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Sir can you hear me?
There he is
Welcome back buddy
Who are you?
I'm a paramedic named Stryker Fox
Oh Lois just texted burgers or meatballs for dinner
I'll text back for you.
same thing bitch just different shapes
Oh this is gonna be fun
Aww battery died
Sir you sustained a
head injury how many chicken fingers am I holding up and do you want one?
Three and hell yeah
Hmm these are amazing did did I die and go to heaven?
Well you didn't die cuz I saved you and you're not in heaven because you're not
holding a margarita oh wait a minute yes you are
You brought a lot of food in the bathroom
I always do
Oh my god are you
the coolest guy ever
Nah that's just a silly title they gave
me down at the karate paintball dirt bike club
Okay well bandage you up you should be good to go
but just be more careful next time
Hey Striker, wait hey I just wanted to say
Thanks again for patching me up
No problem buddy
Hey that's an interesting necklace you got there
Oh this it's from when I was a kid
It's half of a best friend coin I always had this crazy dream that one day
I'd run into the guy with the other half
Oh my god Cody
Oh that must be the name of the dead surfer
I found this on
Hey Peter
Hey man
Hola, cha cha, hi hi
I don't know it's it's this house I gotta get out of this house
Boy dad sure seems excited
I know I haven't seen this giddy since he discovered that
single loop roller coaster
Aw don't feel so good