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  • When politicians talk about workers, they tend to focus on certain types of jobs.


  • Bernie stood with American workers.”

    「Bernie 和美國勞工站在同一陣線上。」 (註:Bernie 現為美國聯邦參議員)

  • It’s American workers that remake this country


  • But in the US, retail workers have outnumbered manufacturing workers since 2002.

    但美國的門市銷售人員數從 2002 年起就已經超過製造業員工數了

  • And food service workers aren’t far behind.


  • These jobs are in every community - theyre the base of the service economy.


  • So with the recession in the rear-view mirror, it’s worth asking: can these jobs be good jobs?


  • What do we want?


  • Contract!


  • When do we want it?


  • Now!


  • These Kroger workers are rallying outside a grocery store in West Virginia

    這些 Kroger 超市員工正在西維吉尼亞州一家超市外示威

  • because their employer wouldn’t meet their demands, stalling negotiations for a new union contract.


  • It’s not like were asking for the sun, the moon and the stars."


  • "We want a modest living wage and we want the maintenance of our medical benefits.”


  • Kroger eventually agreed to a new 3-year contract for over 4,000 workers.

    Kroger 最後同意了超過四千名員工的新型三年期契約

  • It includes pay raises and zero cuts to their benefits.


  • By negotiating collectively, service workers can secure an hourly wage that is six dollars

    藉由共同協商,服務業員工能獲得的平均時薪高於無工會下所獲平均時薪 6 美元

  • higher on average than nonunion wages.

    藉由共同協商,服務業員工能獲得的平均時薪高於無工會下所獲平均時薪 6 美元

  • But they are a small minority.


  • Private sector union membership in the US has fallen to 6.4% of all workers.

    美國私營部門工會會員數降到了只剩全體勞工的百分之 6.4

  • It’s even lower in the retail and food service industries.


  • The decline of unions in the US was caused in part by larger trends that have shifted the types of jobs available,


  • especially for those without a college degree.


  • During the 80s, 90s and 2000s, several occupations that used to provide a stable middle-class income

    在八零、九零年代和 2000s 期間,好幾個過往提供穩定中產階級薪資收入的工作

  • grew more slowly than both higher-wage and lower-wage jobs.


  • That’s partly due to new technologies: robots in factories, and computer software in offices.


  • You know, “The decline in the middle has been steep.


  • A lot of that has been growth of the top, which is good.


  • People have moved out of the middle and into professional, technical and managerial jobs.


  • But, the bottom section of the labor market, which comprises maybe 17-18 percentage of jobs,

    但,勞動市場的底部,由百分之 17 到 18 的工作組成

  • is about a third larger than it was in 1980.

    大約是 1980 年規模的三分之一大

  • And if you look just among people without a college degree it's much larger still.


  • And that's the group we should be concerned about.”


  • The great recession intensified those longer-term trends.


  • Since 2010, the economy has added millions of jobs, but not evenly.

    從 2010 年起,已多了好幾百萬個工作,但分配並不平均

  • The biggest area of growth was in high-skill occupations, mostly for people with 4-year college degrees.


  • Meanwhile workers with a high school diploma were pushed out of middle-skill occupations.


  • And in low-skill jobs, theyre increasingly competing with those who have some college.


  • We're adding lots of jobs.


  • The concern is that, many of the jobs that are being added are not good jobs, in terms


  • of offering a reasonable standard of living and job security.


  • And many of the good jobs that are being added are not accessible to typical workers.”


  • Thank you all for joining us today to discuss the importance of predictable schedules and


  • incomes for workers.”


  • Hello my name is Kingia Phillips.

    你們好,我是 Kingia Phillips

  • I am a former worker at South Philadelphia Walmart.”

    我之前在南費城的 Walmart 工作

  • The juice pallets were the most hard to do.


  • And you know, when youre pregnant, youre not supposed to lift above your head, but I had to.”


  • Kingia came to DC to speak in favor of a federal bill that would regulate work schedules

    Kingia 來到哥倫比亞特區表達對於「規範工作班表,志在增加工時及收入穩定性」的聯邦法案的支持

  • with the aim of increasing stability in hours and income.

    Kingia 來到哥倫比亞特區表達對於「規範工作班表,志在增加工時及收入穩定性」的聯邦法案的支持

  • After I had the baby I asked them, 'could I have my schedule adjusted, a tiny bit?'"


  • "And they told me that we all have kids and they have a job to do, a company to run."


  • "And it turned out that they cut my schedule down to 8 hours a week.”


  • - What were you doing before that? - I was doing 32 hours.

    - 在那之前,是多少? - 32 小時

  • Kingia got the impression that to get enough hours,

    Kingia 了解到,要拿到足夠的工時

  • workers have to be available any time the store is open,


  • which is especially hard for parents, students, and people with a second job.


  • So after a month, she quit.


  • “I knew they were just going to tell me to re-open my availability, and


  • that would be the only way for me to make more money and be able to sustain myself and my child.”


