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  • Hi everyone!

  • Welcome back to Lavendaire.

  • 2018 is right around the corner.

  • I don't know about you but I am so ready, so ready for the new year.

  • Today I've collaborated with MuchelleB.

  • I'm sure a lot of you have known her,

  • have heard of her, watched her videos.

  • She's really amazing.

  • So we're gonna bring you

  • 50 New Year's resolutions ideas.

  • She's got you covered with 25 ideas.

  • And I got you covered with 25 more ideas.

  • So watch this video

  • and then click down below to watch Muchelle's video after this.

  • Alright, let's get to it.

  • 1.

  • Make it point to explore a creative hobby in 2018.

  • So whether you want to

  • pick up an instrument, learn how to paint, do something that fuels your creative soul,

  • because human beings are meant to create.

  • I believe that every single person

  • is a creative person.

  • So you have to use what's in you, and it's just fun.

  • It will bring a lot more color and inspiration into your life.

  • 2.

  • Design your ideal habits on how you want your lifestyle to look next year.

  • So whether you want to start meditating every day, journaling, drinking tea in the mornings,

  • whatever it is make it a plan to slowly incorporate your new habits into your lifestyle

  • one at a time.

  • Do it really slowly and then build from there.

  • 3.

  • You can also decide what habits you want to break next year.

  • So make a list of your bad habits or habits that you really want to let go of,

  • and then start one at a time.

  • Tell a friend about this so that your friend

  • can keep you accountable.

  • And if you really want to see it through,

  • make a consequence or some sort of punishment for not following through,

  • and make sure that friend holds you accountable for those consequences.

  • 4.

  • Make it a commitment to read at least 10 pages a day.

  • I find it easier

  • to make a commitment based on the pages vs. the number of books

  • that you want to read in a year, because when you make the goal the number of books,

  • it feels big and daunting.

  • But if you just tell yourself, okay ten pages a day,

  • or even five pages a day.

  • Usually you read your five or ten pages

  • and then you want to read more.

  • So it's all about building the consistent daily habits

  • of reading, rather than focusing on the end goal of how many books you've read.

  • 5.

  • Try listening to audiobooks.

  • This is something that I got really into this year,

  • and I think it's because I felt like it was easier to make time to listen to books

  • when I was driving, rather than reading actual books at home.

  • So if you feel like

  • you can't make time to read every day and you have some sort of commute,

  • or you go jogging where you can listen to something, why not listen to

  • some books on the way?

  • Because then you're learning a lot while you're doing something

  • that you would've done anyway.

  • By the way, my favorite book to listen to

  • is Kevin Hart's audiobook.

  • It's the funniest thing ever.

  • I recommend it to everybody.

  • 6.

  • Ask yourself: What is the experience that you've always wanted to try.

  • Is it skydiving, surfing, taking a ballet class?

  • Whatever it is, make time

  • as soon as you can to do a quick Google search on how you can make that happen in 2018.

  • 7.

  • Take control of your finances.

  • Make a plan to save enough money in your bank

  • that will cover your expenses for five months.

  • That's your safety net.

  • And if you already have that amount of money saved, then start investing your money.

  • You can check out this video right here or down below on how to start investing.

  • I've been using Betterment for more than a year already and I highly recommend it.

  • You gotta make your money work for you once you have that extra cash,

  • because it's smarter to put your money somewhere that will make it grow vs.

  • just leaving it in the bank where it won't really do that much for you.

  • 8.

  • Invest in yourself in 2018.

  • I strongly believe in using our money to fuel our future.

  • So instead of using your money to buy things just to consume, use your money

  • to buy something that will help elevate yourself and your career.

  • Whether you're a freelancer,

  • maybe investing in better software, better equipment, or investing in furthering education,

  • taking classes, spending your money in a way that invests in a better future for yourself.

  • 9.

  • Declutter your closets or your space in 2018.

  • I find it so refreshing to declutter.

  • I always like to declutter whenever it's the new year, so that I can get rid of old things,

  • get rid of old energy to make room for the new.

  • I have a ton of decluttering videos.

  • You can watch the playlist here and the link will be down below as well.

  • 10.

  • And while you're decluttering, you might as well gather up

  • some old things to sell for extra cash because you know what they say:

  • One man's trash is another man's treasure.

  • So why not?

  • 11.

  • Plan an artist date for yourself in 2018.

  • An artist date is basically you taking yourself out

  • on a solo date doing something fun that fuels your creative soul.

  • It could be anything

  • depending on what you're interested in.

  • So just ask yourself: Wouldn't it be fun if I … ?

  • Fill in the blank, and then pick a date to make it happen and have a ball.

  • 12.

  • Write a love letter to yourself.

  • This is something I recommend everyone do

  • because it helps enhance and build self love.

  • And I know it's really awkward

  • and it's really weird at first, but just give it a try and see what happens.

  • 13.

  • Reconnect with an old friend that you really love and care about.

  • I'm sure we've all experienced drifting away from someone that we love,

  • and it's not that you stopped caring about them.

  • It's just that your lives went different directions.

  • Wouldn't it be nice to just send them a little message just to say, "Hi, I still care about

  • you.

  • How are you doing?"

  • I don't know, it might spark up something nice.

  • 14.

  • Reach out to someone you admire and compliment them.

  • Whether it's someone

  • close to you in your actual life, or someone you just follow on social media,

  • kind words can really go a long way.

