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  • Universal basic income.

  • If even Elon Musk says it’s the only option, it must great, right?

  • It sounds really like utopia came true: everybody is entitled to receive free money no questions

  • asked, no strings attached.

  • And we could all afford this because production would be so cheap thanks to automation, and

  • there would be no jobs left for humans thanks to automation.

  • We are being told the same story over and overautomation is coming and it will

  • make you useless.

  • You are not part of the automation, which is why you are not in charge of making decision

  • for yourself.

  • So listen to this bunch of successful people telling you how centralization is not just

  • the best way, it is the only way.

  • Yeah. I am good. Thanks.

  • Automation has a potential to destroy 45% of the jobs

  • of our jobs, says one report.

  • But others are contradictory.

  • It really depends on what kind of automation we are talking about.

  • Hypothetically, artificial intelligence does have a potential to replace humans in all

  • tasks at some point in the future.

  • But are we really going to get there?

  • That kind of a world doesn’t seem feasible.

  • Considering human self-centered and incentive motivated animal nature, we are probably not

  • going to create a world where we no longer find a use for ourselves.

  • For the past 10,000 years, human economic interaction depended on the ability to exchange

  • goods and services for other commodities and eventually money.

  • No matter how authoritarian the system, it always relied on trading the products on an

  • open market.

  • But that required other people’s ability to buy the product, which meant they had to

  • possess some sort of wealth or income.

  • In modern time, that ability is in majority facilitated by paying wages that are spent

  • on the goods and services.

  • The hypothetical automation that we hear so many scary stories about would turn this business

  • cycle upside down, as people would no longer be able to generate income, which would cripple

  • their expenditure, and gradually corporate profit.

  • However, only that which can be sold is produced.

  • It doesn’t matter how cheap the production is if there are no buyers.

  • Provided people are the only buyers, owners of automation are not going make such production

  • that would make it impossible to sell their products.

  • To imagine a system where automation would completely replace human labor, would require

  • immense concentration of political power tightly centralized around owners of automation.

  • But the buyer can also be the government, which explains unnecessary production of tanks

  • and $1.5 trillion fighter jets that nobody wants.

  • The real story is, of course, that the government exists and it often attempts to supplement

  • the expenditure on behalf of the free market.

  • The problem with that is similar to what Amazon did to the book publishing industryit

  • destroyed the industry when it grew into a monopsonythe only buyer on the market.

  • Now Amazon can dictate prices and decide what it wants to sell or not.

  • If there comes a time when large portion of population is no longer economically productive,

  • implementing universal basic income would eliminate poverty, bud deepen income and wealth

  • inequality.

  • Universal basic income would permanently separate wealthiest technology owners from everyone

  • else who didn’t happen to create a multi-billion dollar technology start-up.

  • The ramification of this system are existential.

  • With everybody receiving equal amount of benefits without having the ability to earn for themselves,

  • the option to improve your standards would disappear.

  • It would eventually make everybody own equally basic wealth except for those who make the

  • decisions.

  • Essentially, everybody who doesn’t own artificial intelligence will fall into this category.

  • Replace own with being part of and artificial intelligence with a central party and you

  • get the idea of how totalitarian Eastern Bloc used to work before 1989.

  • Whenever some part of population is turned into passive receivers of income, their political

  • power goes down with it.

  • Their potential to influence the debate in favor of their interests gets to freezing

  • point.

  • That’s why youve never seen homeless people striking on the streets.

  • Because they don’t contribute economically, they can’t cause any damage if they choose

  • to take action.

  • Rioting is not an option either as advanced police and military would take care of that

  • quickly.

  • If you give unemployable people universal basic income, you sure improve their living

  • standards, but nothing is going to change on their ability to participate in the decision

  • making.

  • Their voice would be limited to casting a vote to whomever promises them the highest

  • benefits.

  • Not only is the universal basic income just one option out of many when dealing with poverty,

  • it’s the least desirable.

  • The fact that

  • the

  • Sillicon Valley so keen on introducing this idea so much ahead of its time is deeply troubling.

  • It would grant them ultimate monopoly powers on the market as they would be the first and

  • only owners of the automation.

  • Universal basic income would thus make barriers to entry the market with your own entrepreneurship,

  • because you wouldn’t be able to increase your income or make profits on your own.

  • Since most people are left dependent on the will of the Sillicon Valley to distribute

  • their wealth, it will be up to technology giants to decide what is universal and what

  • is basic.

  • The scariest part is that everybody seems to be on board with this.

  • Various testings and proposals are already experimented with in Finland, Canada, France,

  • United Kingdom, New Zealand, Netherlands, California or Kenya, with only Switzerland

  • rejecting this idea in a referendum.

  • What seems like a progressive idea even made it into Marco Rubio’s presidential plan.

  • The only positive scenario that could make universal basic income relevant would be if

  • the ownership of automation was given up to public ownership so that everybody could participate

  • in the decision making process equally.

  • I don’t have a problem with people getting free money.

  • The ideas of universal basic income as a response to automation are way further into the future

  • than it’s currently presented.

  • It opens up a Pandora door to a new kind of centralized system, possibly even globalized.

  • I am not convinced that this idea would include all of us equally, and that with universal

  • basic income, we would all be granted universal equal access to the distribution of wealth.

  • And because I think that the latter is impossible, and that permanent hierarchical system would

  • be inevitable with this proposal, I cannot support universal basic income in the current

  • state of affairs.

  • The real problem why automation deepens inequality is the existence of high barriers to entry

  • the market and diversify competition in automation driven industry.

  • Most of the artificial intelligence is through corporate protective regulations within the

  • hands of few multi-billion dollar transnational companies.

  • The rate of new entrepreneurs entering the market is declining fast.

  • To solve this problem would be to focus on easing up regulations and bureaucracy for

  • small-to-medium size enterprise so as to give the middle class direct access to ownership

  • of automation.

  • There is no reason to believe universal basic income would spur entrepreneurship.

  • It would increase the level of risk entrepreneurs take, which would make money-lenders raise

  • their rates or stop lending altogether.

  • Universal basic income would thus cut financial funding, which would reduce incentive to innovate

  • and enter the market.

  • What’s causing increasing deformation of economy is the shift towards generating revenue

  • from intrusive data collection and targeted marketing that violates privacy of individuals.

  • This business model has similar creative value as financial institutions trading bonds of

  • risky mortgages among one another to generate more profit out of nothing.

  • It eventually resulted in an economic collapse because the artificially generated revenue

  • did not reflect real-life expenditure and currency movement in the flow.

  • Technology start-ups are no longer focusing on creating new products, but rather spend

  • most of their resources on improving the data collecting AI to make it more and more invasive.

  • It creates a multi-billion dollar bubble that will burst once buyers no longer have enough

  • wealth to keep their spending.

  • Universal basic income sounds like the same solution as the financial bailout of the banks

  • that crashed the economy.

  • That is a no solution at all.

Universal basic income.

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全民基本收入不是解決辦法 (Universal Basic Income is Not a Solution)

  • 12 2
    王惟惟 posted on 2021/01/14
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