  • The federal proposal faces an uphill battle in a Republican congress, but since 2014,

    這個聯邦提案在共和黨員佔多數的國會裡面臨了艱難的一戰,但自 2014 年起

  • six cities and the state of Oregon have passed scheduling policies.


  • The details vary from place to place but most of them apply to fast food and retail workers,


  • they require two weeks advance notice of work schedules, with extra pay for subsequent changes


  • that are initiated by the company.


  • Most of the measures also require employers to offer hours to existing employees before


  • hiring more people.


  • So what it does is, a lot of these policies start to balance out the burden of doing business,


  • so that, you know, the people who are getting paid the lowest aren't the only ones bearing the cost.”


  • Policymakers have also moved to increase the minimum wage and require paid sick leave in


  • certain cities and states.


  • It’s a response to the fact that not only are middle-class jobs moving out of reach for non-college workers,


  • but a lot of the remaining jobs have gotten worse since the recession hit.


  • In 2005, you could walk into a JC Penney, and it was a stable workforce.

    2005 年,JC Penney 的人力很穩定

  • "People had full-time hours, and health insurance, and even commission."


  • "It was a workforce that knew each other, and felt like they could make their job better."


  • By 2008, that workforce was completely contingent.

    到了 2008 年,人力變得完全難以預料

  • People's hours were changing from one week to the next.


  • Nobody knew each other.”


  • The number of involuntary part time workers -- those are people working part time who


  • would prefer full-time work -- that jumped during the recession.


  • And the increase was greater for both the retail sector and for leisure and hospitality,

    零售業和休閒觀光服務業 (包括餐廳和旅館) 的上升幅度要整體來的更大

  • which includes restaurants and hotels.

    零售業和休閒觀光服務業 (包括餐廳和旅館) 的上升幅度要整體來的更大

  • This is part of a much broader trend.


  • A 2016 study found a significant rise inalternative work arrangementsacross the economy.

    一份 2016 年的研究發現整個經濟體在「替代 (彈) 性工時安排制」使用的顯著上升

  • That includes temp workers, contract firm workers and freelancers.


  • They make sense: Salaried and full-time workers are fixed costs for employers.


  • Whether revenue is up or down, you have to pay them and fund their benefits.


  • But if you have a pool of more flexible workers whose hours you can dial up and down to match your sales,


  • you can save money, at least in the short term.


  • Those cost-cutting strategies have been enabled by new technologies.


  • Today, a lot of big employers are using workforce scheduling technologies, and so


  • it's an algorithm that's setting the schedule.


  • And when you look it, do an analysis of when the peak hours are, it's easier to slot people in for


  • four hour shifts and then rotate it out.


  • But there's very few companies (that) have systems that basically say, you know,


  • My goal is to try to give people some stability in their hours from one week to the next, and


  • I'm gonna try to match people's schedules from one week to the next.’"


  • What this has meant for some workers is schedules and paychecks that change from week to week.


  • A gallup poll of hourly workers with varying hours found that

    蓋洛普對於工時變動的時薪工人的民意調查顯示 (註:蓋洛普為全球知名的民意調查公司)

  • one out of three said their schedules cause them financial hardship.


  • Instead of giving me two 8 hour shifts and a 4 hour shift, they would give me 5 4-hour shifts.

    他們會給我 5 天 4 小時的班,而不是 2 天 8 小時的班搭配 1 天 4 小時的班

  • So I would have to go to school and go to work 5 times a week, instead of working 3 days a week.”

    所以我除了必須上學,一個禮拜還有 5 天必須去工作,而不是一個禮拜工作 3 天就好

  • The amount of hours they give out is based on sales, which I believe is horrible.


  • One week I’ll have 13 hours, the next i’ll have 25, the next I’ll have 30, then back down to 15.

    某一週我可能有 13 小時的工時,下一週變 25,再下一週 30,然後又降回到 15

  • And thatthat shows on my paycheck.”


  • Target and Walmart already post schedules at least a week and a half in advance.

    Target 和 Walmart 都已經提前 1.5 週就公布班表

  • Both companies have also raised their minimum wages in recent years.


  • And several retailers have announced an end to the controversial practice of on-call scheduling.


  • On-call shifts require employees to call employers the day before or the day of a potential shift


  • to find out if theyll be needed to work.


  • If employees are not needed, they don’t get paid.”


  • But theyre a long way from a model like Costco’s

    但相較於 Costco 這樣的模範來說,他們還有很長一段路要走

  • which guarantees a minimum amount of weekly hours for both full and part time workers.

    Costco 給於全職和兼職員工每週最低工時的保障

  • The union model for including workersinput in business decisions


  • has not really moved with the economy into these low-wage service jobs.


  • And it hasn’t been replaced with something else.


  • So if workers feel like they can’t find a voice at their jobs,


  • theyll likely keep looking for one in the law.


When politicians talk about workers, they tend to focus on certain types of jobs.


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