiers to lie and say
the Lord Jesus had not truly been resurrected.
The Pharisees fanatically persecuted
apostles spreading the gospel of the Lord Jesus.
They wished to ban the Lord Jesus' work
to obtain permanent control of the religious community.
The Pharisees believed in God only in name.
In reality, they hated truth and resisted God.
The essence of their resistance of the Lord was thus:
They were trying to compete with God;
they were fighting against God.
The arrogance of their resistance of the Lord Jesus
completely exposed their ambitions
and exposed their evil satanic face.
Furthermore, it exposed their antichrist nature:
a lack of remorse, a deep hatred of the truth, and a hatred of God.
That's true.
The Pharisees deserved to be cursed!
Brothers and sisters, let's think a bit more.
Isn't that how the pastors and elders of the religious community
treat Almighty God?
If we could clearly see how the pastors and elders
resist and even condemn Almighty God,
we would surely know
that the Pharisees resisted and condemned the Lord Jesus in just the same way.
The pastors and elders resist Almighty God
the same way the Pharisees resisted the Lord Jesus.
Thank the Lord!
Your fellowship on the words of Almighty God has really opened our eyes.
We now understand that the Pharisees' nature and essence
is hatred of truth and resistance unto God.
No wonder the more the Lord Jesus expressed the truth,
the more the Pharisees hated Him.
They were resolved to nail Him to the cross. (Yes.)
The Pharisees were enemies of God and were irreconcilable with God.
They truly deserved to be cursed!
Amen! They did deserve to be cursed!
Yes. The two times that God was incarnated,
He exposed and condemned the Pharisees.
God looks deep into a man's heart.
Only God can see the essence of people's nature!
If Almighty God had not exposed the satanic, truth-hating,
and God-resisting nature of the Pharisees,
and we just relied on the Bible and our pastors' interpretations of it,
I fear we'd never be able to see the demonic essence of the Pharisees! (Yes.)
Only God can see men's essence!
Yes, that's right.
Brothers and sisters,
2,000 years ago,
the Jewish chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees
nailed the Lord Jesus to the cross. (Yes.)
2,000 years later,
the religious leaders have caused history to repeat itself
by nailing God to the cross again! (Yes.)
That's indeed true!
We've all seen that Almighty God carries out the work of
judgment beginning with God's house in the last days.
He expresses truths that can cleanse and save humanity.
He reveals all mysteries of God's management plan.
He judges and exposes man's satanic nature that resists and betrays God.
He shows them His righteous disposition which cannot be offended. (Amen!)
Almighty God's words are the truth.
They have authority and power, (Amen!)
and fully convince us. (Amen!)
Furthermore, these truths cleanse and save humanity.
Thanks be to the Lord.
Look at today's pastors and elders.
They don't care how Almighty God's words are the truth,
how much authority and power His words have,
how they can cleanse and save man.
Stubbornly, they maintain their fallacy:
"Whoever does not descend on a cloud and lift me up into the kingdom of heaven
is not the return of the Lord Jesus."
They wildly resist and condemn Almighty God.
This is all true.
They keep the Lord Jesus in name,
yet resist and condemn Almighty God.
Is that any different from when the Pharisees kept the name of Messiah
but condemned the Lord Jesus? (Right.)
It's not different at all.
Is their essence not the same as the Pharisees':
stubborn, arrogant, disobeys truth, and hates the truth?
They just believe in the vague God in heaven
and in turn they deny, resist, and condemn Christ incarnate.
They're rivals who are in enmity with Christ.
Are they not just antichrists denying, condemning, and resisting Christ?
Amen! Yes!
The Bible says,
Therefore, all who don't acknowledge God incarnate are antichrists. (Yes!)
All who resist and condemn Christ are antichrists.
That's right! I agree.
the Jewish Pharisees were exposed as antichrists by the Lord Jesus' work.
The pastors and elders in the last days
are all antichrists that are exposed by Almighty God's work.
How could he say that?
God incarnate's work truly exposes people.
Everything Christ expresses in the last days is truth.
