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- I don't know where my tongue belongs.
I feel like it doesn't touch any part of my mouth, somehow.
- I've never seen letters that do that.
- I feel like Polish is a (clears throat) language, right?
- "Shet".
- "Chet-um".
- "Shell-tru-um".
- "Chaim".
- Chelm?
- But there's a T.
- That's not a T, that's an L with a cross through it?
- Nope, not gonna get this one.
- That A's got a dick!
- "Groot-squids".
- "Grood-zee-gots".
- "Grood-zee-odds".
- "Grood-goz".
- Grudziadz?
- Oh, that's much "Frenchier" than I thought.
- Okay, this one looks like it has
- more of the made-up letters.
- Not made up, they're Polish, that's theirs.
- What do they sound like?
- (honks, laughs)
- "Wow-wack".
- "La-tock-ick".
- "Lock-loo-eck"?
- (laughs) What? "Wook-suave-eck"?
- See, now I've learned that W's really a V,
- and that's something I should have known
- from the beginning.
- I just get thrown when they
- throw all those consonants together.
- I'm gonna guess that the R does not make a sound
- and that it's "Zes-zow".
- "Rue-jew".
- "Res-oh".
- "Er-zez-ow".
- "Rez-is-zwah" (laughs).
- Rzeszow.
- I appreciate the use of Z's,
- because we don't use Z's enough.
- "Shush-sho-vah".
- "Jiz-stock-on-wah".
- "Jesh-stock-ah-wah".
- "Zes-osh-uah", "Zes-osh-uh-vah".
- How does it sound?
- No.
- Czeestochowa?
- This looks like just something you pulled out
- of a bag of Scrabble, like you just reached in
- and pulled out a bunch of letters and you're like,
- well, I'm (bleeped).
- S-Z-C-Z sound is one that escapes me.
- "Bid-duh-gah-zvzvzvzv".
- "Bid-gah-shhhzzz".
- "Bid-go-shhhzzz".
- Bydgoszcz.
- It's got its own echo.
- See now, this is a short one,
- but I know it's gonna throw me.
- This looks like this word was tried
- to be crossed out, like, three times.
- This is how they say LOLZ, right?
- This looks fun.
- I'm just gonna have fun with this one, "luz".
- "Lodz".
- "Wah-duh-z".
- "Yez".
- (laughs) Lodz, that's my favorite.
- "Wads-ah-wah".
- "Wars-wars-ow-wuh".
- "War-zhav-uh".
- "Was-ah-wah-wah-wah-wah" (laughs) does it repeat?
- "Wars-va-va".
- Warszawa.
- It makes a little more sense now,
- when you tell me what the symbols do.
- All right, you won, Poland, you won.
- [Voiceover] I like the letters you're bringing
into the game, these ones I've never heard of,
like the (mumbling), I don't know how to pronounce it yet,
I'll get there.
- Do widzenia, what's that?
Do widzenia.