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  • Can you scroll down? Okay, the teleprompter is saying we are introducing a very very funny comedian and actress who does YouTube videos please welcome


  • Lilly Singh

    Lilly Singh

  • who?


  • (applauding)


  • Thank you for filling the time slot, I'm exhausted to be here, I'm gonna say a bunch of things that my writers research

    - 謝謝你填滿這空檔 - 來這真的是累斃了 - 接下來我要說一些我團隊研究的東西

  • It's like numbers numbers numbers. It says like 12 million subscribers Forbes 30 under 30 woah

    一堆數字、數字、數字。你有一千兩百萬的訂閱數。你是富比世排名 30 位 30 歲以下的成功人士,哇

  • I'm kind of listening, but I'm more concerned with how I'm sitting and if it looks okay.


  • I've never actually really watched your stuff. This cue card says that you wrote a book okay here. Let's promote that yall


  • Never watch the show either, but yes, I wrote a book. It's called how to be a bawse


  • It is a guide to conquering life, and I'm here to tell you to buy it. - Sorry. I wasn't listening

    這本書在說要如何戰勝人生,我來這是叫大家買它。- 抱歉我沒在聽

  • I was thinking about my next question, which is you're Indian


  • Which means I definitely have to ask you about your parents. - Of course. - I assume they're disappointed. *laughter* well actually

    這表示我一定要問問妳的父母 - 當然 - 我想他們應該對妳很失望 (哈哈哈)

  • I have a great very funny spontaneous story about them that I pre-planned. I'll pretend


  • It's funnier than it actually is great so my parents to be so confused with what I did

    我會假裝妳的故事真的很有趣 - 爸媽之前非常不懂我在做什麼

  • But now my dad is so obnoxiously proud of me. He goes around to everyone says I'm Lilly Singh's dad

    但我爸現在到哪都跟別人說他是 Lilly Singh 的爸爸,很以我為榮到我覺得有點煩

  • (laughter) I really think the story's adorable (awwww)

    (笑聲) 我認真覺得這故事很可愛 (噢)

  • I'm gonna ask you about your watch now because I know that you have an endorsement deal


  • Oh, yes, that's right, and now you'll get a portion of the check. So thank you. Oh, also my publicist thought


  • I should say that you're an inspiration to myself and women everywhere. -This is vodka. -I hope I'm still sitting okay

    說我應該要提妳是我們所有女性的典範 - 這是伏特加 -我希望我坐得坐姿還行

  • I didn't shave that high. -We're gonna play a game now because I need a segment on YouTube

    ,我腿毛沒刮那麼高 - 我們接下來要玩個遊戲,因為我需要放個片段到Youtube

  • Oh, I'm gonna actually often confused even though myself and 17 people on my team approve

    我和我 17 個團員其實都很常不懂這段在幹嘛

  • It's called never have I ever oh, I played this a thousand times. I'm sure you're still gonna

    遊戲叫『我從來沒有...』。 噢,這遊戲我玩了上千遍了,我相信妳還是要跟我說

  • Tell me the rules I am I'm gonna say something that I've never done, and then if you've done it

    這遊戲規則。 沒錯,我會說一些我從來沒做過的事情,但如果妳做過

  • I get a point oh, I'm for sure gonna lie for the sake of my friend never have I ever stolen anything

    我得到一分 - 為了我朋友我一定不會老實說的阿! - 妳有沒有偷過東西?

  • Oh never. Oh except for traditional media's audience


  • Yeah, you do get a lot of views and that's why we wanted to have you on the show Logan


  • I mean Lilly Lilly Lilly never have I ever been

    Lilly,我是說 Lilly... 妳有沒有

  • stoned on a talk show? - Oh, never. I don't want to lose my brand deals

    在節目上嗨過? - 當然沒有,我可不想丟工作

  • - I'm stone right now. - Could you remind people to buy my book again?

    - 我現在嗨了 -妳可以再跟觀眾說記得買我的書嗎?

  • Yes, we have 15 seconds left in the thing so say what you need to because say, thank you several times. Thank you

    - 好,我們最後有 15 秒,妳可以講妳想講的 - 我會跟妳不停地道謝,謝謝,非常感恩

  • - Thank you. - And I'm gonna interrupt you because you keep repeating yourself, and then also my sister got you this gift :(

    - 我會打斷你,妳話太多了,還有我姐姐要給妳這個禮物

  • Oh, I'm just filled with things that have your name on them. Actually I had nothing to do with it. - Okay great

    - 我會拿到很多有妳名字在上面的東西 - 這些其實跟我沒關係 - 喔,好

  • Be sure to support Lily's new album. It's cuz it's a hashtag and then grow balls, and you can watch your videos on Vimeo

    記得要支持 Lilly 的新專輯,妳可以在 Vimeo 看到這影片

  • Thank You Lilly


  • For sure we're gonna take home all the food in the green room now. We're gonna lean in and we're gonna talk about it

    - 我們會把休息室裡的食物全部帶走 - 現在靠過來,假裝我們在講話

  • Okay. It's nice to meet you. I have no idea who you are. - Me Neither. (unintelligible)

    - 很高興認識妳,雖然我不知道妳是誰 - 我也是 (無法辨識的說話聲)

  • - Thank you on your show as well with your viewers, thank you. - Okay, okay.

    感謝妳的節目還有妳的觀眾,謝謝!- 好,好

  • Hey, I hope you enjoyed this video with Kelsey and make sure you check out her show on Netflix is called Chelsea it makes a

    嘿,我希望你們喜歡我跟Chelsea合拍的影片,記得鎖定她在Netflix播出的節目叫... Chelsea

  • It makes a lot of sense.


  • My last video is right over there check out my second Vlog channel right over there


  • That make sure you subscribe because I make new videos every Monday and Thursday one love superwoman that is a wrap and Zoop


  • I'm very scared of you


Can you scroll down? Okay, the teleprompter is saying we are introducing a very very funny comedian and actress who does YouTube videos please welcome


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