Not only does it expose the wise and foolish virgins,
in addition, it also exposes all varieties of antichrists and non-believers.
This is a truth that no one is able to deny.
God's work is truly wise and almighty!
Indeed. That is clearly true.
Brothers and sisters,
the religious leaders in the last days
and the Jewish chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees
share the same roots and essence in their resistance to God.
The ways that pastors and elders resist God
are far worse than those of the scribes, the chief priests, and the Pharisees.
Ever since Almighty God started doing His work of judgment from God's house,
people of every sect have been raptured and brought before God's throne,
if they love truth and long for God's appearance.
Amen! It's true.
Thank the Lord! Thank the Lord that it is so.
The pastors and the elders stop at nothing to resist and condemn Almighty God,
all to constrain the faithful and maintain their standing.
They spread rumors, bear false witness, and blaspheme Almighty God.
They seal off the church and strictly forbid believers
from studying Almighty God's work in the last days.
Yeah, they really are too venomous!
They threaten, scare, ridicule,
and beat brothers and sisters who spread the gospel of the kingdom.
They even collude with the devilish CCP to capture and persecute them,
leaving hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters without a home.
At least a hundred thousand people have been brutally tortured by the CCP.
Many have even been killed …
That's true.
The pastors' resistance of Almighty God
is greater than was the Pharisees' resistance of the Lord Jesus.
Their evil deeds are quite numerous.
Therefore, Almighty God judged and cursed them long ago.
Let us read Almighty God's words.
Page 894.
God's disposition cannot be offended by men!
The words expressed by Almighty God
were publicly shared online, in print, and TV a long time ago.
Different types of gospel videos
have already been posted throughout the Internet
to testify God's manifestation and work to the whole world. (Yes.)
This has caused a shock in the religious community and in mankind.
Pastors and elders in the religious community have perceived the growing trend:
Almighty God's words are conquering religious community and humanity.
That's right.
No person and no force is able to stop it.
Yes. That's right.
They become irritated and so frantically resist and even condemn Almighty God.
They seek to outlaw Almighty God's work in the last days
and to obtain eternal control of the religious world
and also hegemony over God's chosen people.
Yes. It's so true.
These facts prove that
the religious pastors and elders in the last days
are the reappearance of the Pharisees! (Yes!)
They are antichrists that seek to destroy God's work
and have even sworn to the death to be enemies of God!
Yeah, that sounds right, doesn't it?
Their many evil deeds already have provoked God's disposition.
How can they escape God's righteous judgment and punishment?
This is indeed the truth!
This is all true!
Pastors and elders will say anything in condemnation of God
to protect their meal tickets.
Yes, right.
They'll do any evil deed in resistance of God. (Yes!)
These people are truly evil, despicable, and vicious.
They are demons reincarnated!
They should be cursed and hated! (Amen!)
Correct! We should all expose and reject them.
We simply must make a clean break from them.
We can't play a part in their evil deeds.
That is in accordance with God's will!
Yes! That's right.
Pastors and elders often made us guard against antichrists.
And yet it turns out they're the real antichrists.
Yes. That's right!
Like a thief crying "Stop thief." (Yes!)
In the past, we were ignorant and blind!
But now we're all able to see their true face. (Thank God!)
Why do you always group the pastors and elders in with the Pharisees?
Almighty God's work exceeds the Bible.
Pastors and elders resist Almighty God in order to protect the Bible.
Could it be that they are wrong to do that? (No!)
Brother Zhang is right.
Pastors and elders often interpret, exalt, and protect the Bible. (Amen!)
How can they be resisting the Lord? (That's right!)
Are those who interpret the Bible incapable of resisting the Lord? (Yes!)
The Jewish chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees
interpreted and maintained the Bible.
Why didn't they acknowledge the Lord Jesus when He worked?
Why'd they capture the Lord Jesus and even persecute His disciples?
That's right! Yes, why?
The Pharisees interpreted and protected the Bible.
Why did the Lord Jesus condemn and curse them then?
How is this explained?