  • I've personally developed real friendships

  • that started out as just complimenting each other on social media,

  • because I see someone doing something really cool.

  • And then I tell them,

  • "Oh my god, you're so awesome.

  • I love what you do."

  • And then it turns into a real conversation,

  • and then it turns into a real friendship over time, which is really cool.

  • 15.

  • Do the Current Me vs. Future Me exercise for 2018.

  • If you don't know what I'm talking about,

  • it's an exercise in my Artist of Life Workbook where you draw your current self vs.

  • your future self.

  • And I explain more in these videos.

  • Check them out.

  • Definitely do the exercise and tag me at @lavendaire because I'd love to see your drawings.

  • 16.

  • Redecorate and give your space a mini-makeover.

  • You can look to Pinterest

  • for some home inspo and just find new ways to shake things up and refresh your space.

  • 17.

  • Try stream-of-consciousness journaling every day for an entire week.

  • I highly recommend trying this.

  • It's my favorite way to journal because after you just learn

  • to flow from your thoughts to your paper and you do it consistently every day,

  • you're gonna realize that you get clear on your goals and what you want.

  • You get clear on how you should move forward with life.

  • It's just the best thing ever.

  • 18.

  • Go on an adventure in your hometown.

  • Usually, when we think of traveling,

  • we think of going to far off places, taking a plane, or driving really far.

  • You don't have to go that far to see the places around you with new eyes.

  • Find a way to be a tourist in your hometown for a day, whether you go to place

  • you've never gone before, trying new restaurants, see things that you haven't seen before.

  • Have fun and look at your hometown with fresh eyes.

  • 19.

  • Find time to volunteer in the new year.

  • Get involved with a non-profit that you believe in,

  • whether you're volunteering for an animal shelter, homeless shelter, anything.

  • Just whatever strikes a chord in your heart and you truly believe in

  • and want to help support, go do that because the world needs more helping hands.

  • 20.

  • Try yoga.

  • If you haven't tried yoga yet, definitely make it a point to try it in 2018.

  • Yoga has so many benefits.

  • Doing it helps calm you down, de-stress, and it helps you

  • obviously be more flexible, more strong.

  • And it really is a mind and body workout.

  • So you have a stronger mind, you're more patient, you feel more balanced and grounded.

  • It just has so many positive effects that there's no reason not to do it.

  • And if you already do yoga, make it a point to improve your practice next year,

  • whether you want to do it more consistently or hit some sort of goal,

  • like be able to do a headstand.

  • Yeah, why not?

  • 21.

  • Dress up.

  • Ask yourself: What would I wear if I did not care what anybody else

  • thought of me?

  • And it could be dressing up.

  • It could be dressing down.

  • Wear whatever makes you feel confident, beautiful, and powerful.

  • For me, it means

  • putting a little more effort into my outfits and just wearing new things,

  • experimenting with different styles, just whatever makes me feel good.

  • 22.

  • Dance more.

  • Even if you don't dance, or you hate it, just try it,

  • by yourself in your room when no one's looking, because at the end of the day,

  • you could still just laugh at yourself and it will be fun regardless.

  • I truly believe

  • that dance is joy expressed in our physical human form.

  • Dancing always boosts your mood.

  • It always makes you feel better, it makes you happier.

  • 23.

  • Wake up earlier than usual and have a slow, mindful morning.

  • Sit in silence,

  • have some tea, listen to nature, feel the morning sun.

  • Slow mornings are so calm

  • and beautiful, and they really make a positive impact on your day

  • because how you start your day is how the rest of your day is gonna be.

  • 24.

  • Learn a new skill in 2018.

  • What is something that you've always to learn,

  • or maybe a skill that you've seen in others that you really admire?

  • Why not make this year the year that you learn that new skill?

  • So sign up for a course

  • or look up tutorials online, and get started.

  • 25.

  • Clean up your eating habits in 2018.

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables,

  • try new healthy foods to see what you enjoy.

  • And if you aren't vegan already,

  • try reducing your meat intake by as much as you can, whether it's a quarter, half, or

  • more,

  • because it's better for your health, it's better for the environment,

  • and so much more.

  • I know a lot of people are very passionate about veganism.

  • And I love the movement, I love what it stands for, and I've read a lot into it.

  • But I do believe everyone is at a different point in their journey,

  • a different part in the spectrum, so let's respect everybody's lifestyle and their beliefs.

  • As long as you're making progress, then that's all that people can ask for.

  • I also really want to share this bonus tip: Take an ayurveda quiz and find out

  • what mind-body type you are, and what foods and lifestyle suit your mind-body type.

  • This is something that I recently learned about this year.

  • I learned about ayurveda

  • through this girl I interviewed on my podcast.

  • I'll post the link below.

  • But it was just so fascinating.

  • And learning about how different foods are right

  • for different types of bodies.

  • It just changed my views on what "healthy" really means.

  • Anyway, I hope you guys liked these new year's resolution ideas.

  • If you want more ideas, you can check out MuchelleB's down here and over here.

  • I apologize for the awkward lighting situation in this video.

  • Wintertime is difficult for me because the sun just doesn't want to stay out.

  • But yeah, hope you guys have a beautiful holiday season.

  • And be on the lookout for more new year's-inspired videos coming right up.

  • Bye!

Hi everyone!

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2018年的50個新年決議想法(英尺MuchelleB)。 (50 New Years Resolutions Ideas for 2018 (ft. MuchelleB))

  • 140 12
    陳玫甄 posted on 2021/01/14
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