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hi everyone it's trung I know many of you guys have already started University
or you're about to start University
so I thought it'd be time to let you guys know the 10 things i learned in
college i graduated last June with a bachelor's degree in communication at UC
I was a transfer student which means that i spent two years at a community
college and then finished off the rest of my two years at a university
so with that being said let's get on with it go to your counselor
I don't care if the appointments are booked back-to-back you go drop in on
office hours just be a pest your counselor is going to be the person that
sets up a roadmap for you so you know exactly what you need to do in order to
transfer or graduate i highly recommend seeing your counsel at least twice in
your academic career to make sure that he or she hasn't graced on over any
don't be scared to sit in the front of the class it makes it less tempting to
goof off or gossip with your friend or fall asleep because the professor's
standing right in front of you
it forces you to listen to a lecture and just absorb what's going on in class
turn your complaints into a productive question we've all had that class with
that crappy professor was completely incompetent and sure it feels good to
kind of vent it out with your friends and your classmates but it's totally
if you're not doing anything with that frustration type out and pinpoint
exactly what doesn't make sense to you
it's ok it's a question is really broad just make sure you refine it because in
pointing exactly what you don't understand is going to help you move out
of that black hole you're in and make the cost a lot more understandable
remember your professors a human being
in it he or she can't read your mind so you have to ask the questions write in
your book
i kno textbooks are very very costly and pretty much investment but what's the
point and paint true dollars that book if you gotta be in the class
so what works for me is I have to physically write in the book so let's
say I see a paragraph
I'll draw a line and then I'll condense the information and just write a short
summary about it even if it's just a few bullet points on what happened
these little notes are going to help you kind of organize the information and
just retain a lot more because you're interacting with the text as opposed to
just passively glossing over the words after doing this message that i found
that by reading comprehension just shot up my grades really improved because i
was challenging myself to see if I actually understood what I was reading
take large projects and divide them into smaller tasks
once you hit your upper division units a lot of professors they don't assign busy
you're not going to get some your turn every day most likely you're going to
have two or three projects or exams that are going to define your grade
so a lot of projects can seem very daunting and just really overwhelming in
my junior year of college I had the stats class and our grade revolved
around one huge solo project that project gave me so much anxiety that I
use that energy to work on that project day by day or else i just hope
physically uncomfortable and that last tip kind of bleeds into this one which
is make to do lists
so let's say the professor assigns me a 20 page research paper all with legit
sources and perfect grammar and etc how I'm going to do this one day outside
myself to find six to ten just legit credible sources and that's it I don't
even read it just find sources and just call it a day
the next day i'll actually read maybe two or three of them to see if there's
any information and then
I can use for my paper and the next day i'll read some more and the next day
I'll come through some facts just taking this day by day and making little to-do
list either on your phone or just on a platter or something
whatever works for you is going to help you really break down these huge
projects go to class
I know it's so tempting to just stay in your warm bed and watch Netflix all day
eating Cheetos making some ramen
just go to class because what you will need to get out of bed was knowing that
I was paying thousands of dollars to learn something
learning to deal with homesickness when I first transfer Davis I really
struggled with being homesick for the first three months I was fine because
everything was just knew and sparkly and fun but after that three months kind of
I felt really really depressed and what made it worse was when i went to my
original home like my parents house where I grew up and that's going to feel
like home either it just felt both familiar and foreign at the same time
and so I was just in this weird limbo zone
I'd say watch garden state to know exactly what I'm talking about
I couldn't tell you what helped me get past feeling homesick
other than just waiting it out just know that a lot of you a lot of us have felt
this way to and just hang in there know what environment works best for you when
i was working at home in my darkroom in davis
I got nothing done literally I just would go on tumblr or you to all day and
just scroll and watch stuff
it was just a time vampire in my oh my god oh I don't talk about it
I found my favorite place study which was the shields library on the second
floor because that room was massive brightly lit and
I was just reading about other people were studying to which kind of
encouraged me to keep on going
so find a place that really gets in the zone and stick to that your grades do
not define you as a person growing upgrades felt like a huge reflection of
my own self-worth and if I had bad grades I would see myself as a bad
person and that's definitely not the case
it was probably because I was raised the constant pressure to do well in school
and if i did it i just felt really shitty about myself
I was really really hard on myself to get good grades and that pressure
actually crippled me from getting the great that I wanted this lesson hit me
when I was a senior in college and this is when my grades shot up because I just
didn't give up the game or I went to class wanted to burn something as
opposed to just try to remember exactly what the professor said wondering what's
going to be on the exam
I was just a lot less anxious and I was actually happy to go to class and that's
when I started really really absorbing information and just participating in
I was just a lot less anxious and so much happier after I learned to let go
you're going to learn a lot in college about the world about other people about
yourself and you're gonna probably hit the lowest of your lows in college and
you're going to bawling her eyes out
but you're also going to have a freakin blast
it's a trade-off and it's totally worth it and it doesn't matter where you get
accepted to where you got rejected because college is what you make it
you can go to an Ivy League school and learn nothing because you didn't want to
learn anything know that every college experience is different
some of these tips may not help you or some of them might be common sense but a
lot of people common sense isn't very common
and these tips I had no idea so I wish someone told me this when I was going to
i'm also going to do a college Q&A video in case i skipped on over some questions
or I didn't talk about a subject that you want me to elaborate on
so leave me a comment with your question if you can please be concise and if you
have an instagram user name is under him
this is also the handle for my twitter as well in case you want to tweet me
i'll see you guys next one bye